//------------------------------// // Planet Cup Second Leg // Story: Cybertron Girls // by SonicSpeedster97 //------------------------------// Megatron had been enjoying his torture of Starscream for a good long while now, and while he was sure his treacherous air commander would never really get the picture, it was at least nice for the warlord to get some aggression out… and train for the moment when he would inevitably defeat Optimus Prime. Still, even torture got boring every now and then, so he arrived on his ship’s bridge. “Report.” “Lord Megatron, Ratbat is reporting,” Soundwave reported, patching Ratbat’s feed up to the main screen, showing the blocks of the first race on Velocitron. Megatron’s optics narrowed as he saw Optimus and the Autobots. “I should have expected Optimus would interfere. But I did not believe he would stoop so low as to race.” “Not gonna be much of a race for him, if you ask me, Lord Megatron.” Blast Off pointed out. “Prime’s alt-mode is about as aerodynamic as a girder.” “The question is why are they racing anyway?” asked Sky Shadow. The answer came when they saw the Committee bring out the Planet Cup, and the telemetry Ratbat transmitted from his scan of the trophy. “Object resonance matches Spark-Shift Armor and Omega Lock,” Soundwave reported. “The Galaxy Key is a race trophy?” Megatron asked in disbelief. “Only makes sense, my lord.” Knock Out remarked. “With a society structured around racing, something as important as the Galaxy Key would become a trophy. Perhaps over time, the inhabitants simply… forgot about the object’s true importance.” “The circumstances do not interest me, Knock Out.” Megatron scowled. “All I desire is for the Galaxy Key to be in the hands of the Decepticons.” “Shall we assemble reinforcements then, My Lord?” asked Scrapper. “Have the Vehicons ready at the SpaceBridge,” Megatron ordered. “We will give Motormaster a chance to bring victory to the Decepticons with this race. But if they should fail, then Velocitron will feel the full might of the Decepticons.” And all on the bridge knew that was a threat Megatron had every intention of following through with. Override was in a foul mood when she arrived at the racetrack for the second leg of the Planet Cup, and it only got worse when she saw Sideswipe standing next to her garage. “I distinctly remember telling you to leave me alone.” she scowled as she drove through the door and transformed. “And I remember I forgot some of my stuff at your place when I left for the war.” Sideswipe countered. “Is it still there?” “Torched it all when I lost the race.” Override answered. “I don’t believe you,” Sideswipe smirked. “You’ve always been a sentimental bot. You can hide it from your fans, but not from me.” “Sentiment doesn’t win races.” Override scowled. “And neither do reminders of things I’d rather forget. Now get lost or get scrapped.” She reached up to close her garage, but Sideswipe just grabbed the door and held it open. “What’s his name?” he asked concisely. Override just pulled down sharply on the garage door and slammed it in Sideswipe’s face. “Hard way it is, then.” He walked away from Override’s garage back to the Autobots’ bay where Rainbow Dash and the other remaining Autobots were getting ready to drive. “Care to share with the class, Sideswipe?” asked Moonracer. “Not particularly.” Sideswipe shrugged as he walked back into the garage. “Good luck out there.” “Sheesh. What is with him?” asked Rainbow. “Who knows? All I know is we have a race to run.” Sunset pointed out, promptly zipping up her racing suit. “Sunset’s right; let’s roll out.” Bumblebee nodded as he rumbled out to the track with the other Autobots, just before the announcer came on the p.a. again. “Femmes and mechs, welcome back; the second leg of the Planet Cup begins right now! Let’s meet the lunatics who remain after the first race.” the announcer called to the crowd as the racers all lined up in the blocks, their avatars all set next to their vehicles. “Pulled some shifty moves last race, but let’s hear it for the local bad boy; Crater City’s own Crumplezone!” The crowd just jeered at Crumplezone, his avatar’s green metallic mandible not making him look very pleasant. “Aw cmon, I was framed!” “Whatever you say, big guy.” the announcer smirked. “Next up, Crumplezone’s partner in grime; also from Crater City, Ransack!” The booing got worse as Ransack tipped his avatar’s cap up with his finger. “Alright, just for that; no autographs!” The announcer ignored him. “Whoa-ho-ho-ho-ho, you’re a pretty tough crowd, huh? Well, here’s someone you can cheer