Summoning Equestria: Arrival

by NicieLunar


=///Ponyville train station\\\=

Twilight and Starlight are sitting in the seats at the train station, they are waiting for the train to Canterlot to come and take them there.
As the two of them sat down, the other ponies at the station started gossiping behind their backs, and some started grabbing cameras and taking pictures of them.
And of course this made them uncomfortable, especially for Twilight, their faces had been blushing and they tried not to start talking to each other because the other ponies will try to overhear their conversation.

The whole situation feels really awkward until a journalist pony approaches them

"Princess Twilight sparkle, is it true that Starlight wants to propose to marry you?"

"What?, No, we haven't reached that stage ye--" Starlight's mouth was suddenly covered by Twilight's hoof to prevent her from speaking.

"No no no, we're just friends, w-we don't have a any special r-relationship at all, we j-just friends, right Starlight?"

"Y-yeah, we're just friends, nothing special"

The situation became even more awkward, and Twilight saw other reporters starting to arrive, surrounding the two of them and bombarding them with a million questions.
She couldn't hold it anymore at that point, she saw the train starting to arrive and Twilight quickly carried Starlight with her telekinesis and rushed to the train.
A few minutes later the train started to leave for Canterlot.

Equestria has a very very vast rail network and infrastructure, the continent of Equestria is huge and in fact the largest continent in Equus, because this continent is really big Celestia and Luna decided to divide it into four distinct regions, and 50 provinces in total.

The first is the Europonie region in the north west of Equestria, consisting of provinces such as Prance, Germane, Sapin, Scoltland, Norwigail, Itaily, Turley and other.

The second is the Africolt region in the south west of Equestria, consists of provinces such as Nigoria, Mareoko, Ethioponia, Ugande, Senigil, Konga, and other.

The third is the Coltlombia region in North east of Equestria, consists of provinces such as Califoalnia, Mareland, Uhiu, Texson, Florada, Maretosa, New Mexicolt, Idahoof, Neigh York, Manechusetts and other.

The fourth is Asina region in south east of Equestria, consists of province such as, Fillypine, Maresia, Shirelanka, Panthera, Stalionistan, Mongcoltlia, Austaillia, Japonies and other.

A few minutes after Twilight and Starlight got into the train car, the train started to leave for Canterlot.
For a few minutes of travel everything was quiet until Twilight started to speak

"HUH,Finally.. a sense of peace"

"Yeah, those reporters make me really uncomfortable"

"In a few hours we will finally get to Canterlot, I am so excited to start learning this new language, and I wonder what the creature speaking it looks like"

"I imagine it would be very difficult for us to understand their language, as it is an entirely alien language and we have no examples to compare to."

"Oh, don't worry Starlight, I have a plan so we can understand the language quickly"

After a few hours later they arrived at Canterlot, they spent several minutes walking from the Canterlot train station to the castle, during their trip, Twilight recounted her childhood experiences when she was still living in Canterlot, Starlight laughed as Twilight told her about the time she put a mousetrap in her brother's bed. (It didn't end well for Shining Armor nuts)

Little did they know that behind them was a reporter secretly taking photos of them walking together, their photo will be on the front page of the newspaper tomorrow morning.

By the time they reached the castle gates, they didn't need to say anything, the guards already knew who they were, and they opened the gate without even asking anything.

All the guards there kept their stoic faces, but some had sad faces because of the close relationship between Princess Twilight sparkle and her 'friend' Starlight Glimmer, all the guards in the castle really thought they had a chance with the young princess, they were all really disappointed to learn the news that Twilight is into mare instead of stallion.

A few minutes of walking on the hall, they ended up in the throne room, there they could see two 7 feet tall Alicorns (Yes, Luna in this universe is the same height as Celestia, because their age difference is only a few minutes apart.)

"Oh Twilight, my faithful student, you have finally come."

"Yes princess Celestia, I came as soon as I could after hearing that you needed my help in translating a new language, but may i ask you something?"

"You are free to ask me about anything Twilight."

"Thank you princess, I want to ask if it is true that we are no longer in Equus?, if so, how is that possible?, how could an entire continent suddenly be teleported to another world, wouldn't that require an godly amount of power?" asked Twilight.

"That's something we still don't know twilight, even we ourselves are really confused about how this could be possible"

"Then this must be Discord, he always creates trouble like this" said Starlight

"I think we shou--"
Before Twilight could finish her words, a flash of light suddenly enveloped the room and a Draconequus suddenly appeared and floated through the air.

"Is someone calling my name?

"Discord, I know you're behind all of this, return everything back to normal or I'll make Fluttershy never welcome you back into her house" Starlight Threaten.

