//------------------------------// // Ogryn, meet Pony. Pony? meet Ogryn. // Story: An Ogryn in a Pony's world // by An Odd Hermit //------------------------------// Lug had been snoozing peacefully until midday, the sun now high in the sky as he dozed atop the grassy hill. Lug was dreaming the average Ogryn dream of being showered in accolades by his commissar, and then sent off to battle to achieve an overwhelming victory. As always, it was finished off with a great feast with all his family, excluding his papa. He didn’t like his papa. But, it was a good dream, a great one even… And that made it all the more irritating to wake up from.  He had awoken to being poked at, soft jabs striking several areas of his body. He was still quite groggy, but didn’t want to startle whatever was poking him, in case it was big and mean. Well, he was also big and mean, though he’s only mean to people who hurt his friends. When his hearing finally started working again, he could hear three distinct voices whispering to each other. “Ah don’t think we should be here, girls.. Mah sister always warned me bout’ lettin’ sleepin’ dogs lie.” Said one of the voices, seeming rather unsure, and young to boot. She had a certain drawl to her voice that Lug couldn’t quite place. “Oh, pony up, Applebloom! If this hairless gorilla was dangerous, this cute wittle bunny wabbit wouldn’t be trying to shoo us away!” Said another, this one sounding rather high pitched and soft. Lug could feel Daffy racing across his body as the little rabbit tried to ward off the inquisitive voices. It tickled, and Lug had to force down a deep chuckle. “Sweetie Belle's got a point. Plus, maybe this.. Uhm.. Whatever it is, can help us get our cutie marks!” Chirped another voice, carrying a very tomboyish edge to it. Lug figured this one was the one doing all the poking and prodding. It was starting to get difficult to hold in his laughter. Maybe she’s the ringleader of the group.  Lug had connected the dots and realized that these were children, very curious ones at that. Normally the sight of the Ogryn would make many smaller creatures balk upon seeing his hulking form, giving him a wide berth like he was some wild animal. But… These three seemed to be severely lacking in self preservation instincts, maybe excluding the first one, Applebloom he figured. She seemed to have a decent head on her shoulders. Though the names were odd. He’d been on many tours to a lot of different planets, so he saw quite a few different cultures amongst the settlers of the imperium… But never before had he heard of such an odd naming practice. He was hoping he’d hear the last one’s name, so he waited. And lo and behold, patience bears fruit as the first one, Applebloom, whisper-yelled at the tomboyish one. “Don’t chu remember that one time ya tried to get yer cutie mark in BEAR RIDING, scootaloo!? Ya near got mauled!” Lug found the last one’s name quite silly. He didn’t know why, it just sounded like a silly name. The prodding got a tad tiresome, so Lug decided that now was a better time than ever to reveal that he was, in fact, awake.  His eyes shot open, though he quickly blinked away the burn he got from looking directly into the midday sun. He groaned as he sat up, the action itself always a bit cumbersome. As he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, he saw three colorful little ponies. An orange one with short, purple hair, One with a pearly white coat and a curly, lavender-and-pink mane, and a yellow one that sported a pink bow in her bright red locks.  And there was one thing they all had in common. They looked very, very scared.  Lug raised a hand, eliciting a flinch from the shaking fillies, as if expecting him to strike. He slowly opened his mouth to say, “Ello’.” Which was apparently the worst thing he could’ve done, because a second after the greeting left his mouth, the three screamed in unison and took off in the other direction. This, of course, sent a hot knife of hurt into his heart. Sure, he was big, maybe a little scary… But he wasn’t mean! At least, not towards cute little ponies. Daffy crossed its paws in a cute indignant display, raising its snout high into the air as if to say ‘good riddance!’ Lug quickly got up to follow them, Daffy already on his shoulder as he reached his full height. The Ogryn then took off in the direction the fillies ran in, his lumbering strides easily covering large swathes of ground. He reached his hand out desperately, not wanting to be left behind.  “PLEASE WAIT!” Lug bellowed, causing two of the fillies to simply run even faster.. Though what surprised Lug, was that one of them actually stopped. It was the yellow one. She still looked quite frightened, but the desperation in his plea managed to reach past her fear and tug at her heart strings. As she stared at him, he stopped in his pursuit. “E-ello, little’un’.” He said softly, raising a hand in greeting. He could see the fear slowly ebb away from the filly’s features as she tilted her head to the side, her eyes filling with curiosity. Despite his gargantuan size, he didn’t seem all that dangerous. After all, he had a very cross looking rabbit sitting on his shoulder. That certainly helped diminish his intimidation factor.  Applebloom began slowly moving towards him until she was about 6 feet away. She, too, raised her hoof in greeting, trying to mimic Lug’s gesture. “H-h-howdy, m-m’name’s Applebloom. Who m-might chu be?” she asked, unable to keep the shake out of her voice. It broke Lug’s heart to see such a cute little critter so scared of him. He needed to amend this.  “My uh, Mah name’s Lug. It’s an erm, ples- please- plurse- pleasure to meet ya, lil’ Acklebloom,” he stuttered as he tried to replicate a formal figure of speech his commissar always used when greeting newly-met superiors. Apparently the stuttering did wonders, as the yellow filly simply smiled up at him, the previous tension leaving her body.  “Applebloom. Say it with me!” prompted a now jovial Applebloom, to which they both did. Applebloom slowly said her name to help Lug pronounce it, watching with growing mirth as the gentle giant tried and succeeded, matching his proud smile with her own. She trotted closer to Lug and gave him a congratulatory pat on the shin, which elicited an even wider smile from the large man. Lug liked this tiny xeno. Even though Don said that xenos were bad and his commissar even went as far as to say inferior, Lug didn’t care much. As long as they were nice to him and his friends, Lug didn’t mind xenos.  “Say, erm, Ackle- Applebloom, wot are ya? I ain’t never seen a xeno like you before!” Lug asked inquisitively, squatting down to scratch her behind the ears. Most critters really liked it when he did that, and apparently so did Applebloom as she leaned into the gesture, closing her eyes as she sighed in relaxation.  “Ah’m not ah zeeno, Ah’m a pony!” She chirped, giggling as Lug’s fingers sifted through her mane. The gargantuan man made an ‘oh’ face and nodded, appreciating the clarification. Lug figured that If she says she isn’t a xeno, then she probably isn’t one. He was glad he didn’t have to worry about Don being mean to the little pony, as she’s been quite nice to him so far… But that thought brought to focus a sobering realization.  He was likely never going to see Don and his other tiny friends ever again. He stopped petting Applebloom and rose up as his face filled with a melancholic silence. Noticing this, she looked up at Lug, confused, though as she saw the look on his face that confusion then shifted into sympathy. “Ah yew alright, Lug? Ya look mighty sad…” she said worriedly, placing a comforting hoof on the man’s shin.  Applebloom’s words bought Lug’s attention, his glazed over eyes coming back into focus as he looked down at the little concerned filly. “Jus’... thinkin’ about mah friends, I s’pose. I’m prolla-be nevah gonna see em’ again,” he said woefully as Applebloom’s ears went flat against her head. She didn’t know what his history was, or where he came from, but… She could see he was just like any other pony.  “Don’t chu worry, Lug. Ah can be yer first friend here in Equestria!” She said, her face brightening at the prospect. And soon enough, so did Lug’s. He nodded and went to squat back down. “You’d be friends wif’ an Ogryn like me?” She nodded rapidly in reply, “I fink I’d like dat, lit'l Applebloom!” He said happily, earning a warm hug from the little filly as she jumped up and latched onto his neck, wrapping her pony-arms around him.  The gesture startled him. The only person who ever hugged him was his Big sister, and even then, that was rare. He sat there awkwardly for a few moments as she nuzzled his neck, before hesitatingly returning the hug, holding her there with his hands. He could feel another smile forming on his lips as he closed his eyes and simply basked in the friendliness of this little pony.  “Ah might as well bring yew to town to meet mah big sister. It’s right through the whitetail woods over yonder!” Said the little filly, clambering out of his hands and unto his wide shoulders and pointing at the woods that he and daffy had taken cover in when the drop pod blew up. Daffy immediately went on the offensive however, kicking and punching at Applebloom’s hoof. She didn’t seem too perturbed by it and simply giggled. It tickled more than anything, really. “Ey, daffy! Be nice to lit’l bloom, will ya? No need fer that!” Lug said sternly, plucking the rabbit from his shoulder and holding it up in front of his face. Daffy looked crestfallen as he reprimanded them, and lug’s furrowed brow soon softened when he saw how upset the little critter was. He sighed and used a finger to give daffy a few scratches behind the ears.  “I know yous was jus’ protectin’ me, but as my big sistah always said, ‘Sharing is caring!’. And mah big sistah never lies. No she don’t. No sir.” Lug rattled on, daffy nuzzling into his palm. Sufficiently cheered up and now willing to share Lug’s shoulder, he set the rabbit back on its preferred spot next to his head. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Daffy and Applebloom shake, hoof and paw. He chuckled softly and began walking into the woods Applebloom’s friends ran off into.  While walking, Applebloom chattered next to his ear, telling him all about Ponyville and the wacky shenanigans she and her friends would often get up to. A few of the stories would elicit quite the belly laugh from the Ogryn, startling nearby birds as they nested and shaking the leaves with the sheer intensity of it. Lug also exchanged some stories with Applebloom, mostly the life lessons his big sister always drilled into him and the many planets he’s visited when on duty. He didn’t want to tell the little filly about his more ‘excitable’ exploits however, as they’d probably be a bit too gorey for somebody of her age.  Lug stepped onto a rotting log and felt his foot go clean through it, but he didn’t pay it any mind, and just kept walking. They had been silent for little over 10 minutes now, simply enjoying the ambience of the forest, and the pleasantness of each other’s company. Applebloom was stretched out on his shoulder like she was a sack of potatoes when she raised her head to look at him, a question on her tongue.  “So, Lug, what are yew if ya don’t mind mah askin’?” She inquired innocently. Lug pursed his lips and lifted an eyebrow, the cogs in his brain turning as he remembered the title of his people.  “I’m wot the little’un’s call an Ogryn. An erm, an abheu- abhum- bah! Diff’rent from other humans.” He said, the term dying on his tongue as he gave up on pronouncing it. Sometimes some words were too hard to remember. “What’s ah hyooman?” asked Applebloom, tilting her head to the side in confusion.  Applebloom let out a quiet giggle as she saw the dumb look that washed across Lug’s face, his mind on overdrive. He rubbed his head, really giving it thought for a moment. He never thought he’d have to explain what a human was. His brows that had been furrowed in concentration shot up as his eyes alighted with an answer. “Well, Dey’s like me, but smaller! Flimsy limbs an’ all dat.” He chuckled, “Couldn’t lift ah club for the life of em’, heh.” He patted the hilt of the blunt weapon that was latched to his belt. He loved his club. It was such a simple device. Just swing it at what you want to go down, and down it goes! Easy as.  It was Applebloom’s turn to scrunch her face up in thought as he tried to picture a creature like Lug, but smaller, and with less muscle. She rested what Lug assumed was her elbow against her left hoof as she rested her chin on her right hoof. Lug let out an amused snort.  Lug lifted a finger to scratch the underside of Applebloom’s chin, but paused as something blue and fast crashed into his chest, making him shift a bit backwards. It didn’t really hurt much, just confused the poor Ogryn. When he looked down, he saw a dazed, sky-blue pony with multicolored hair and wings. The mare looked up at him with magenta eyes that swiftly bore a look he knew all too well. Fear. And Hate.  He frowned as the pegasus shot up and got in his face, somehow grabbing him by his shirt with her hooves. “LET APPLEBLOOM GO, YOU- YOU- BIG GORILLA THING!” She demanded, her eyes intense as her gaze bored holes into Lug’s. For such a small pony, she sure was feisty. And mean. Lug didn’t like mean people very much. He had half a mind to clobber her, but he knew that’d likely land him in some pretty hot water. Lug furrowed his brow as irritation made its way into his eyes and his mouth opened with a rebuttal.  “Now, you listen ere’-” He began hotly, though soon interrupted as an orange pony burst through the thicket, a stetson atop her hay-colored mane. With lighting speed, expert accuracy, and a fierce expression, she looped a lasso around Lug’s neck and yanked on it. A confused look began painting her features when the Big Ogryn didn’t budge. Applebloom heaved a sigh next to his ear and promptly hopped off his shoulder, aided by Lug as he caught her mid jump and gently set her down.  The moment she touched the ground, the blue pony zipped away from Lug and scooped the yellow filly up, but quickly dropped her as Applebloom yanked her head back and hit the mare’s jaw. “WOULD Y’ALL QUIT IT!? HE’S MAH FRIEND!” She yelled, rushing back over to Lug before she could be intercepted by the orange one, Hugging his leg. “He ain’t gonna hurt me, or anypony!” Daffy squeaked in agreement from Lug’s shoulder, the two older ponies giving the little rabbit a surprised look. Lug’s heart warmed a bit when he heard Applebloom and Daffy so passionately defend him, but that warmth was quickly swept away by the blue one’s response, “We don’t know that, Applebloom! Just look at it! It looks like it eats ponies for breakfast!” said the blue mare, rubbing her jaw where Applebloom struck it with her head. Meanwhile, the orange one had been giving this situation a level gaze, her ferocity gone.  “Now, Applebloom, could yew introduce to us yer friend here? We might’ve gotten off on the wrong hoof.” Asked the orange one, yanking the blue one down by the tail, promptly forcing her to sit down. The blue one simply crossed her arms and slumped, looking away as she glared at nothing in particular. Taking this as her cue, Applebloom let go of Lug’s leg and stood between Him and the ponies like a mediator. “This here’s Lug! He’s an Ogryn! And he’s a right swell fella. Just because y’all’re older then me don’t mean I’m gonna let yew bully him.” She said heatedly, giving the blue one a short glare. Daffy once again squeaked in agreement, jumping off of Lug’s shoulder and onto Applebloom’s head, shaking a clenched paw at the older ponies. Applebloom took a breath and sighed, trotting over to Lug and biting a loose part of his pants near his ankle, leading him closer to the orange one, daffy retreating back to Lug’s shoulder. The Ogryn looked down at the stetson-wearing pony and gave her a small smile, attempting to be amiable. In return, Applebloom went to the Orange one’s side and lifted her hoof. “Lug, this is mah big sister, Applejack. Applejack, this is Lug. He’s my friend. Now shake!” She ordered, stamping a hoof. This elicited a chuckle from both Lug and Applejack, and as their eyes met, they shook. Hand and hoof. “Well gosh, Lug. Ah’m terribly sorry about treatin’ you like some kinda monster. So is she.” AJ said, nodding to the blue one, “Aren’t we, Rainbow dash?”  The ‘Rainbow dash’ in question mumbled something and sighed in defeat. She got up and gave Lug a begrudging Hoofshake, “Yeah, yeah… I’m sorry.” she grumbled, not meeting Lug’s friendly eyes. Satisfied, Lug ended the interaction and smiled wider.  “Ain’t a problem, pretty lit’l ponies. Dat’s just tha’ natural reaction t’seeing a fully grown Ogryn. I may be big n’ scary, but, I’m not mean. As mah big sistah always said, ‘An Ogryn is friends with all the little’uns!”  “Well ain’t that just sweet. Despite yer, uhm, size, I think yer gonna fit right in if you choose t'stick around. Once ponies get used to ya, o’course.” AJ said with a chuckle, “Come on, I’ll treat ya to some apple fritters to make up for this little tussle.” Lug’s face brightened with the prospect of food, especially food from a different culture. He’d never had ‘apple fritters’ before, but they sounded good!  Soon after, they began making their way through the Whitetail woods once more, with Applebloom returning to her place on Lug’s shoulder, once again draped across it like a bag of spuds. While they walked, Applejack asked Lug a variety of questions about himself, and he’d answer them as best he could.  “So, what do ya do fer a living, sugarcube? That nasty piece o’ work on yer belt makes me think yer a mercenary.” AJ asked. Lug answered promptly.  “I’m a soldier fer the Imp- impera- em- IMPERIUM’S imperial army! Or.. rather, I uhm, I was…” He said, beginning proudly, but ending sadly. Applejack’s eyes grew sympathetic. “Can ah ask what happened?” She said gently. Lug nodded and recounted to the three ponies in his presence about how he got to this world, and he’d pause here and there to give a layman’s explanation of a few things when they got confused. When he finished, Applejack looked a tad disturbed, Rainbow Dash gazed at him with fresh eyes full of respect and a bit of awe, and Applebloom did nothing but hug his neck. Lug reached up and gave the little filly a few pats on the head.  He could tell by the look on Rainbow dash’s face that she wanted to ask about his more ‘excitable’ exploits, but a quick glare from AJ silenced any possible rude questions. “Fer the record… Ah’m real sorry you had to go through that, sugarcube. Say, Sweet Apple Acres could use ah big strong, uh, Ogryn, was it?” Lug nodded and she continued, “Yeah! We could use the extra helping hoof on the farm! We’ll even raise up a place fer you to lay yer head. What’dya say, Lug?”  He looked up in thought, though Applebloom's pleading certainly helped him come to a decision. Since he was probably going to be living here for the foreseeable future, he might as well put his muscles to good use. He looked back down at Applejack and gave her a friendly smile, “Awright den!” he replied, prompting Applebloom to cheer, waking the sleeping daffy. The rabbit gave Applebloom a few angry squeaks before curling up in the crook of Lug’s neck, next to his ear. The little filly blushed and gave an embarrassed giggle, her ears pressed to her head.  When the trees got thinner and the bushes became less numerous, Lug could tell they were reaching the end of the peaceful woodlands. And when they did, he was greeted by the sight of a rather quaint looking town, with more ponies than he could count on his fingers and toes simply milling about. He was a tad worried about how the ponies would react to his presence.  As they walked through town, many ponies stopped what they were doing to stare at the hulking creature. The looks in their eyes were as varied as they were in color. He saw fear, curiosity, and sometimes disgust. Though none of them went screaming and running for the hills, which Lug figured was because of the ponies on both sides of him, and the filly on his shoulder.  Applejack led Lug past a giant, hollowed out tree that was apparently a Library. Not that Lug cared, as he was very much illiterate, and likely wouldn’t be able to read this planet’s language even if he was literate. Applejack gestured to Rainbow dash, beckoning her closer and the blue mare went to hover beside AJ as the orange pony whispered in her ear. Rainbow dash saluted with a serious expression and took off. Lug didn’t pay the interaction any mind as he was too busy tickling a wildly laughing Applebloom.  A good 20 minutes later, the tickle fight long over, they came upon a large apple orchard and a farmhouse, apple trees stretching off for about as far as he could see. He’d heard of apples before, but only the Nobility could afford them. So maybe Applejack and her family were quite wealthy. But, judging by the rickety fences and old looking equipment, that may not be the case. He figured that apples were simply very plentiful on this planet, so much so that the average pony could purchase some without issue.  Applejack sat Lug down on a bench that creaked under his weight as she went inside, yelling something to somebody inside about getting ‘the big pan’. While he waited for the fritters to be made, Lug and applebloom played tic-tac-toe to pass the time. Of course, Lug lost very frequently, as the game was made for smart people. And Like Don often told him, Lug wasn’t very smart.  Applebloom quickly got tired of winning so terribly frequently and switched games. Lug soon found himself playing patty-cake with the little filly, trying his hardest to memorize the movements. His face was scrunched in fierce concentration, eliciting a tirade of giggles from Applebloom as she watched steam rise from his head when he tried to remember the second part that came after putting his hands together.  