for; the hopeful farmhand Clocker!” And cheer they did as Clocker’s blue and red-haired avatar stood forward and waved. “And here’s the kid’s boss lookin’ to get back in gear; the old-school racer Retrofit!” Retrofit roared, his avatar’s metallic beard waving in the low wind down the track. “Alright, let’s burn some rubber!” he bellowed. “And it’s not just these two either; here from their farm is one of the best turbo-revvin’ young punks on Velocitron, Hot Rod!” Hot Rod’s avatar smiled as he stepped away from his car and waved, the chrome plates on his jacket’s sleeves gleaming in the sun as the announcer moved on. “This girl’s got a name made for this planet, and looks to match; give it up for Moonracer!” The crowd cheered and whooped for Moonracer as she looked up at the announcer. “You left out how I’m the best damn sharpshooter in the universe,” she smirked as the announcer moved on. “He’s got the stripes and his engine’s buzzin’ like mad with muscle to spare under all that muscle metal; it’s Bumblebee!” Bumblebee waved and swung a quick series of jabs in front of him. “You mess with the bee, you get stung!” he smirked. The announcer moved to the next. “Velocitron has never had organics in such an important race before, and everyone thought they’d never make it far, but she and her friends proved everyone wrong sure as her hair burns like a supernova; it’s Sunset Shimmer!” Sunset smiled and couldn’t help but pose on her car’s hood, earning some hoots from a lot of the spectators. “Don’t touch, boys; you’re just gonna get burned,” she smirked as she licked her thumb and touched it to her hip, hissing through her teeth for the joke as the announcer moved on. “He qualified for the Cup Challenge with a fifth-place finish; can he improve on that today? It’s Dirt Boss!” Dirt Boss’s avatar looked especially villainous with the messed up cybernetic right eye and chin, but he still smiled up to the crowd. “No one can cover terrain like me, baby!” he assured. The announcer moved to the next block. “All those aerodynamics don’t leave much room for brains, but what he does have is drive to win at any cost; here’s Dragstrip!” Dragstrip’s avatar wore a yellow racer’s suit similar to the girls’ and held a purple racing helmet at his side, complimenting his purple hair and angry expression. “Make no mistake, people; I’m not leavin’ this planet without that trophy.” Dragstrip assured dangerously as the announcer moved on. “And here’s someone else lookin’ to take the win. What can I say that isn’t already being said about the larger-than-life superspeed of Earth’s own… Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow smiled and jumped up on top of her car as the crowd cheered, some even chanting her name. “I can’t hear you, Velocitron!” she called, making the chanting louder. “Man, does she know how to work a crowd!” the announcer smiled as he moved on. “Next up, the favorite to win despite the odds; the first lady of the track and former series-leader five-time champion, Override!” “Thank you!” Override called, waving to the crowd… and shooting an especially dirty look at Sideswipe from the track. “And last but certainly not least, our current champion; the motormouthed speed-freak who talks almost as fast as he drives, Blurr!!!” The crowd went especially nuts as they saw Blurr’s bright blue avatar with his slicked-back hair zipping around his car form posing. “And those are our racers today, folks! It’s almost start time, so let’s go a-racin’! Drivers! To! Your! CARS!” The crowd roared as avatars and humans alike climbed into their vehicles. Rainbow smiled as she heard her commlink tone, Ratchet quickly patching in. “Remember Rainbow, we can’t be certain what sort of problems your car might face on the track after everything you’ve put it through. Try not to push too hard.” “Relax, Doc; I’ll be fine,” Rainbow assured. “I’ll see in Victory Lane.” “Ratchet’s right to worry, Rainbow.” Sunset pointed out. “After the transmission trouble you had last race, you should be really careful.” “Yeah, I know. But that’s not gonna stop me from enjoying this race.” Rainbow assured. (Eurobeat Intensifies) Just then, Roadhandler stepped out onto the arch over the racetrack. “RACERS! START! YOUR! ENGINES!!!” The vehicles roared to life and the lights went red. Rainbow tightened her grip on the steering wheel as the lights went yellow. Then the flare dropped and burst green, sending everyone racing out of the blocks and straight out onto the track, with Rainbow keeping pace with the leaders right away. “Heads-up, guys; lane-merge comin’ up!” Twilight