//------------------------------// // 2. Welcome to the Jungle // Story: Monster Huntress Diamond // by HappyPillz //------------------------------// Rarity sat up shakily, screwing her eyes shut and clutching her head in pain. Her entire body ached, though many of the aches felt oddly foreign, and she groaned as she rubbed her temples, trying in vain to soothe the agonizing thump of pain. She gingerly opened her eyes and immediately regretted it. A feeling of vertigo seized her senses and a wave of nausea washed over her, causing her to lurch forward, barely catching herself before she crashed into the ground. Bracing herself, she slowly opened her eyes again, and her vision swam as she fought the urge to vomit. Fear and confusion gripped her as her eyes slowly focused, and her head turned back and forth taking in her surroundings.  Oh…my… A jungle. She was in some kind of jungle. Not a forest, or even a swamp, she was in an honest to Celestia jungle somewhere. To her left was a small pool with a modest stream, and as far as the eye could see were swathes of trees and vines, branches, roots, and foliage, and far above the canopy filtered out much of the sunlight leaving a mottled forest floor below.  Where in Celestia’s name am I? This doesn’t look like Equestria, did I go through the mirror somehow? Rarity’s gaze wandered back and she glanced down. Her breath hitched for a moment. Her eyes widened and frantically darted back and forth as she looked at herself all over, turning in whiplike movements and beginning to hyperventilate as she did so. Hands. She had hands. And hooves. And her tail. She scrambled around madly, looking to see if her saddlebag had made the journey with her. She had almost given up hope when she found it half obscured amongst the detritus, given away only by the contrast of the blue diamonds emblazoned on the sides of the bag and the dim purple glow from Twilight’s enchantments on it standing out against the drab browns of the forest floor. In a frenzy she ripped open a and reached in expertly, finding her mirror in a surprisingly fast manner. She smirked slightly; one perk of being so meticulous and organized in all aspects of life, she supposed. Back to the task at hoof, or hand now, she supposed, she braced herself and slowly looked herself over in the mirror. Looking back she saw her normal pony face and horn, a humanized body (still covered with her luxurious white coat) along with her tail, and hooves instead of feet. She also noticed that she seemed to be much more muscular than she had been previously, though in more of a sleek and athletic way than a bulky way, for which she was eternally grateful. Twilight’s words about physical changes and incomplete transformations returned to her and she felt another wave of nausea, as well as a heated wave of anger. Twilight, what in Celestia’s name did you do to me while I was unconscious? I think it’s safe to assume I went through the mirror, but how is another matter… She turned back to her bag, pulling out a set of clothing and a pair of scissors. She was thankful that she had the forethought to pack clothes intended to blend in with high school humans beforehand as she pulled on the tshirt and then began snipping a hole in the rear of the pair of jeans for her tail. While such mundane clothing was a far cry from her usual fare, she was quite sure that dresses and gowns were ill-suited for use in jungles. Regardless of the setting, however, she still could not prevent herself from repeatedly looking over the mirror to make sure everything about her appearance was in order before she returned to more important matters; namely, survival. Rarity breathed in deeply and sat down on a nearby rock, resting her chin in her hands as she stared at the nearby pool.  So… now what do I do? There’s no portal back that I can see, and obviously nopony has come through after me… I can’t just sit here, but I can’t just wander aimlessly, either.  She sighed and buried her face in her hands.  What would the others do? Of all the ponies for this to happen to, why me? Why not Applejack or Rainbow Dash or Twilight? Applejack is literally built for wilderness survival like this! And Rainbow Dash is athletic enough to be able to fly and hike and explore the entire area without a second thought. Of course, Twilight would be planning everything she could ever need for survival, have everything organized and checklists made, and she’d be ready to go within an hour. She smirked. If you could get her to stop triple checking her checklist. Rarity stiffened and lifted her head from her hands. Hold on now, Rarity. You are a perfectly capable unicorn and you know it! You may not be the perfect pony for ‘roughing it’, so to speak, but that does not mean you are helpless, so do not start acting like it! You have been on enough camping trips with Applejack to have learned your fair share of tricks. You are organized and smart like Twilight, and I’m sure you can make a plan just as well as her for surviving out here!  She looked down at herself and smirked.  And, if I do say so myself, I think I’d give Rainbow a run for her money in the athletic department if I tried right now. Not to mention that I! AM! RARITY!  She tossed her mane to the side with a flourish.  