Human House in Equestria

by Star Dawn


I was dealt with two choices, I could make a bad impression. One I had read too many displaced main characters on make I get on the leaders bad side All because of their hatred for certain characters, or they couldn't get a grip on the fact that fiction is now a reality. Resulting in the possibility of being a pariah, sealed, or death.

Or, I could make a good impression; Which has it's good and bad honestly.

Let's start with the Bad first, Bad...I could still be a pariah. However, being an alien in a land where I am the only one of my kind, at least I assume I am ponies could have a general hatred for people who are not their kind.


So, good or bad, that option could be bad.

The Ponies had broken into my houseā€¦ Twice


Well, making a good impression can leave me with resources to get me where I need to go; and right now, all I am trying to do is get home.

This place is lovely and all, but my family is at home. I can't abandon them.

Plus I gain some pretty loyal allies.

Possibly romance, every creature I have seen was pretty attractive, as in..they still had that cuteness that drawled me to the show in the first place but with a little extra sexy. I have seen curves on them, I know that they are bipedal and have fur, The faces are not ponies but humans with fur on their skin along with horns and wings.

They are not like the Equestria girls, they are much more majestic. Like those beautiful fanmade pictures I have seen when reading the description of anthro on or scrolling through images on google.since this was an alternate world from the show that I have heard.

As I look up at Faust.

She is wearing a beautiful battle dress that had a mix of silver and gold. Her hair was like literally made of it covered her forehead on the front, and on the back dropped, down to her shoulders in waves. Her blue eyes reminded me of the clearest of oceans.

I could stare in them for hours.

Her crown made of gold with rainbow colored emeralds across the middle of it.

I shook myself out of my daze, now was not the time to be focused on that.

"Your majesty, I don't have any intentions." I said, "I was never mean't to come to this world in the first place, I was just expecting to live this day like any other before I arrived."

She raised an eyebrow, "Thou art suggesting, thou art an Alien?"

I nodded. "Yes, I am in fact an alien that was raised in a world filled with technology."

I really wish I had some more coffee.

Faust hums a beautiful tone, before she nods her head, "That would explain the magical disturbance I felt not long ago."

I raised my eyebrow, but didn't dive in on the subject, " do believe me right?" At her nod I asked another question.

"Can you send me home then? My family is waiting for me."

She shook her head, "I am afraid, I cannot do that."

I frowned, and with that statement, my entire day is ruined.

She noticed my frown and sighed, "What art I to thou?"

"The most beautiful woman I have ever seen." I said before I could stop myself. Much to my surprise and relief, She laughs.

I suppressed the urge to shiver in delight.

"Beautiful Thou says..." Faust said, "Not many males are bold enough to say that to my face."

I cringed.

"Though I must say, thou are not so bad on the eyes as well..."

My eyes widened, did she just...

I saw her smirk playfully.

This time I did shiver, no resistance necessary.

The smirk left her face though, "as for why I cannot send thou home, Tis because there are an infinite number of universes, and tis impossible to find the one thou is native too....

I raised my eyebrow. "The Multiverse Theory?"

She nodded slowly, I sighed.

"I shouldn't be surprised about that, but that does not mean I am not going to give up."

I noticed the frowns on both Celestia's and Luna's faces.

Faust smiled, "I admire thou's determination to be with thou's family."

I shrugged.

"I don't mind it here, it's very interesting." I said scratching the back of my head with my right hand, before I let it drop to my sides again.

"But...I am not one to abandon my family." I said with a grin, "My mother would be devastated to know that I am gone."

I looked down, closed my eyes and frowned, as my imagination starts to act up again.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I opened my eyes and looked up.

I blushed slightly as it was unexpected to see Faust off her throne and standing mere inches in front of me.

"To go so far for ones family, thou art admirable." Faust said softly. "I hath deemed thou's words to be true, as thou's eyes hold no deceit."

I looked at her, and nodded slowly.

"Thou art free to take residency upon this land." Faust said, I nodded at her, but she wasn't finished yet.

"To make sure no harm comes upon thee, I declare you ambassador of thou's world.

My eyes widened at that.

" grateful of that your majesty." I said this time I did do a bow, a bow not of submission, but a bow of respect.

She smiled kindly at me, "Thou art welcome."

I stood up straight, and tilted my head. "Is that everything?"

"That is all." Faust nodded, "You art free to leave."

I nodded and turned to leave, thankful my house was in walking distance; which was a couple miles, but not bad I couldn't complain as it could have been farther, at least I memorized the way back.

Hopefully I don't get lost. I took a deep breath.

Meanwhile unnoticed by me...

The moment I turned my back towards her and started to walk out, Faust's eyes fixated downwards and stayed there until I walked out.

'Thou has a very nice rear...'