Jetstream Sam Slices Shining Armor Into Sushi

by The_Chill_Author


Shining marched down the streets of Fillydelphia, a scar covering his left eye. It had been a total of ten days since the attack on the base, and he was determined to kill this bastard. He was given this location by Sam himself, offering him a duel, whoever wins does what they want with the other. He had too much to lose to be defeated by Sam. And with Cadence trying to drag him back home, this solidified his will. He was to fight Jetstream Sam. And he must win.

As Shining marched dramatically down the empty streets of Fillydelphia, on the buildings, a screen appeared with Sam's face.

"What's up, gamers?" Sam exclaimed.

"God damn it," Shining swore under his breath.

"Let me tell you something important, Shining. You're a normie and a beta male cuck. I mean, everyone has written or read Cadence getting fucked by someone that's not you." Sam's voice echoed throughout the dead city as Shining continued.

"They can write what they want. I'm only here to dispense justice," Shining claimed as he clenched his blade.

"That's cringe, Shining, and your setup is weak." The Sam on the screen began to walk, "You can't even project yourself onto a building, or a billboard!"

Shining frowned, "Your taunts mean nothing."

"Cope and seethe, Shining. Why don't you go back to Facebook and post some minion memes?" Shining raised an eyebrow.

"What is Facebook?" Shining inquired, however, the Samurai ignored him.

"Do you see now, all this friendship and you still aren't based." Sam smirked.

"You bastard-" Before Shining could finish, Sam interrupted.

"Shut the fuck up, and listen for a moment."




He heard nothing.

"That's the cheers of your fans," Sam grinned, the Unicorn growled and continued down the street where he found himself in Townsquare with Sam standing in front of him.

"Let's get this over with, I might be late-" Before Shining could finish, Sam interrupted.

"Oh don't you worry, the clown college is closer than you think." Sam quipped.

"Yeah, it's right in front of me." Shining shot back.

"Hahaha," Sam rubbed his beard. "Kill yourself."

"And save you the trouble? No thanks." Shining furrowed his brow,

"Your ass will always be cringe, and my ass will always be THICC." Sam grinned.

"Not as thick as your mother," Shining paced around Sam, and the Samurai did the same.

"Haha, you're getting more based by the day. However, she's dead." Sam and Shining stood across from one another and they took out their swords,

"I didn't ask," The two rushed towards each other and clashed blades, making a shockwave that nearly blew them back. Sam pushed Shining, but the Unicorn wasn't giving up that easily as he pushed harder. Seeing this struggle was going nowhere, they both jumped back to gain distance. Sam went on the offensive and ran towards Shining, quickly the Unicorn fired bolts of magic at Sam. Using his High-Frequency Blade, he cut the bolts of magic into pieces as he advanced forth, Sam raised his sword overhead and slammed it down upon Shining, the Captain blocked the attack and a small crater was formed underneath them out of the force that was exerted onto the ground.

Sam spun around and swiped his blade at his opponent, but he dodged the attack and slashed the back of Sam's leg, making him kneel. Shining rammed his horn into Sam's chest and charged up a magical blast, Sam punched Shining in an attempt to cease his assault but he was determined to fire off the attack. And with a mighty yell, Sam was sent flying toward a building and crashed into it. Shining galloped towards the building and with a mighty leap, he jumped into the hole Sam made. There, he found Sam embedded into a wall, the Samurai slowly got himself out and shook his head.

"I've felt better." The room they were in was an office with typewriters, chairs, and cubicles. He looked around at the surroundings and rolled his eyes, "This place is boring." Shining ran at Sam, thinking he was distracted only for him to parry the attack and force Shining back. Sam seized him by the neck and spun around, he planted his foot down and slammed Shining through a wall. Shining crashed into a cubicle, and landed on a table, standing on his hooves he readied his blade. Sam jumped high and double jumped, going for the overhead slash again, but then, Shining turned around and bucked Sam in his chest, sending him through the ceiling and to the next floor. Shining parkoured his way up to the next floor where Sam appeared out of nowhere and flipped him.

"No need to flip out, Shining." Sam mused and turned to face Shining had chairs in his magical grasp, and with a grunt, he threw the chairs at Sam. Sam rolled his eyes and cut the chairs in two as he advanced, eventually, Shining halted his assault. Sam looked at the Captain with a bored expression, "Really? That's all?"

