//------------------------------// // The Only Chapter // Story: Rain, Feelings, and Sleepovers // by BadassWaffle //------------------------------// Maretime Bay  A beach town where everypony knows every pony in the town. Quiet, yet busy. It’s a classic stereotypical village-y type town that is in its own little bubble. There’s no chaos,  crime, trash lying around, or any big dramatic events. However, not to be boring, the  town did have its fair share of events and holiday celebrations. Now, with the other two  pony-kind included, it had much more to do, with more busy streets on said holidays.  But again, the town being so ‘quiet’, it was a benefit for the five ponies that caused all  three known pony kind to become allies, rather than hide away and despise the other. A  true Equestria was brought back to life, because of five ponies of all races; Sunny and  Hitch, Earth Ponies, Izzy, a Unicorn, and Pipp and Zipp, two Pegasi.   The new Brighthouse was more advanced than ever before. After the incidents of it  being damaged, it was updated and repaired with some more modern technology from  both Bridlewood, and Zephyr Heights , along with air conditioning, actual lights, crystal  ambient lighting, electric heat, and more. With this, the size also grew, specifically for  four of the five ponies. The girls wanted to stay in Maritime Bay, and Sunny took the  opportunity to offer them to stay with her, as they could help keep up the Brighthouse,  help pay for it, and keep it less lonely. Hitch on the other hoof, for obvious reasons,  decided to keep his residence to his little apartment home in the center of Maritime Bay,  making it easier for him to get to his office, and the fact that he was of the opposite  gender.   The second part of that argument to Hitch and the girls wasn’t really a big deal. After all,  they were friends, and adults at that. But again, Hitch wanted a few things. One was to  let the girls be girls, and enjoy their own time with each other, and to also have a little bit  of personal privacy. He loved all of them very much, but sometimes personal space  meant nothing to them. This wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes after a long  and hot day at his post caused a tolling effect, and Hitch wanted his own time. This  Sunny understood, but always reminded him that he can come to the Brighthouse  whenever he pleased, giving him a spare key.   This is when Hitch realized he really hadn’t gone up to see the Brighthouse, or the girls  all that often. He really did have a big job to do. Unfortunately, Sprout was let go, not by  Hitch, but his mother had forced him to resign to work in her factory, to hopefully one  day take a high ranking position. While Hitch did miss the fact that he did have a second  in command, he did think that Sprout was currently on a good path, as after seeing him  a couple of times in the past week, has noticed Sprout is much happier and says that he  is content with his life.   Hitch was currently sitting idle in his office, tapping away on his new phone, scrolling  through Pipp’s social media accounts. Having nothing to do at the moment, he took the  opportunity to look through the princess’ platforms to see what she was up to. If there  was one thing that Hitch was not happy with, it was that he didn’t see his friends enough.  Pipp on the other hoof, out of the other three, was different. He thought she had a really  good soul. Yes, she was very posh, and while still being able to pull off her little persona  of being miss perfect, he knew she was a really down-to-earth pony, often being much smarter than she may come off as. He knew that she genuinely cared for her fans and  friends, and that she really could give encouraging advice. She was also unusually easy  to talk to, being the least awkward one in the group. It’s not that the others weren’t  hard to talk to, but Izzy was sometimes an oddball, a loose cannon, Sunny was a little  naive at times, and Zipp, Zipp actually did give good advice, but it was hard to get it out  of her, as she often was a bit of a tease.   As Hitch was scrolling through posts of Pipp, he stopped on one. posted one day ago. It  was just her, fully in frame, slightly angled to the right of the photo that showed her  entire body, simply smiling at the camera, standing at the fence of Maritime Bay and the  ocean. No caption, no hashtags, just her. Her wings folded to her sides, front legs  together, rear slightly stanced apart. A small smile showing no teeth. Just a simple  photo. If there was one mare that got to Hitch, it was this Pegasus. He really never  thought he’d be interested in a Pegasus, but here he was, staring at a photo of one,  who also happens to be one of his best friends.   