warned. “You’re gonna have to get a lead fast.” “That I can do,” Rainbow smirked and quickly fired her thrusters, catapulting her ahead of Blurr just before he could cut her off, letting her reach first place in a matter of seconds. “WHOO!” Quickly, she cut the thrusters and swerved hard around the corner on this single-lane stretch. “Comin’ through!” Dirt Boss roared as he raced past Override, his higher suspension letting him rumble over her without trouble. “Oh, that is so cheating!” Rainbow yelled as she saw this, watching him close in behind Blurr… and her. Behind them, Sunset led the second group around the corner… with Crumplezone way in the back behind Retrofit. “Hey Gramps, move it; this ain’t no Sunday drive!” he growled, honking his horn as they drove. “The closer you tailgate me, the slower I go, buddy.” Retrofit said simply. Ransack simply sneered and raced past his larger green companion, his small size making it easy. “Hey CZ, why don’t you just pass him?” he sneered as he roared past. “Oh wait, I forgot; you’re a wide load!” He roared off ahead laughing, leaving Crumplezone growling in anger in the back. “Now there’s an idea!” Moonracer smirked and revved her engine to catch up with Ransack. Rainbow was still keeping an eye on Dirt Boss behind him as the track widened out… to allow for obstacles. “Oh man, speedbumps!” And they were big. “Go to traction control and lower your speed,” Ironhide advised from the garage. “Copy that.” Rainbow did as she was ordered, feeling much more grip as she raced onward, surprised as she saw Override keeping up with her. “Interesting move,” she remarked. “Yeah? How about this?!” Rainbow smirked and pulled hard on her handbrake, throwing her into a powerful drift around the corner as the others followed close behind. But then she saw the next obstacle was a massive flight of stairs. “Oh, for- what fresh hell is this?!” She was going too fast to stop and ended up bumping down every step for a while before Override and Blurr ran up next to her… literally; in their bot forms. “Well, it’s clear you’re not the brains of your operation.” Override smirked. “Oh, it’s on now!” Rainbow scowled and quickly transformed, running down the stairs after them, using her superspeed as much as she could to keep up with them. “Three can play at this game, guys.” “Absolutely-positively-I-don’t-doubt-what-you-can-do-but-you’re-not-winning-this-race-it’s-just-impossible-impossible-impossible!” Blurr assured. “Uh… Rainbow?” Twilight said over her coms. “Oh, you got no pride!” Dirt Boss scowled… as he drove up right behind the group, his offroad suspension letting him drive down the stairs easily. “Nothin’ more annoying than pedestrians!” “Yee-hoo!” Ransack yelled as he leaped out over the stairs at the top, firing his rocket thrusters and sending him flying out over the others. “Oh come on; that is so cheating!” Rainbow yelled in annoyance as she, Blurr and Override reached the end of the stairs and all transformed, racing down the streets after Ransack through a large city sector. Dragstrip raced through the streets, confused as to why he didn’t hear any engines behind or in front of him. “Motormaster, this is Dragstrip; where is everyone?” “Going every which way. I think Ransack might’ve messed with the directional signs.” Motormaster answered. “WHAT?!” Dragstrip scowled and screeched to a stop. “Gimme the fastest route to him and Crumplezone; I’ll crush them into scrap metal.” The route was immediately patched to his onboard computer and raced after him. Rainbow and the others got the same sense of confusion as they were apparently driving in a parking structure. “This cannot be right,” Moonracer remarked to Bumblebee. “That’s because it ain’t.” Applejack noted. “Ransack sent y’all on a little detour.” “What?” Sunset asked and looked down from the side of the structure, seeing Ransack and Crumplezone on the road below, with Retrofit and Clocker behind them… and Dragstrip closing in anger. “Those slippery little cheats!” “Looks like we’re gonna have to jump!” Dirt Boss remarked. “That’s gonna be fun,” Rainbow smirked. “You comin’ with, Override? Finish line waits for no one, but not if we’re on the wrong track.” “Oh please, that’s the oldest trick in the book!” Override countered. “There’s no way I’d fall for it.” “There’s a reason old tricks are still used, Override; because they work.” Rainbow pointed out. “Even if that’s true, why are you telling me?” asked Override. “Little thing called honor.” Rainbow pointed out. Override wasn’t sure what to think, but it definitely sounded right when