Lightening the Load

by Silent Bob

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

There she stood in the once great palace of Celestia, soon to be a crumbling dream of what once was. Her changelings swarmed Canterlot, victorious in their grim endeavor. Equestria's armies were shattered, Shining Armor was still under her control, and the real Cadence had never made it out of the crystal cove....

"Begin rounding up every last pony to be placed in stasis cocoons," she ordered one of her nearby Cerebrate-Drones.

"Your will is mine."

With that, Chrysalis let loose a sigh, though she did allow herself a small, accomplished smile. She had done what the rest of her kind never could. She had assured they would always be fed.

And so she began to pace the throne room, softly singing a new verse to the tune of her life:

"This day has been just perfect...
The kind of which that I have dreamed since I was small.
I've brought a nation to the floor,
So that they may hunger nevermore...."

"But are you certain you have absolutely no regrets?"

"None," she said coldly, twirling about to face the dying beacon of hope that was Celestia, suspended high above the throne room in a green cacoon prison. "I'm surprised you're awake, princess... not many can resist the sedative effects of what swims through you."

Celestia took a deep breath. "I once had a dream that was Equestria, one I cannot preserve within slumber..." she said, her voice hoarse and tired. "And there once was a dream that was you, one that has been twisted into a nightmare."

Chrysalis shot her a glare. "A nightmare? I don't believe so. For four hundred years I tried to repair my people's image... that they weren't monsters that lurked in the night. However, nobody or nopony can seem to forget the sins of the past. Not even you."

"I tried to help you..." she whispered. "I even tried to... morph your biology so that you would need not live on the brink..."

"Yet all you had to do to help us was love us, for your people would have followed you in that endeavor, but you never could bring yourself to do that, could you? Not for a bunch of freaks. Instead, you opted to 'modify' us, to 'fix' us, and failed. And now that failure has come back to bite you in your perfect little flank." With her wings, she fluttered up towards the cacoon, hovering right before it and gazing spitefully into the eyes of someone she once called a friend. "How does it feel, Celestia? How does it feel to be on the brink?!"

Celestia swallowed hard. "Cold..."

"Welcome to my life."

The Princess of the Sun would not be done with that, however. "You are erasing everything you've worked so hard to achieve... you are acting like they did before you came about. You just needed to wait a little longer..."

"Hah! That's what you always say; 'another hundred years, Chrysalis, another hundred years is all it will take.' However, my people don't have another hundred years!" She then gazed into the princess' eyes once more. "That's the thing about ideals, Celestia; when challenged by reality, it's always them who back down first, and I am sick of hearing shallow words from your idealistic mouth! I've done what needed to be done."

With that, she heard a grim chuckle coming from behind her... as well as the sound of loan hands clapping. She slowly turned to face he who was creating the noise, the pale-faced man; Voldemort.

"Very well done, Chrysalis. I was almost convinced myself that you were 'only doing this for your people. That you're just an innocent child of circumstance....' yet though that may be true, you're enjoying every minute of this, aren't you? You're truly embracing that which you've kept bottled up... and you love that side of you, admit it!"

"I do not! I hate having to do this!"

Voldemort cackled at that. "If you hated doing it, then this day wouldn't be just perfect, now would it?"

"Shut up!" she growled, her horn powering up. "JUST SHUT UP!"

"It feels so good, doesn't it? The anger... the hatred... letting loose. Go ahead, strike me down! DO IT!"

"Don't do it, Chrysalis...." Celestia whispered.

"Oh like you've ever listened to her before. Come on, make me pay for my words. My insolence! You have the power now USE IT!"

Her eyes widened at that, him reminding her of something she was told long ago. "With great power, one must have great restraint..." Chrysalis said to herself.

"You remembered..." Celestia whispered.

Voldemort would not be done with that, however. ""That's the thing about ideals. When challenged by reality, it's always them who back down first.' Come on, you hypocritical, parasitical freak! Do it! Leave me as a stain of ash on this throne room! Or are you as broken and weak as they said you were oh so many years ago?!"

"I will not give in to petty hatreds..." she growled, her rage rising once again.

"Keep telling yourself that..." He put on a smug smirk. "Twisted little joke of fate."

With that, Chrysalis froze, a manic grin coming cross her face. She then lowered herself to the ground, walking towards Voldemort. "If I kill you... I would be doing the universe a favor..." she said in an unnerving, calm tone.

"Excuses, excuses," Voldemort grinned back.

Chrysalis' horn began to glow ever brighter at that.

"Do it for yourself!"

Her eyes narrowed. "If that is what you desire."

A second later, that which was Voldemort was nothing but a trail of dust floating across the floor of the throne room. Everything grew silent at that, save for the distant shrieks and sounds of battle echoing from about Canterlot. The silence continued until a quiet noise broke it a long minute later: the shattered, broken voice of Celestia.