I am a wonder of the fashion world and can make almost anything if I put my mind to it! If I can turn hotel decor into a designer fashion line, I can find my way out of some trees!  She stood with purpose, striding over to her bag to begin her preparations. The bag had been enchanted to allow it to hold much more than a regular bag would (very necessary; she would be hard pressed to bring one bolt of cloth with her in a regular saddlebag, let alone multiple) while at the same time decreasing its weight (holding more wasn’t very useful if she couldn’t carry it, after all), as well as withstand damage, which was very helpful when one tended to carry sharp sewing tools or have a destructive sibling with multiple destructive friends. She began to pull out her provisions, sorting them to review what she had in the event that something could prove useful. Speaking of useful…  Rarity’s eyes crossed as she looked upward toward her horn.  I haven’t checked to make sure my magic still works. It is odd how quickly I adapted to using these hands given the circumstances, I suppose, though magic does take concentration to use, so I guess it makes sense in a way.  With her possessions laid out, she focused and a familiar blue glow enveloped them, moving each around her makeshift campsite. She had thankfully packed some snacks and bottles of water, and, though only a couple fruits and leafy greens, they should at least be enough to keep her sated for a short time until she could figure out something else to eat in the area. Another section consisted of her tools; as she had come to help out with a festival, she naturally came prepared with a hefty sketchbook and pencils, all of her mobile crafting and tailoring gear, not to mention a fair amount of fabrics and materials. Not too many, of course, she wouldn’t want to overdo it, but still, a lady had her name and her pride to uphold. More importantly, she had brought a wide variety with her, for which she was currently thankful. She had not been sure which applications would be required, but she was fairly sure more would be needed than just girls’ formalwear and so she had come with enough varieties to set up clothes and decorations alike. Granted, she didn’t have the large quantities to mass produce anything, but her job was to plan, prototype, and design, not to supply the entire festival after all. She had a modest amount of clothing with her, mostly practical, with a few sets of pajamas and comfy robes. All of it was made by her, of course, specifically for life in the human world among students. As such, they were considered very plain by her standards, though by the students they would have been considered anything but. They were all boldly designed and colored, each the height of fashion, made with the highest quality fabrics and likely worth their weight in gold to any in the higher echelons of society. That being said, Rarity saw a bunch of shirts and pants. Finally, she had a music box gifted to her by Sweetie Belle. It was a mere trinket, perhaps, but one that she had become fond of and brought as a special reminder of home. It was multifaceted, allowing it to be placed on any side, and the music type played (or not played) was chosen depending on which side was facing up. Looking over her supplies, Rarity nodded. I suppose that will have to do. I really do wish I had come with more supplies, but since I was going to stay with Sunset Shimmer it really wasn’t necessary to pack very heavily…  She sighed.  I at least have some food and water, I have clothes, I have some basic first aid supplies, I can make bandages, and I can make my own bedding and blankets. I just need to make sure that everything I make can fit into my bags so I can bring it along with me when I move. I should be able to make a fire, I remember Applejack showing me how to do that, I just need to make sure to keep it contained so I don’t burn everything to the ground.  She sighed again.  So that leaves me with what I don’t have. I don’t have a food source, the best material I have for shelter is a bolt of canvas that is hardly water resistant let alone waterproof, the closest things I have to knives or axes are a pair of scissors and a rotary cutter, and I have nothing to cook with in case I find food that needs to be cooked before eating. Worst of all… her face scrunched in disgust, I have no soap, no shampoo, no conditioner, none of my cosmetics… I shall be a filthy mess within a day, it will only get worse, and I won’t be able to do a Celestia damned thing about it!  She stomped a hoof in frustration. In a perfect response to her tantrum it sank into the soft earth with a squelch, causing her to lose her balance and topple over into the dirt with an undignified squeal. She lay there for a moment on the ground; her body still ached all over, she was in a foreign land, she was ill prepared for survival, and now she was covered in dirt and grime. Her mane was askew and had fallen over most of her face, but a small line of tears could still be seen trickling through a part in the hair down her muzzle to the tip of her nose, where it dripped down onto a growing puddle. She had been right, after all. She was Rarity. For better or worse. And she had no idea how she was going to survive. ********** It was nearing midday when Rarity began preparing to leave her arrival site. She had made herself a small pillow and blanket with some of