he put it like that. “Sounds-legit-to-me-but-I-have-a-question-how-are-we-gonna-get-down-there-from-here-and-get-the-lead-back?” asked Blurr. “Don’t worry, I’ve got that handled.” Rainbow smiled, switching a feed on. “Rarity, I’m sending you the position of the wall in front of us. Once I blow it out, we’re gonna need a ramp back down to the track. And put it as far out in front of those two idiots as you can.” “You’ll have it.” Rarity nodded, quickly manipulating her crystals. “Blow out the wall? With what?” Override’s question was quickly answered when Rainbow pressed a button on her console and opened a small compartment in her door, firing a small missile that blasted the wall out in a small explosion. (Next Track) “You were saying?” Rainbow smirked as she saw a large overpass of crystals down from the garage. “I still don’t understand why you would tell me about this switch.” Override scowled. “Because if I’m gonna kick your bumper here, I’m gonna do it fair and square on the real track,” Rainbow assured as they raced onto the crystal ramp and down toward the main track. “Ugh. You really know how to push my buttons, kid.” Override growled. “Guess that’s one honor I can share with Sideswipe,” Rainbow smirked. Override just scowled and looked back ahead as she drove… just before Dirt Boss drove over them, his offroad suspension helping him again. “Hate to break up the touchy-feely but eat my dust!” he roared as he drove onward down the ramp. “I could drop him; just say the word.” Rarity smirked. “Hold that option open for next time.” Bumblebee countered as the team hit the asphalt, just barely behind Ransack and Crumplezone. “Hot soup, comin’ through!” Rainbow laughed as she, Override and Blurr raced past them. “Just because you helped me out with this one, don’t get your hopes up and think you can win this thing!” Override pointed out to Rainbow. “Please! I’m too fast and way too awesome to lose now!” Rainbow smirked as they raced toward a tight hairpin, which Rainbow drifted around with ease. “Case-in-point!” “You gonna talk through this whole race?” Override smirked. “Yeah, all six minutes of it. When I win.” Rainbow returned. “Keep tellin’ yourself that, kid.” Override rolled her eyes as she floored it straight down from the turn onto the straightaway with Rainbow close behind and Blurr close behind them both. Further behind was Dirt Boss, Retrofit, and Hot Rod, then Sunset, Dragstrip, Ransack, and Crumplezone – the last two of whom had been crunched a bit out of shape. The others had all fallen behind and were trying to pace themselves as the leading groups entered the tunnel. “I’m gettin’ the vibe we ain’t gonna win this race.” Ransack pointed out. “Short end of the dipstick again, huh?” asked Crumplezone. “Well, if we can’t win this race, then no one can.” His turbines flipped forward and started blasting the other competitors. “Whoa! Looks like someone didn’t get the memo.” Dragstrip remarked. “I’m gonna scrap you both!” “We’ve got bigger problems right now, Dragstrip!” Sunset yelled as she saw some of Crumplezone’s blasts shooting toward the end of the tunnel and blowing apart a portion of the ceiling. “Whoa! Autobots, we got a cave-in!” Rainbow called over the coms. “Hang tight, Rainbow; emergency vehicles en route!” Hoist remarked as he and Ratchet jumped out onto the track, transforming into their vehicle modes and racing down the track with sirens blaring. “I’m goin’, too!” Sideswipe yelled as he raced out onto the track, following the medics. Override was still driving in the tunnel, blind through the dust from the explosion. “Override, will you slow down?! You’re gonna scrap yourself!” Rainbow called. “So much for honor!” Override called back to her. “Trying to steal my win? I don’t think so.” No sooner had she said that than she slammed straight into a huge pile of rubble in the tunnel, knocking her out and forcing her avatar to power down… right before another mass of rubble from the blast started tumbling toward her. “Oh no ya don’t!” Rainbow yelled and transformed, quickly grabbing Override in her arms before she leaped clear of the rockslide, skidding out of the tunnel just as Ratchet, Hoist, and Sideswipe raced to their side. “She got hit hard,” Rainbow noted as she set Override down on the ground, where she promptly transformed back to bot mode. (Cut it) “Lemme take a look,” Ratchet ordered as he looked Override over. “Why did you stop?” Override asked Rainbow seriously. “Anyone else would’ve driven away and won, easy.” “Guess I’m not anyone else.” Rainbow shrugged as the other racers shot past, but