Accidental Marriage: Year one

by Triple Studios

CH.3 - The Precipice of War

Celestia stood out on the tower’s balcony. Gazing up at the starry night sky above her. Her white dress flowed gracefully in the wind. The moon shined bright overhead as her mane flew wildly in the gentle breeze. She sighed in contentment and closed her eyes. “Everything is going to change from here on in. Everything.” She murmured.

Indeed, things were certainly beginning to change. There was no doubt about that. There hadn’t been a prince in Equestria since the reign of her father, and even during that time, there were many nobles who believed there to be royalty remaining despite all evidence showing otherwise. They claimed that they were descendants of the original royal family, and yet, they denied any claim to that throne. In their minds, the only royalty they would acknowledge was their own.

And to keep that pretense alive, and to prevent further dissension among themselves they kept it secret.

As she stared at said moon shining high up in the sky, she couldn't help herself but notice its beauty as it glittered brightly in the distance like a magnificent diamond embedded in the night sky. It was so breathtaking that it filled her soul with warmth. Just seeing such a beautiful sight, memories played within her mind as she recalled the times she and Luna would soar into the sky together to watch the stars in silence.

Even though they were still children, she could recall how they felt free up there without having to worry about anything. Those moments were precious memories of her childhood.

And those were just the ones she allowed herself to remember. Not the ones of her being consumed by darkness and evil. Not the ones where she lost her friend. No, not those...they were far too painful for her to think about.

“Celestia?” Anon called from behind her.
She turned around, slightly startled. The surprise faded after recognizing the voice belonging to her now-wedded husband.

“Hello sunshine,” Celestia smiled warmly, taking his hand gently in her hoof. “I was wondering what kept you from coming.”

Anon rubbed the back of his nape. “Yeah, sorry about that. I got caught up trying to stop two Royal guards fighting over sandwich toppings, apparently they had forgotten to grab lunch and one happened to have one, know…” he chuckled bashfully, scratching his neck. “It took me a while, but they eventually stopped their fighting. So, um, anyways…” He held out her bouquet to her, which she gratefully accepted. She lit up her horn taking said bouquet in her magic and levitated it to her side.

"Thank you sunshine." She replied, giving him an affectionate kiss on his lips. Anon's cheeks flushed red and Celestia noticed.

“So, um…might telling me why we’re up here anyway?” Anon inquired curiously.

“Well, sunshine, as much as I would love for the two of us to be away from here and maybe go on our first honeymoon with no politics, business, or anything of that sort to attend to; I’m afraid that’s gonna have to wait.” Celestia enters her room with Anon following suit. She sets the bouquet down, before sitting beside Anon.

“Anon, it goes without saying that you are Canterlot’s prince now. And that means, like me, you have certain duties that come with the position.” She explained, closing her eyes for a moment before continuing. “It also means you carry a heavy burden upon your shoulders. A burden that was passed on to my father, and his father before him and all the way through many generations.”

Anon’s expression shifted slightly, becoming serious and attentive.

“You’re not just the new Prince of Equestria; you are now its protector.” Celestia continued. “You are charged with the protection of our subjects of Equestria against anyone who would wish to harm them or cause trouble in the future.”

“I see…” Anon looked down at the ground in deep thought. He looked back up at her and nodded. “I understand. Anything else?”

Celestia’s eyes opened fully, looking back at him. “Yes actually. Do you remember our last discussion about the Yaks? About whether they would accept a peace treaty or not?”

“U-huh.” Anon replied, nodding once more.

“Well, after everypony left the party I got a letter from them today. A letter which specifically requested our presence tomorrow morning, at their village, to discuss terms regarding the peace treaty.” She explained. “The tribe leader heavily emphasized that he and the other leaders wanted to put this matter behind them as soon as possible.” She paused momentarily. “Of course, that’s if we can convince the ones that yearn for war that it’s in their best interests to do so.” She added.

“Well, given our history with the Yaks, I guess I shouldn’t expect any different.” Anon responded thoughtfully.

“That doesn’t mean we should ignore the chance to resolve this peacefully, but it does mean that we should be prepared should any Yaks attempt something rash against the tribes..” She finished.

Anon hummed in agreement. “Right.” He paused. “So I’m guessing I’ll be paying them a visit again, huh?”