her fabrics, and after some consideration had spent some time making a number of modestly sized flags. Nothing fancy, but she had made them with patches of her cutie mark sewn onto them as a fast and easy way to announce to anyone that may come looking for her that she had been there. All she would need to do was attach one to a stout branch, plant it firmly in the ground, and it would be a lasting mark for anyone behind, or even to herself if she happened to backtrack or get lost. She then repacked her belongings and shouldered her bag. Picking around the trees, she found a couple firm branches; she made her way to the nearby stream, planted her first flag using one, and using the other as a walking stick, set off from her first unofficial campsite. She followed the stream for some uneventful hours; she had decided that would be the best course to take in order to try to find some sort of help. At the very least it would provide her with water, it would help her keep track of where she had been, and if anybody had settled somewhere, it would likely be by a water source like this. She ate one of her apples as she walked; for some reason it felt odd as she ate, but she couldn’t really tell why. She was already extremely hungry, likely due to her new physiology and her current activity, but she was trying to pace herself as best as she could. She hadn’t seen much in the way of edible looking plants yet, though she had passed by some small animals and heard birds and rustles in the canopy above, so there must be something to eat somewhere. Unfortunately, all the tips she had learned from Applejack about what to eat and not eat had revolved around “eat only things that you can recognize”, which wasn’t very helpful when the number of things you could recognize was zero.  Whatever this place was, it was definitely different from what she was used to. The plants were overgrown and ancient looking, nothing like any forest she had ever seen, including the jungles of Equestria. Somehow, these carried a much more prehistoric feeling with them, which put her very ill at ease. Her eyes roamed the canopy uneasily, catching occasional shadows of birds flying past or animals moving through the treetops, and her ears twitched and swiveled at the sounds around her as creatures scurried through the brush unseen. It was enough to make her skin crawl and fur stand on end. She finished her apple and reached in her bag for a little more to eat, fishing out a few leaves of kale after a moment. She popped a couple in her mouth and chewed as she walked on, but stopped cold in her tracks after only a couple steps, her eyes widening with each chew she took. Her jaw dropped open and she gagged, spitting the leaves out forcefully, sputtering and coughing as she did so.  What in Celestia’s name?! Those tasted so horrid!  She eyed one of the uneaten leaves she had left in her hand.  It looks completely normal, though. It doesn’t look spoiled, and I know that I washed them, so why did it taste so absolutely wretched?  She gave the leaf an experimental sniff, then nibbled a tiny bit and quickly spit it out in disgust.  Ew, it tastes just awful!  She moved her tongue to dislodge a fibrous piece of the offending plant from her teeth when an unfamiliar jab of minor pain struck her. She froze in place, her tongue still touching the spot it had found. To be more precise, the very out of place, unexpected, and sharp canine tooth it had found. Rarity’s pupils shrank to pinpricks as she slowly ran her tongue across her teeth, finding more and more unexpected shapes as it made its way around from back to front.  She quickly grabbed her bag and retrieved her mirror, checking her reflection to confirm her fears. What she saw reminded her of the teeth of regular humans, though a few of them looked a bit sharper than she recalled. Her lip trembled slightly and she felt a bit nauseous again.  Why do I have the teeth of a carnivore? And how did I not notice that? I suppose I wasn’t exactly smiling or inspecting my mouth when I was checking myself earlier.  She looked back at the kale in her hand; a realization hit her and she gasped.  Are my tastes changing? Celestia help me, don’t let that be it! I refuse to stoop so low as to eat poor defenseless creatures like some barbarian!  She huffed.  Stupid portals and their stupid changes to everything. I guess that puts even more of a hurry on finding food, though, if some of my food may be inedible now…  How exactly was I planning on finding food, anyway? She thought hard about the question; before she had mainly just planned on walking and looking at plants as she went until something familiar and appetizing showed up, or maybe happened upon an animal eating something and remembered what the food looked like (Celestia help her if she was going to take food some animal had been chewing on), but now that she really thought about it, the more terrible and shortsighted those approaches seemed. She supposed it was a good thing she had stopped to think about it now rather than much later on when she was much lower on food. Okay, let’s really think this through. I can’t just hope to come across something I know is edible. I know Applejack had to have had some way to tell if something was safe to eat, I remember seeing her showing Applebloom something during their “survival