Fitting In Is Hard To Do

by origami

Part III, Chapter 19 - Raspberry's Testimony - Part II

The recess for lunch concluded and everypony had made their way back into the courtroom. Thorax was once again brought in and fastened to the defendant's table. Plea was already there going over some paperwork.

"What's all that?" Thorax asked the stallion.

"These are the forensic reports from our expert witness" Plea answers him. "I've been preparing for when we will have to call our last witness. I think with their testimony, we will have presented the best possible argument for why the jury should find you not guilty of foalnapping and all the other crimes."

Thorax tried to look hopeful, but inside was a whole other matter. Before he could respond, the bailiff announced the princess and judge. Cadance made her way to her designated seat, only giving Thorax a scornful glance as she found her seat. The judge took his seat and adjusted some papers for a few moments before looking up at State Evidence.

"Miss Evidence," he addresses her, "you may now cross examine the witness."

State nods and stands up, approaching the filly at a casual pace.

"Raspberry," she begins, "you told us all that the three witnesses for the prosecution were the actual culprits that attempted to abduct you, correct?"

"Yeah" Raspberry affirms.

"So you were cornered by these three stallions in an alleyway?"

Raspberry nods.

"And there's no chance that what you actually saw was three changelings that had the witness's appearance at the time?"

"Objection!" Plea cries out. "Prosecution is deviating from the testimony established by the witness."

"Deviating how?" State asks.

"The witness has stated multiple times, even during your own preliminary interview, that she is adamant that the three stallions serving as your witnesses were the ones that attempted to abduct her."

"Yes, she has said that" State concedes. "However, with it having been some amount of time since that event happened, and the fact is we were unable to interview her until fairly recently, she may have misremembered certain details of the events that day."

After hearing the explanations, the judge makes a decision.

"Objection overruled" he decides. "It is plausible that the witness has misremembered details of the events from several weeks ago. Miss Evidence, you may proceed."

"Thank you, your honor" she says to the judge before turning back to the filly. "Now, as I was saying, you have accused the three witnesses for the prosecution of attempting to foalnap you, and I proposed that it is possible that you may not have remembered the events of that day correctly."

Raspberry glares at the mare, very much not liking that she is being accused of having a bad memory.

"What was the lunch that your school was serving that Saturday?"

The question catches Raspberry off guard. "What?"

"The school lunch" State repeats herself. "What was the lunch your school served to students that day?"

"We don't get lunch" Raspberry told State in response.

"Very well" State continues. "What were you studying that day?"

"A few different things" Raspberry responds.

"Could you elaborate please?"

"We had a math lesson, then we had a science lesson, and then we worked on writing."

"What did you do in the science lesson?"

"We studied the different kinds of crystals and what makes some harder than others."

"Did you do a science experiment?"

"We did. They gave us a piece of glass and several crystals. We had to judge how hard they were by scraping them across the glass. The harder the crystal was, the deeper a mark it left in the glass."

"How about your math lesson?"

"We did algebra."

"Algebra? That has to get kinda boring."

"It does."

"And your writing lesson?"


"Your Saturday lessons don't sound very fun."

"They're not always fun."

"But sometimes they are?"


State gives a smile before she walks back to her table and picks up a paper. "Your teacher is a Miss Opal Amethyst, correct?"

"Yes, that's my teacher" Raspberry confirms.

"Well, I asked her to let me see a copy of her lesson plan for that day, and while most of what you told me is true, there is one detail I'm a little fuzzy on."

Raspberry looks confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well," State continues while flipping through the pages in front of her, "your teacher told me that on that day, you all did indeed study math and science, and you also didn't receive a lunch because you weren't there long enough for a lunch to be mandated, but the last part of the day was spent in independent study. Now, before you say that she changed her mind, I asked her if she did and she told me she didn't."

"So, do you remember for sure that you studied writing that day, and didn't perhaps just do some writing homework during your independent study?"

"Your honor," Plea interrupts, "I do not understand what a foal's study habits have to do with this case. I don't feel the question or the answer is relevant to the topic at hoof."

"Your honor," State then cuts in, "I only wish to establish the entire series of events from that day as they occurred. I don't see any harm in receiving an answer to this question."

The judge thinks for a moment before nodding. "If the witness would please answer the question?"

Raspberry thinks for a moment before becoming slightly nervous and answering, "I might have been doing my preposition homework that was due the following Monday."

"So," State continues, "you confess that you may have been doing your homework during that part of class and may have only thought you were having a writing lesson?"

"I... guess."

"So, your mind may have misremembered that detail, quite possibly because of the stress of the situation that followed your lessons, correct?"

"... I guess."

"Then, is it possible that you may have misremembered other things as well? Possibly what happened during the attempt to abduct you?"

"Objection, your honor!" Plea cuts in. "This line of question is causing undue stress on the witness. She's only a child, and this line of questioning can be construed as badgering. I ask that the prosecution discontinue it immediately."

The judge takes a moment to consider the filly in the witness stand next to him before he nods.

"Objection sustained" he agrees. "Miss Evidence, please discontinue this line of questioning, lest I have to find you in contempt of court."

"Very well" State complies. "Raspberry, tell me about your walk home that day."

"I was with my friends for part of it" Raspberry answers.

"Who are your friends?"

