//------------------------------// // 1000 years ago // Story: Son of The Sun // by Sh4deShad0w41 //------------------------------// Celestia was 21 years old at that time. she kept pacing back and forth in fear. "Calm down my lady, everything will be alright," He took Celestia's hooves and kissed it. "How can you say that Sombra? I'm pregnant, PREGNANT, a-and my stomach is getting l-like BIGGER every month!!" Celestia held her head, she was stressed right now. "Don't be stressed, it is not good for the baby, and... how about we get married?? well actually I wanted to say it next week on your birthday, but.. of course, you know" Prince Sombra took out the ring he bought for Celestia from his Armor. "Of course! I really want to marry you Sombra, but Aether Land and Shadow Reign are hating each other, and both of Our parents will not approve!! Your parents wouldn't like it when they found out their only son who is heir to the throne married the daughter of their enemy. And what would my father say when he knows, he could kill you and the fight between the two kingdoms would get worse" Okay, If you think that Celestia and Sombra are currently meeting in a good place... you're wrong, the fact is that they are meeting secretly in an old house that has become a secret meeting place for Sombra and Celestia. far from the war, from their kingdom reach so they are safe here. "This is an illusion spell, use this in public, so they will see the normal Celestia, not the fat Celestia" Sombra said with a smile on his face. Celestia's face turned red in anger, picking up something object like a can, which is close to her, and throw it at him "WE NOT FAT, WE PREGNANT!!" Celestia shout with Royal Canterlot Voice "Haha, just kidding," Laughing dryly, Sombra slowly drew closer and pulled Celestia to his side "Look! I will end this war, make a peace, then we will get married, complete family, happy ending and happily ever after" Celestia smiled, her anger disappeared instantly replaced by the sweetest smile she ever do "Pinkie Promise?" "Pinkie Promise!" "ah you better go now, ponies in the castle will be suspicious if their princess disappears suddenly" Celestia sighed, her face becoming sad "Okay.." she said. Her horn started to emit a gold aura "Wait, are you going to the battlefield?" Sombra asks Her. His friendly face changed quickly into a serious face. "Yes, I was ordered to lead the first division in the vanguard, I know it could harm the baby, but we have no choice" Celestia lowered her head, rubbing her stomach with her hooves. Celestia nodded and teleport to Canterlot, a moment later Sombra also teleport to his kingdom. . . And.. Long story short, the war ISN'T ended, then I gave birth to Hurricane, but I'm hiding Hurricane for 12 years. When I found out that Sombra became evil, haha PromisePromiseOneThousandPromisesAndHeLied! And we defeated him back then, sister. Then when I'm gonna see Hurricane, he was trapped in a black Crystal" "Soo you trapped on the Crystal for one thousand years??" Luna asks Hurricane. "Yes, I am. honestly, it gets me dizzy and confused that I was trapped in crystal for over 1000 years" Lune smiled and embrace him "Yeah, I feel the same way when I come out from the mooon" "Err what?" "Nothing, "Well it's middle night now, why don't you two go sleep so I can back to work?" Hurricane turned off his bedroom light and opened the curtains so the moonlight can get in. He couldn't sleep, so he decided to go to the royal kitchen to find some food there. Hurricane covered his eye with her hoof, and outside the room, an eye appeared in the shadows. looked in all directions to make sure no guards were passing by. Feeling safe he turned himself into a mass of black smoke to go outside soundless, then changed back to normal. Walk down the hall slowly, making sure his footsteps were not heard. Hurricane continued to look for the royal kitchen, only to find he was lost in his mother's palace. He cursed the one who design this palace structure, not caring that his mother was the one who designed the entire castle. "STOP THERE YOU!" Hurricane jumped in surprise when an old mare's voice shouted right behind him. The old mare glared at him. She raised her hooves and clamp Hurricane's cheek, then shook it from side to side "WHO ARE YOU?" She asked. "I.." "DON'T TALK!" The mare continued to ruffle Hurricane's black mane. "I've never seen you before, are you new? New guard? Princess Celestia's guest? or.." "Actually... I'm her son." It was only a few seconds before he got slapped by the old mare. "Auch, why did you slap me," "You're lying, aren't you? claim to be Princess Celestia's Son? She never even married" The old mare said. "Heh, too crazy in love with father, probably" He mumbled "What?" "No. You need to know that I'm honest, I hate lying" He smoothed his mane back "If you don't believe, you can ask my mo- Princess Celestia, but before that, can you tell me where the kitchen is? I need a midnight snack. the old mare stared at Hurricane for a few seconds then sighed "Follow me" They walked in silence until the old mare introduced herself. "I'm Sugar Peace, butler here. Yours?" Hurricane's eyes closed and he smiled, "I'm Shadow Hurricane, it's already a long long time I guess? I'm not met my mother, no wonder if nopony here knows me" "Very long time huh? Of course, she's over one thousand years after all. By the way, your appearance is very different from Celestia, but the way you smile and your personality is very similar to hers, you know?" Sugar Peace chuckle "She also likes looking for midnight snacks" This time Hurricane the one who chuckles "You seem to know my mother very well?" "We've already become friends for 42 years now, aand, here we are, the royal kitchen. I have to go now, I hope you can go back by yourself" "Sure, thank you!" Sugar Peace smiled and nodded, then left Hurricane in the kitchen. They didn't realize that a pony in a maid's outfit had been listening to their conversation, "This is going to be big news in Equestria"