Steven Armstrong In Equestria

by Spooky_cone

Chapter 3 The New Big Man

After a little while he found what looked like a library or something similar so he decided to look at it. After he saw the book selves he look over to the books but he couldn't understand what they said. Confused about how they can speak English but can write it he decided to try and read it even if it's a pain to read. After a while he gave up, just then he heard a voice say "Well are you enjoying your stay Mr.Armstrong," Celestia said while trying to sound nice.
"Yeah I am enjoying it but your little six special ponies think otherwise," He said with a bit of disappointment.
"Why are you disappointed, Armstrong?" Celestia said with concern in her voice.
"Because they believe that I am the monster even though I tried to be nice to them," He said
"If you try to help them learn about their mistakes about you, then I don't see the harm of helping you Armstrong, She said
"I need some time to think about it, now leave,"

As the doors closed and he was left alone he thought (Mmm maybe if those racist and or xenophobic ponies learn their place about messing with me then I could possibly forgive them and by the look of the government It's a hierarchy) "If this hierarchy of government Is here I wonder what the poor and the middle are treated other than the rich and the government, and if I can get them to agree that the hierarchy government is bad, then the possibility I can run my own state, it will increase," He said very quietly "Okay I need to find those racist ponies, but were could they go?"

Pov Celestia

(Well that went better than I expected I thought I was going to have to need to really convince him, but it's probably in the past now and I should have told him where he could find them but it's in the past) "Sister do you have good news," Luna said.
"Yes and everything that we have done that was rude is probably forgiven by Mr.Armtrong," She said.
"That is good news thee should come and talk with us," Luna said. After walking and talking a bit they decided to talk about Armstrong's "Magic" after some debates and other possible ways he could use magic they come to a conclusion that they need to ask Armstrong himself. "But sister we need to make sure that we can trust him and all of ponykind," Luna said.
"I know sister, but If he sees that we are not that trustworthy then he would likely leave us and be against us," Celestia said.

Pov Armstrong

"So where would six racist ponies go If they get offended?" He said; Just then he saw the two sisters talking in the distance. He then quietly made his way to them and he then clapped his hands to get their attention he then said "Been keeping secrets from me, Celestia,"
"No, we were just talking about you and we thought that if we introduce you to our lovely little ponies that would warm up to you," She said.
"So what do I do to be "introduce" to your ponies, last time I checked they tried to kill me," He said.
"Well it's simple I will have my guards, guard you so they don't think you're a threat," She said with a smile.
"And besides who would be stupid to fight the guards," Luna said. Just then Armstrong saw a pony in the shadows he thought it was one of the guards, but It would be his "downfall" and who would be stupid and or dumb to fight him except Raiden. For whatever reason Raiden would not join him even though he crawled his way out of his horrible life with his own two hands with sheer force of will, and following his own rules.

"Fine, we will introduce me to your peo... Err I mean ponies, but could you tell me where those six ponies went too," He said
"I am sorry Armstrong I don't know where they went but I will assume that they are in Ponyville. Twilight will most likely be in her house and or library,"

POV ???

"So I take it that you have managed to find him sam?" I said knowing that sam might have a clue about where he went "No not really I tried my best to find out where he went even though I saw him die. So Sundowner how is that new body doing?"
"Other than looking the same I will say though it might take time to find out what happened to Armstrong," I said
"I did manage to find out the name of the location," Sam said with a bit of a smirk
"Really what's it called?" I said hoping that it was easy to get him.
"It's called Equestria," Sam said with a smile.
"What type of person would name their country something like a horse paradise," I said.
"Well I did manage to build a teleporter to find him," Sam said.
"Well at least when we get to this "Equestria" we could make it the new base of operations, that I think we can all agree on," I said. "Yeah, but we have to wait for Monsoon, Mistral, and get the new Blade Wolf up and going then we should be ready," Sam said. "Yeah, we should also get that Ray up and going too," I said knowing that we would win with it since I made some upgrades to it. "Now I don't think I would be fair for these horses let's give them a chance," Sam said with a grin.

What do you think they will be doing with the Ray? :) Okay, I will let you read the rest of the story now.

POV Monsoon

"Owwww my head hurt," I then look around the room or I guess the chamber that I am in. "So I see you are up Monsoon I will let Jetstream know that you are up and ready to go along with Mistral,". The AI said