//------------------------------// // Chapter 12: The Dollar Prince // Story: Black as Sin // by BearstarSeraph //------------------------------// Chapter 12: The Dollar Prince Fancy Pants waited in the sitting room of an evening formal wear store as Fleur dis Lee and Rarity examined various dresses and accessories. “We’re back,” Rarity said as the two walked into the room floating several bags in their magic. “Are you done already?” Fancy Pants looked at the ornate grandfather clock, “By Celestia it’s only been 40 minutes.” He stood, “How did you make your purchase so fast? Fleur is usually here for hours.” Fleur glared at him. “A designer would be remiss if she did not wear her own ensembles,” Rarity said, taking a pose. “Oh yes, I see it now. That is a blue version of your Garden Party dress,” he straightened his monocle, “How silly of me not to notice. I do apologize.” “You’re forgiven,” she said, “Now where to first?” “Well, since it is only 10:42, I say we have just enough time to make it to the luncheon. Golden Gravel is presenting his latest selections before his auction tonight at Silver Frame’s art gallery,” Fancy Pants said. “I’m sure they won’t mind if we show up. It is an open house after all.” “Well then,” Rarity said walking out the door leading to the lobby, “Let’s flag down a carria-” She stopped mortified, then sheepishly turned around, “I mean- a- let’s summon a limousine service. No sense getting all these expensive clothes dirty on seats that have had who-knows-what placed on them,” she chuckled nervously. Fancy Pants laughed, “There’s no need for that Rarity. You’re among friends.” He looked over at Fleur, “Actually that sounds like a bit of an adventure. I’ve never been on a public taxi or trolley before. One of these days we could go have a bit of rustic fun.” “Perhaps,” Fleur said, “But not until the issues with Aquafina’s daughter die down. Everypony has been on edge these past months.” “What’s happened?” Rarity asked, concerned. “Well,” Fancy Pants hesitated, “to put it succinctly, the poor girl has had a baby, out of wedlock. She gave birth at the train station three months ago. From what was found in her luggage, she was probably waiting on the father to run off together. Poor girl. Won’t say a word on who he could be. All the suitors Aquafina and Trident have been setting up for her to marry have vanished. And now Trident’s yacht company has suffered too. No pony wants anything to do with them.” Rarity put her hoof to her mouth, “Oh dear. What’s going to happen to her and the baby?” “And that is exactly why we like having you around Rarity,” Fleur said, “In all these months. You are the first pony to have concern for the baby. But honestly no one knows. Child was quite early. The poor dear could be dead or stuffed in an orphanage on the edge of Equestria somewhere.” “Yes, but you’ll need a stiff upper lip if it comes up today,” Fancy Pants said trotting forward, “Now let’s call for our escort.” ~~***~~ “Absolutely exquisite collection this time, Golden Gavel.” “Why thank you, Pampered Pearl,” Golden Gavel said. He glanced about the room, “At least some pony is taking note of the artwork. I fear this auction may not be as successful as hoped.” “Oh I know,” she said, “I never thought anything could overtake the scandal over the bastard. But Princess Celestia taking Princess Luna’s place, the dark mage must have injured her greatly.” “I’m just glad the horse shoe with the Griffon Empire dropped when it did. It is so hard to get Ancient Roaman items to begin with. Now I fear the door will be closed for some time.” “Yes, the icons you’ve gathered from Constampedople are quite stunning,” Pampered Pearl leaned in close, “Is there any chance I could talk you into a private sale before the auction begins?” Suddenly the hushed whispers grew much louder. The two turned around and saw Fancy Pants, Fleur dis Lee and another companion enter the gallery. Golden Gavel respectfully hurried over to them as the nobles quickly encircled them. “Fancy Pants? Fleur dis Lee? I had no idea you would be coming.” Fancy Pants smiled, “Well this is an open house. Everyone is welcome, are they not?” “Yes. Yes of course! Welcome. Allow me to personally guide you, the duchess and… Forgive me, Lady Rarity, is that you?” The crowd went silent. Rarity bowed, “Yes it is me. It is good to see you again, Golden Gavel…” she looked around at the crowd, “And the rest of you. The fashion circuit has kept me so busy lately, I haven’t been able to come socialize as much as I’d like to. But I’m finally back.” She smiled looking back at Golden Gavel, “So what have you collected for this month’s charity auction? I’m eager to see it.” “…Why yes, of course. Right this way,” Golden Gavel pointed to the left. The crowd continued to follow them as they walked. “Lady Rarity,” Swan Song said, “Your boutique is in Ponyville, correct?” “Yes, why do you ask?” “Then you know the truth about what happened there the past few days?” “Yes, Lady Rarity. You must tell us what you know,” Primrose insisted. Several yeses and pleases came from the sea of nods. “Well, what have you heard?” Rarity asked. “She’s a bearer for the princesses,” Rarity heard someone whisper loudly. The eager faces of the nobles instantly sobered. Several went wide-eyed. One could hear a pin drop for well over a minute. “Is something wrong?” Rarity asked. Everyone was desperate to end the silence, knowing the longer the silence went on, the more suspicious they looked, but at the same time not wanting to draw suspicion to themselves with the royal courtesan. Finally, their salvation walked through the doors. “What is she doing here?” someone whispered. Quickly everyone turned their heads from Rarity back to the doors. Rarity, Fancy Pants, and Fleur dis Lee turned around. Aquafina had walked through the doors. Rarity quickly thought of something and bravely trotted over