Celestia smiled softly. “No. You and I will visit them together. And of course, Sunset, Cadance, and Shining will be joining us as well.” Her smile broadened considerably as Anon blinked in surprise at this information.

“Wait, really?” He asked incredulously.

“Yes, really.” She confirmed. “Since we’ll be dealing with more than one Yak tribe, we will need a helping hoof from them. After all, Cadance wishes to spend time with me and you, while Shining Armor will accompany her as her bodyguard, and Sunset will get to learn a bit or two from the Yaks.”

Anon raised a brow at this. “You sure it’s a good idea to bring Sunset with us?” He asked.

“Whatever do you mean?” Celestia questioned, confused.

“Well, I don’t know about you but when Sunset’s buttons are pressed she tends to lose her temper.” Anon pointed out. “Like that one time when she nearly burned down Blue Blood’s mansion because he used her studying book as a bridge to walk over mud.”

Celestia’s eyes darted away uncomfortably, thinking back to that incident. Indeed, Sunset did get a little riled up sometimes, and often times she would shout at anypony when annoyed. Especially at those who she considered to be beneath her. Though, at the end of the day, that wasn’t particularly fair given the fact that they were simply asking if she wanted to hangout together. Which is still something her prodigy lacks.

“I’m well aware of her temper sunshine. I know she can be quite fiery when angered.” Celestia stated firmly. “But you let me worry about her, alright?”

Anon nodded reluctantly. “Alright. I just hope the Yaks won’t be too much of a pain in the butt once we arrive at their village.”

Celestia giggled faintly. “Don’t worry, I have hope it’ll all go well.”

With this she placed her hoof tenderly around his shoulder and pulled him closer. As she leaned towards him he returned her affection in kind wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her close. Her horn gently pressed against his forehead. She gazed lovingly down at him as his arms embraced her, holding her tightly.

Oh how she waited so long to do this. To be able to feel his embrace. To be able to hold him. Being able to feel his warm body pressed against her, and she could practically feel his heart racing in anticipation.

A warmth flooded her senses at the mere thought of feeling more of his warmth against her own body. She could feel a slight tingling sensation in the pit of her stomach causing her heart to beat faster than ever. It felt incredible, as if everything was rushing at her all at once. She was filled with such happiness, a feeling she’d never experienced before. It was almost overwhelming, yet at the same time, comforting somehow.

She loved her sunshine. Loved him dearly.
She didn’t think she would ever get tired of looking into his eyes, nor of feeling his gentle touches and kisses against her. It was addicting, and she found herself constantly craving for more. She wished to be enveloped in his arms forever. Even though their honeymoon had to be halted due to their responsibilities and the matter at hand. A matter they would deal with tomorrow. For now, she relished the feeling that was right at the surface of her consciousness.

“You alright Solar Cake?” Anon whispered softly. Celestia smiled warmly before placing a delicate kiss against his cheek. His heart instantly swelled within his chest, both with elation and adoration. He couldn’t help but chuckle lightly at the gesture.

“Yes sunshine,” She murmured fondly. “I am just…so happy.”

Snowflakes gently drifted down from the sky above, dancing gracefully amongst the air currents. Massive mountains stood tall in front of them, their snow caps glistening with an icy sheen under the sunlight. The snow slowly made its way to the ground, covering the roads with a soft white carpet which contrasted greatly from the previous dark gray that covered the landscape.

Anon walked straight through the snowy road, stepping carefully onto its soft surface with Celestia to his side, Cadance following alongside Shining Armor, Sunset Shimmer walking close behind, and both Celestia and Anon’s royal guards flanking the procession behind. They kept a keen eye on the surroundings to ensure there weren’t any hidden ambushes or threats waiting for them along the way.

Though as far as they knew, nobody knew their location. Not even their foes, as Celestia was sure to point out. That was why she insisted on being escorted by their guards instead of having them travel ahead of her in a wagon. So that if they ran into trouble, she wouldn’t have to wait until the end of the journey to come and find them.

“So how close are we?” Shining Armor asked as he scanned the surrounding area for any sign of life or danger.

“Hmm we should be approaching the village.” Anon remarked as he took a glance at their surroundings. “When we get there though, you guys leave the talking to me and Celestia; don’t interrupt unless absolutely necessary.”