Hitch knew he should have asked her weeks ago if she wanted to go hang out one on  one. His ego would have surely been able to cope with the stress of asking somepony he  liked out on a one on one ‘date’ type hang out, but that was not the case… not, even,  close…  Staring at the phone once again, he dragged his attention to the clock on the top of his  phone’s screen. Five o’clock. Thirty more minutes until his shift was over, and to be put  on standby.  Looking back at Pipp, about to continue scrolling, his actions were interrupted by the  door to his office opening. He looked up to see four mares, Sunny, Izzy, Pipp and Zipp.  He put his phone down and smiled.   “Hey guys, how are we doing this evening?” He said, his words classically dripping with  his high as a kite ego.   Sunny just looked at him, and then to Pipp. Pipp looked to Sunny, and then back to  Hitch. This caused his smile to fade slightly. ‘Okay… no response I see?’  Pipp walked forward silently to Hitch, the rest of the girls hanging back. The only sound  omitted was the clip clop of her hooves. Now his smile was gone. “I-… is everything  okay girls?”  Now Pipp was smiling, as well as the rest of the girls, giving Hitch a slight hope that he  wasn’t about to get hurt or something.   Pipp stopped, now at the front of Hitch’s desk. She put her front hooves on his desk and  finally spoke in confidence with a smile. “You’re coming to the Brighthouse tonight, and  you’re staying over.”   Hitch simply blinked before regaining his loss of focus from the eyes of the princess.  “Pipp, I’m not staying over.” He smiled, knowing what was about to happen. “C’mon, you know I’m not going to leave here until I get the answer I want…”   This caused Hitch to lose his focus slightly once again. This was the time that the  others decided to join in. Sunny walked up to the plate. “Why don’t you come over with  your toothbrush and an extra pillow and you can stay late. If you don’t feel like walking  back, stay in the guest bedroom.” Of course Sunny would offer a ‘you really have no  choice’ scenario. Hitch knew that he was being played here. He knew that the girls  would keep him till as late as they could, to the point where Hitch wouldn’t want to risk  walking back home.   “Come on, Sheriff, come to the Brighthouse for me.” Pipp said. ‘Now where did that  come from?’ Hitch wondered.   Sighing, Hitch conceded. “Okay, okay okay fine. I’ll stop by eventually.”   “Nope, you’re going as soon as you clock out.” Pipp responded, her voice dripping with  satisfaction as if she just burned him with a comeback.   “How exactly?” He responded, his attitude coming back, now smiling in a taunting  manor. This however did not faze the smaller mare.   Her wings shifted as she leaned towards the earth pony stallion, causing his mood to  shift into pure panic, his ears flat against his head, body shifting backwards into his  chair. “Because I am gonna stay here until you clock out, walk with you to your place,  and then get you to the Brighthouse. ‘You’ve gotta be kidding me…’  “Can’t argue with that Sheriff.” Zipp butted in.   Hitch took a deep inhale. “Alright then.” He said calmly. This caused the girls to  suddenly cheer very loudly, surprising the stallion. With the three other mares cheering,  calling out that they would see him soon, Hitch and Pipp just stared at each other, Hitch  with a blank look, and Pipp continuing to smile.  Now Hitch knew several things about Pipp, or at least he wanted to believe that he did.  He knew that she was not a shy pony, which explains her very relaxed state when  streaming, which also explains their current situation. He also knows that she can be a  bit of a flirt, often confusing the stallion. His ego hardwired him to come off as a flirty  type, but it was Hitch just being Hitch. When it came to talking with Pipp he did flirt a  little bit with the pink mare consciously, knowing fully well what he was doing. However,  when she flirted back, it made him slip up, often losing his cooled attitude. But this  wasn’t just how she acted towards Hitch, it’s how she acted towards everypony, mare or  stallion. It didn’t matter. Lastly was her total lack of knowledge on personal space.   The personal space part was a big question mark for Hitch. He didn’t know if it was a  Pegasus thing because Zipp didn’t nearly show as much affection as her sister. He also  didn’t know if it was because they were royalty, and they really never had contact with  anypony because of their status, resulting in different behaviors? Maybe?  “So, Hitch,” Pipp started off, holding her phone, scrolling on some sort of platform. The  way she said that. The only way to describe her tone was alluring. ‘Wow, if that wasn’t a  sound I didn’t want to hear all the time, I don’t know what it would be’. He turned his  attention to her. “Are you having fun looking at my social media accounts?” Wait what?  Hitch blinked at this question before realizing it was his phone that she was holding. ‘Oh  my stars, I must’ve never turned it off’. Hitch cringed internally before trying to come up  with an excuse. “I-ye-uhm.. I… got bored, and wanted to see what the most famous  pony in Equestria was up to… Yeah!” Hitch felt the temperature around him  rising.   