Blurr and the other Autobots all screeched to a stop nearby to check on the wreckage. But Rainbow didn’t even look twice at them as they passed, which confused Override even more. “Look, I know we’re not formally friends or whatever, but if it’s a toss-up between helping a friend or winning a race, I’d choose a friend every time. I never leave my friends hangin’; that’s my creed.” “Autobot creed, too; if anyone needs help with anything, it’s our obligation and pleasure to offer help.” Sideswipe agreed, taking Override’s hand. “It’s especially a pleasure for me, babe. You know I still care about you.” Retrofit smiled as he looked at the others. “Don’t you still have a race to run?” he pointed out. “Right. Think on what we’ve told you, Override.” Sunset pointed out. “I hope you make the right call. Back in the race, Rainbow; we’ll take it from here.” “Got it.” Rainbow nodded and transformed, racing ahead after Dirt Boss. “You should be okay to keep goin’ for the day, Override.” Ratchet assured. “But I suggest you get some rest when you’re done here.” “Thanks, doc.” Override nodded and stepped away from the tunnel. She cast one last, almost longing look at Sideswipe before she transformed and drove onward down the track. “What was that all about?” asked Hot Rod. “Memories I’ve been dredging up, at a guess.” Sideswipe shrugged. “Get back in the race and we’ll talk later.” “I’m gonna hold you to that.” Hot Rod assured as he transformed and raced after Override. As expected, Dirt Boss won the race with a very ticked-off Dragstrip a close second. Rainbow took third with Override, Hot Rod, and Blurr behind her, but it didn’t really matter that much to her. Especially not as she rolled into the garage and saw Optimus waiting for her. “You performed admirably, Rainbow Dash.” he smiled. “Thanks, Optimus. And don’t worry; I’ll win it next time.” Rainbow assured. “Victory is measured in numerous different ways.” Optimus pointed out. “Some take it by trophies, others by simply ensuring that another is set down the right path. And I believe without a doubt that you have already achieved the latter and will achieve the former.” “That’s what this is really all about; pure faith that you’ll win.” Sunset smiled as she patted her friend on the shoulder. “Faith can only take you so far, kid.” Override remarked as she pulled up in front of the Autobots’ garage. “You gotta have the skills to back it up, and I’ve gotta admit; you’ve got that in spades, Dash.” “Thanks, Override.” Rainbow smiled, quickly turning back to her pit crew. “Okay, let’s get my car tuned up for the next race.” The team set to work, but Sideswipe simply walked over to Override, who transformed to look at him optic-to-optic. “Is this little pep talk the only reason you stopped by?” he smirked. “I still hate you for ditching me like that.” Override pointed out. “And because of that, I’ll tell you that you got the pronoun wrong in our chat earlier.” Sideswipe raised an eyebrow in confusion. “You should’ve asked, ‘what’s her name’?” Before Sideswipe could ask, Override simply transformed and raced back to her own garage down the line. Hot Rod had overheard that and walked over in confusion. “Wait a minute, did Override rebound off you for another femme? Man, that kills!” he laughed and bumped Sideswipe on the shoulder before he walked back into the garage. Sideswipe didn’t respond; he just kept his eyes on Override’s garage door, as if he was expecting someone to go in or out at any moment. “‘Her’, huh?” Sunset was confused as she heard that but just kept working on Rainbow’s car; she had enough to worry about as it was… including that voice in her head. “Hey Chromia, can I ask you something?” she asked. “Of course, hun; what’s up?” For some reason, even before Chromia chose her avatar of a middle-aged muscular woman with graying blue hair, Sunset had always considered her a cool aunt she could talk to. “Is there any reference to Cybertronians having… telepathy?” Sunset asked. “Not exactly; even for Outliers, I’ve heard it’s a fairly rare power.” Chromia shrugged. “But there are those on my home colony Caminus who have said they can speak with ancient bots nearly as old as the Primes themselves, but much bigger.” “Bigger?” Sunset was surprised by that; Cybertronians were already plenty big to her, so how much bigger could they get? “What were they called?” “The big bots or those who speak to them?” Chromia asked. “Eh, both?” Sunset shrugged. “The big bots themselves… they were called the Titans.” Chromia smiled. “And those who could commune with them are known as Cityspeakers.”