Shining Armor and the royal guards gave a curt nod. “Understood sir.” They chorused respectfully.

“Any heads up we should be expecting?” Cadance asked.

“Well the main village Yakyakistan is fine but the other two are both dramatic and…weird.” Anon replied as his expression soured slightly.

“Really? Weird how?” Shining Armor raised an eyebrow curiously as he glanced towards Anon.

“You’ll know when you get there.” Anon answered dismissively before turning his attention forward again. He slowed his pace considerably walking to Celestia’s side, while Cadance walked on Celestia’s right.

Ahead were three paths that split to three different directions; one forward, another to their right, and the third to their left. Celestia took a moment to look over all three of the paths briefly before turning to Cadance.

“Cadance, you and Shining go to your left, Sunset you take right, me, Anon, and the guards will go forward.” She instructed as she pointed toward the path in question. “Once you get to the village, try your best to reason with them and maybe convince them to make a truce with the Yakyakistan and the Bakyaki.”

“You can count on us auntie.” Cadance replied happily, giving Celestia a wink as she started down the left path with Shining Armor following closely behind her.

Celestia watched the pair depart with a small smile before turning to her prodigy. “Sunset, the Bakyaki’s are very hostile to outsiders. If they asked, tell them that I sent you with no ill intentions.”

Sunset nodded in understanding. “Got it, Princess.” She said solemnly. She starts past Celestia towards the right path.

Anon’s arms crossed, watching Sunset trotted further down the path then called out. “Good luck!”

“I don’t need luck!” Sunset shot back defensively, making her way farther down the path.

“Whatever you say, Sun Butt.” Anon responded cheekily before smirking. He turned his gaze toward the princess beside him. “Ready, Solar Cake?”

“Of course.” Celestia replied with a smile. “Let us proceed.”

The two continued onward, their footsteps muffled by the snow beneath. Soon enough they approached a giant wooden wall that circled around the entirety of the village. The walls rose up about fifteen feet high, torches lining either side of the wall. A massive, double door gate made of heavy oak stood tall as they drew closer. Upon approach, jumping over the wall three Yaks dressed in heavy armor landed before them. They stood rigidly at attention, holding spears and shields upright before bowing their heads in reverence to Princess Celestia and Anon.

Celestia gently flicked her hoof at them. “As you were.” Celestia commanded. Instantly, the three armored Yaks straightened back up staring up at both Celestia and Anon.

“I was hoping you would come, Princess Celestia and of course, you too Prince Anonymous.” The largest spoke up. His voice was gruff yet gentle as he spoke. He had a large black beard wrapped in a bun, and looked to be a bit older than the rest of his comrades. “Our people as well as our leader has been expecting you.”

“Thank you for welcoming us.” Celestia replied politely.

“We are honored to have you here, and congratulations on you two’s marriage. We wish you two the best.” The second Yak besides the largest spoke next. This one had silver hair that trace over his eyes like two thick braids. Adorned in ornate golden earrings. Unlike the others, he seemed younger with his face still bearing traces of youth.

The largest yak turned, looking up at the wall. “Princess Celestia and Prince Anonymous are here. Open the gates!” Slowly the giant double doors creaked open, allowing the two of them to pass in. The Royal Guards followed close behind.

Inside the village were big huts made entirely out of wood with intricate carvings decorating their surfaces. At the heart of said village a fireplace roared merrily, sending flames licking upwards, dancing off of some of the larger logs stacked around it. A few Yaks sat about the fire, chatting amicably with each other, all save one who wore a rather grim expression. He was sitting near the fire, leaning against a nearby log as he stared broodingly into the roaring flame. Torches lined next to the fireplace. Others sat close to huts or against the wall.

Celestia and Anon followed the largest yak towards a hut bigger then most other structures within the village. The Yak opened up the door, revealing a spacious room decorated in blue with a huge table filled with food. All eyes turned towards them as the three entered.

A female yak sat seated at the head of the table, a plate filled with grass in front of her. Her horns decorated with gold rings, a crown sitting atop her brown mane of hair. Long white fur hung low to her belly. Her eyes shone with wisdom as she gazed at the two who entered the hut. Beside her sat several other Yak leaders that were also seated. Several other Yaks stood guard in various places throughout the room. Some leaned against walls, some knelt on the floor, but all held the same tense posture.