to her, “Lady Aquafina! Darling. How have you been?” “Li-Lady Rarity?” she said, shocked. “I know! It has been far too long since we’ve talked,” Rarity said excitedly. Aquafina smiled, “Yes. It is good to talk again.” Rarity guided Aquafina back to the group as she continued her excited tone. She guessed correctly. This egregious violation of society proved her innocence to the others. Any court spy would be fully up to date and careful to remain flawless. Rarity did not know what made her happier, whether the idea worked or how happy Aquafina was to be back in the social circle. Actually scratch that, Aquafina’s happiness was much more important. “So Ponyville wasn’t attacked by a dark mage?” Chocolate Tail said surprised. “No. Nothing of the sort,” Rarity said equally surprised, “How did that story come about?” “Then who is the pony who injured Princess Luna and caused Princess Celestia to rain fire on the town?” Fine Line asked. “Oh dear,” Rarity put her hoof to her mouth, “Talk about a snowball rolling out of control.” She lowered her leg, “Princess Celestia did no such thing. A foreigner insulted her and she became so angry her mane and tail turned to flame. Only damage done was from triggering the sprinklers.” “But what about Princess Luna’s injury?” Perfect Pace said, “And the prisoner in the dungeon. My sister works in the palace. She would not make up the story of a dark mage sent to the dungeons for injuring Princess Luna.” Rarity’s jaw dropped and her eyes turned pinprick. “You did not know?” Sealed Scroll said skeptically, “You’re one of Element Bearers.” “Princess Luna was injured in an accident,” Rarity said after several seconds. “Princess Celestia wanted to punish the poor pony, but Princess Luna was dead set against it. She actually seems to like him. If that is him down below, I don’t know what changed between Ponyville and Canterlot to put him there.” Everyone gasped and Rarity instantly realized why. “Princess Luna… and a dark mage?” Primrose stuttered. Rarity panicked. “It is nothing of the sort. Pri-ease,” she caught herself, “Would the princess really be interested in a dark mage?” She giggled nervously, “That’s just silly.” A red unicorn with blue-white hair stomped his foot, “That is a lie if I ever heard one.” “Oh Poppycock,” Rarity waved her hoof, “Would I lie?” Fancy Pants stepped in front of Rarity. “Duke Poppycock. If Lady Rarity was one to lie, she would not have confessed to those rather rustic individuals to not only being her best friends but calling them the most important ponies she knows.” Fancy Pants and Poppycock glared at each other. “My! What have we here?” Fleur said loudly, “What a lovely vase! Is this a Ming or a Han?” “Oh. Ah yes. You have a good eye,” Golden Gavel said trotting over, “This is a 9th century Han…” Despite the tension in the room, the rest of the tour went off without incident. But the chatter at the luncheon was mostly nonexistent. Whatever Fancy Pants and Fleur dis Lee were scared of, Rarity quickly concluded, nopony was going to say it in front of her. Fancy Pants, Fleur dis Lee, and Rarity joined Golden Gavel and Silver Frames at the farewell line shaking hooves with the stallions and bowing to the ladies. Poppycock and Fancy Pants shared a quick glare before he continued to Fleur dis Lee, skipped Rarity, then exchanged quick pleasantries with Golden Gavel and Silver Frames before departing. “Well, that went better than expected,” Golden Gravel wiped his brow with a handkerchief. “Yes, that was a splendid show my old friend,” Fancy Pants beamed, “I can’t wait for the auction tonight.” Aquafina slowly walked forward from her place at the back of the room. Golden Gavel and Silver Frames looked at her awkwardly not knowing what to do. “Excuse me,” they both said almost simultaneously before leaving. She hung her head until she came to Rarity. “Rarity… I don’t know what to say… I hope talking to me doesn’t ruin your reputation. You are too kind to suffer for such an innocent mistake.” Rarity smiled, “If you mean your new grandchild, Fancy Pants and Fleur dis Lee told me all about it.” Aquafina’s jaw dropped. Fancy Pants sighed, “I wish I could say I put her up to it, but I cannot. But seeing her here today made me feel ashamed. I promise the first thing I will do once I leave here is march right into your husband’s office and order the largest yacht you can make.” “I fear one yacht won’t save our business,” Aquafina said, “But thank you.” “What are your plans for the rest of the afternoon until the auction?” Fleur dis Lee asked. “I am afraid that these past few weeks… my calendar has emptied out.” “Then why don’t you join Rarity and I this afternoon, as our special guest,” she smiled. Aquafina’s jaw dropped, “I-ee, I… Thank you. Thank you so much.” ~~***~~ “Ah, Jetset, Uppercrust. Good to see you.” The husband and wife turned around. “Duke Poppycock?” Jetset said surprised, “What brings you to the Lady’s fashion district?” “I thought you were a bachelor colt?” Uppercrust asked. “No,” Poppycock said curtly, “Just taking a shortcut to the golf club to blow off steam. You wouldn’t believe it but Aquafina showed up at the charity luncheon.” The two gasped. “And that is not the half of it,” he continued, “Lady Rarity is back in Canterlot and she ran up to her like a gitty foal and brought her into the group forcing everyone to talk to her so not to offend Fancy Pants and Fleur dis Lee who did nothing to admonish her and happy bantered with that… that-that mare!” “Oh, dear,” Uppercrust said, “I know he’s fond of that girl. But that’s absolutely ridiculous.” “Lady Rarity seemed awkward when she was questioned about that dark mage,” Poppycock said disgusted, “I know a lie when I hear it. I bet the princesses sent her to eavesdrop and spread lies to the nobles to cover things up. And Fancy Pants and Fluer dis Lee are in on it.” “That’s quite the accusation,” Jetset