//------------------------------// // Rumble VS Flying Spyral // Story: The Element of Greed // by MechaTomX //------------------------------// In the clouds above the Everfree Forest, Rumble and Spyral's clone, the one with wings, were glaring at each other while leaning on the clouds. "I don't know why you chose this, brat," the clone told him, "This is not your fight." "Perhaps you're right," Rumble replied, "But a Wonderbolt does not flinch, so I will fight for Equestria." "Then I'm sorry, because everything is going to end for you," said the clone who began to flap his wings, "But I have a mission, to conquer Equestria and avenge my mother and I will do whatever it takes to fulfill it." Rumble also began flapping his wings, and only told him one thing. “Bring it on.” That word was like a trigger because upon hearing it, the clone flew directly towards Rumble, who dodged it. "WHAT?" the winged clone wondered, "I didn't imagine it was that fast." The clone began to look everywhere, but he couldn't find Rumble, as if he had vanished. "And now where did he go?" POW. Spyral's clone took a hit. “AHHH,” Spyral cried out in pain and then realized that Rumble was behind him. With his hoof on his face, the winged Spyral glared at him, “But how…” “I don't have to answer you,” Rumble interrupted as he flew straight at him at high speed. POW. The winged clone had no time to dodge the blow. “GYAHHH,” he cried out in pain upon receiving it, then the winged clone searched furiously for Rumble but he had disappeared again. "It can't be, where is it?" the clone asked, "There are no places to hide up here." And again, he received another blow. POW. "I'M GETTING SICK OF THIS," the clone shouted furiously looking for Rumble, he was going to turn to another place but he saw something that caught his attention. A cloud. But it was not just any cloud, because it seemed to move in the inside and had an irregular shape. The winged Spyral smiled and stood guard against that cloud, "I already got you." "HAAAAA." And suddenly, Rumble came out of that cloud ready to attack but he got a big surprise when he saw that Spyral was waiting for him, "Uh oh." POW. Spyral's clone hit Rumble causing him to lose his balance. "Gyahhh," Rumble stepped back. “So you hid inside the clouds and attacked me from there,” the clone told him, “A cowardly strategy.” Rumble frowned. "But that trick will no longer gonna be useful for you," the winged clone warned. “Then I only have one chance left,” Rumble replied as he began flapping his wings again. "Huh?" the Spyral clone wondered when he saw Rumble flying towards him but dodging. At that moment Rumble began to spin around the Changeling, he was spinning at a devilish speed. "And what are you doing now?" asked the clone who was ignored, "It's useless, even if you want to hit me, you can't…." But at that moment something happened. "What's happening to me?" the clone lost energy while the colt continued to spin around him, each time the circle formed became smaller. It was there that he realized what was happening. He wasn't losing energy, he was losing air, and he couldn't breathe, there was a reason, Rumble was creating a vortex, which sucked the oxygen, without oxygen, the clone couldn't breathe. Rumble was getting tired, but kept flying, “Don't…give up…. Just a little…. Just a little more." But at that moment. “BLARGHHH,” with his dying breath, the clone spat out a green liquid, which hit Rumble. "Ah, yuck," Rumble said, but realized that liquid slowed his wings down, "No." The vortex that Rumble created began to fade as the clone regained its oxygen. Rumble managed to remove the strange liquid from his wings, but at that moment he felt a strong pressure on his neck. “Gahh.” Rumble realized that Spyral's clone was choking him, pressing his hoof to his neck while using a cloud for support. "I must admit that was very brave, little one," the clone told him as he adopted a furious look, "But don't think you will come out unscathed, suffer, since you tried to suffocate me." "Let me go...let me go," Rumble struggled but it was useless, physically the clone was stronger than him. "And you shouldn't worry about your dream of being a Wonderbolt, because when I rule Equestria, there will be no more Wonderbolts," the clone told him as he continued to choke him. At that moment, Rumble glared at him, not only was he making fun of his dream, he was making fun of the Wonderbolts, the people he admired, and clearly he couldn't allow it. "I will not allow that." “Hehe, what are you going to do?” the clone asked, "You're just a colt, and in a few minutes you'll be a colt in a body bag." At that moment, with all his strength, and all his suppressed fury, Rumble pushed the Changeling causing both of them to fall from the cloud. The winged clone tried to use his wings to stabilize himself, but Rumble put his hooves through him, preventing him from using his wings. "Idiot, what are you doing?" asked the clone, you could see the fear in his eyes. "If it means defeating you," Rumble answered, clinging to the clone as the two fell, "Then I will end my life." "But your dream?" "I can sacrifice my dream, if it's to protect the dreams of others," Rumble replied as he and the clone stood a few feet from the ground. But at that moment. Rumble released the clone only about 5 meters from the ground. The now free clone tried to stabilize but couldn't do it in time, falling instantly. BAMMM. Creating a crater in the ground. With the last of his strength, he could only smile thinking of Rumble, he knew that the same thing would happen to him, but he was surprised to see the colt spinning many times in the air. “WHOA WHOA,” shouted Rumble who managed to stabilize himself with his wings only two feet off the ground. The clone looked surprised, the boy really was a flying prodigy, he tried to get up, but he couldn't, he had no energy left, the last thing the clone did was close his eyes. Rumble was saved by his ability and skills, "I made it." Rumble was flying through the area and realized that the clone had been defeated. He looked at the sky with a smile, since he had won his battle, it was clear that Equestria would have a great Wonderbolt in the future.