Anon slightly bowed his head respectfully. “Greetings leader of the Yakyakistan Tribe. Your hospitality is appreciated.”

The Yak Chief nodded. “It is our honor to host Princess Celestia and Prince Anonymous of Canterlot. Please, sit.”

“Thank you.” Celestia chimed in as she strode over to the table, taking her place directly across from the chief. Anon followed behind and sat next to Celestia. “How are things here in Yakyakistan? The other tribes hadn’t come back to attack again have they?”

The chief shook her head and smiled warmly. “No Princess, they haven’t. However, there has indeed been a growing tension between the other tribes. And not just because of the potential war brewing between the Bakyaki and Gekyaku tribe.”

She glanced over toward Anon before continuing.

“There have been numerous incidents in the past months where various members of our tribe have disappeared without a trace. Many of our people have even begun to suspect foul play in their disappearance. As such, we do everything in our power to maintain peace among the other tribes while trying to determine what has occurred with these disappearances.”

Anon frowned deeply at this information. “Have there been any results? Anything at all?”

The chief shook her head sadly. “Nothing yet.”

“If I have to guess, the Bakyaki’s still have a grudge against the Gekyakus.” Celestia said thoughtfully.

The chief nodded. “Indeed they do.” She stated quietly as she picked up a cup of water and drank it slowly, keeping eye contact with Celestia the entire time. Finally she set the cup down. “I fear it may be the case; however, we cannot ignore the possibility that something terrible may have happened to us and the Gekyakus. In fact, they seem to think that as well.” She paused momentarily before continuing, “What stirred up the Bakyaki and Gekyaku’s grudge against one another, we do not know. All we know is that something happened and we now stand at the precipice of war.”

Anon nodded silently.

War, he thought to himself, a word he heard more times than he could count.

For two years Equestria had been in harmonized peace without the fear or worry of another war breaking out. Just the thought alone brought back a sense of dread deep inside of him, something he wasn’t quite sure if it had ever completely faded away since the end of the last war. It wasn’t exactly the sort of thing that you could fully forget or ignore…even after two thousand years had passed.

But sometimes, his mind kept drifting back to the first Equestrian world war. Specifically to one particular incident. One battle where an army of Minotaur soldiers invaded Equestria…a fight so vicious it almost destroyed the entire kingdom in one single battle. That battle had nearly cost the lives of dozens of thousands of ponies. It had torn a hole through every part of the land; leaving nothing left to salvage or rebuild. Every member of Equestria suffered horrific losses. Many ponies lost limbs. Others had injuries that ranged from severe burns to serious internal damage. But all ended up being alive as a result of that battle.

His mind stained the memories of it in vivid detail. Including both Celestia and her sister’s faces, as well as all of the blood that splattered upon the ground and the remains of ponies. To this day, she still blames herself for not being there in time. There had never been an event of that scale since that night, nor had he seen anything like it happen ever again.

“Well, not to worry,” Celestia began softly, placing a hoof on the chief’s shoulder reassuringly, “We will resolve this situation together. So you and your people can rest at ease knowing we are going to do everything possible to stop whatever it is that is causing those mysterious disappearances. As well as fixing the tides between the two tribes.”

The chief nodded solemnly, giving Celestia a soft smile. “Of course. Are you perhaps planning on heading over there next?”

Anon waved his hand dismissively. “Nope. Our friends along with my niece are already on route. They should be arriving there shortly.” He said simply.

At this, the chief looked thoughtful, a look of concern and uncertainty etched across her features. “Then I suppose our next step is to make preparations for both their arrivals.” She remarked. The chief turned away from Celestia and Anon. Resting her chin on her hoof in thought.

Oh dear, the chief thought to herself, for their sake, I hope trouble doesn’t await them.

Cadance and Shining Armor walked through a single file. Their hoove-steps muffled by the snow covered path, which stretched endlessly ahead of them. The trees grew further apart in the distance, allowing little rays of sunlight to shine through the gaps. Bright patches of green littered the area where there wasn’t snow or ice.

Despite that, they continued to trample their way forward through the snow. Shining’s armor clanking loudly against the ground. His helmet was pulled low over his eyes, shielding them from the harsh wind. His cape fluttered behind him, billowing out behind him as he marched forward. Cadance’s cloak was pulled tightly around her body, her arms tucked tightly into her cape to keep herself warm.