talks”. She kept putting a piece of fruit on her leg, then her lips, then her mouth for short amounts of time… every once in a while she would throw the piece away after touching it to one of those spots…  I guess there’s only one way to find out if that works, so let’s get going. I had better get something of a gathering bag, together, though. She nodded to herself as if to confirm her plan, evidently needing a little extra bit of convincing that it was in fact a good idea. She made a very quick and crude bag (at least, by her standards, though it made her very soul hurt to do so) in favor of being fast, planted a flag where she was as a marker and stepped away from the stream into the thicker brush of the jungle, pushing aside the heavy foliage that had so far been absent along the banks of the stream. The difference between the banks and the interior became apparent immediately, and Rarity felt the oppressive heat and humidity bearing down on her. Where the relatively open banks had allowed a cool breeze to move and air to circulate, further in the air was stagnant and suffocating. The terrain was difficult, covered and blocked often with plants and vines, though there were places where she was able to forge a way through somewhat unimpeded if she was vigilant.  Truth be told, she was very thankful that the partial transformation had left her with her hooves; traveling on this type of ground with feet would likely be painful and difficult, and traveling with hooves were neither of those. It was almost comfortable, actually, if she was to be honest with herself. She suspected many of these makeshift paths were runs made by animals over time, for which she was thankful but also slightly nervous that she may encounter one of them. While she had seen some small animals, she was sure there were larger - much larger - animals out here, and she was not keen to meet any of them.  As she walked she peered back and forth through the stems and leaves, using her walking stick to lift branches and looking for any traces of nuts, berries, fruits, pods, or any other sort of edible looking non-animal things she could find. It took her about ten minutes to find her first promising start, a bush covered with small purple berries. She jumped in place, giving a small twirl and squeal of joy at her discovery. Bwahaha! Success! Rarity, you’ve done it! You’ve found something!  Her face adopted a much more serious look.  Now, to find out if you can eat them without dying.  Using her magic, she plucked a berry from the bush and looked at it closely. It looked fairly odd, separated into eight lobes, each pocked with seeds similar to a strawberry. She squished a lobe and gave it an experimental sniff. It smelled sweet, with a hint of sour as well.  Well, it doesn’t smell like sweaty gym socks or anything, so that’s a start.  She plucked the lobe off with her magic and stared at it, somewhat unsure of what she was doing.  I guess I put it on my… arm? For some reason? I have no idea what I’m looking for, but if this is what Applejack did, I’m sure there’s a reason for it….  Feeling extremely silly, she brought the lobe down and placed it on her forearm, letting the juice flow out from the squished piece. However, no sooner had the berry touched her skin, she yanked it back with a surprised yelp of pain as an angry blister formed in the place the berry had touched instantly. She quickly retrieved a bottle of water from her pack, dousing her arm to remove what lingering juice she could before it could do any more damage. The juice had dissolved away the fine white fur of Rarity’s arm where it had touched in that brief moment of contact, leaving behind a small bare patch and a tender blister. Rarity stared at her arm in disbelief, then at the caustic berry. Well, that explains why I was doing that. Imagine if I had tried taking a bite of it first! She shuddered. If I ever make it home, I will need to make sure to thank Applejack profusely for her lessons, even if I didn’t pay attention to all of them, I suppose. Now, I had better treat this before it gets worse.  She opened her pack and removed the first aid pack, applied some ointment to the blister, then wrapped a bandage around her arm.  Much better. Now, as for you.  She turned her attention back to the berry.  Now to make note of this little horror. I don’t intend to ever make this mistake again.  She removed her sketchbook and pencils from her bag and began to draw, making extremely detailed pictures from multiple angles along with descriptions of the berry and the plant itself, and then added all that she could about what happened when it touched her skin. She knew that it wasn’t food, obviously, but simply writing “don’t eat the purple berry” was hardly helpful; she was sure that knowing exactly what it was and did could be useful in the future, so the more information she had, the better off she was. Once she was satisfied with her notes on the plant, she stowed her book, discarded the berry carefully, shot a baneful look at the bush, blew it a derisive raspberry out of spite, turned on her hoof, and continued on her way. She continued on in this way for some time, encountering multiple different plants that showed some promise; each she subjected to her newfound test: smell it to see if it smelled terrible first, check for reactions on her arm, then against her lips, then taste, then hold in her mouth for a few seconds, then if everything was fine after that, assume it was alright to eat. Some failed immediately like a delicious looking fruit that turned out to smell like a dead body, while some came very close to being edible but didn’t quite make it, like the nuts that made her tongue itchy or the berries that were just too full of pointy mouth and throat irritating seeds to be considered edible. Some, however, did end up being not only edible but also downright tasty, and even though it was a fairly meager harvest she did her best to fill her bag. And, with each plant she inspected, she made extremely detailed notes of all of its properties.  