"I never thought I'd see you fall so far from grace..." she said. "He was right, Chrysalis. You are a monster. May you live forever."


With that, Chrysalis shot up in her bed, gasping for breath, sweat dripping from her like the greasy, green liquid of the spawning pool had forty-five decades ago. So caught up in the horrible memories of that dream, she barely noticed a bit of light was piercing her bed curtains, the organic 'wall' that was her door slowly creating an opening.

"My Queen? I heard you shouting. Is everything well?" the concerned voice her ever-vigilant bedroom guard asked.

She spread her night curtains, gazing at her guard with a haunted expression. "No..." she whispered. "However, you don't need to concern yourself with my burdens... for there are many."

With that, the nameless Guardian-Drone etched towards her. "Your people..." He threw her calming smile while gathering her night cloak and placing it over her. "...Will be there to bear any burden you need us to. We will follow you into the dark."

"That will not be necessary," she said grimly. "Because darkness is coming here. However, one more necessary evil is all it will take." She then smile warmly down at him. "After that, you won't have to worry about hunger for an entire year."

The guard nodded. "I've spread the word about IGOM. Everyling's a bit... concerned about it, but we're ready and willing to help out when needed."

Chrysalis gave him a dark chuckle. "That's good, because I'm going to need a lot of it." She then let loose an agitated sigh. "I have no idea what I'm doing, Sarius."

"That is not my title, it is-"

"Yes, I know, 'Guardian-Drone 1643.' However, you deserve a name. The changelings aren't who they were. We're better than that...." she closed her eyes, wincing slightly. "Or perhaps I should just say 'you're better then that..'," She narrowed her eyes in resolve. "But you know what? If the Equestrians, Gyphons, Zebras, and Buffolo all get names, so should you. You're not just numbers, you're individuals now, moreso than ever."

Sarius shrugged at that. "I would be.. content with that number, though if you wish that I have a name, Sarius sounds alright."

Chrysalis smiled at him. "I thought the metamorphosis of the changelings had ended long ago, yet it still continues every day...'

"That it does, my Queen."

With that, Chrysalis began to shrug off her more dramatic, formal tone. "Now then. You wouldn't happen to know anything about parties, would you?"

Sarius let out a laugh, his formality erasing itself as well. "Sorry ma'm, but partying hard and kegstands aren't really my thing. I don't think it's any changeling's thing. That's more of something you'd find in Equestria."

Chrysalis winced at the name. "Perhaps some of the pilgrims back from feeding have been to a few?"

"Eh, maybe. You could ask around. I'm pretty sure that you're not going to find anyone though..."

The Queen of Deception sighed in defeat. "Yes.. you're probably right. We're not really the most fun loving people.... I'm pretty sure anyling out feeding would avoid parties if they could." Her face sagged slightly at that. "Perhaps it's because we've never had anything to celebrate...."

Sarius shook his head incredulously. "You really shouldn't be so hard on yourself."

"Try asking me to stop breathing."

He winced at that, glancing towards her bookshelf. "Well... you have a lot of books. Is there anything about parties and stuff like that?"

"None," she groaned. "They're all just information on various economies, cultures... and a Daring-Do novel I've never gotten around to reading."


Her eyes narrowed. "It's an Equestrian novel... I don't like Equestrian novels."

"Eh, what changeling needs to read, anyway?"

Chrysalis sighed again. "None, and that's the problem. I'm not going to be able to find any books on the topic anywhere in this nation."

"Maybe we could ask one of the undercover operatives to bring a book from Equestria or something?" he suggested.

Queen Chrysalis shook her head, before smirking slightly. "You know, for a Guardian-Drone, you seem to be able to think surprisingly well out of the box."

A small look of panic came across his face. "I'm sorry, my Queen. It could possibly be an error in my genetic code. Should I have my essence assimilated to be reformed?"

Chrysalis shook her head rapidly at that. "No! No, you're fine. Really. I didn't mean that as an insult."

"Very well..." he said, his voice laced with a slight bit of newly found self-loathing. A wave of guilt washed over Chrysalis at that, though she quickly shrugged it off.

"Anyway, that would take too long. My oh so honorable 'guests' should be here within a week." She then let out a groan. "And even if I could find books, it wouldn't matter. I have no idea how I'm supposed to entertain a bunch of monsters. Seriously, what does evil do on its down time?"

Sarius shrugged. "Juggle?"

Chrysalis threw him a blank look.

"Juggle... dead babies?"

The blank look turned to that of horror.

"That's sick, Sarius."

He smirked. "Sorry."

He definitely wasn't.