The clock on his desk beeped quietly, telling the two that it was time for Hitch to switch  over to standby. He got up, thanking the fact that he just got saved by a clock, and went  to his timecard, punching it in the machine, logging his time to the town’s shift system.  He walked back over to the pink Pegasus and grabbed his phone. “C’mon we should go  before it gets cold.” Walking to the door, they were met with a disaster.   Torrential downpour. Now it was Pipp’s turn to become shocked.   “Wh... what do we do?” Pipp asked, “We can’t get to the Brighthouse in this, we’ll get  sick.” Hitch was surprised at the fact that Pipp knew this. Again, her knowledge of life  and everything else sometimes still shocked him. While this wasn’t too hard of a  situation to puzzle together, Hitch knew that most ponies wouldn’t assume this, and just  book it to wherever they need to go, getting sick in the process. If they tried to get to the  Brighthouse in this rain, with the temperature dropping significantly, specifically 45oF on  the temperature gauge next to Hitch, they would surely catch some sort of illness. There  were only two options. Either stay here in the office, (no screw that), or go to his  apartment down the street.   The rain was so loud, Hitch had to raise his voice, “Let’s go, and quick. My place is  down the block.   When reaching Hitch’s newly built apartment, the two were absolutely soaked, as if they  were fully submerged in water. The street had a very thin layer of water due to the  extreme rainfall, resulting in a splash effect whenever a step was taken. Hitch quickly  took out his key fob from his bag, and held it up to the scanner, unlocking the main  doors to his apartment, 10X Maretime Bay. The four story apartment was owned by a  company based in Zephyr Heights, and was brand new, with the newest technology.  Modern furniture, big glass windows, screens on the wall to control the lighting, heat  and air conditioning, and much more than one could imagine. The outside spoke for  itself. Soft LED ambient lighting went up the length of the building in between the  windows, slowly changing to different shades of blue. The key fob did its job, and the  doors automatically slid open. When they reached the top floor, Hitch got his key and  opened his apartment, a one bedroom one bathroom unit. He let Pipp walk in and she  looked at her surroundings. It was as new as it gets, granite countertops, ceramic cabinets, stainless steel appliances, modern furniture, integrated ceiling speakers and  subwoofers, ambient lighting, a huge TV, wood planked shelves holding a few stray  books on law and magazines, and more decorations and furniture about the place.   Pipp then realized shortly after walking in that she was shivering. She turned around to  Hitch, who was using a shaky hoof to turn off the air conditioning, setting it to a warm  73oF. “Sorry, I usually have it cooler in here because it’s hot by the time I get  back from all the glass. Uhm… let me show you to the bathroom if you want to warm up,  I have a steam function in my shower. Never thought I’d ever use it…” Hitch mumbled  the last part. Pipp followed him to his bedroom. The bedroom was much like the living  room and kitchen; modern and contemporary. The bed was attached to the wall to give the  impression that it was floating, along with ceramic nightstands also attached to the wall.  To one side of the room was Hitch's personal desk and laptop, facing the big window,  currently showing rain. To the other side were two doors, one showing some clothing  and bags, so his wardrobe. The other must be the bathroom.  “Hitch, sorry for being so forward, but how in Equestria can you afford this?”   Hitch laughed. “You’d be surprised if I told you how cheap it was. Only about 860 ish  bits after all the fees.” Pipp’s eyes widened. “What?”  They got to the bathroom, showing a matching floating ceramic sink, a square cutout for  water to drain, the faucet coming out of the mirror, a gray toilet, and a walk-in glass  paned shower that looked like it was years ahead of its time. The ceiling had soft light  strips that illuminated the whole room, fading to different colors slowly to give a calming  ambience. Ceiling speakers were also here with subwoofers just like the bedroom, living  room and kitchen. The whole bathroom itself was finished in black granite, with a little  bit of white waterfalling around it.  “Go ahead,” Hitch said with a shaky tone, stepping aside.  “Hitch you look freezing…” Pipp said worryingly moving up to the stallion.   Hitch’s eyes started to dart side to side as she moved to him, ears flat. “Wha- I- y- what  me? I’m fine!”   “Hitch, stop.” This scared the stallion.   “Listen, just come with me in the shower okay? It’ll warm us both up.”   “Uhm” Hitch became a mumbling mess. “Hitch I’m not kidding, let’s go.” Pipp’s tone took  a turn for the more aggressive, as if she was directing him.   “Isn’t that weird? Two friends, in a shower… together?”  Pipp smirked knowingly. “Only if you make it weird sheriff.” She walked past him, put her  gold tiara on the sink, and continued to the shower, a small sway in her movements. All  he could do was just silently follow.   Hitch closed the glass door to the shower and stood behind her, watching as she  inquisitively looked at the touchscreen on the shower wall.   She turned back to Hitch, causing him to look away. She smiled. “Something got your  attention?”   He said nothing. “Well, are you gonna turn on the shower? I have no idea what all of  this is.”  Hitch internally scolded himself and shifted past her and tapped away at the screen.  The near invisible side vents started to pour out heated steam silently, and the above  shower head immediately poured out hot and soothing water in a very slow fashion,  another benefit of 10X, instant hot water. The shower head covered the entire perimeter  of the shower from above, giving both ponies a full calm stream of hot water. No part of  the shower floor was untouched by this. The above speakers started playing  soft instrumental classical music, barely audible, yet enough to be able to make out  each instrument being played. Pipp sighed and mumbled nonsense. Hitch just closed  his eyes, still trying to process this.   Pipp looked into Hitch’s assortments of shampoos, noticing her brand. “You use Mane  Melody?”   Hitch’s eyes opened, and he nodded.   “Do you mind?” She asked.   Hitch understood why she wanted to use the shampoo. All that rain would probably  cause her hair to get all frizzy. “Sure, I don’t mind.”   She gave him the bottle, turning around. “What are you doing Pipp?” Hitch asked.   “You don’t think you could help me, do you?” Pipp turned back around to face Hitch,  smiling with a knowing look, as innocent and naive as she could get.   “Sure.” Hitch said in an almost whisper.   He squeezed a healthy amount on her and started to work around her mane, then her  back, and cautiously around her legs, underbelly and tail, trying to respect her. He then  took the removable shower head on the wall, and turned it on to a low setting, rinsing  Pipp.   That was until the silence was basically shattered by six words put together to make  one mind-blowing sentence. “I know you like me Hitch.”   Hitch immediately stopped when she said ‘like’. His stomach dropped, his heart feeling like it was beating in his throat, unable to say anything. Pipp didn’t say or do anything,  knowingly waiting for his response.   “I… wh, ye- What?”   She softly laughed and turned around, grabbing the shower head, and sitting down,  rinsing the rest of herself off, looking towards the stunned pony. “We all know Hitch.”   “Really?” Hitch suddenly blurted out, not realizing he basically admitted what Pipp  assumed, now 100% confirming her suspicions.   “Hitch, as a mare, and an influencer, I know body language by just listening. I… have to  be honest, I didn’t really believe that it was true until Sunny asked me if it seemed  that you liked me. I was glad that I wasn’t the only one. I didn’t want to assume anything  because of my own feelings towards you.” Hold up, wait what?  “Whoah whoah whoah wait hold on. You feel the same Pipp?” For what felt like the  millionth time today he was stunned.   All Pipp did was nod.   “Wow…”  Pipp suddenly shifted forward to Hitch, causing him to look back up to her eye level.  “Does this surprise you?” Pipp showed genuine concern now, ears flat, and eyes full of  worry. There shouldn’t be any reason for him to be this shocked.  “I just… I mean, Pipp, you are way out of my league. You’re royalty, a princess. You  have your whole life together, and-” “And you don’t? Hitch you have a career, I just got  my life sorted out and you’ve had your sorted for years. I may be younger than you but  that’s not the point. And don’t you dare say that I am out of your league. You are so  much more than you might think Hitch.”  For the first time tonight, Hitch smiled instead of being shocked at Pipp’s actions.  “You’re out of my league Pipp.”   “Wrong.” She responded, a smirk across her face, spraying his chest with the shower head.  “H-hey! Haha!” Hitch backed away slightly.  When he looked back to Pipp, she was smiling, white as can be teeth showing. Ears  down in a sexy-like fashion. Her smile was genuine, filled with pure desire and passion.  This slightly faltered Hitch.   He then became slightly alarmed when she sat up, moving up towards him, their noses  millimeters apart. All Hitch could do was stare, frozen, awaiting Pipp’s next move, and  boy oh boy did she make it a bold one. She shifted forward, slowly and softly meeting his lips. She closed her eyes, and put a  little pressure into him. He eventually let his mind go on autopilot as his eyes closed and  his head tilted slightly to the right to make their kiss more comfortable.   