As light began to fade, Rarity looked down at her makeshift basket. She had discovered a total of three edible plants, and each one did not have much to offer, but she had gathered all she could. At the very least, she now knew what they looked like in case she found more, but the food she had just found coupled with what she still had left in her saddlebag likely wouldn’t last her through the end of tomorrow.  I wish I had brought more with me than just a few fruits and veggies. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to smack all those ponies that guilt tripped me into giving up my favorite guilty snacks. “Give up the carbs!” they said. “All those sweets will kill you!” they said. Those sweets and carbs would be saving my flank right now.  “THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR IMPLYING THAT I WAS A FAT MARSHMALLOW AND MADE IT SO I COULDN’T EAT CAKE ANY MORE, YOU WENCHES!” Rarity yelled to nobody in particular. The jungle went silent for a moment, and then a howl echoed back in response. Rarity’s ears folded back and she cringed.  Oops… Eheheh… Maybe I shouldn’t be yelling out loud out here. I think it might be time for me to find my way back to the stream. Like, right now. Turning quickly, she wove her way back through the thickets and vines, glancing back over her shoulder every now and then to make sure nothing was following behind her. Every once in a while her ears swiveled back, catching the sound of rustling leaves or what may have been a low growl. Her pace quickened and her heart hammered faster as she moved, and her backward glances became more and more frequent as she went, but every time she looked, emptiness loomed behind her. She could hear the babbling of the stream in the distance, she was getting near now. Soon she would be in an open area where she would be able to see and breathe much more clearly, she could set up camp, she could rest, she could eat, she could- -SCREECH- An ear splitting shriek shattered the dusk sky, sending birds scattering from their perches in the canopy above and driving the small woodland creatures below scurrying for cover. Rarity screamed in terror and broke into a full run, aiming for the bank as fast as she could. She did not know if anything was following her, but she prayed nothing was. As the din of the stream grew louder, she chanced a look back to see if there was anything behind her. The only thing there was darkness. This was exceedingly lucky for Rarity, not only because that meant nothing was chasing her, but also because that meant that nothing would be able to catch her when she ran face first into a branch as she turned back around and knocked herself to the ground. She lay on the ground for several minutes, breathing heavily, feeling a trickle of blood from her nose where the branch had hit her, but otherwise unhurt. She no longer heard any rustling of leaves, nor any howls or screeches, but only the noise of the stream, which she could tell was very close by. After regaining her breath, she picked herself off the ground, brushing what dirt she could off and wiping the blood from her nose along the back of her arm.  Ugh, I am filthy.  What I wouldn’t give for a nice, warm shower and some luxurious soaps and shampoos right now. Oh, Aloe, Lotus, I miss you already. If I make it back to your spa, I will be making appointments every day for a year straight, I swear it. But for right now, I will just have to make do. She finished her path back to the banks of the river and surveyed the area for an acceptable place to set up her camp. She found one a short way up river, past a short set of rapids where a rocky rise led up to a much wider sandy bank. She gathered a pile of rocks, thankful for her combination of hands and magic to make the task much faster than using just one or the other; surprisingly it was not difficult at all for her to manage using both simultaneously. She had thought it might be distracting to focus on one to the detriment of the other, almost as though they would be mutually exclusive of each other, but to her delight the use of magic and hands together seemed almost second nature to her. She set her rocks up in a circle to make a fire pit, then set about gathering wood and tinder. Thankfully, that task was even easier than gathering rocks; she basically had to turn around and there were a handful of broken sticks and branches behind her just waiting to be thrown into the pit.  