//------------------------------// // Act II Part III // Story: De_Termination// // by WindigogoGadget //------------------------------// "GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER YA FILTHY VARMINT!" Aiden flinched and screwed up his face at the sudden volume, the soft features he'd carefully crafted on the spot now swiftly molded into a steely gaze of opened eyes with a deep scowl. Applebloom gasped softly in fright as a result of her sister's shouting, turning around she started hopping up and down to get her sister's attention, seemingly trying to stop the fight before it started. "No! Wait! Applejack he's jus' a store-fox! He ain' gon' hurt-" "I know what he is! He's probably related to that fox that robbed Twilight some nights back, pawning off stolen goods ain't ya!" Applejack's accusatory tone brought more attention to him, and this time he was in broad daylight in the middle of public eye. Attempting to predict her next course of action Aiden used what he interpreted as showboating to the beginnings of a crowd to take his coins and jams, letting the shiny bits slide into a coat pocket on the inside and the jams in the sack he'd tied to his waist. "He might not be a brute like them Diamond Dogs, but just cause he's crafty doesn't mean he's a good pony! Jus' look at him! Same tail and color!" Fortunately for him, the crowd was relatively small. He wasn't actively being surrounded, most ponies had kept their distance and what few shopkeepers neighboring him had decided to keep their heads down instead. The group was made up of maybe six or more random shoppers, plus whatever crowd might be forming up behind them wondering what the heck was up with all that commotion. Sunlight glared into Aiden's hardened eyes as he tilted his head down, seeing through his eyebrows. "I ought to lay you out before I send ya to Tw i l i g h t s-" The whole world slowed as Aiden took a deep breath and focused, the option to end a fight before it started was clearly beyond him right now, he doubted he could reason with someone working with a literal racial bias and likely genuine knowledge on who he was and what he did. As he saw the wind up of Applejack's first strike, a forward buck or kick of some kind, Aiden poised himself to hop out to the right and then follow up with the baton he had stowed in his jacket. Except, the wooden club he called a baton wasn't there. Cursing inwardly he realized that he hadn't brought it with him and had instead come up with an empty claw before things started speeding up as his focus was lost and all he had succeeded in doing was dodging the initial assault. He was back on his feet hopping away from another kick, this time from the hind legs. All he was able to notice was the crowd had backed off significantly, and Applebloom had apparently vanished along the way. 'Crap, where'd the kid go?' Next, he tasted metal in his mouth as a simple headbutt caused his head to pound and his heartbeat ring loudly in his ears, coughing as he lifted himself up. Gritting his teeth he cursed his body's weakness as he realized just how much of an impact his deteriorated state had on an unaccustomed body. With just one strike and he was already just another hit away from getting knocked out. Him. The Scourge of CTos and all the other fanciful titles previous employers and fixers had given him along his long-lived life, once able to tank pistol shots and swerve out away from rifle gunfire and ignore the pain, now a mortal capable of being struck down by just a headbutt. Aiden lacked any time to actually be angry about it though as the smug pony attempted a follow-up strike as Applejack started running directly at him, kicking up dust in the process as the distance closed rapidly. Waiting until the last second, he jumped as high as he could, managing to hop up on Applejacks head and veer them off course as he rolled right off of her back relatively unharmed. If he were an idiot, he'd have tried to rodeo the pony, but he wasn't. He glared at the pony and suddenly found himself in the gloomy and rain-slicked streets of his home state, Chicago, staring down a trio of people in hoodies and sagging pants. His hand swiftly flew to a pistol concealed and always carried on the inside of the left side of his long trench coat and aimed dead center at the heart of a red-shirted viceroy gang member, squeezing the trigger there was a light pop as the man fell to the ground, dead. Except he had no gun. The urge to cough won out and Aiden once again tasted liquid iron in his mouth, glancing forward he saw the form of Applejack crumpled on the ground some odd feet away. Staring at his paw, it was in same position as if he were holding his old Spec Ops 1911, and yet he found no gun in hand. All there was, was his pointer finger smoking at the tip with the rapidly sparks of white 'magic'. For a moment he was in awe of the anomaly he'd just committed, shaking his right hand in disbelief. His vision turned to the farm pony again as she was deathly still for a moment before an audible groan rang out, and she staggered herself back up on her hooves, her Stetson hat having apparently fallen off somewhere during the process of being thrown back forcefully by a magic finger gun. Said stetson was picked up and worn with a scowl and all the clear signs of anger plastered on her face, but she was hesitant to continue her attacks. Aiden Pearce counted his lucky stars when it turned out he hadn't killed someone. It would look even worse on his already tarnished fresh start. "Back off Applejack. You don't want this." He said sternly. "Ugh, what in the hay? Sheesh, you're a tougher cookie than you look." Applejacks head shook before continuing in her southern drawl. "But'cha right, I can't beat ya at a distance. But I don' gotta." There was a sudden pop and flash of light before Aiden Pearce rolled out of the way of whatever was likely coming. His instincts were correct as he avoided some type of spell that was fired his way. That damned purple mare had somehow shown up instantly. Teleportation most likely, didn't need to be a genius to figure it out, just use Occam's razor on a magical pony land. "It's you again!" She cried. "No wait! He was jus' tryin to sell-" Aiden Pearce had to cut the dialogue short as he bolted into a dead sprint. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't impressed at being outsmarted, the trouble was he hated being outsmarted and technically outgunned. There was a moment where he tried to fish around inside his trench coat lining to see if he could pull off a similar trick with something else, cutting free from a weak telekinetic grab as he was still in the unicorn mare's line of sight. Somehow he and Twilight Sparkle were running into the town, or at least onto the road leading straight into the more populated sections of it. Aiden swerved around the corner of a building, wondering if there was anything else he could do. When the unicorn popped her head around, he of course tried the finger gun again and with some straining of the mind, the world slowed as a pure white magical bolt was sent her way in a decisive shot. In that split second after, she was able to teleport in front of the projectile, dodging it while muttering in pain. Not needing to try and take down another pony, Aiden continued running through back roads with his back hunched over slightly, his head kept low as his coat tails trailed. It felt just like fleeing from the police on foot, taking as many backroads and hops over fences as one could possibly do until your lungs burned and your legs felt like they'd give out. The police of Chicago were none too dissimilar to Twilight in the sense of finding people and being notoriously difficult to give the slip, often scanning for devices of the suspect in highly localized areas. He tried to lose Twilight in a small crowd of ponies, but they tended to back off and let both him and the unicorn chaser through without issue. He had to intercept her somehow. Reflexively he pulled out his phone and attempted to raise traffic pillars, explode a transformer in the ground or blast noise in the opponents earbuds or radio systems. He heard a chime in his mind as the memory of being in Chicago faded as he made eye contact with an all lime green unicorn with a white streak in her mane, then he saw the unicorns horn light up, completely unintended judging by the ponies reaction, as a flare of magic zipped out and hit Twilight Sparkle squarely in the front legs. Drained even more so by that sudden action, he felt like he was going to pass out soon, and escaped by hopping a fence and weaving through twisted streets, aided by the mare holding up Twilight with apologies, until Aiden finally reached the safety of a hideout. Finally crawling into his den and slumping on a wall, It was then that exhaustion made itself known and overtook him as everything was slowly shrouded in an inky black, and the world became dark as he slipped into another dreamless sleep.