Equestria Girls: Ragnarök


Chapter 2: The Evil Music

Scene shows Sunset giving Thunder a quick tour.

“We have over there the cafeteria, history class is in that room and the gym as well.” Thunder was a bit silent as he then broke the silence after realizing no one was here.

“You’re a pony.” Sunset stopped and looked back. “You come from Equestria, there’s no mistaking it. Why are you here?” Sunset looks but shocked as Thunder just looked at her.

“We should talk this another time.” she went to keep walking but Thunder grabs her wrist.

“Were you banished here? By Celestia?”

“No I wasn’t. Let me go.” Sunset broke the grip as Thunder looked down frowning as Sunset returned to walk again as Thunder followed. The silence was too much, it was getting bit annoying as they reach the main entrance just to see three figures in the entrance.

“Hi, you must be the new girls Principal Celestia told me. I am Sunset Shimmer and this is Thunder Ace.” said Sunset.

“We are, I am Adagio, those two idiots are Aria and Sonata.” said Adagio but Thunder raised his eyebrow as he looked at their necklace… they seemed familiar.

“Well... welcome to Canterlot High is a great school. You’re gonna love it.” said Sunset as she walks with Thunder, showing the schools to the girls. Sunset was showing the girls and Thunder everything more calmly, as Sunset later went to show them, the music competition.

“Oh I forgot to show you Thunder, Principal Celestia is going to make a musical showcase.” said Sunset.

“A musical showcase?” asked Adagio as she looks to Aria and Sonata.

"I'm sure since you're new, Principal Celestia would let you sign up if you're interested." said Sunset with a happy tone.

“I pass.”

"We've been known to sing from time to time." said Aria.

"Hello? We sing, like, all the time! It's how we get people to do what we want." after what Sonata said, Aria looked scared and Adagio signaled Sonata to shut up. “Wha- what did I say?"

"What you meant to say was that being in a musical showcase sounds like a great way to meet other students." said Adagio but they’re tone wasn’t for Thunder’s liking.

"Ohhhh, yeah. Th-What she said I meant to say. That's what I meant. To say." Sonata’s tone was just making Sunset and Thunder think they are strange.

"And what you would have said if you weren't The Worst." said Aria with her bad tone just for Sonata talk back to her.

"You are!"

"You'll have to excuse them. They're idiots." said Adagio as Sunset and Thunder were even more confused. Sunset looks at the gems of the girls’ gem necklaces.

"Those are pretty..." said Sunset. "Where did you-" Sunset was about to see them, Adagio grabs her hand, but quickly let's it go and starts to laugh a little nervously. Thunder was about to act… he already knew who they were. He removes one of his gloves, the one that had the rune.

"Sorry. These pendants mean an awful lot to us. We'd just hate for anything to happen to them." said Adagio about to walk away, Aria glimpsed one last time to Sunset and Thunder… she saw looked at his gloveless hand and saw the rune.

Aria definitely was confused as Thunder puts his gloves on. Sunset grabs her wrist looking at the new girls putting a thoughtful look as Thunder clenched his fists.

“I know them.”

“Who are they?” Sunset looked at Thunder just to walk away. Sunset looks shocked as she also had a thoughtful look at Thunder. He walked to the main entrance where the trophies were. He sees every photo… until he sees one that shocks him. It shows the Rainbooms but also a girl with purple light skin wearing a crown… Twilight Sparkle. Though he doesn’t know about the crown, he knows just from the photo that she is Equestrian to, the crown of a princess. He sees another as he sees many students… boys from different years holding… his hammer.

(You can chose either of those 5, it won’t affect the story. Now if you want to choose Marvel’s Mjöllnir then is better you don’t cause Mjöllnir in this story isn’t like the one from Marvel so… yeah)

Thunder puts his hand in the glass where the photos of his hammer were shown. He separates from the glass. He walks away as the bell rings, he checks the papers seeing it was lunch break. He puts it back and walks towards it.

“This school has used my hammer as a trophy… that I cannot stand.”

He just kept walking as he walked by some students as he reached the cafeteria passing by the new girls. Aria looks at him and later at the others.

“It’s him. He had a tattoo in his wrist.”

“And?” asked Adagio as she grabbed a paper took a marker from Sonata.

“Hey!” Sonata didn’t like that as when she drew the tattoo… Adagio’s eyes widen in fear seeing.

(Starts music at 1:52)

Adagio looked at Aria.

“Are you sure?” Aria nodded as Adagio’s breathing got heavier as Sonata looks confused.

“What? What’s wrong? Is the hot red head the one your falling?” Adagio grabs Sonata by her shirt angry and… scared.

“You do not know who that belongs too?!”

“Um, should I?”

“That… is the Rune of Thorn… protector of ponies, killer of monsters, demons, ponies fear him because of his strength and sheer bloodthirstiness.” scene shows a dark pony with robes and the mask of a demon by his waist as he emitted lightning as it showed the centaur known as Tirek who threw a punch at the lightning pony who threw one of the hooves back at him which created a shockwave due to the clash. He later stomped Tirek’s fist as from behind, Tirek was hit by Mjöllnir which went to the pony’s and hit him fair in the face sending him flying back.

“Thorn had no rival, Celestia, Tirek and Discord were the most powerful, but Thorn was the strongest. His strength had no limit, as Celestia thought, he could’ve destroyed Equestria in a state of anger.” scene changes Celestia one of her blasts at Thorn who threw Mjöllnir through the blast as it spins like a boomerang. Celestia moved out of the way but Thorn punched her through the palace. The sky was black with the moon behind, Nightmare Moon also imprisoned as Thorn stomped the ground and flew towards Celestia as the hammer returned to him. Celestia was about to shoot a blast but was shocked by a lightning from the sky and later hit with the hammer which sent her through the ground as scene shows Thorn floating with lightning falling behind him just for scene to change to Adagio.

