//------------------------------// // Ch. 2 Seasons like Minds Change.. // Story: The Good Griffon Inside // by Serval Shots //------------------------------// Knock Knock Knock! Gilda's eyes slowly opened, her eardrums hearing somepony knocking on her door rather rapidly and loudly. "Go away you dweebs! Ugh!" she softly called out, hoping that the knocking would go away if she ignored it. However she was wrong as the knocking remained consistent, causing Gilda to finally wake up and aggravating her to the point of insanity. "UGGGH WHAT!" Gilda yelled, getting up and swinging open the door wildly. She then immediately felt bad as she saw her new found friend standing in the doorway, smiling at her with such joy. "Oh hey it's you. Hi." Gilda said. "Hiya!! Soooo I found out where you lived. Hehehe!" Gilda didn't know how to feel about that; to be creeped out or to feel flattered that Raindrops took the consideration and time to do so. "Ummm...okay. So-" "Can I come in???" Raindrops interrupted, practically letting herself inside. Gilda almost chuckled as Raindrops wiggled her way into Gilda's apartment, settling on Gilda's living room floor, and setting down a present she had in her mouth the whole time. "Wait is that for me?" Gilda asked, shocked at the present's presence. Raindrops looked over to Gilda and smiled eagerly, nodding her head yes. Gilda smiled back, prompting a response from Raindrops. "Hey look you're smiling! Hehehe!" Raindrops giggled. Gilda continued smiling, blushing at Raindrops. "No, I'm not heh. Christmas is for dweebs and I'm too cool to be one." Gilda said, denying her now joyous look. Raindrops smiled at her and trotted over to her, hugging her tightly again. "Then I guess I'ma dweeb then." Raindrops giggled, getting closer and closer to Gilda. Gilda's heart started pounding heavily as the two hugged each other tightly, the two of them bringing their mouths closer to one another. "Woah what's happening?" Gilda breathed out, her breathing starting to get heavier. "Me changing your mind about Christmas" Raindrops replied, smiling at the griffon. Gilda smiled and the two of them slowly got away from one another, deciding to just sit on the couch together. "I know this may be sudden, but I'm glad I met you Raindrops." Gilda said, poking the mare. The mare smiled back at Gilda and handed her her present. "Open it Gilda" Raindrops excitely said. Gilda nodded and opened the present, gasping in joy as she saw what her present was. "Awh..this is for me?" Gilda asked Raindrops. Raindrops nodded her head, hugging Gilda. "To Gilda, a new and hopefully lasting friend. From, Raindrops." Gilda read outloud. The present was a luxourious and beautiful golden watch, the finest in all of Equestria. "You didn't have to..this is so nice! I didn't get you anything though Raindrops" Gilda said to the mare, feeling guilty about not getting a present for Raindrops. "You smiling was enough of a gift for me." Raindrops giggled, her snout crinkling up with delight. "Awh..stop making me blush!" Gilda laughed, her cheeks becoming so rosy once again. The duo smiled at one another, holding hoof and claw as they watched T.V. with one another for the rest of Christmas.