"Errhh me?, I didn't do anything" Discord says mockingly.

"Stop your horse$hit Discord, if not you then who did this?"

"That's not something a lowly unicorn like yourself can understand."

Seeing the two of them about to start a fight Celestia immediately intervene, because the last time they fought they vaporized 1/8 of the Foal Mountain.

"Please, the two of you, Discord, are you sure this isn't another trick of yours?"

"Oh Celly, you know that I'm not the type of Draconequus who likes to claim something that wasn't my doing."

"If not you, then who did this?"

"Oh come on Celly, you know someone who has full access to this dimension really prioritizes you and your pony's life"

'Mom?' thought Celestia.

"I actually really didn't like it when she intervened in this world, but this time I was actually really grateful."

"And why is that?" Luna ask.

"Oh Lulu, that's because this world is basically the definition of chaos and disharmony, they are so unpredictable."

"Who?" asked Celestia

Discord snapped his finger and he suddenly wore a gray uniform with a red elbow belt with a strange black cross symbol, he also wore a wierd looking mustache, very similar to very well known figure from 1940s.

"The natives of this world of course!, they are basically willing to kill millions to fulfill their goal."

The four ponies in the room gasped at the words Discord had said, they had never heard of a species that would ever dare to commit such a grand killing, even Luna was shocked, when she bombarded the Zebra capital with 1km chunks of stone from the moon, she basically gave them 3 days to evacuate, she only killed a few thousand Zebra that day.

"Then we should mobilize our troo--"

"Oh no no, you don't have worry Celly, I promise they won't do anything bad to Equestria, it's not that I'm sympathetic to the life of the ponies but I don't think Fluttershy will really appreciate me if I let something bad happened to her homes."

"Thank you Discord, we really appreciate it."

"Oh no problem Celly, oh yeah, by the way I have to go, it's time for me to have a tea party with Fluttershy, see yaa!"

And with a snap of his finger, Discord disappeared, leaving the four ponies in the room with an awkward silence.
It took several second before Celestia finally opened the silence.

"Okay, well, I think we're going to have to start with an objective to initiate first contact with the Natives of this world"

"Erggh princess, what if what Discord said was a lie?"

"Twilight, we've known him for a long time, he never tells outright lies, only half truths"

"Alright then, so what should we do first?" Twilight asked

Hmm, I'll go and talk to my council, discuss the economy and coordinate the expedition to contact the natives, you can start your experiments to translate naive languages ​​and when you are done you can send it to me"

"And what about Princess Luna?"

"In the meantime, I am going to sleep in my comfortable bed, you can call me if you need my help in an emergency" Luna said proudly.

"Arhh yeah, sleep, it's something you keep doing entire day" said Tia

"HEY, that's because I spent the whole night figuring out what really happened and I'm the first pony to find out that we're no longer in Equus."

"ERGGHhh,..fine Luna, you can go now."

And with a flash of blue light, Luna disappeared and teleported herself to her private chamber to take a nap.

"Alright Twilight, I will go talk to my council, you can go to the communication room and start your work in translating the native languages ​​of this world"

"Thank you princess, we promise we will translate it as soon as possible"

"It's okay Twilight, I'm the one who should actually thank you for your willingnes to help"

"No problem princess, it's my duty to protect Equestria."

"Alright then, we'll meet again at dinner, let me know when you're done translating it"

With a flash of yellow light, Celestia teleported herself to another place to meet with her council.
Meanwhile Twilight and Starlight went to the communications room in Canterlot, they only needed to ask directions from the guards on duty there, when they arrived at the communication room, Twilight smiled, she really can not wait to get to work.

"This is where the fun begins."

=///Chabot Space Observatory\\\=

It was 11:30 p.m, Professor Andrew Barton is observing the night sky with his telescope, he and his colleagues have been working day and night because yesterday something strange happened.
Somehow the Earth's distance to Mars has changed, they measure it to be maybe 5 to 7 times farther than it should be, this also happened to all other planet in the solar system.
They think this is some kind of effect of 'Dark matter' affecting the solar sistem, but they still don't have solid proof of what really happened.

Another strange thing also happened with the moon and sun, somehow the moon suddenly speeds up and slows down its orbit, sometimes traveling up to 15 times its normal orbital speed and suddenly stopping while over the pacific ocean, and while the sun also travels at a rediculous speed, almost 40% of the speed of light, it should be impossible, he thought.