Cadance gazed out towards the horizon ahead, watching as the forest became less dense the farther they went. Small streams trickled here and there, creating miniature rivers that flowed between small hills in the ground. Soon the path began to curve around a bend. Looking at Shining, Cadance saw that he seemed to have reached the same conclusion as her. With a nod he continued to march onward, moving forward at a steady pace as they approached the clearing.

Shining glances at Cadance as they walked. His heart skipped a beat when he caught sight of her face. The bright morning sun shining above reflected off of her smooth pink fur, making it appear as though there was a faint glow coming from beneath the surface. Though her eyes and ears remained hidden from view she seemed ethereal in his eyes, glowing as if bathed in a warm light. A wave of calm washed over him as he stared at her. Her eyes flickered at him and caught his gaze.

Shining turned away immediately, hoping that Cadance hadn’t noticed what happened. The image of her smile flashed across his mind and he felt heat rise to his face.

Focus Shining, focus, he thought to himself, trying to quell his feelings. You don’t want to get distracted. This is no time to gawk at your crush.

They continued to walk forward in relative silence. Shining’s mind raced as he thought about their current predicament. He had no idea how long he had been wandering aimlessly through the snowy wilderness, and he knew he was likely getting closer to their objective.

Shining cleared his throat and turned to Cadance. “So when we get there, do you want me to do the talking or should I let you?” He asked, glancing over at her.

Cadance turned her gaze towards him. “I’ll talk to them. Auntie has prepared me for things like this before. Plus, this should be a good time to test-“

“Are you kidding me?!”

Cadance’s words were interrupted abruptly as they came to a sudden halt in the middle of the path, the snow crunching loudly under their hooves. Shining stopped and whipped around as quickly as he could, looking at the source of the voice.

From afar, two big Yaks glared at each other with bared teeth, their bodies crouched defensively. Both of them had thick brown manes that drape down over their backs. Both Yaks had identical gray coats with dark brown stripes running down the length of their bodies. Large, black horns protruded from their heads, pointing forward at a sharp angle. The Yaks themselves stood roughly six inches taller than average ponies and their bodies appeared to be twice as heavy. From the moment they had spotted them, they’d shouted furiously at each other.

“I told you sharing is caring so stop being so stubborn!” The gray yak to the left spat angrily, his grey fur beginning to bristle with anger as he glared menacingly at the gray yak standing before him.

The gray yak glared back at him furiously. “And I told you to stop touching my food without asking first; but noooooo! You just had to grab mine and eat it right in front of me. It’s not fair!” The grey yak replied indignantly.

“How could I know you ate mine?! And don’t you even try denying it. I remember that you grabbed it right away.”

“That wasn’t even me you twat of a fool! I swear I didn’t put any grass in there.”

“Yes you did and I remember that too! If you’re gonna lie then maybe you should start doing some actual work instead of mooching off of everyone else.”

“Excuse you! I am doing plenty of work. And unlike you, I actually earn my own share of food! What have you been doing anyway? You’ve spent more time sleeping these past few weeks than working.”

Shining and Cadance watched in silence as the pair argued in front of them, neither one willing to be the first to interrupt the argument. Nor do they two know how to react once it started. In all honesty, Shining wanted nothing more than to just continue forward and not be subjected to their bickering. However, Cadance held a much different opinion; a part of her wanted to stop this before it escalated beyond control and got them hurt.

Eventually, Cadance took a slow step forward, breaking the tense silence by clearing her throat in order to gain the attention of the arguing yaks. Her expression was stern but sympathetic as she spoke to them, a gentle smile adorning her muzzle. “Excuse me.” She began gently.

The gray yak to the left glanced sideways at her, glaring fiercely with contempt. “What do you want? Can’t you see we’re busy?” He growled.

The gray yak to the right glance at her, raising an eyebrow. “Who are you? In case you haven’t noticed you’ve stepped into our territory.”

Cadance nodded politely. “My name is Princess Cadance: Princess of Love. I was sent here by my auntie, Princess Celestia. We have to cross here because we have some important business with the chief of the Gekyaku village.”

The gray yak to the right blinked in surprise. “Really? That’s our village.”

Cadance nodded once again. “Then could you two be kind enough to lead us there?”

