New Town, New Friends and Butterflies

by Shysoldier94

The Morning After

I awakened to the sound of birds lightly chirping in the distance. I opened my eyes to the sight of the sun just grazing over the horizon, bathing the land in its warmth. I never remembered the last time I was so indulged in its welcoming rays.

I let out a light yawn and took a moment to look at my surroundings. To my right was Fluttershy, sound asleep. I leaned down and kissed her forehead and watched as a tiny smile spread across her face. As peaceful as she appeared, she seemed to be shivering slightly.

‘Well it is rather chilly this morning.’ I thought.

Without waking her up, I stood up and peered over the side of the cloud. Somehow it must have lowered a little during the night as we were just a few hooves distance above ground than Fluttershy’s roof.

I jumped lightly off the cloud and flapped my wings to help slow my fall. Once on the ground, I took a moment and stretched out my legs and back and wings. I walked to the back door of her cottage nudged at the doorknob. It was unlocked.

“I hope she doesn’t mind..” I said quietly.

I eased myself through the door. Inside were all sorts of sleeping animals in their little beddings. As quietly as I could, I
lightly tip-hoofed through the doorway of the kitchen and across the living room. To my right was a staircase.

‘Her bedroom must be up there.’ I thought and proceeded up the stair case. Once I got to the top, there were two rooms; one that was a bedroom that I assumed was Fluttershy’s and another with miscellaneous supplies inside.

I walked into Fluttershy’s room and noticed a large blanket folded inside a basket near the corner. I picked it up and tip-hoofed my way back outside. I flapped my wings and gently landed on the cloud next to her. I unfolded the blanket and wrapped it around her making sure she wouldn’t shiver. I kissed her forehead and lay next to her. I closed my eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.


I awoke to the smell of what seemed to be something cooking. I opened my eyes to the sun nearly burning my corneas.

“Damn it! Everytime…” I said aloud. Celestia must definitely be out to get me.

After getting some sight back to my eyes, I looked over and noticed that Fluttershy wasn’t there and that I was wrapped in the blanket I fetched for her. I sat up and looked around. A faint trail of smoke rose from the chimney of Fluttershy’s cottage. Along with it was a most pleasant smell.

I wrapped the blanket around my neck and flew down to the back door of the cottage. Once there, I could hear what sounded like Fluttershy humming a lovely melody. It was a melody all too familiar to me.

I quietly opened the door and poked my head through. Fluttershy was at the stove with her back turned towards the door. I silently walked across the floor and wrapped my hooves around her and awarded her a surprise kiss on the cheek.

“Good morning sleepyhead.” She said with a smile.

“I know that song.” I said

“Oh? And which one is it? She said with a grin.

“The song When You Wake Up from the concert last night.” I replied

She smiled. “Well I didn’t want to wake you so I came down here and thought I’d make you some breakfast.”

“Oh that was nice of you.” I replied. “What you making?”

“It’s something my Auntie taught me to make. It’s banana nut pancakes.” She said.

“Ohhh…” I replied and sniffed the air. “Mmm, it smells delicious.” I uttered.

“It tastes as good as it smells. Here you go.” She said and she handed me a plate with the banana nut pancakes. She lightly poured a stream of syrup on top.

I took a bite and was instantly stunned. ‘Oh my Celestia these are amazing!’ I thought.

“Fluttershy, these are absolutely delicious. Thank you.” I said sincerely.

“Anything for you.” She replied with a smile and kissed my cheek.

I continued to eat the pancakes as she pursued on making more.

As I ate, I couldn’t help but just gaze upon her. She is everything that I’ve ever wanted in a mare and more. There was nothing more at that moment that I could ask for.

Once she turned to look at me, she smiled. It was a smile that can say a million things without words.

Once we finished breakfast, I kissed her lightly and held her in my hooves.

“Shall we get ready for the day?” I asked

She giggled and smiled, “Yes.”