Kamen Rider Every

by Carly Carmine

Chapter 1 : Tragedy of Every

  “What will I do with this thing…” 

Twilight loaf on the roadside, immediately, she sees someone yelling about the belief of something, So Twilight goes to see what it is, and why people pay attention to this thing.

“Believe in Iliaster!! The old world hurts so much because of momento!! Follow us,  join us to bring a new world!!”

It sounds like the doctrine or something, people give their attention, no one defies what those announcers tell. Something strange.

After finish the announcement, Twilight see one guy at the corner with the announcer they talk about something and that guy torture before transform into something that change everything become mecha, and then, it roar.

“Destroy humans!!”

“That’s not good, what do I do? …. Oh yeah!! That thing!! I hope this works!!”



*Operation EVERY I am Kamen Rider!!*

Every dash and attack the Mekloid immediately. This is the first fight for her but she hopes that this power will do something wonderful.

Her power is strong enough to punch the Meknoid away a little bit, but the highlight is the special move. Every brings the long specter and uses her special movement immediately.

*Banishing light tactical finish!!*

The Mekloid is gone, which remains a dead body, it means she ripped off those human life with Mekloid together, how the world is so cruel to Every. But this is enough, she must leave before someone catches her killing innocent people.

Next day, Twilight feels like it happened just now, the way she beat Mekloid the way that she acknowledges that her act will kill people. The fear overwhelmed her body, but…how to eliminate the Mekloid and spread humans to save them. This is still a mystery.