//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 : By the purpose of Iliaster // Story: Kamen Rider Every // by Carly Carmine //------------------------------// “See, by the upgrade Mekloid Driver, the Mekloid is stronger even those Kamen Rider can’t handle them. Please don’t thank me, thanks for my genius brains.” Cozy boasts herself after she came back from the fight at the small park, other people rolling their eyes at how annoyed Cozy is. But it’s true, the Meklord Driver that she builded by her own show results that the Kamen Rider can’t handle the Mekloid, but… “You should thanks me, I’m the one who upgrade those Mekloid!!” Tirek told Cozy that he is a part of the project. And the both of them argue again, Sombra hears and tells both of them they're annoyed so much. But how about Chrysalis? Where is she? “She says she’ll come here tomorrow cause she's busy with the presidential thing.” “Damn…” “But she takes action about those Kamen Rider, right? So those Kamen Riders are targeted by us, it means we can hunt them till we catch them .” Cozy commented why Chrysalis didn't come here today because of the presidential thing and so she told them about Kamen Rider that has been targeted by them. If they give up, they’ll be caught by Meklord Prime.  Next day, Reporter spoke about the small park incident that caused the small park fire. The fire department tried to control the fire and succeeded in putting out the fire. Luckily no one was in the small park. From the mouth of people, there’s a fight between Kamen Rider, three of five, there are with arrest warrants. Maybe one of the three caused the fire. Twilight heard that feel guilty, she used a fiery cast fireball but the Meklord dodge it and it hit the tree. She must be more careful. Today Twilight lies on the sofa, watching TV. After seeing the news today, she felt exhausted. Twilight watched an idle show and fell asleep. Wake up again when a reporter reports breaking news. “Breaking News!! The mystery thing rampant at the shopping mall–” “Wha–!! I gotta go now!!” Twilight hurries and goes to a shopping mall in Neo-Canterlot, two of Mekloid are rampant and destroy many objects, people run away but some people can’t Twilight must do something and suddenly, A.M.E.P. officers come “By the purpose of Iliaster!!” “Destroy humans!!” Three of them strat transform into Every, Jet Falcon and Rush Rhino. Evenmore, Jet Falcon change form and so did Rush Rhino. *War* *Tech Genus War Wolf!! I am Kamen Rider!!* *Catapult* *Tech Genus Catapult Cannon!! I am Kamen Rider!!” “Here we go!!” War Wolf attacks them with super speed, Catapult Cannon brings the buster cannon and aims at both of them, she charges a little bit and when the time comes she shoots them, the bullet is not just a normal bullet, this is homing bullet and when it shoots, it shoots twin shots. War Wolf dodge the bullet and let the trajectory hit the Mekloid and it fully hits. Every sees the way that both of them use special moves immediately. *Redeem light victory finish!!* The light wave hits the Mekloid fully and then returns back to normal. But the second that both of them still confused bullet com and hit them till one of them died.  “Ah!! What’s going on!! I’m no more!!” Second person that is still alive runs away leaving the dead body behind. The Doctrine’s Kamen Rider walks slowly come from the shadow. “Now it’s time for justment!!” “What are you!!” “I’m Meklord Army Skiel, the one and only who can do justice to you.” M.A.Skiel wave they hand. And start attacks with super speed but War Wolf can handle them. “How cruel you are.” “Agh!! If you gonna hurt my mates. Over my body first!!” “Sorry but I’ve no time left.” M.A.Skiel headbutt to War Wolf to knock her away. M.A.Skiel quickly carries the dead body and flees away, no chance to counterattack them again. Three of them unleash the transform and start talking about the M.A.Skiel. “Is it Just me or does M.A.Skiel have two personalities?” “I don’t know…But when they appear they always attack us.” AppleJack and Twilight comment about M.A.Skiel Rainbow Dash says the same when they appear. First time they didn’t speak much, the second time they started with “Now it’s time for justment.” Third time they didn’t say that and this time they said it like the second time.  “But the most important thing…I’m hurt…an innocent person died in front of me again and again….” “Don’t worry. If we destroy the doctrine–” “YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND MY FEELING!!” Twilight shouts loudly, she starts crying and goes back to her house, leaving Rainbow Dash and AppleJack alone. Somewhere, no one here M.A.Skiel comes and talk to someone and give the dead body to them. “Thanks for being a spy.” “You should go now before someone catches us.”