"No," Shining grinned, Sam looked at the sliced-up chairs and they converged on him, slamming into him. They bound Sam and he couldn't move, Shining raised his sword and got ready to cut off Sam's head. With a mighty roar, he threw the debris off of him and blocked the attack with his cybernetic arm.

"Smart, but not smart enough," Sweat went down Sam's brow, and he got ready to attack. Shining glared and his horn lit up, he felt vibrations go through the building and Sam looked up to see a piece of the ceiling come crashing down onto him. Sam parried the ceiling and forced it to go out a window, Shining's mouth was agape and Sam flipped into the hole in the ceiling, going into another floor. Shining pursued after Sam only to be booted into a wall, the Unicorn bounced off the wall and hit the ground.

Sam raised his foot to stomp on Shining's head but was blocked by Shining who used his sword to prevent the attack from landing. There was a power struggle between the two, but eventually, Shining rolled out of the way and let Sam's foot hit the ground. With a yell, Shining ran at Sam and used his forelegs to ram into him, Sam raised his sword up and blocked the attack. However, the attack forced him back and nearly made him lose his balance. Shining's horn flared up as he shot bolts of magic at Sam, like before, he began to cut through the bolts like butter. Sam closed in the distance and crashed the heel of his foot into Shining's nose and crashed him through the building and into another.

Sam pursued and found Shining standing in front of him inside the building he crashed into and in front of the hole he made. Sam walked forth and the two stared at each other, a pregnant pause filled the empty air and no sound could be heard. But then, Sam and Shining leaped out of their building and into the open air, Sam and Shining's blades clashed and made a huge shockwave that forced them back. Sam adjusted himself in mid-air and slammed his cybernetic arm to onto the building to reduce speed he was going to hit the Earth. He landed back on the ground. Shining, however, landed back into the building and looked down at Sam.

Sam made a 'bring it' gesture to the Captain and brought it he did. Shining leaped from the building and brought his blade down upon Sam, the Samurai swung his blade up towards the Captain and a crater formed beneath Sam. Sam shoved Shining back only for the Unicorn to come straight back.

The Brazillian Samurai rushed towards Shining and his perception of time began to slow as he got ready to blind the Unicorn with the swipe of his blade. However, much to his surprise, Shining blocked the attack. "What?" Sam blurted out. Shining gritted his teeth and shoved Sam back. The two warriors stood across from one another and noticed that time was going slow around them. But they didn't let that bother them, they were focused on one thing.

The fight.

The rivals leaped towards each other and clashed blades, Sam began to slash wildly and Shining did the same. They began to run across the streets of Fillydelphia and slam into each other, they didn't even notice that they started a fire with the sparks of their weapons against one another. Sam and Shining finally made a clash strong enough to push them away from one another.

Sam spun his weapon around as he got ready to attack, Shining twirled his weapon in his magical grasp and they both ran at each other. They started to throw away all defense for offense and attacked each other with all they got. "HAAAAAAAA!" The two warriors roared like lions and started picking up the pace. Their shockwaves began to destroy their surroundings, causing explosions all over the streets of Fillydelphia. To the untrained eye, it would seem they were clashing blades every few seconds. However, to the trained eye, they would see that they clashed one hundred times per second.

With one heavy strike, they recoiled and stumbled back from another.

"THIS IS IT, SHINING!" Sam sheathed his blade as Shining erected a shield.


Sam took up on that bet and pulled the trigger, Murasama cut through Shining's shield like a hot knife through butter, and Sam cut Shining's left foreleg off. Shining howled in pain and recoiled, he fell onto his back and squirmed as Sam cleaned the blood off his sword and sheathed it.

"You deny your weapon its purpose, it yearns to bathe in the blood of its enemies, yet you hold it back." Sam said over Shining's screams of agony, "You showed me a good time, Jack."

"M-my name... Isn't J-J-Jack!?" Shining said in a mix of confusion and anger.

"You're going to Brazil," Sam raised his boot high and stomped on Shining.

In the hospital, Shining was placed next to Luna, wrapped in bandages.

"So..." Luna mused, "Who was it this time?"

"...A prick."