nearly stuttered. “The Bearers and Princess Twilight arrived by train just this morning. And in less than an hour she’s gossiping amongst the nobility. She knows something. I caught her off guard, and she nearly said the name of the fiend. The only way she would know that is that she knows what really happened. That is the one thing none of us have been able to pry from the servants.” “How do you know it was the dark mage’s name?” Jetset asked. Poppycock’s eyes narrowed. “She said the word ‘prince’.” Suddenly ambulances screamed past at a nearby intersection. “Four?” Uppercrust said, “I wonder…” Then another five ran past. Jetset looked up. “There’s no smoke in the sky. Not a fire.” Then a large mass of Day Guard charged down the street at full speed, swords and spears drawn and magic in their horns. “A battle?” Poppycock raised an eyebrow. The edges of his mouth turned up as he gave a short chuckle, “Why don’t we go see for ourselves. Get a head start on the gossip.” He trotted off. Jetset and Uppercrust looked at each other nervously before following, fear of the powerful noble outweighing their personal safety. ~~***~~ They followed the chaos into the common quarter. At what appeared to be a peasant restaurant, a brawl has spilled out into the street. The Wonderbolt uniform was easily recognizable, but those they were fighting were also uniformed. “A private security force? And the Wonderbolts?” Uppercrust said dumbstruck, “But who?” A mare’s scream cut through the fight. They saw a unicorn with a baby— a purple unicorn with a clearly undersized baby. One of the unicorn security officers made for the screaming mare and grabbed her in his magic. He only managed to pull the blanket from her back and the screaming baby from its harness. In the process, her cutie mark and his insignia came into view for all to see. Her cutie mark, swirling dolphins. His uniform’s mark, a gold trident within a blue balloon. Poppycock got an evil grin. ~~***~~ “Sea Swirl is your daughter?!” Rarity gasped causing many ponies nearby to turn their heads. But upon seeing Aquafina they sneer and go back to what they were doing. “Thee Sea Swirl, Sea Swirl,” Rarity continues, “Purple unicorn with yin yang dolphins as her mark?” Aquafina looks surprised, “Yes. She travels to Ponyville to buy from your boutique.” Rarity stuttered, “Why yes… I mean I saw her in the boutique… and-and the spa. I knew she was from Canterlot from her accent… oh dear.” Rarity’s eyes went pin prick and quickly covered her mouth as a realization hit her. “Oh no…” she thought remembering how she was always about town, “The father. Don’t tell me he’s from Ponyville.” “A spa? Sea Swirl never mentioned anything about a spa on her trips. Always said she got in and out of that hobble as fast as possible. No offense Lady Rarity,” Aquafina added, quickly remembering who she was talking to. “Oh ah… Well I recommended a visit once after she complimented me on my lovely hooficure. Aloe and Vera really are the best at what they do. I enjoy their spa far better than even the ones in Canterlot.” “I see,” Fleur dis Lee quickly said, “Well maybe next time my work takes me through Ponyville I’ll make a quick stop. If I can find extra time, we can make an afternoon of it.” “That would be marvelous,” Rarity said. The two pass a knowing smile between them. Aquafina looked at the ground briefly before looking up at Fleur dis Lee. “Duchess dis Lee. Your work keeps you in Manehattan most of the time, correct?” “Yes, why?” “Well… ever since my daughter moved there six years ago…” Rarity’s eyes widened. “She moved to Ponyville six years ago,” she thought, “Oh crap. Oh crap.” “… she’s been writing letters on all the happenings. But other than the Oranges…” “The Apples are in on this?” Rarity thought, “Oh crap. Oh crap.” “…No one has seen hide or hair of her. Her letters always seemed like she was a mare about town. Even her neighbors at the flat she’s been renting haven’t seen her. They thought it was vacant.” Aquafina looked back down at the ground, “I thought she wasn’t telling us who the father was because she had a fling with an actor… but… but it’s almost like…” The group rounded a corner and promptly collided with a golden tan unicorn in a bowling shirt. “Oh Celestia! I am so sorry ma’am,” he said, trying to untangle himself from Aquafina, “I should have been paying… I only closed my eyes for a second.” He stood and offered her a hoof as he picked up her feathered hat with his magic. “Don’t touch me!” she swatted his hoof. “Here let me take that… Bocce?” “Rarity? That you?” “You know this stallion?” Fleur dis Lee asked, helping Aquafina to her feet. She then took the hat from his magic and placed it on Aquafina’s head. “Oh, yes,” Rarity stuttered, “This is Bocce. His father is a wealthy businessman in Ponyville.” Aquafina looked skeptically over the poorly dressed stallion. “And what pray tell is your business?” “My father is Mr. Kingpin. He owns several bowling alleys, arcades and miniature golf courses, Ma’am,” Bocce said nervously. “Bowling?” Aquafina said looking down her nose, “I assume the common version.” Bocce bowed, “Yes Ma’am, my father runs 10-pin lanes.” He glanced up, then lost all color in his face. “What?” she said as the three mares turned to see what he was looking at. There was a food smear over Aquafina’s dress. Aquafina spun around and almost growled like a carnivore as Bocce backed away under her fury, “You! You know how much it will cost to clean this!?” Rarity’s horn lit up, “Hold still a moment Lady Aquafina. I have just the spell.” Rarity’s horn lit up and took Aquafina’s dress in its grip. The food lifted from the cloth floating in the air. Aquafina stared at the perfectly cleaned dress stunned, “How did you do that?” “I developed this spell because of Pinkie Pie. I swear every time she sees somepony wearing nice clothes she has a compulsion to