//------------------------------// // The Sound of Rain // Story: The Mare in The Serpent's Coils // by CombatProductions //------------------------------// Choccy had never slept like that before, it was so different being held in a tender yet firm embrace. She snuggled to in the feeling more as she let out a sigh of comfort. As she lay there with her eyes closed she felt something nuzzling in to her head, when she did open her eyes panic set in. The memories of the pervious night flooded back in to her head. She looked down to see her fears were true, she was still trapped in the coils of the large serpent. She could remember how he coiled around her, how he made her feel small and vulnerable as if he could eat her at any moment. But that never happened, he had... cuddled her? The thought confused her, why cuddle her? It didn't make sense. Then the words he told her came back. He said he was lonely like her, she remembered him telling her that she would not be his prey but rather his pet. She shivered at the thought. "Pet" The word rang through her head. She could have been an easy meal, but pet? What could he want with her as a pet? She couldn't figure out a reason that made sense, the whole situation should have been impossible. A giant talking snake like in the children's books she used to read when she was younger? Maybe she was dreaming or had gotten in to an accident and gone in to a coma. She began to struggle against the coils, she tried to wiggle her way out but they tightened around her. A soft chuckle came from behind her making her blood run cold. "Trying to escape little mare, please don't go I wan-no need you to stay here." He spoke. His voice was soft and gentle. She tried to speak but the coils that were still around her mouth muffled her. She could feel the coils around her shift and squeeze her. But yet it was not unpleasant but rather relaxing. She couldn't help it, she sighed as she let herself fall in to the feeling. "Good girl, let me take care of you." He said tenderly. His voice, oh his voice was so relaxing yet mysterious. She needed to hear it more. It was smooth like melting butter, she couldn't help but yearn to hear him speak more and have his voice fill her ears. "Listen. You hear that," His voice returned. Its softness never faulted as he spoke. "The rain, its still going. Even after last night." He was right it was still going. She looked out the cave's entrance to see water pouring down over it. "Now just lie here with me and listen to the rain as I hold you here." He whispered. She made some more muffled sounds and then did what she was told. The coils pressed around her more as they massaged and constricted her whole body. His voice mixed with the sound of the rain was like heaven to her ears. She felt her mouth be uncovered by the coil covering it, she took in deep breathes as she tried to fill her lungs with the oxygen they craved. "W-who... are you?" She asked with a whimper. "Well I'm your new friend. my name is Combat, I must apologise for my actions last night, I don't get many visitors," He said in a sincere tone. "What's your name?" "Choccy Strawberry... but everyone just calls me Choccy." She said hesitantly. She could feel his coils loosen around her, She saw that he trusted her more. She got her forelegs out but not the rest of her body, she wanted to keep the cozy feeling around her. "What brings you out in to the forest Choccy." He asked. Her name rolled off his tongue perfectly and soothed her mind. "Oh well I was looking for some excitement in my life. I wanted to go in to the forest and find something that could be interesting," She admitted. "Then well... I found you." "Huh I suppose we were both looking for something." He said. "What were you looking for?" She asked. "Companionship, effection from someone else all that kind of stuff." He spoke. His voice still had its smoothness but was sadder. She couldn't help but pity him, she knew the feeling all to well. Being alone was a depressing thing. But who knows how alone he has been. "How long has it been without anyone here for you?" She inquired. "A little over fifty thousand years." He admitted. Choccy's jaw almost hit the floor. Fifty thousand years! He must have been older than Celestia. Granted no one knew her true age. But all that time, alone how was he still functioning? "I'm... so sorry." She said. "Don't be, its not your fault." He said in his soothing tone. She felt his coils tighten around her, but instead of trying to escape she embraced the feeling. He took note of her reaction and smiled at it. She buried her forelegs back under his coils. "So what do you call this, a snake cuddle?" She jokes. "I prefer the term coil cuddles." He joked back. They both laughed and snuggled against each other. After a while they both went silent and just listened to the rain. They both watched it pour over the cave entrance. "You know I could always visit every weekend. I do have a job but I can make time to come and see you." She said "Miss Choccy I would love that." He said, going back to his smooth and relaxing tone of voice. She couldn't hold it in she had to say something about his voice. How it made her ears tingle and the way words rolled of his tongue. "I'm gonna be one hundred percent honest, I love the way your voice sounds," She said while lightly blushing at what she just said. "Your voice is so comforting. I- I can't get enough of it." He pulls her closer to him and covers her mouth with a coil again. Muffled words try and escape but they were all eligible. "Oh you like my voice?" He asked rhetorically. He whispered every word in to her ear making her blush more. "Then let me speak to you more." Choccy's face was on fire from how much she was blushing. She felt his coils tighten around her more. Their touch was so comfortable, she couldn't get enough of it. She let herself go limp and let him constrict her. It felt so good to her. She wanted more, she needed more. She wanted to be his pet. He could clearly see what she wanted. He let his coils squeeze her, he smiled at her willingness to be held. Her blush was furious. She couldn't help it, she barely knew him. Yet she couldn't help but crave this feeling. Her muffled sighs were faint as the coils pressed tightly around her mouth and neck, slowly cutting off her air. She didn't mind, in fact it felt good. She fell deeper in to the feeling on the tight coils as they squeezed her. Combat looked at her with a comforting gaze. His eyes looked in to her's and she looked back in to his. She was half expecting them to begin hypnotising her and she would be like the mare in the books she read as a filly. But it never happened, his eyes weren't the hypnotising thing. It was his voice, touch and the sound of the rain. All of these factors slowly turned her mind to mush. In no time at all she had been reduced to a moaning and whimpering pet. Her mind was no more, all that was left was the thought of being his and no one else's. She would be his pet and him, well he would be her master. She didn't care if she went home anymore. Maybe this was home, her new home. She felt herself be bounced in the coils before sliding in to them further. The coils completely smothered her, yet she didn't care. His tongue licked across what could be seen of her cheek. It tickled and left a tiny trail of saliva. "Don't worry Choccy, you are mine and you will get to stay here for all that you desire." He cooed to her. Her mind was completely gone, not even taking in her surroundings or the any sound. She could only feel his touch. Her moans and whimpers filled the cave as the rain continued to poor. This was true bliss, this was true comfort. This, oh this was what she always wanted.