//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Metal Gear Twilight // by Twilights secret stash //------------------------------// The summer festival in Ponyville quickly turned awry as an unexpected storm darkened the skies. Dashy and the Wonderbolts were immediately called into action to find out the cause of the mysterious object in the eye of the storm. As Dashy and the Wonderbolts took to the skies post haste. After a few minutes they were entering the hot zone not long after there was a deafening clash in the skies. Soarin and Thunderlane taking point, as to get a better look at the situation.  The once bright blue day had turned black as night with heavy black clouds which hurled hard rain like spears down upon them.  The deafening clash of thunder followed by streaks of lightning made it hard for them to communicate.   On the ground Twilight and the other Earth ponies galloped into action incase help was needed on the ground.  "Okay everypony, I want any unicorns with me and non magic ponies to help set up watch posts and first aid points for the wounded!" She called out through the howling gale as the rain lashed down on them. "Okay Rarity, let's do this!" Twilight called across to her friend.  Rarity gave Twilight a stern serious nod as they galloped across the field towards the eye of the storm catching glances at Rainbow Dash's rainbow streaking through the violent skies. The Wonderbolts battled through the harsh environment. Soarin called something across to Thunderlane he was just answering when a bolt of lightning struck them, making them tumble helplessly from the sky. Rainbow Dash cried out as her comrades were struck down. She leapt into action they were falling fast and heavy. "C'mon! C'mon!" She yelled willing herself to go faster, squinting through the harsh rain as she made a grab for Soarin. They collided harshly, sending them into a spin.  She closed her eyes tight trying to gain control so she could maneuver to make a second grab on Thunderlane.  She managed to level out before making a bee line for Thunderlane putting everything she had into breaking his fall. Just then she could see soft glows and bright orange flags below, it eased her upon realising that she now had help on the ground. Breathing heavily under the strain of carrying two unconscious stallions, as she battled against gravity and the elements, the gale force winds made it hard for her to breathe. Her chest tightened as her breath shortened as the wind blew her around like an autumn leaf. With her muscles and wings burning as they were overloaded she could feel herself feeling sleepy, she managed to flare a rainbow to get the attention of any pony on the ground who could see her predicament.  Rarity was finishing straightening out a huge orange flag with three other ponies pegging it to the ground. She looked up seeing a bright rainbow streaking through the sky. The only problem was this rainbow was vertical. "Ohh my stars!!" She cried out through the howling gale of the storm. "Twilight! Rainbow Dash!! Trouble!!" She yelled across the field to her friend. Twilight was being blown around trying to peg the corner of her own flag down. "Spike what's wrong with Rarity!" She called out to the small dragon at her hooves. He looked over to see the ivory unicorn pointing to the skies shouting something.  He gasped.  "Twilight! I think she means that!!" He cried out. Twilight gasped looking up seeing a vertical rainbow hurtling towards the ground. She galloped towards it. "Rarity! On me!!" She called out.  Rarity turned to the three ponies "Go get help, there's trouble!" As she charged along after Twilight.  After a few minutes they were right under Dash and could make out to the two Thunderbolts she was still holding tightly onto. "What in Faust happened up there?"  Rarity cried out as she levitated two large hay bales fluffing them out to break their fall. "Something's wrong, she's not slowing down! She should be able to see us by now!!" Twilight called out to Rarity.  "Whatever shall we do?" Yelped Rarity. Twilight had less than seconds to think her plan through. "Okay Rarity on three you grab Soarin, I'll grab Thunderlane! Hopefully Dash will be able to pull up of her own power, if not it's going to take both of us to land her safely in this weather!" They grimaced at eachother. Pointing their horns on their targets. Twilight called out. "THREE!!" Their horns burst into action each one successive. They brought each of the stallions down onto the designated hay bales barely taking their eyes from their now unconscious friend.  They immediately turned their horns back to the skies. They both shot their horns at Rainbow Dash but she slipped straight through.  "It's no good she's reached terminal velocity…" Twilight yelled over to Rarity.  Upon seeing Rarity's blank expression.  "It means she's falling really fast!!" They cast spells once again and this time they caught her just as a few more ponies had caught up with them. Some taking care of the wounded Wonderbolts whilst others leaping straight into action upon seeing the dire scenario, more hay bales were rolled out under Dash's drop zone. Twilight and Rarity strained gritting their teeth till their eyes watered as they used every ounce of magic and  energy to stop their friend from falling to her demise.  Moments later Rainbow Dash smashed into the hay bales as Twilight and Rarity collapsed crying to the ground physically drained. The earth ponys hurriedly split into groups to help the three fillies. Rarity whailed out tears hidden by the rain looking over at the destroyed hay bales. Twilight was helped up to her hooves, drooping her head shedding a quiet tear for her friend. She slowly made her way to Rarity, putting her hooves around her in silence neither pony could find the words. Two Pegasus ponies cantered over to them. "Princess Twilight…erm we don't know how to tell you this…"  Twilight gripped Rarity tighter. "We know girls…we…" She solemnly replied.  