throw cupcakes at them.” Rarity glanced about, but all she saw for trash up and down the entire block was the gilded public cigarette can next to the corner lamp post. She shapes the floating mush into a long cylinder and slips in into the small hole, “It gets the majority of it, but not enough to stop the smell. But the dry cleaning bill will be no more than a normal cleaning.” “Well,” Aquafina glared at Bocce, “Seems you lucked out. But you will be paying for it, young colt.” “Lady Aquafina,” Fleur said, lighting her horn, “Forgive me a moment. There’s something under your hooves.” Fleur reached underneath and pulled a bakery bag from under her dress. She turned it around to look at it. “Donut Joe’s,” she read the bag. “I believe this is...” Fleur stopped, seeing the poor stallion had turned whiter than Princess Celestia. “La-La-La-La Lad-ee Acoofina Aqwa-Aquarius? Wife to Tra-Trident Aquarius, the the airyacht maker?” Aquafina turned her nose up, “Yes. I see you’re not an uneducated commoner.” “Sa-Sa-Sa Seeee Su-Su Maw-Maw-Maw” Bocce stuttered as he shook like an earthquake was happening under his hooves. Fleur looked at him fearing the poor stallion was about to faint, then she glanced at the bag. “Well?” Aquafina glared daggers at him, “Stop stuttering and…” “Hmmm,” Fleur said loudly. The three turned to see Fleur eating a pastry from the bag. “These crumpets are divine.” “They should,” Rarity said, “His baking wouldn’t be a favorite of Princess Celestia otherwise.” Aquafina’s face snarled, “The princess eats this common fare?” “Why yes darling,” Rarity said, a knowing look on her face, “In fact he’s worked with top chefs like Gustave le Grand and even won the National Dessert Competition.” Rarity put her hoof to her mouth, “Oh that’s right, your family chef competed as well but didn’t even place.” Aquafina stood there speechless for several seconds, until Fleur floated a piece of a donut over to her. Aquafina glanced around quickly, and seeing no one looking at them, took a tentative bite. Rarity smiled as the edges of Aquafina’s mouth turned up. “Oh my,” Aquafina said, “I see why Princess Celestia likes these things.” She looked at Bocce, “What do your ponies call these again?” “Donuts… Ma’am.” “Well at least you are no longer stuttering like a buffoon,” she said. “Tell me young man, how much money do you have on you?” “Wa-wa Why?” “Because I believe I have been seen long enough with a commoner. You will need a change of clothes, unless you would rather have a talk with my lawyers.” “Lady Aquafina,” Rarity scolded, “I think you’re forgetting Bocce is an old friend of mine.” She turned to Bocce, “Don’t worry about a thing, Bocce. I’ll find a lovely suit for you.” “Tux? I don’t need a tux. Why-Why-Why would I need a tux?” he said hurriedly. Fleur giggled, “I think just an elegant suit will do nicely. Not like we are going to the Gala.” Aquafina turned her nose up, “I was thinking more of a servants’ uniform. Do not want him to be mistaken for somepony important.” “Um, Lady Aquafina?” Rarity walked over and put her mouth in her ear hiding her face with her hoof, “His family is worth…” she whispered. Rarity pulled back and gave a self-satisfied smirk seeing Aquafina’s mouth hanging open. Aquafina eventually closed her mouth and twitched as she looked him over. “Well… I suppose all noble families start as nouveau riche at some point or another,” she said struggling to stay civil. Aquafina trotted off, “Well then. Let’s go find you clothes befitting your actual status.” Fleur looked surprised as Aquafina walked off. She turned to Bocce, “How much are you worth young man?” “Well… I umm…” “About three times as much as the Aquariuses were worth when we first met,” Rarity smiled. “If my father ever forgives me…” he muttered. “Wow,” Fleur said, shocked. Then she smiled, “I believe the common word for this is ‘burn,’ if I remember correctly.” “Yes. Yes it is,” Rarity held her head high as she trotted off. “Come Bocce, we have shopping to do.” “Umm… yes,” he walked after them. “Here. These are yours,” Fleur floated the bag in front of him. “Oh, yes thank you,” he took them. “Sorry about eating them earlier,” she said softly, “But working in the fashion industry, you learn how to distract big egos from a nasty argument. Perfect practice for marrying nobility, really.” “A huh…” Bocce said in a way she recognized as a stallion not paying attention. Fleur saw him look worriedly at the clock tower as sirens blared in the background. “Did you have plans this afternoon?” Bocce whipped his head around. “What? Oh no…” he said before looking back at the clock. ~~***~~ “Trident, my good fellow! How have you been?” Trident was too shocked to even stutter. His pen and paper simply fell to the desk as his magic failed, landing next to his jaw. Fancy Pants laughed as he trotted over to his desk, “It is good to see you too.” He sat in the chair across from his desk. “I am here to order a new yacht. The largest, most expensive you make with all the extras. I want the Princesses themselves to turn green with envy.” “I…” Trident stuttered, “What brings this about? You’ve never been one for gaudy conspicuous consumption.” Fancy Pants raised his eyebrow. “I’m here for a yacht. Do I need any more reason?” Then he smiled and chuckled. Trident closed his eyes and sighed, “Thank you… I know what you’re trying to do… but I fear it’s too late.” “Nonsense! It is never too late,” he said forcefully, “We’ll have your business making record profits in no time.” “Did you pass a green unicorn on the way in?” “Yes. Why? Who is he?” “That is Silver Tongue. He’s a lawyer for Dark Horse…” Fancy Pants’ face twisted, failing to hide his rage. “Those bloody corporate raiders. Are they pressuring you to sell?” “I have until trading starts Monday to sell… Otherwise they will buy out our stocks and get nothing.” He put his hooves to his muzzle, “Why did I