Chrysalis glanced to the side in thought at that. "I need some sort of reference book... or maybe something describing previous IGOM events."

Sarius raised an eyebrow. "You mean that racist prick didn't mention how it was supposed to be done?"

Chrysalis nodded. "Yes, but surprisingly, I don't think he knew. His role seems to be as a middle-man between myself and this Him. Apparently, he who 'dances in the pale moonlight' is quite shy," she grunted in an annoyed tone.

"Well, maybe you should call him and see if he can get you a guide book or something," Sarius suggested.

"I really don't want to..."

The guard groaned at that. "Would you like me to call him? I don't want to either, though, he seems like a meta-douche..."

Chrysalis let out a short laugh. "You have no idea..."

"I don't think he'd even talk to me, anyway."

The Queen of the Swarm sighed. "Fine, I'll call him. But would you..." she put on a slight smile. "Stand by me?"

Sarius raised his eyebrows. "Do I really have to?"

Chrysalis threw him a blank look. "What happened to following me into the dark if you needed to?"

He simpered slightly. "Well... in the dark I can carry a lamp or something, but dealing with someone who appears to be an insufferable prick... that's promotion worthy."

Chrysalis gazed down at him with a serious, though slightly bemused expression. "You know that's not how it works. You're best suited to the role you were born with."

He raised an eyebrow. "I thought we were individuals."

"To an extent," Chrysalis said, raising a hoof.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I was born with the traits of the best Guardian drones, not Guardian-Leader drones... I just wanted to test the water." He let loose a sigh. "Let's just get this over with..."

"I could have you assimilated and reformed if you want," Chrysalis offered.

He grinned at that. "Na, I might lose my crappy sense of humor."

Chrysalis shrugged. "Very well."

With that, her and Sarius began to walk over to her Proloquor Orb, gazing at it warily. "Alright Chrysalis, you're doing this for your people..." she said to herself. At that, her horn began to glow, and soon after a beam of light quickly jutted out of it and into the orb. With that, she began to chant: "Doce qui vocatur Voldemort..."

At that, a head somewhat similar to his appeared within the orb, though it definitely wasn't his. For one, this floating head actually had a mane, or hair as some species called it. For two, it had a nose. And for three, Chrysalis had a strange feeling that this figure was female, one confirmed when it spoke in a disturbing, shrill voice:

"Hello, Queen Chrysalis. Lord Voldemort isn't here at the moment, may I take a message?" she said with an almost cat-like grin.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. "That's surprising, he seems like a kind of stay-at-home guy... a bit of sun would be good for him."

The figure chuckled darkly. "Oh, you'll find that my lord is a very hands-on person..."

"Please tell me that wasn't any sort of innuendo," Sarius whispered.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "Do you have any idea when he'll be back?"

"Oh, he's out dealing with with a few mudbloods at the moment. Who knows how long that will take?" She then grinned wickedly at her. "Why? Does little Chryssy-Wissy need help throwing her big girl party? Or does she simply want a shoulder to cry on because her poor, poor people have no wuv," she said in a mocking, childish tone.

Chysalis' eyes narrowed at that, a slight bit of fury building within her. "I don't need to be patronized, witch."

"Flattery won't get you any points, my dear," she said with a smirk.

With that, the Queen of the Swarm decided she had had enough. "Whatever, can you tell him to call us back? I need help with something."

"Like I said, he might not be back for quite a while. Perhaps a few days... but I was right, wasn't I? You do need help with the event. Personally, I'm quite looking forward to attending it-

"That makes one of us..."

"-though it seems you might not be up to the task of hosting it..."

Chrysalis sighed in defeat. "Fine, you're right. I need some sort of guide-book or at least a description of previous events. If you want IGOM to be good, then you'll give me some help. What do you have to lose? And by the way, who are you?"

"Bellatrix Lestrange at your service, my dear insectoid Queen."

"Charmed, I'm sure..." Chrysalis said blankly.

"Oh the pleasure is all mine," she replied. "Unfortunately for you, however, I do not have access to all of the archives my master does. I can, however, have you sent a guest list. It even has details of those being invited."

Chrysalis sighed. "I'm not sure if that's going to help."

Bellatrix gave her a mock look of sympathy. "Then I'm afraid you're out of luck, dear. Now, unless you wish to chit-chat a bit with me, I'm going to have a bit of fun with a captured Order member."

Chrysalis' eyes narrowed. "Yes, because I know who the 'Order' are. Good bye."

With that, she quickly flicked the orb off, still glaring at it in disdain because of the woman she had been forced to chat with.

"And this is the kind of person I'm throwing a party for!" she growled as she began to pace angrily around her bedroom.

"Hey, it's not all bad," Sarius said.