Now came the tricky part. She remembered Applejack rubbing sticks together to make fire, and she had practiced it herself, but it had always been difficult. She knew it wasn’t quite as simple as just rubbing sticks, either, there was a process; a very involved process. She wished she could just “magic up” a fire, but unfortunately for her magic just didn’t work like that. She had the regular unicorn magic of telekinesis at her disposal, finely tuned motor skills and a delicate touch from her craft, and an innate skill at finding gems and ores from her own natural talent, but creating fire from thin air did not fall within her area of expertise.  Looking around her campsite for the requisite materials, she found what she was looking for: a long, straight, flat branch, a straight and sturdy round branch, a slightly curved branch, and a slightly curved and smooth rock. Returning to her bag, she retrieved a pair of scissors and a length of durable fabric, which she cut into very thin strips. She cast an appraising eye over them before deeming them worthy, then expertly and effortlessly wove them together, forming a tight and thin rope, which she tied off at the ends. She smirked.  Take that, Applejack. I’d love to see you do that.  She tied her rope around the ends of the curved branch, making a neat little bow, though this one had nothing to do with hunting. Once again she picked up the scissors, using one of the blades to whittle a point into the straight branch, then again to remove the bark and further flatten the long flat branch. Then, she used the point of the scissors to dig a small divot in the flat wood, and then, finally, a notch close to the divot she had just made. She sat back, wiping her brow and shaking her hand free of some of the tension she had worked into it.  This had better work, that’s all I can say. She set up the wood and tinder in the fire pit, and made sure all was prepared for when she finally was (hopefully) able to get a coal or flame started. She prepared a small amount of tinder next to her fire board, as she believed it was called, and began her set up. The fire board was on the bottom, with her kneeling on the far edge; she looped the pointed stick into the bow, and put the point of it into the divot on the fire board, and then used the curved rock to hold the top of the stick in place and put pressure on it while the bow turned the stick back and forth.  It was at this point that Raity became extremely thankful for her magic. She had been expecting a laborious, intensive workout, straining with the contraption trying to get the bow to swing back and forth for the better part of an hour before anything would happen. What happened in actuality was somewhat frustrating, somewhat humorous, and entirely anticlimactic. She struggled with the bow for a few minutes, trying to wrestle it with her hands, holding the bow with her magic, and trying a combination, and it did not want to cooperate with her at all, constantly falling out of the bow as she tried to spin it back and forth. Feeling defeated and close to tears, she stared at the stick laying on the ground when a thought occurred to her. Why do I need that stupid bow to begin with? You’re a unicorn, silly filly. She picked up the stick with her aura, making it hover in front of her and began it spinning. She watched it pick up speed, reaching speeds that could rival a carpenter’s drill within twenty seconds. She smiled broadly, letting the stick slow down. She brought it down to the board, put the stone on top and held it down with a small amount of pressure, and pulsed an aura of magic to start it spinning.  She had smoke within fifteen seconds. She had a coal within another thirty. Score another point for unicorns. Pegasi and earth ponies have got nothing on us!  Rarity cheered inwardly as she lit her tinder with the coal, then carried the small flaming bundle to the fire pit in a blue aura. She watched proudly as her first campfire sparked to life, growing in strength until it reached a proper blaze. Now was the first time since she had arrived where she felt at ease, and that she could rest at last. She decided to take advantage of the situation as best she could, with the closest to personal pampering she could manage. She gave her filthy clothes a quick wash in the river, then walked to the edge herself for what was likely to be the coldest and least sanitary bath she had ever had in her life, but also the most welcome. Her hoof touched the edge of the water and she cringed. Oh sweet Celestia, that’s cold. But I’d rather get cold than be dirty. In you go!  She braced herself, then plunged herself into the chilly waters. She came up sputtering and shivering, but managed to wash off all the dirt and sweat she had accumulated throughout the day before climbing back out. She made her way to the fire and sat on a rock, warming herself while squeezing the water from her mane and tail. Reaching down next to her, she picked up her gathering bag and slowly munched on her provisions, savoring the bites as she could. By this time the light had almost entirely faded, and the moon was now high in the sky, visible through the break in the canopy afforded by the river. Rarity, now dry, retrieved one of her most comfy robes from her bag along with her blanket and pillow, grabbed a length of muslin fabric as a ground cover, and laid down for the night. Exhausted, sore, hungry, and anxious about what tomorrow would bring, Rarity fell asleep for the first time in the wilds of the jungle.