ever agree to start publicly trading my grandfather’s company. We were only on the exchange for two weeks when… Now we're worth less than a hay penny to the bits.” Trident dropped his hooves revealing the disgust on his face. Fancy Pants recognized his thoughts. “This is not her fault.” “Is it now?” Trident slammed his hooves on the table. “She gave the gossipers the weapons they needed to destroy this family! Three generations of hard work gone! Duke Poppycock’s cronies would never have the means to do this otherwise! That… That worthless blatherskite!” “I hate that stallion as much as you do…” “His nephew Blarney is on the Board of Directors along with that bastard pussyhawk of the Lords Zeppelin. The first thing they’re going to do after buying my company is sell it to the unHoly Griffon Empire!” “Trident, we will solve this. But it can’t happen unless you can think with a clear head.” “Solve what?! Even you don’t have the money to buy me out or rally enough nobles to save us! Unless my daughter secretly fucked some nouveau riche millionaire my company is screwed!” “Trident…” Suddenly the door swung wide and a pegasus day guard stomped into the room. “Viscount Trident Aquarius. You have been summoned to the Platinum Street Barracks to account for your employees.” “Why? What happened?” The pegasus raises his right wing. Two unicorn day guards walked in flanking him with cuffs at the ready. He lowers his wing, “Just come with us willingly. Don’t make us shackle you.” ~~***~~ At the Platinum Street barracks, Duke Poppycock exited the building with Trident’s security guards. They stopped on the sidewalk and faced each other. “Thank you for paying our bail,” their leader said, scratching the back of his head. “Of course. Think nothing of it,” he smiled, “It is only proper after all. You were following orders. You’re not the guards to blame for her escape. You were only seeing to her safety and the soldiers overreacted not understanding the situation. My sister is married to the judge in charge of the sector that restaurant is in. I am certain he can see the truth of this unfortunate misunderstanding.” “Well,” he said, “I believe it is best that we return to our posts.” He turned around, “Come on, let’s head back to the manor.” Duke Poppycock watched them leave. “Uncle!” He turned around and saw a twin of himself briskly walk up. “I left as soon as I got your…” “Blarney, I don’t think our business partners would approve of talking willy-nilly about their devices.” “I’m sorry Uncle,” Blarney saw trying to respectfully catch his breath, “Where is Lady Sea Swirl?” “Still in her holding room. She’s been smart enough to keep her mouth shut. So there is no official story to counter what we’re about to do.” He smiled, “You know what to do.” Blarney returned the grin then walked into the barracks. Duke Poppycock turned and walked away. ~~***~~ Sea Swirl was nursing her baby under her nursing blanket when the door opened. Blarney was let into the room by a guard who shut the door behind him. “Hello, my darling,” Blarney said, “You have no idea how glad I am that you and the child were cleared by the doctor.” Sea Swirl sneered, “What do you want, Blarney? How many times do I have to say no to marrying you?” “One, I am here as a lawyer. Two, you have no choice anymore.” “I always have a choice!” she snapped, “Get out.” “Selfishness is so unbecoming a mare of your reputation, or previous reputation I should say. Never thinking of your own parents. They are about to become penniless street hobos and you don’t even care.” “What do you mean?” she said, surprised. “Since your little spectacle at the train station, your family’s trading company has gone from 1250 bits a share to barely two haypennies. My company, Dark Horse, has given your father an ultimatum: sell to us by Friday or Monday we buy a controlling share of the company. Holders are so desperate to rid of your stocks they will give them away for free.” He walked over and put his front leg around her shoulders, “We all know your company bylaws have each member of your family getting 11% of all stocks. That means your husband will put you over 50%, which will be very bad for business. Now everyone knows how much your father hates mine. Everyone also knows my company’s main office is in Manehattan, where your tickets were heading. Perfect motive to imprison you for all these months. Your lovely daughter also looks exactly like you, so there’s no visual way of telling who the father is.” A predatory smile creeped over his face as Sea Swirl started to cry. The baby sensing something wrong began to cry as well. She brought her baby up to her neck to hug her. “So, what do you say, my darling?” “I… I need to think about it.” Blarney took his leg off her shoulders and shoved the table aside violently, crashing into the wall. He got in her face. “That is not the right answer,” he growled. “Either you say yes right now and we walk directly to the judge’s office on the floor above us. Or we will destroy everything you ever loved.” Sea Swirl’s face distorted into a mix of fear, hate, and tears. “30 seconds…” he began, “29. 28. 27. 2…” “What if I gave you something,” Sea Swirl blurted out, “Something about the Princesses.” “You’ve been locked up for three months,” he said skeptically, “What could you possibly know? 23. 