//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: Adopting Hellhounds // by Lord Shadow Eclipse //------------------------------// In Fluttershy's Cottage Frightfang woke up with a yawn and a stretch. He had a pretty good amount of sleep. He looked out the window to see the same bright blue sky he saw when he first arrived in the mortal world. He looked over to see Fluttershy. Only, Fluttershy wasn't there. She wasn't in bed at all. Frightfang tried to look around the room and couldn't find her in the closet, the hamper, or under the bed. He started to sniff the bed until he caught her scent. He followed the scent out of the door and down the stairs to see Fluttershy eating breakfast in the kitchen. She looked at him with a kind smile. "Oh, good morning, sweetie! Did you sleep well?" she asked. Frightfang nodded his head in response. It was nice being wrapped in a loved one's embrace while one slept. It reminded him of being back with his mother. "By the way, do you have a name? I can communicate with animals, so you can talk to me if you want," Fluttershy said. Frightfang didn't know that any mortal would be capable of communicating with his species. Maybe that was something only she could do. Either way, it would be nice to actually be able to talk to her. "My name is Frightfang, son of Eclipse and Pestilla!" he greeted. "Nice to meet you, Frightfang. You already know my name. I'd like to help you become accustomed to living here until we can get you back home," Fluttershy replied. "I'm not so sure about that. The mortals of this town don't seem to like me if yesterday was anything to go by," Frightfang replied. "I don't plan to take you out of your comfort zone. I just want to properly introduce you to my other animals and friends. I promise you'll love them as much as I love you," Fluttershy assured. "You... love me? But we only just met yesterday," Frightfang said. "That's okay. You're still just a pup. I'm just trying to love and care for you until you return home," Fluttershy said. "Well, in that case... I love you, too," Frightfang said. "You saved me from the mob, you took me in, and you gave me a place to sleep. You're really nice for a mortal". Fluttershy smiled and continued eating her breakfast in silence. As she ate, Frightfang couldn't help but stare at her food. The smell was intoxicating. The smell was making his mouth water. He wanted food. He put his front paws of Fluttershy's thigh and stuck his head under her foreleg while looking at her with wide eyes. Fluttershy giggled. "Aaaww! Does someone want food?" she asked in a higher-pitched voice. "Yes, please," Frightfang replied. "Okay. Just let me finish up and I'll get you something to eat," Fluttershy said. Frightfang got down and made his way to the living room where he hopped up on the couch to wait for Fluttershy to give him food. He hoped he would get more of the meat she gave him yesterday. That stuff was delicious. Soon enough, Fluttershy came into the living room with a plate of raw meat in her mouth. Frightfang began eating as soon as she set the plate down. As soon as he was done, he drank a nice bowl of water. After he finished eating, Fluttershy came up to him. "I talked with Twilight a little while ago and she's agreed to have all of our closest friends and their pets attend a picnic in Applejack's orchard," Fluttershy said. The mention of Applejack made Frightfang's ears perk up. "You mean that fruit-grower that tried to pelt me with fruit and kick me the moment she saw me?" Fluttershy blushed. "Well... yeah. But she's sorry and wants to get to know you." Frightfang did not like the idea of seeing the vile fruit-grower again. But if Fluttershy vouches for her, that should be good enough. Fluttershy seemed to be a good judge of character. Both of them left the cottage to see Fluttershy's friends and their pets. Frightfang wasn't sure what a pet was, but it sounded fascinating. In Applejack's Orchard Fluttershy and Frightfang walked through the apple orchard looking for where Twilight and the others had set up their picnic. As they walked, Frightfang placed his paw on one of the apple trees. Within a matter of seconds, the tree and its fruit shriveled up and died. Only a dark and rotten desiccated trunk stood in its place. Both of them looked at the tree with shocked expressions. "Well, the book did say that Hellhounds were able to kill plants through touch. Maybe we should avoid touching more trees," Fluttershy said. "Okay," Frightfang said. Maybe I should kill some more of these trees. It would serve as a good lesson to the mortal fruit-lover, he thought with a mischievous smile. Frightfang did not want to see the vile fruit-grower or the one with the rainbow mane. They caused the most headaches for him as far as he was concerned. However, there was something about the rainbow one that reminded him of Blight. Maybe he could learn to get along with her better than the fruit-grower. Frightfang and Fluttershy rounded a corner in the path and came upon the chosen site for the picnic. Frightfang saw the familiar group of ponies and a random assortment of other animals gathered on a large blanket with large baskets full of what he could smell as food. The animals that the ponies