"My one friend is a filly named Garnet, and the other is a colt named Fuchsia."

"And how far did you walk with them?"

"We walked until we got about a few blocks away from the palace."

"Did your friends tell you goodbye?"


"And then you headed towards the market?"

"I did."

"Why were you going towards the market?"

"The fastest way for me to get home is past the front of the castle."

"I see. Now, when you were approached initially,how far away from the market were you?"

"I could see it past the stallion."

"Could you be a little more specific. For example, were you more than a block away?"

"No. I was a little closer than that."

"And you said that you ran to the nearest alleyway?"

"I did."

"I went and saw that alleyway myself," State tells her, "and it was actually more than a block away, going back the way you came. And for another fact, there was another alley on the opposite side of the road. That one went straight through to the opposite street, so you could've made a break for it down that way. Why didn't you try that way?"

"I... I don't know."

"I imagine you were in quite a panic at the time, yes?"

"I was."

"So you probably weren't thinking the clearest?"

"...Probably not."

"So in your panic, you ran down the first alleyway you noticed, and that one had two stallions waiting to corner you."

State's physical demeanor didn't change, but her questioning was becoming more pointed. Raspberry was starting to look uncomfortable.

"Did you make an attempt to yell out for help?"

"Your honor," Plea interjects, "the prosecution is badgering the witness again! Please put a stop to this!"

"Objection sustained" the judge responds. He then gives State a stern look. "Miss Evidence, this is your second and last warning. Do not badger this witness any further."

State stands there for a few moments before nodding. "One last question for you Raspberry. Due to the stress and the panicked state of your mind, is it possible that you do not have a clear memory of those day's events, and that you may have incorrectly recalled certain details of it?"

Raspberry was reluctant to respond.

"I ask you again" State prods. "Is it possible that you have not correctly remembered the details of that day?"

Where she was previously reluctant, Raspberry now looked incensed.

"No, it isn't!" she responds. "Those stallions tried to take me! It wasn't any changelings, and it certainly wasn't Mister Thorax!"

A loud banging startles the filly. She turns to see the judge looking at her. "Please calm down and don't yell in my courtroom, please."

Raspberry looks at him apologetically. "I'm sorry."

The judge gives her a nod and small smile before looking back at State Evidence. The mare understands the wordless questions and gives the judge the answer he wants. "I have no further questions."

"Very well" the judge accepts. "The witness is now excused."

Raspberry steps down from the stand and begins to walk to the back of the courtroom so she can be escorted out. However, after a few steps, she stops and faces the jury.

"Please don't punish Mister Thorax" she tells them. "He was the good pony. Honest he was."

Several shocked gasps can be heard throughout the courtroom. The bailiff who escorted Raspberry in ushers the filly out quickly. Once she is gone, State Evidence stands up.

"Your honor, I must strongly request that the witness's last statement to the jury be stricken from the record."

Several gasps sound from the audience.

"Miss Evidence," the judge responds, "why do you wish for that remark to be stricken from the record?"

"I ask for it to be removed in objection under the belief that the defense led the witness to make that remark."

Upon hearing this, Plea stands up with a very angry expression on his face.

"Your honor, I object to that insinuation!" he declares. "Every moment of testimony has been the exact same as what has been documented in interviews with the witness before she was called to testify!"

"And what about when you first met the witness?" State asks.

Plea looks confused. "What do you mean?"

The mare smiles as she produces a photograph. On it is Plea Bargain sitting with Raspberry as she eats lunch outside her school.

"Your honor, I have had a private investigator following the filly Raspberry Mint for the past few weeks. This was taken last Thursday outside her school."

The courtroom lets out some shocked gasps and some rather negative remarks can be heard about Plea being spoken.

The judge turns to face the pony. "Mister Plea Bargain, can you explain yourself please?"

"I can" Plea responds. He opens his briefcase and produces a letter, offering it to the judge. "This was delivered to my office by the witness. It requested that I meet her at her school to talk about her being able to testify."

The judge takes a moment to read over the note.

"And why was she asking to meet you?" State asks in an accusing tone.

"As it says in that letter, she wanted to speak on my client's behalf, but her mother was preventing it. If need be, I can obtain an affidavits from both the mother and the filly that validates that statement."

"You do that," State snidely remarks, "and we'll investigate exactly what was said during that interview."

"Well," Plea answers back, "if your private investigator was paying attention, then he would have observed a mare watching myself and the filly as I interviewed her initially."

"I trust this mare has a name?" State questions.

Plea smirks. "Viridian Sky" he replies.

State jots the name down. "I'm going to look into this later" she tells Plea, then turns to the judge. "Your honor, I again would like to request that the witness's last statement be stricken from the record on the grounds of the defense leading them into saying that remark."

Having read over the note several times, the judge places the paper down and addresses the two counselors. "At this time, I shall request that the statement be withheld from the record until it can be proven that the defense has indeed led the witness to make such remarks."

The judge turns to the jury. "You are hereby ordered to disregard the last statement made by the witness unless told otherwise in the future."

The jury all nod, agreeing not to take Raspberry's final remark into consideration.

With the matter resolved for the moment, the judge faces Plea Bargain. "You may call your next witness" he tells the stallion.

Plea takes a breath to calm himself down, then announces the next witness.

"Defense calls the expert witness Dynamic Prion."