22…” “The Element Bearers were in the restaurant. Pinkie knows the owner. They had a filly with them, a Princess Bulla from another country. They didn’t say where though. But they arrived only a couple days ago according to them.” To her relief, he stopped counting. “I’m listening,” he said intrigued. “Earlier she had tried to escape the palace. Sent the Guards on a wild goose chase for hours. She had been crying, exhausted so much she couldn’t raise her head. Her father has had his horn broken off; from their tone it didn’t sound like an accident.” Blarney smiled, “Royalty from another country entered Equestria without fanfare two or three days ago. They appear to be being held in the palace against their will. And her father’s horn has been deliberately broken off. Is that about right?” “Yes, that was the whole of their conversation with the Wonderbolts. Captain Spitfire wanted to know if they needed extra help guarding her but they declined. They left after their food was delivered to go. Then the Wonderbolts took their place at the bar. I heard them gossiping among themselves. They were talking about the Palace being in a panic over a new dark mage attacking Ponyville. Maybe six or seven minutes later, my… my father’s guards came in.” Blarney fixed the room with his magic, “Sea Swirl my darling, you have won yourself time to think it over. I will call at your manor tomorrow at noon. And don’t think running off with your baby daddy will save your parents. My uncle and the other marriage practitioners have… an understanding if you will. And thanks to this little incident, you won’t be allowed to leave the city. Being a material witness to an assault on military officers and such, I’m sure you’ll be well guarded. At home of course; no sense arresting a noble and placing them in a cell unless they try to flee.” His predatory grin returned, “I’m sure child services will have a thing or two to say about that.” He walked to the door and gripped the handle in his magic. He looked back into the room, “So I suggest having a dress at the ready.” He opened the door and left. Sea Swirl nuzzled her screaming daughter. ~~***~~ As Blarney exited the barracks, he saw Trident and Fancy Pants being escorted in. “Why are you here?” Trident snarled. “Move along,” the pegasus guard said, tapping Trident’s side with his wingblade. Trident sneered at him as the guards took him inside. Fancy Pants stayed behind. “That is a good question. Why are you here? Playing on poor daughter to manipulate her father, I assume?” “I am here simply as a lawyer to clients. I assume the same motivation for your presence?” “You will fail,” Fancy Pants said bluntly before marching into the barracks. ~~***~~ As the group traveled from store to store the whole of the fashion district was buzzing. Not just that Duchess Fleur dis Lee and Lady Rarity were openly with Lady Aquafina, but speculating at the identity of that dashing young unicorn stallion in his suave suit singlehoovedly levitating all those bags. “Are you sure you don’t need any help with that? That’s almost 30 bags,” Fleur asked. “Nah. My dad made me practice levitation as a foal by turning off the machines and making me pin colt for half the alley.” Bocce chuckled, “I’ve handled far worse than this.” “That does not seem like something to brag about within gentle society,” Aquafina huffed. “Twenty lanes. Ten pins each. That’s 200 pins. Plus all the balls to keep straight. Many bowlers in Ponyville bring their own balls. That’s over 300 items levitating in the chaos of twenty separate games all crashing at once. Perhaps you’d like to try that as an eight-year-old colt?” Aquafina stopped, “Eight?! Is your father mad?” “No, just with high expectations.” He trotted ahead, “I did it though. Took a little bit of practice, but I had the alley running at full speed in less than an hour.” Rarity stopped next to Aquafina, “When I told Princess Twilight that story when she first came to Ponyville she did not believe it was possible. She made me track him down and when he didn’t relent, she challenged him. She took one side, he took the other. It didn’t end well… Perhaps Spike should have warned us about her obsessiveness beforehand…” “Father had to get a restraining order against her to keep her out of the alley. She wasn’t going to stop until she could do it right.” “But this was back before her ascension, correct?” Aquafina stuttered, “Surely she is more than…” “Sorry Lady Aquafina,” Bocce said, stopping and turning around, “Father made the mistake of letting her in again. He won’t be making another.” Aquafina looked to Rarity. Rarity nodded, smiling. Aquafina stared at Bocce with her mouth wide open. Rarity giggled, but stopped seeing Fleur’s jaw hanging open as well. Bocce shrugged his shoulders, “Everyone has their special talents. It’s not just a matter of levitation. Twilight is too inflexible and controlling to handle the chaos of being a pin colt. Maybe a line or two at the same time, but no more than five.” He turned, hearing the clock strike 3:30. “Forgive me,” he turned back around, “but the last train for home leaves at 4. How much longer?” “I fear you will miss your train then, Bocce,” Fleur said, “It is a 45 minute walk to the Aquarius Estate from downtown.” “You can come stay with us at the Palace,” Rarity said quickly, “I’m sure Princess Celestia will give you a room for the night.” “No…” They turned to Aquafina. “After everything my fam… this nouveau riche bastard doesn’t deserve the palace…” she snarled. “Lady Aquafina.” Fleur stomped her hoof, “This young man has been nothing but a gentlecolt since we met him, despite all the insults you’ve thrown at him. His family is more than capable of paying you whatever your lawyers would force from him ten times over, and yet from the goodness of his heart he has remained. He more than deserves the Palace.” “No. No,” Bocce said, “It’s quite alright. A train to Manehatten leaves at 6-something if I remember right. Won’t be the first time I show up at my aunt’s home in the middle of the night.” Aquafina twitched, “You have family in Manehattan?” “Yes, my aunt is married to the son of the owner of Coney Island.” “Lyonnaise Boules-Coney? You’re her nephew?” “Yes, Lady Aquafina.” He saw her twitch. “Is… is there a problem?” “No, just surprised. I don’t know them well because they are on the opposite side of the building, but their condo is on the same floor as ours.” “Oh?” Suddenly his eyes widened, “Oh… well