“Wait,” the yak to the left interjected. “You’re Princess Cadance?”

“Why yes, I am.”

The gray yak clicked his tongue. “I thought you’d be bigger,” he commented bluntly.

“Brother!” The left yak’s sibling scolded, elbowing his brother hard in the ribs. The left yak flinched but kept his eyes firmly on Cadance. “Forgive my brother Princess, he means well,” he said, his tone apologetic. Both him and his brother bowed slightly in greeting to Cadance. “My name is Kecleon. This is my twin brother Riven. By your request, we shall take you to our village to meet our chief. Please follow us.” Kecleon finished, taking several steps forward.

Cadance nodded at both of them before following along closely after as they made their way out of the snow blanketed forest, following the path along the bridge, past more trees, quickly approaching the village of which Kecleon had spoken. As they neared the village, Shining could see a group of guards standing outside of the main gate, their armor polished and shiny. They were positioned in pairs, spears held close to their bodies. Shining scanned around them quickly, searching for any sign of activity among the guards. None. Everything appeared quiet, peaceful even. The guards were the only thing blocking the entrance.

“Here we are Princess,” Kecleon said as they approached the gate, leading them up into the guard towers that lined the top of the village’s walls. Two guards sat atop the gates.

Kecleon looked up at the tower guard sitting inside. “We have visitors, they wished to meet the chieftain,” he announced, glancing back over at Cadance and Shining.

The two guards rose from their posts and stood at attention, awaiting instructions. “Bring them inside.” One of the guards called out, his tone flat and emotionless. The giant double door gates slowly swung open, revealing two guard yaks pushing said doors from the other side.

Kecleon stepped through first followed by Riven, Shining, and then Cadance. Riven glanced around in astonishment at the village. His large gray ears swayed as the wind blew against them, lifting his hair in tendrils and sweeping it across his forehead.

Inside the village, everything was coated in snow. A layer of snow covered the ground and all the huts' roofs. Many yaks were scattered throughout the village. Some were engaged in their various activities. Some were tending to fires, cooking pots hung over the flames, preparing meals while others were simply relaxing by the fire or conversing quietly amongst themselves. Some were playing games or dancing; but most simply sat peacefully, watching the flickering flames.

Cadance and Shining Armor followed Kecleon and Riven towards a giant hut behind a few smaller ones. Riven lifted a hoof to knock on the door. When no response was given, he knocked harder and repeated his action twice, his voice still flat and emotionless. Still no response was received from inside the hut.

“Hmm… let’s come back later. Maybe the chieftain has retired to bed after the day’s work.” Riven suggested as they turned around. However, before they could go very far, a sudden shout rang through the village.

“Who is't dares to waketh me from mine own slumbering retirement?!” The booming voice startled the four. The door swung open to reveal a tall and broad yak standing in the doorway, towering over the small yaks gathered before him and radiating a deep malevolent aura as his long gray fur bristled with wrath, his dark brown pupils fixed dangerously upon the intruders. The yak's lips curled downward into a fierce scowl at the sight of them.

“Chieftain!” Kecleon and Riven gasped in shock.

The yak continued to glare ferociously at the intruder. “Speak now you whelps and give me an explanation as to why you have dared to interrupt my slumber. For if you speak not truth to me, then your punishment will be dire indeed.” The yak said threateningly.

Kecleon gulped nervously, gauging at Riven beside him as they tried to figure out what to say. “Well…” He began. “We have brought two ponies from Canterlot who wish to speak to you; specifically Princess Cadance. She wishes to speak with you of an important matter that must be discussed in private. Would it be alright if we allowed them inside to talk?” Kecleon asked, glancing anxiously between the yak leader and Riven.

The leader’s dark eyes narrowed as he eyed Cadance suspiciously. “Hmm… Princess Cadance thee sayeth? Hmm… v'ry well,” he finally relented. The yak leader gestured for Riven and Kecleon to head inside as his head snapped to Cadance and Shining Armor. “I nev'r bethought Princess Celestia wouldst hath sent h'r niece to handleth the job herself. Thou art most welcome."

The yak rolled around. His back facing Cadance and Shining. “Cometh. Alloweth us seeth what imp'rtance discussion thee has't hath brought forth in our midst.” With that, the yak walked inside, followed by Cadance and Shining Armor before the door slammed shut behind them.