But alas, their game of patty-cake was interrupted as AJ returned with a large platter of lumpy, brown pastries. Fresh from the oven. The smell wafted into Lug’s nose and his mouth immediately began to produce a startling amount of saliva, prompting him to wipe his drooling lips frequently as the large platter of fritters was placed on his lap. AJ watched him with an amused smirk as he didn’t wait to begin wolfing the hot fritters down, his eyes lighting up like never before at the heavenly taste. Now, Lug loved food. Probably more than the average Ogryn, so suffice to say it truly meant something when he declared the pastry his new favorite food, holding up the last one reverently as if it were made by The Emperor himself. He took small, savoring bites out of it, each one eliciting a groan from the Ogryn, his taste buds dancing. A single, joyful tear ran down his cheek as he ate, his eyes closed. He felt like a child again.  Applejack shook her head mirthfully, her smirk now a wide smile. “Ah don’t think mah cookin’ will ever get ah better reaction than yer’s, Lug, Consider me flattered.” She said with a giggle, ending in a cute snort.  And as if on cue, Rainbow dash returned… And with company. Apparently, she had been sent to retrieve the rest of their friends, which numbered 4 more, 6 in total. The new ponies gaped at the silently crying Lug with awe, though one of the 4 quickly broke out of the awestruck trance. She was yellow like Applebloom, though a shade paler with a flowing pink mane that curled at the end.  “Oh… The poor dear is crying!” she said softly, her voice as gentle as a butterfly. It seemed whatever trance that had taken hold of the others was overridden by this pony’s motherly instincts as she flew over to dab at The Ogryn’s tears with a handkerchief. Lug opened his eyes to see the soft pony cooing and fussing over him, making him smile. She reminded him of Mama. Lug missed his Mama. Applejack simply gave a short laugh in response, however.  “Don’t chu worry, Fluttershy, he’s just complimenting mah cooking.” which earned the orange pony an embarrassed look from fluttershy as she stopped fussing over Lug, making him frown. He was enjoying that. Though he was comforted by the fact she decided to sit next to him, looking up at him with a sweet smile that reminded him very much of his mother.  “Ello’, pretty pony lady. M’name’s Lug! It’s real nice t’meet you.” He said warmly, looking down at the pony by his side. It shocked her for a moment over the revelation that Lug could speak, but after getting over the initial shock, her eyes somehow softened even further than they already were and placed a hoof on his arm. “Well, aren’t you a sweetheart? It’s very nice to meet you, too. My name is fluttershy. Oh! And you have a little bunny friend!” She exclaimed softly as Daffy arose to greet the commotion. Daffy squeaked a few times at Fluttershy, to which she nodded amiably. “It’s very nice to meet you as well, miss daffy.” Lug raised an eyebrow at that. He didn’t know Daffy was a girl. Well, the more you know, he supposed. The rest of Fluttershy’s friends looked on in shock at how easily she was interacting with The Ogryn. Rainbow dash wondered if it was because Lug reminded her of a bear or something.  Not wanting to let themselves get outshone by the shyest of their group, The next one to step up was a Purple pony with a horn and fiercely curious eyes that, frankly, scared Lug. Not that he’d show it of course. Like his big sister always said, ‘Big Ogryns don’t get scared!’ and likely don’t get scared because of a purple pony. He raised a hand in greeting, and the pony swiftly took down notes on a piece of parchment, muttering to herself as she did so. She reminded him of the scary, robed robot people. Lug didn’t like the robot people. Lug looked to Fluttershy for help, and she gave his arm a few pats in response. “It’s okay, Lug. Twilight can get a bit carried away sometimes, but she’s very nice.” She said gently, her words assuring him and hardening Lug’s resolve.  “E-ello’, purple pony. Mah name’s Lug.” And at that, the scribbling only got faster and more furious, the mumbling reaching a new pace. Applejack had to come over and smack Twilight upside the head to get her out of whatever fever she was in. She looked around briefly before looking up at Lug with an embarrassed chuckle, blushing as her ears pressed flat against her head. “I-I apologize, My name is Twilight Sparkle. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lug. Would you mind if I asked you some questi-” She was interrupted as Rainbow dash groaned loudly, her hooves covering her eyes. “We’re gonna be here forever!” she moaned, dropping to the ground. The interrupted twilight gave Rainbow dash a stern look before turning back to Lug to continue… Only to be interrupted by a certain pink pony’s giggling.  