sorry I’ve never had the pleasure of running into you. I…I spend most of my time in Ponyville… Father left me in charge of our holdings there when he moved our corporate headquarters to Las Pegasus.” He gave an obviously fake grin. Aquafina returned the fake smile. “Well, it is getting close to tea time. Why don’t all of you come into the manor, as my guests.” She calmly walks next to him, “I would enjoy hearing more of your time in… Manehattan.” She walked off with determination in her gate. Everyone was startled from their shopping as dozens of bags suddenly crashed into the sidewalk, along with the rear of the unicorn that was holding them. “I’m about to be murdered, aren’t I?” Bocce whimpered, tears forming in his eyes. “No,” Fleur said, putting her hoof over his shoulders. She did not notice Rarity’s eyes go pinprick. “…You’ll just be grilled over what you know about Sea Swirl’s time in…” “Yes,” Rarity interrupted, “Yes you are going to die.” “Viscountess Aquafina Aquarius!” They turned around and saw several guards they had passed the previous block run towards them. Aquafina turned around and trotted back as Bocce stood. “Can I help you, gentlecolts?” she asked. “Viscountess Aquarius, you are under arrest,” the lead guard said coming to a stop, “Please come peacefully.” The other guards circled the group. They gasped. Aquafina’s eyes went pinprick and scurried backwards into a wall of steel. “Wha Wha Wha why?” she stuttered. “Yes. What’s going on?” Rarity said, trying to step forward. One of the guards lowered his polearm across to block the way, “Don’t interfere miss if you want to continue your freedom.” Fleur put her hoof on Rarity’s back. She looked over and saw Fleur mouthing “don’t do it”. Aquafina whimpered and tears rolled down her cheeks. “Ma’am,” one of the guards jingled his cuffs, “Don’t make a spectacle.” Aquafina bit her lower lip and nodded. She dabbed her face with her handkerchief and looked over at the others, “How’s my mascara?” Fleur and Rarity nodded. Aquafina then took a deep breath. A mask of calm came over her as she turned her nose up, “Then let us depart.” The three watched her trot off with the guards as if nothing was wrong. “Sea Swirl…” Bocce said trembling, “We need to find Sea Swirl… Make sure she got on the train.” “Train?” Fleur walked forward to look him in the face. “Why did we split up?” he whimpered, “Why did I leave her?” Fleur put her hoof to her mouth, “Don’t tell me…” “Don’t worry Bocce,” Rarity said with a determined glare as if she was facing down teenage dragons, “Celestia knows if my friends and I are good at anything it’s pulling a Deus ex Machina from under our collective tails. Let’s go.” ~~***~~ “The whole of Canterlot knows of your family’s ‘condition’. But that does not give you the right to imprison a legal adult, daughter or otherwise.” Black Marble said, pointing his gavel at Trident and Aquafina. He then leaned back in his chair placing his hooves on the pedestal, “No bail will be set because of flight risk. This investigation does not preclude any action by the military for the assault on the Wonderbolts.” He slammed his gavel down, “Next case!” Trident and Aquafina were dragged away. Fancy Pants was rudely shoved out a side door. It slammed behind him. He arrived at the ground floor, and found Sea Swirl waiting with her baby in a side saddle ringed by two layers of guards. Fancy Pants tried to walk up to her, but was stopped at the first line. Hearing the commotion, Sea Swirl turned and saw him. “Uncle Fancy!” She pinwheeled and dodged through the unsuspecting guards. She hugged him and put her mouth to his ear. “11%,” she whispered loudly as a unicorn guard dragged her away with his magic. Fancy Pants was forced into the wall and held there as the unicorn fashioned his magic into a collar and leash. The guards closed rank and marched out the double doors, the only clue that there was a civilian within the wall of steel was the cries of a baby. After several minutes, Fancy Pants was let go and he existed. A small crowd of nobles, including Jet Set and Upper Crust were across the street. He smiled seeing his wife. His smile vanished as he spotted tabloid reporters, reporters he recognized from a paper Dark Horse had a stake in. Cameras began to go off. Fancy Pants walked across the street once the carriages cleared. “Duke Fancy…” a reporter began. “For all that is sacred and decent, some things do not belong in the tabloids…” he turned to the nobles, “…or to be whispered about over crumpets and tea.” He tried to force his way through to his wife but the press got in the way, almost encircling him. Fancy Pants knew they were leaving him a way to back up to avoid giving him legal cover if he pushed forward. Fleur knew the dance well. She flipped her hair three times. Fancy backed up into the street drawing the press with him. He stopped half way as Fleur walked through the crowd and circled the cameras. “Gang way!” A taxi barreled through the street. Fancy stepped back. The press jumped back onto the sidewalk. Fancy Pants vanished as it passed him. By the time the press realized what had happened, the taxi had rounded the corner. Some chased after it. Others turned to question Fleur dis Lee, but she was gone as well. The reporters rounded the corner, but the taxi was gone. Only carriages calmly walking back and forth. Fancy Pants peaked out the curtains as the carriage rolled past the way it came. “And my parents thought that illusion spell was a waste of time growing up,” Fleur chuckled. Fancy tapped the front window, “Good work as always, Wheeler. Tell that to Iron Bolt and Steel Javelin as well.” Wheeler tipped his top hat, briefly revealing a horn. “That was an impressive spell,” Rarity said looking across to Fleur, “I’m sure Twilight would be impressed. But I assume you’ll want to keep it a secret.” “Of course,” Fleur said, surprisingly