This strange phenomenon is not only recognized by Andrew and his colleagues, but all astronomers around the world, News began to spread on the Internet trying to theorize what had caused this to happen, many speculate this is the effect of Dark Matter and Dark Energy, but there are some who think this is the work of aliens who just came to earth a few days ago along with a enormus continent.
Many people say that it's a stupid theory, even though they know that these aliens must be really sophisticated because they can teleport their continent to earth without any damage at all, not many believed they could change the orbit and position of a terrestrial object like this.

But still there are people who suspect that aliens are the perpetrators of this because this phenomenon occurs 1 day after the arrival of aliens to earth.
Even though his brain kept saying that it was impossible for the aliens to do this, his heart somehow kept saying that they were the ones doing this.
he hoped the feeling in his heart was wrong, because if indeed the earth is basically doomed and humans will have no chance against these aliens if they attack.
He drank his coffee, hoping that the caffeine would relieve his stress.

'It's much more stressful than in the movie' he spoke to himself.

=///Eastern pacific ocean\\\=

Admiral Jordy Wilson is on the bridge of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, he is looking at the horizon with his binoculars, he could see the ships in his fleet moving mightily in the sea.
Operation contact Eagle has started, the fleet consists of 13 vessel.

1 aircraft carrier, USS Theodore Roosevelt.

3 Arleigh burke class destroyer, USS Barry, USS Benfold, USS Carl M.Levin.

4 Ticonderoga-class cruiser, USS Bunker Hill, USS York Town, USS Normandy, USS Vincennes.

1 Amphibious assault ship, USS Boxer.

2 Supply ship, USS Vermillion, USS Lewis B. Puller.

1 Hospital ship, USS Desmon.

1 Submarine, USS Annapolis.

After looking at the horizon for more than 30 minutes, he went to sit in his chair, On his desk is a document containing the latest satellite photos showing a huge metropolis, bigger than the average city on earth. (San Franciscolt, Seaddle, Pegasiopolis, and Chicoltgo)

He hoped that the first contact would be peaceful, the satellite showed a more detailed picture of this alien continent, he saw that these aliens were not as sophisticated as he thought.
The satellite vision results show a metropolitan city filled with skyscrapers, but nothing looks futuristic/Sci-fi or alien to the design of the buildings, in fact all of the designs are similar to modern 21st century buildings.

After finishing looking at the content inside of the document he put it back on his desk, Admiral Jordy left the bridge and went to his private room to rest.
'tomorrow was a very important day' he thought.
This was because tomorrow they would soon be within 1000 kilometers of the alien main land, and they plan to fly a few F-35s on the first contact mission, he hoped that everything would go smoothly as planned.

The whole world is starting to feel relieved that the aliens living on the new continent seem to have the same level of sophistication as humans (or so they thought), so maybe they can negotiate and talk with them?
But if they were at the same level of technological sophistication as humans how could they teleport themselves and their continent to earth?
So many questions and so few answers.

Many religious figures such as the pope have declared that the arrival of these aliens is a gift from God, while Muslims speculate that the arrival of aliens to earth is to bring God's judgment on the world.

While the world was busy about what to do while the first contact operation was carried out, the Internet was running as usual, memes started to be made about aliens and possible human extermination because they tought human deserve it, Elon musk expressed his joy that aliens had come to earth and Twitter users started trying to ratio him, and many so called YouTuber 'experts' are saying that everyone should start preparing for the apocalypse now.

Reddit user provide their 'intellectual' opinion to the 'society' and dictate them on what to do.
4Chan users talk about how humans will go to war with aliens and possible genocide.

R34 users are constantly gearing up to get their first glimpse of what this alien might look like so they'll have new content to draw.

They are all like this Because since 2020 a lot of crazy things have happened, to the point where they are not surprised by the arrival of aliens, many people have predicted their arrival since 2021.

=///Magidar Station, Fillydelphia\\\=

At that time 09:27 PM of the third day since the teleportation, 2 kilometers from Fillydelphia there was the so-called Magidar station.

Magidar Station is used to detect and control air traffic in the skies of Equestria.

This station works 24 hours a day monitoring the Airship's flight path to prevent collisions, many ponies work in different shifts between night and day to keep this station running, one of the officers who worked there was named Jade Flash.

Jade Flash is doing his night shift, he is monitoring his Magidar detector display, a few days ago they detected an unknown object flying in the sky of Equestria, at first they thought this was just a civilian Airship, but the altitude and flight speed of this object were really high and fast, Its altitude reaches 14,000 kilometers and its speed reaches 950 kilometers per hour.

He and the officers working there were confused by this object, they suspected that this was a new technology developed by the Griffonian Empire, but that theory was discarded after they heard their princess's speech.