A pink pony’s head suddenly shot out of the sleeve of Lug’s shirt, looking at him with bright blue eyes and a smile, “Hi there! My name’s Pinkie pie! You sure have a whole lotta muscles! Like cheese and crackers, Luggy! You must lift a LOT of rocks, huh?” she finished with a giggle. Applebloom shrieked in surprise, falling off her place on Lug’s shoulder. Lug, on the other hand, looked at her dumbly. How’d she get in there? He wasn’t exactly the smartest person in the room, but he knew that wasn’t how things worked.  He began to laugh at the absurdity of it, causing the pink pony to crack up as well. He laughed until his face was red, the pink pony falling out of his sleeve as she laughed alongside him, which led to Lug laughing even harder. It took a while for Lug and Pinkie pie to calm down. As he wiped mirthful tears from his eyes, he lifted his other hand in greeting, like he’s done more times today than he cared to admit. However, his older sister always insisted that he greet new people properly. Or in this case, ponies. “It’s nice t’meet ya, Pinkie!” He said jovially, ruffling the pink pony’s mane. The action elicited another bout of giggles from her. He liked this pony. She was funny, and Lug liked funny people. But this next pony… She was a bit strange. As she came up to him, she swished her mane and blinked rapidly. Lug wondered if she was alright in the mind. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, darling. I, am Rarity. The proprietor of The Carousel Boutique, fashionista, and seamstress extraordinaire.” Now she reminded Lug of the nobles that he’d see every now and again. Pompous and rich, always talking with big words and flowery speech. And Lug didn’t understand a word of what Rarity just said. That didn’t seem to matter however, as she started inspecting the outfit he wore. Though it was more like ‘Armor’ than an outfit, as he wore the plated garb of a Bullgryn. Minus the mask. Lug didn’t like masks. As she peered at the armor, she started looking more and more disgusted.  “What a terribly brutish design…” She mumbled, walking away to stand beside Applejack as if the interaction left a bad taste in her mouth. “My dear, if you ever want a set of clothes that would better compliment your muscled physique, do come find me. I’m sure I can spare some time to fix this.. Fashion disaster.” She said, gesturing to the armor he wore.  Lug didn’t know if he should be offended or not. He simply shrugged as he nibbled on his apple fritter. Twilight once again looked ready to ask him questions, but was shot down unintentionally by AJ stomping her hooves and addressing the group. “Well y’all, That there concludes the introductions! Lug here is gonna be workin’ n’ livin’ here at Sweet Apple Acres fer the time being, and ah need to give the ol’ colt a tour before I show him where he’ll be sleepin’. Ah appreciate y’all comin’ on such short notice, but, there’s work t’be done.” AJ explained, trotting over to Lug to give him a few pats on the knee, which earned her a smile from the Ogryn.  Fluttershy gently nuzzled him. “If you ever get hurt or you want to say hi, you’re always welcome to stop by my cottage. I’m sure Angel bunny would love to meet you and Daffy.” she said, smiling softly as Lug reached down to scratch her behind the ears. After the gentle scritches were dispensed, she hopped off the bench and took off into the air, waving a goodbye as she flew home. Lug watched a little forlornly as she left, wishing she could have stayed... The rest of the ponies followed suit, with twilight looking a tad dejected. Lug noticed this, however, and didn’t want to let her leave on a bad note. He didn't want to think of what his Big Sister would do if she found out he let a purple pony critter be upset when there was something he could do about it. “Ey’, erm, Twilight. Mah favorite food is apple fritters!” He said, hoping the information would cheer her up. Her gaze met his and she gave him a gentle, slightly amused smile, taking out her pen and parchment to write it down. She certainly appreciated The Ogryn’s attempt at cheering her up. And with that, she left, shaking her head as she chuckled to herself.  And now, It was just Lug, AJ, Applebloom, and Daffy. The orange mare gave Lug a few more pats on the knee. “Come on, big feller. Ah’ll show ya where yew’ll be sleepin’. The tour can wait fer tomorrow.” Lug promptly got up and brushed the crumbs from his mouth, turning to give the evening sun a steady gaze. It was almost sunset, and that would mark his first day in this new, happier world... ...And Lug couldn’t help but smile.