It was only a few seconds, but when she pulled away, it felt like minutes went by…  maybe it did.  All she could do was smile at him, as his mouth slightly parted, wanting to say  something. She instead said the words after the kiss. “C’mon let’s finish up and get to  the Brighthouse.”  Pipp started to shift around Hitch to return the favor of helping him with the shampoo,  but he stopped her. “Wait hold on Pipp…”   She did what she was told, and looked at the stallion. “Wh… What does this make us  Pipp?”   And then she probably gave the best answer he could realistically hope for. “What do  you want it to be, Hitch?”   She got her answer from Hitch's sudden confidence, as he leaned back down to Pipp’s  slightly lower height, and lightly kissed her for a brief moment. “I want it to be something  more than friends.” Classic Hitch, straight to the point.   As they finished up in the shower, and using towels to dry each other off, they went  back into his bedroom to see the window showing the same amount of  rainfall, lightning also now being present.   “Okay I am not going back out there.” Pipp said with annoyance, putting her tiara on one  of Hitch’s nightstands. “How has it not stopped yet?”   “I have no idea. I’ve never seen anything like this in Maretime Bay.” Hitch was in  disbelief himself.   “We could always just have our own little sleepover.” Pipp suggested, smiling at the  slightly taller pony.   “Uhh, heh, sure.” Hitch smiled with just a small tinge of embarrassment. “You can take  the bed, the couch is nice to look at but not so to lay down on.”   Pipp snorted at this. “Hitch, we are sleeping together.”   “Wait, -don’t you think that’s a little fast?” Hitch returned to his jumbled state.   “Hitch, we’re just sharing a bed, we’re adults. It’s not like anything is gonna happen  tonight… well, apart from a cuddle?” Hitch eventually nodded, going over to the tablet on his wall, turning off all the lights in  his apartment, and lowering the blackout blinds to the window, a boom of thunder butting in as the automated blind came to a stop at the floor.  Pipp made herself comfortable in the bed, getting under the covers, waiting for the  stallion as he fiddled with the tablet on the wall. All she could do was smile. She was  bummed that they weren’t at the Brighthouse, but also very ecstatic that she finally got  what she wanted in her life. When getting to know Hitch, she realized that he was the  missing piece in her rather happy life.   Hitch hesitantly came to the other side of the bed, stopping at it. “C’mon Hitch, I don’t  bite…” He slowly moved to lift the covers. “… that hard.” That last part from Pipp caused  him to smile, easing his nerves just a little bit more.   As he settled on his side of the large bed, he laid down, shifting his body to look at the  princess currently next to him. She was smiling, looking as if she was the most confident  pony on the face of Equestria. She really was a vision. Her looks could practically break  the rules. Every feature of her was untouchably sexy and far out of this world. Pipp then  shifted forwards, and grabbed Hitch, snuggling into him. His whole face heated up as he  didn’t know where to put his own hooves. Pipp took the lack of movement as an  opportunity to give Hitch a little reward, moving his hooves for him to her midsection, to  where her wings sat, neatly folded.   At first she almost flinched… almost. Her wings, like any pegasus, were quite sensitive,  and an intimate place when their significant other showed affection to them.   Hitch could not believe how soft they were. Sure they looked soft, but wow were they  soft.   They sat there, embracing each other, looking one another straight in the eyes, Pipp  smiling, and Hitch slightly at ease. Pipp decided to calm him down more by simply  leaning up to him and going in for another kiss.   Hitch this time accepted it. As they both leaned into the kiss this time, the kiss lasted  much longer than the first one. After minutes of this, they parted, breathing slightly  labored, both satisfied with their situation.   “Goodnight Hitch.” Pipp smiled, looking at her newly acquired coltfriend.  “Goodnight Pipp.” The sheriff responded. Both eyes closed, and silence was brought into the room, apart from their calm  breathing.  Well, that is until Hitch suddenly broke it. “Pipp…” “Yeah?”  “Tomorrow morning we’re gonna have to tell the others.”  “Don’t worry, I texted Zipp.”  Hitch chuckled. “Of course you did.”  “Well, you’re also going to explain tomorrow what it was that I did that gave away the  fact that I had an absolute mega crush on you.” This caused Pipp to laugh.   “Okay, Mr. Investigator Hitch.” Pipp said, planting a kiss on his nose before settling back down, sleep coming to them both.