had brought to this picnic was a mortal dog, a cat, an owl, a derpy-looking alligator, and a flying tortoise. The fact that flying tortoises existed in the mortal world amazed Frightfang. "I don't know about this, Fluttershy. I don't think these mortal animals will like Hellhounds," Frightfang said to her. "Don't worry, they'll like you and you'll like them once they get to know you," Fluttershy responded. The two approached the picnic spot and greeted to gathering of ponies and animals. Twilight waved to them both with a happy smile on her face. "Hey, Fluttershy! How are you settling in with the pup?" she asked. "He's been settling in just fine, Twilight. Also, his name is Frightfang," Fluttershy replied. "His name is Frightfang? That actually sounds badass!" the rainbow one exclaimed. I officially like the rainbow one, now, Frightfang thought. "Did you give him the name, darling?" the white one asked. "If you did, that's quite a creative name." "Actually, he told me that that was his name," Fluttershy replied. "You can talk with him?" the farmer asked. "Yes. This is Frightfang the Hellhound," Fluttershy introduced before pointing to each of her friends. "This is Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack". Frightfang gave Applejack a glowing glare. He took a defensive posture and gave low growls. Applejack looked quite nervous. "I don't think he forgives me for throwin' apples at him," Applejack noted. Fluttershy gently nudged Frightfang's side with a wing. "Now, Frightfang. That's in the past." "I'm sorry, little guy," Applejack said. "I... I guess I'll forgive you. But if you throw one more apple at me, I will eat all four of your legs," Frightfang replied. "What did he say, Fluttershy?" Applejack asked. "He, uh... he forgives you. Anyway, let's eat," Fluttershy said. The group all dug into the food they had brought. The ponies enjoyed their specific food while the animals and Frightfang enjoyed theirs. After they were done, the pony friends were all talking about familiar things. Rainbow Dash was talking about something called a "Sonic Rainboom", whatever that is. Frightfang was lounging next to one of the trees by himself until the dog walked up to him with hesitation. The mere presence of Hellhounds was known for scaring mortal animals, so Frightfang could understand the dog's hesitation. Once the dog came up to him, she was obviously in a submissive posture. "H-howdy there. M-my name's Winona. I hear your name's Frightfang," she said in a sweet and smooth voice. Frightfang decided to put her at ease by nudging her cheek with his nose. "My name is Frightfang, yes. Who's your companion?" "I'm with Applejack," she replied. "That's... nice," he said with a forced smile. Winona gave an understanding nod. "I know she can sometimes come off as... difficult. But she's a good pony." "Hard to say after how our first meeting went," Frightfang said. "I remember how she reacted after she saw you. She came bursting into the house shouting and screaming and looking for a weapon. She ended up slipping on a rolling pin she knocked to the floor!" she said with a barking laughter. Frightfang started laughing along with her. "I wish I was there to see that! That must've been hilarious!" While the two canines were laughing, a white posh-looking cat came walking up to them both. She put a paw to her mouth and cleared her throat dramatically. "Ahem. Excuse me, Winona, darling, but would you mind introducing me to the newest animal companion amongst us?" she asked with a cultured voice and tone. "Sorry," Winona said before turning to Frightfang. "This little lady is with Rarity. Frightfang, meet Opalescence." "You can just call me Opal," she said with a polite bow. "It's a tremendous pleasure to meet you, dear canine." "It's nice to meet you, too. I'm Frightfang, son of Eclipse and Pestilla. I'm a Hellhound from the Underworld," Frightfang replied. "Tell me, dear Frightfang, are there cats in the Underworld?" Opal asked. "I've never seen any there," Frightfang replied. "How are... you... adjusting to... living with... Fluttershy?" a voice asked slowly. "Who said that?" Frightfang asked. "That's just Rainbow's pet tortoise, Tank," Opal said pointing up with her nose. Frightfang looked above them all and saw that the voice came from the flying tortoise. He smiled slowly at Frightfang. He was happy to see that the other animals were more at ease around him, now. "I like living with Flutteshy so far. She smells similar to my mother," Frightfang replied. "Your mother? Is your mother nice?" Opal asked. "My mother is great. She looks after me and my siblings. She's the one who inspired me to become stronger," Frightfang replied. "Do you... have any... friends?" Tank asked. "Well, I do have one: a female by the name of Blight," Frightfang replied. Opal raised an eyebrow and gave a sly smile. "Oh? Is she your girlfriend?" Frightfang's eyes and red streaks started to glow a shade of pink. "N-n-no! She's not! We're just friends and sparring partners!" The other animals smiled and looked at each other with sly eyes. "C-can we please talk about something else?!" Frightfang asked loudly. All of the other animals broke out in laughter while Frightfang hid his eyes under his paws.