If You Give A Pony A Time Spell

by TCC56


Reality bent and twisted, and not in the usual way it did around Discord. Still, it was expected - and in fact desired. He eagerly squirmed in his seat, waiting for the process to finish. 

And it quickly did, opening a hole in the universe that a second Discord emerged from. The second looked around for a moment before locking eyes onto himself. They looked for a long moment, each studying the other.

"You know," said one eventually, "Considering how often several of me are in the same place at the same time, this still feels oddly strange."

"It does," agreed the other. "But you'll get used to it by the time that you're me saying this to you."

Both grinned widely. "How wonderfully confusing!" They then latched arms and span around each other, ensuring that no one who was watching (who was nopony) could tell which had been which.

Then one of the Discords handed the other a box. A plain white cardboard box, with no obvious identifying features or unusual aspects to it. 

The other Discord shivered the moment he touched it. "Ooooh, that's good."

"Pure paradox," said the other with a smile. "Later on, you're going to get the scroll and bring it back in time to yourself. There's no origin point where you get the box, so it exists only within the time loop." 

Opening it up, Discord pulled a cupcake (chocolate with green icing and a yellow wrapper) out. "And this?" 

His other self clapped gleefully. "Even more of a paradox! Not only is the box only inside the loop, the cupcake simply appears at the start of each loop despite being eaten! It's quantumly impossible!"

Discord pursed his lips in thought. "I'm fairly certain that isn't how you use the word quantum." 

"Do either of us care?"

"Not even slightly!" Both Discords stuck out their tongues in the direction of Twilight's castle. (And, semi-coincidentally, the fourth wall.)

Laughing like unhinged maniacs (which is to say, perfectly normally for him) the two twirled around each other again to mix up which was which. 

"Now," stated one after they came out of their spin. "You enjoy the cupcake. I have to go deliver the scroll to a certain somepony."


Discord shook his head. "No, she was kind enough to let us have it in the first place. There's another pony I have in mind - someone who can show the world real chaos." 

He laughed maniacally before reality twisted and writhed, sucking Discord back through time. The other simply leaned back in the air and savored his cupcake. 

"Oooh, cherry-lime!"