All the ponies in Equestria were shocked after hearing the princess's speech, many of them could hardly believe that they were no longer in Equus, but since these were direct speech from the princess, they have to believe it.

The Equestria economy began to take a hit, many ponies lost their jobs, crime rate is starting to skyrocket especially in a big city like Manehattan, Pegasiopolis, Whinnyapolis, Maretropolis, Chicoltgo, San Franciscolt and many other.

Except for Detrot, that city has been a hotbed of crime for the past 20 decades.

Many ponies wanted to know what caused these sudden teleportations, and why they were sent to another world?

Equestrians are actually no longer strangers to world-ending events, especially the ponies living in Ponyville, it happens so often to the point it sounds like a joke.

But this time it felt different, it didn't feel like the usual villainy work, why did they teleport them to another world?, why would they care in teleporting 7 million ponies back to their homeland?

So many questions and little to no answers, at least the princess promised everything would be fine, they hoped that everything would return to normal and that all of this would only be remembered as another failed attempt by the villains to destroy Equestria.

He also remembered when princess Celestia visited this Magidar station to check the position and direction where this object came from, she said she wanted to coordinate an expedition to contact the natives of this world.

Jade Flash looked back at the clock, this was apparently his break time, so he went to the cafeteria to get some coffee.
After he returned he looked again at the monitor, nothing had changed until...


The notification from the detector start to beeping, he looked back at the display and saw that there were 3 flying objects on displays, they are smaller than Airships, but fly much faster and higher than the average Pegasus. This thing isn't emitting an identifiable signature ID, he tried to contact the flying object.

“Unudentify flight, this is Eastern Equestrian Traffic control center (EETCC),You are starting to approaching Equestrian air space, please respond!"

They didn't answer, he tried to do it again but the result was the same, he intends to contact the military about this aerial intrusion, but before he does the mysterious flying object began to turn and fly back east.


Jade Flash let out his tension, relieved that these mysterious flying objects changed their direction, he didn't know what it was, but one thing that was certain was that it was someone else's problem.

=///Beijing, People's Republic of China\\\=

In the presidential building of the second most powerful country in the world, a man who was in his 50s named Hao gongmin, he has been president of China since 2016, his main goal is to restore China's dignity after centuries of humiliation by western countries.

China has built its blue navy so large that they could actually challenge the American navy head-on, but the problem is China doesn't have that many allies, their friendship with Russia is damaged since they keep copying Russian military technology and border skirmishes in 2018 near Vladivostok.

The only countries that China can consider as allies or partners are Pakistan, Usbekistan, Tajikistan, the United Emirates of Afghanistan (Taliban) and several countries in Africa.
Meanwhile, other countries, especially in Southeast Asia, really despise China, especially after their claim to the territory of the South China Sea in 2023.

Hao was watching TV, ever since the arrival of the aliens to earth, the TV was basically filled with full 24 hour broadcasts non-stop discussing aliens and the world's reaction to their arrival and discussion about America's actions in sending carrier fleets to the alien continent, there is also discussion of a strange terrestrial phenomenon that has recently occurred in the solar system, where they say that the positions of the planets and the sun suddenly change for no reason, the world is basically filled with chaos with all this overwhelming news.

Of course Hao will not let American's take all the spotlight. he is also planning his own first contact operation between China and the Alien but unfortunately he had to wait a bit longer because the PLA navy really had no experience in sailing in the open ocean before.
China is basically an empire made of sand, their economy really depends on exports and imports from other countries, a small nation like Malaysia or Indonesia can easily block the Sunda strait and cutting off their access to oil from middle east, their military lacked any combat experience since the military skirmishes with Vietnam in 1978.

But even so, he persisted in sending out their own fleet of carriers, he wanted to deploy their newest type 003 aircraft carriers and their type 055 destroyer as well as their type 066 cruiser.
This is not only to try to maintain safety in contacting Aliens, but also to show off China's power to the world.

And with the loss of Hawaii, he hopes that American's influence in the Pacific will begin to weaken and maybe he can take advantage of these aliens to benefit China.

He turned back to the TV, he saw the president of russia Karol Morozov interviewed by the press about what his response and what he will do in contacting aliens, Hao smirks at the reporter's question, the Russian military is basically a shadow of what they should have been since their war with Ukraine in 2021, Ukraine basically hit Russia very hard, Russia lost 300 thousand personnel during the war and thousands of equipment and vehicles to Ukraine. basically the only thing keeping Russia relevant in the world is their massive nuclear arsenal.

Hao picked up his remote and turned off the TV, tomorrow he will make a speech to the people of China in announcing the authorization of China's first contact operation named as 'Operation Dragon rides', he got up and went to his bedroom to rest.