“They’re battle almost destroyed Equestria and the entire universe.” Aria was left extremely confused after that.

“Wait… he was sent here after we arrived here… how do you know this?”

“While you two bickered for centuries, I always waited for someone to get us, I felt they’re power from here. They’re battle was so destructive they were breaking the fabric of reality. Celestia used the Elements of Harmony, the same that we saw, against Thorn, if it wasn’t for her almost channelling her power as the Daybreaker, Thorn would’ve won. But look at it… he is young… powerless. Celestia has cursed him with immortality and since everyone who goes through the portal turns into a child, he will live till the end of creation, powerless and as a child.”

(Ends music)

“At how you said it, what we got was mercy compare to him.” said Aria as Thorn grabs a trait and makes the line but it was short. He grabs an apple, a tuna sandwish and just some water. He takes his trait and walks to an empty table as scene moves to the table with the Rainbooms. Applejack was eating her lunch until from her side, Sunset Shimmer sits not very comfortable.

“So how was the tour.” asked Applejack as Sunset answers but her tone was sad.

“I don't know. I mean, these girls, they were... There was something off about them.”

“Like, off like this?” Pinkie puts her hair by her mouth like a beard. “Or off like this?” she puts two carrots as teeth and lettuce eyebrows. “Or... Oh, oh! Like-“

“Maybe we should just let her tell us.” told Rainbow as the girls waited for Sunset to answer.

“That's just it. I can't put my finger on it. They just acted sort of... strange around me. Maybe someone already talked to them. Told them about what I did. So much for making a good first impression.” she puts her head in the table.

“Uh-huh.” the girls looked at Fluttershy since… that wasn’t helpful. “Oh, that's probably not it.”

Thunder takes a bite from the apple, until he looks at the door sensing some bad feeling.

During that little act, he definitely saw the green magic… Dark Equestrian Magic as he stands up and walks away. The girls see the moment and looked shocked.

“Ohhhh. They're that kind of "off".” said Pinkie as Rarity sees Thunder walk away, he didn’t look affected.

“Wait, that boy… he wasn’t affected by it.” said Rarity as Sunset looked shocked… she had a theory and… it might explain a lot.

“He’s from Equestria.” Sunset ran towards him as the girls followed… but Pinkie grabbed her carrots and ate them just to dash to the running bacon girl. Thunder walked out of the cafeteria with clenched fists until Sunset stops him.

“Who are you?!” Thunder stopped seeing Sunset as he didn’t look impressed.

“You know who I am. I’m a pony like you. There’s no reason to hide all this.” the other girls arrived as Thunder stood tall as Sunset had a panting breathing.

“If you are from Equestria, you might know who they are?”

“I do. I’ve heard music like that… those are Sirens.” scene changed to three magical hippocampus, they were seated in rocks as they sang. “They’re music caused negativity around every pony, the more negativity, the stronger their voices became.” when he said that, ponies were arguing to fighting and worse… killing each other. Scene changes to Canterlot High as he frowns.

“Star Swirl sent them here centuries ago, seems it’s up to me to end them once for all. Or you can call your… friend Twilight.” the girls looked in shock, how did he know about her?

“How do you know about Twilight?” asked Applejack as he scoffs.

“There’s prophecies in Equestria, one of them was that Magic and Friendship will overpower the Sun and the Moon… your friend is both of those… they called her… Sparkling Dusk… news pass quite quickly around here… I connected the dots… your friend is Princess Celestia’s student.” he told that to Sunset herself. Sunset looks away as Thunder sighs just to walk away but Rainbow stops him.

“Now hold on, pal. If you REALLY know so much of them, why not tell us how to beat them?” Thunder exhales and looks back angry.

“I can’t tell you.”

“What?! Why not?!”

“Telling you how to do it won’t work. None of you are strong enough to do it.”

“I mean, we did defeated a demon crazy girl who just wanted control.” Applejack realized what she said and looks at Sunset. “No offense.”

“None taken.” she said that with regret as Thunder returns to talk.

“You’re saying you girls are powerful… not strong. You girls have magical powers, ones that allow you to defeat evil, but you’re not strong, not mentally, not physically, you girls might have the power to do something but not the strength to it, I am both.” Thunder snickered after that but stayed on his feet. “Although if you girls want to fight them, just counter them.” Thunder walks away after that as the girls are left in doubt after what he said. His hand emitted sparks of lightning as he sighs and nodded… he needs his hammer back… or he will live in more pain as scene turns black.

Explanation of Mjöllnir: Like you saw in which hammer you can choose, I wanna explain quickly how the hammer works. Again the hammer is not like Marvel’s, there is no enchantment of worthiness, pretty stupid the kind of character Thor really is. Although his hammer WAS enchanted in a few other ways, Mjöllnir here IS extremely heavy, part of it is because of an enchantment made for Thorn, and without it, it still weighs a lot due to the material it is made but people can lift it still… only with more difficulty. Why can’t Thorn call his hammer? Thorn can call his hammer from anywhere, anytime… AS LONG AS HE IS THE ONE WHO THREW IT!!! Like in myth, the hammer returns like a boomerang, here it does the same but he can call as long as he threw it, meaning that if it’s be stolen like Thamur did, he can’t call it back and he has to get the hammer by foot. I wanna explain more but it’s better I leave it for the rest of the story.)