Chrysalis gave him a sarcastic look, pausing in her steps. "How could it be any worse?"

"You could be doing it without me!" he said with an overly enthusiastic grin.

Her look of sarcasm turned to that of annoyance. "You really piss me off sometimes, Sarius."

He nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I know."

She then began to pace again. "Obviously, I don't have any hope of doing this alone... I need someone to guide me, someone who's had experience in this matter... someone who could throw a party for any occasion or anyone..."

With that, her eyes widened in horror as a memory struck her.

She stood in the palace ballroom of Canterlot, gazing at a pink pony as she busily made ready the place for a legendary celebration that would never be. Though Chrysalis called the event childish; mainly out of spite for the Equestrians than anything, upon seeing the colorful balloons and streamers, the chocolate fountain sitting upon a table merrily churning out its inner-goodness, a hired DJ known as Vinyl Scratch busy at work preparing a fantastic playlist next to a wooden dance floor, and a multitude of somewhat carnival style games being set up, she almost wished her invasion would not commence so she could... if fate allowed... perhaps enjoy herself for once.

It was an amusing thought really. She could abandon her people if she really wanted to, have Shining Armor keep the shield up... start her life anew and refreshed around people who would truly love her if she were to stop acting so cold towards them. It would be difficult, but would it be impossible?

Glancing again at the pink party pony, the bit of envy in her heart at those around her softened ever so slightly, enough that something amazing would happen soon after:

She would start a casual conversation with the enemy.

"No..." Chrysalis said, shaking her head in utter defiance. "Not her... anyone but her..."

Sarius raised an eyebrow. "My queen?"

"Excuse me... Pinkie, was it?" she said, trying out her best impression of a warm tone she could muster, nearly startling the party pony off the ladder she was on.

Nonetheless, the pink pony soon turned to her with a welcoming smile. "Hey there, wedding girl! Have you come back to look at the super awesome party you're going to have?! Have ya?! I really really really hope you like everything! This is my first time throwing a wedding party, and it's so awesome! One time my friend told me his uncle's brother was throwing a wedding and I was like 'NO WAY', and then he said he wanted me to host the reception and I was all 'OH MY GOSH!' It was on the same date as my super best friend Twilight's birthday so I had to cancel, but now I can totally do it, and it's in Canterlot of all places! Can you believe it!? I LOVE LOVE LOVE Canterlot! It has some of the best candy and food and chocolate and-"

Chrysalis took a deep breath as Pinkie rambled on, immediately regretting her decision to talk with her. Hyperactivity annoyed her more than anything, and she was beginning to wonder if there was anything the pink party pony didn't immediately verbalize. Nonetheless, she might as well at least ask the question she was going to use as a conversation starter.

'Cadence' put on a sheepish grin. "Uhh, that's very nice, Pinkie. However, I was kind of wondering if it's true..." she tried to remember the word was, "Are you really the Element of Laughter?"

"Yep! That's me!" Pinkie beamed. "I was so surprised when I found out! I mean, I've always loved laughing and fun and laughing-"

Chrysalis raised a hoof. "You said laughing twice."

"Oh did I? Shoot, sometimes my mind just gets so filled with thoughts I forget what I've just said! Isn't that crazy?! Anyway, yes, I am the Element of Laughter! My friends all say I could probably bring a smile to the King of Tartarus himself if I needed to...."

Chrysalis closed her eyes, wincing at what fate was resigning her to. "I think I know who can help us out..."

Sarius' eyes narrowed in resolve. "Just say the name and I'll get Special Operations to retrieve whoever it is."

The Queen of Deception shook her head, quickly morphing into a medium-sized pegasus, cyan with a bow and arrow for a cutie-mark. "Don't bother, I think it's time that I try to bury some skeletons." She then threw him a slight smile, brushing back her new mane, her now at eye level with him. "How do I look?"

"Like food?" Sarius joked.

Chrysalis gave him a sarcastic look. "Seriously!"

Sarius shrugged. "Fine, I guess. I don't really have much of a sense of how pretty or not ponies look."

"I really need to add that sense to your genetic makeup..." Chrysalis mused. "It would probably help with going incognito. The prettier the pony, the more it is loved."

Sarius nodded. "Yeah, that's true. Anyway, don't you need a name?"

Chrysalis nodded. "I almost forgot. Any ideas?"

"How about Hawkeye? Since you have the archery-themed tattoo thing they all have."

"It's called a cutie-mark," Chrysalis corrected.

Sarius raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "Seriously?"

"Yes, it's that adorable," she said with a hint of spite. "Anyway, that name sounds fine." She then turned to leave her quarters. "Get ready, Sarius, this hive's about to get a lot more.... jolly. If I can refrain from killing our guest before she arrives, that is..."