somber, “I would rather not anyone know I can do such high level spells.” “How come?” Bocce asked. “Let’s just say my mother has Sea Swirl’s full sympathies and leave it at that,” she said curtly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…” “So darling,” Fancy Pants smiled, “Who is the rather chipper fellow?” “Allow me to introduce Bocce Boules, nephew to the Coneys of Manehattan. And the father of Sea Swirl’s baby.” “You look very young for your age, Sir Bocce,” Fancy Pants said, “No more than 25.” “I’m 26, sir,” Bocce said defensively, “And I know what you’re gonna say. I’ve heard it all before. Sea Swirl is 34. I don’t care.” “Then why didn’t the two of you run off together when you had the chance?” Fancy grilled. “She didn’t… I didn’t… She didn’t know what to do. I forgive her.” Fancy Pants leaned back and closed his eyes, “She gets pregnant, panics and comes home. She is too far along or refuses to do anything to the contrary. She hides it with at least the staff's help, maybe even her parents’. But then she decides against adoption at the last minute and contacts you, correct?” “Yes… when I told my father and showed him the letter, he kicked me out. Said if I was old enough to be a parent then I was old enough to be alone. I was living with my relatives in Manehattan at the time. That’s why the tickets were for there.” Fancy Pants sighed, “Sorry for the grilling, young stallion. Old lawyer habits.” “I heard Pétanque crying in those guards, what’s happening?” “The baby’s name I assume?” Fleur put her hoof on Bocce’s. She nodded, “It was his grandmother’s. Lady Sea Swirl left her unnamed until today.” “I will not parse words: it is grim,” Fancy Pants said. “After escaping, with I assume your help, she was intercepted by Trident’s guards at a restaurant. The Wonderbolts were eating there and it turned into a brawl. The guards spilled their guts without even a plea deal, morons. Now there’s more than enough evidence that young Sea Swirl was held against her will, even without Sea Swirl’s cooperation.” He hung his head, “They are looking at a maximum of a decade, and that’s even with noble status. For peasantry it would be 25 to 50.” Rarity gasped. Fleur tried to calm a whimpering Bocce. “Sea Swirl is being held as an uncooperative witness. House arrest apparently, but she won’t be able to even take care of her privacy without a spear to her ribs after what she pulled today.” He looked back up, “She saw me in the hallway and made it through the guards. She whispered ‘11%’ in my ear before she was dragged back and magically shackled.” “What does that even mean?” Rarity asked. Fancy Pants furrowed his brow, “Dark Horse is blackmailing Trident to sell by Friday or they do a hostile takeover first trading Monday. Blarney was in there talking to Sea Swirl. He’s been obsessed with her since prep school. He must be trying to get her to marry him as a way to save her parents, and whatever 11% means is how to stop it.” “By Friday or on Friday?” Rarity asked, “Because if it’s by Friday… That’s only 24 hours. ~~***~~ “Hello, Uncle.” Poppycock pulled his swing at the sudden noise. He turned and glared at Blarney as his golf mates chuckled. Blarney pinned his ears back, “Sorry…” He calmly walked over, put his arm over his nephew’s shoulder and turned back to his golf mates, “Excuse us a moment.” After tightening his arm around Blarney’s neck, he dragged him towards a nearby tree while the others now laughed audibly. Nearby golfers turned to look, then joined the snickering. They walked behind the tree. Then Poppycock promptly shoved him into it, “I just lost 40,000 bits on that shot thanks to you.” “Sorry Uncle, but I have news you need to hear.” “It better be worth 40,000 bits.” “Lady Sea Swirl offered some gossip in exchange for a few hours to think over the offer. It’s so good I had to take it.” It took all his willpower not to raise his voice, “She’s been locked up for three months. Whatever she just gave you is for the garbage divers and stray animals to eat.” “The Element Bearers were in the restaurant with the Wonderbolts but left early. They probably even passed the security guards walking down the street. They were gabbing about the dark mage.” Blarney grins, “His horn’s been deliberately sheared. Seems he and his filly tried to escape the palace but failed. Doesn’t sound like the royal line to me.” Poppycock grinned, “And when was this?” “This morning. Sounded recent, like they had been captured just before lunch.” Poppycock rubbed his chin, “It takes about 15 minutes to walk to the palace from that restaurant. Give an hour for processing, about 10:45 for recapture. Better make it 10:30. He must be very cunning and powerful, he was previously injured during capture and probably had every magic-blocking lock known to ponykind, and yet he made a mockery of the royal guards. They probably underestimated the daughter as well, her being so young.” He lowered his hoof, “Yes… Yes this is worth more than 40,000 bits.” He smiled, but his tone was far from happy, “So how much time did you give her?” “I told her to have a dress by noon tomorrow.” “Decent…” Poppycock bobbed his head, “So. Did you sow that little bit of false information like I told you?” “Yes. I told her Trident already split the stocks to include the baby. By the time Fancy Pants and Bearer Rarity figure out they needed to buy 22% of the company instead of 11% it will be too late.” “Excellent. And with the tips to those paparazzi, their stock will be less than dirt by Monday. Never hurts to knock off an extra million or two. I’ll start spreading that gossip around the golfers. You can start in the country club. But Blarney…” he paused for emphasis, “Remember the goal is not your obsession with Sea Swirl but her family’s company. Mixing business with pleasure is dangerous. Be prepared for her to say no tomorrow if she believes what you told her.”