The two Pegasus ponies glanced at each other a moment.  "So you know already? She's got a broken wing and in pretty bad shape but you fillies saved her life and…it…was awesome!!!." She yelled out.  Rarity and Twilight were maw smacked. Twilight wiped away her tears still holding Rarity tight to see Angel Wings, the Wonderbolts trainee standing there with Wild Fire alongside a hooful of earth ponys.  Angel Wings stepped forward. "Thank you both for saving Rainbow Dash's life! She's my hero I joined the Wonderbolts because of her! Now let's get you both seen too, you must both be…" She was cut off by gasps as ponies once again saw falling from the sky.  "Is that another Wonderbolt?" Somepony cried out. They all looked up.  Angel Wings called out.  "It can't be the Wonderbolts they returned to the ground after Rainbow Dash and the other two fell!" Wild Fire replied. Twilight squinted through the rain and wind. "That's not a pony…that's…I don't know what that is but it doesn't look good! Everypony to all stations! We need to break its fall!" "We can go and give whatever it is a tug to help slow it down, Princess Twilight?" Angel Wings said eagerly, standing alongside Wild Fire stretching their wings out ready for flight. Twilight smiled proudly at the young fillies. "That is very noble of you both, Angel Wings. But I'm not risking another pony's life today. Please, go help Rainbow Dash and the others. I will personally see to it that you are both commended for your actions here today." The two Pegasus fillies stood filled with gratitude for a moment. "Thank you Princess Twilight, we'll get straight to it."  Giving the Princess a stern nod they went to aid the wounded. Rarity got to her hooves launching a hug at her friend, nearly taking Twilight off her hooves.  "That was too close Twilight! We nearly lost her today...I don't know what we would have done if we did." Twilight hugged warmly into her friend. "Lucky for us we didn't. Now, I need you to focus right now okay? Same again after three, we take hold of whatever that is and bring it down safely. Are you ready? You've got this, you amazing fashionista!"  Rarity wiped her tears away and gave Twilight a stern nod. "Okay darling, on three…" They turned, pointing their horns to the sky once again. Twilight watched closely through the rain as it came into range. "Steady…steady…THREE!"  Magic burst forth from their horns locking onto the strange creature. The girls gritted their teeth straining as they concentrated all of their magic on the falling creature.  The creature was at roughly a hundred feet when their magic began to take a toll on the girls. They were now prone on their bellies giving everything to their last drop of magic.  They cried out in pain as their heads throbbed impairing their vision. Rarity then passed out muttering something and Twilight knew she was next but she had to try…to hold out just that little bit longer. She mustered one last burst of magic, before she passed out there were two fresh bursts of magic flew into the air capturing the falling creature. It was Prince Blueblood alongside Lovestruck. They were still galloping towards the drop zone with their horns glowing as they caught the falling creature.  They quickly looked to the unconscious Princess on the ground with her friend seeing they were in bad shape.  "Princess Twilight and her friend need immediate assistance! Can somepony come help them please??" Prince Blueblood's voice yelled over the storm. Wild Fire and Angel wings came soaring over with blankets and tarp to get them warm and dry under cover. "Hang in there! We've got you!"  They called out to the worn out fillies. They gave each filly a few sips of water, whilst drying the thick of the rain from their coats, before wrapping each of them up in a warm blanket. Rarity and Twilight started coming to looking around their new surroundings with groggy eyes.  "Wh…what happened?" Twilight asked still feeling drained. Angel Wings smiled widely. "Wow! Princess Twilight, you and Miss Rarity are my new heroes! But don't tell Rainbow Dash that!"  Wild Fire stepped in.  "I think what Angel here is trying to say is that once again you have both helped save the day. I'm impressed at how much magic both of you mustered the first time, let alone a second! Three ponies Pegasus' and one creature twice their weights put together, It's no wonder you both lost consciousness!" She patted them on there shoulders. "It was a good thing Lovestruck and Prince Blueblood got here when they did. They brought the creature down safe and sound, all thanks to you and Lady Rarity here." Twilight grimaced a smile.  "Thanks girls, you've both gone above and beyond today, it won't be forgotten. Can you please help me up. I need to see what 'it'…is. Please take good care of my friend Rarity in my absence she has served Equestria well today."  Rarity looked at her friend through tears as her lip wobbled. Twilight's horn softly glowed a moment to move Rarity's soaked hair which was hanging over her eye.  "There you go Rarity, a lady must always look her best." She softly said, trying not to show that using that small bit of magic nearly knocked her off her hooves. "I'll be back soon Rarity, you get some rest. Now, please, Angel Wings, lead the way." Angel Wings led the way out of the makeshift tent before leading Twilight a few tarps over to a large first aid tent. "Here you go Princess Twilight, your friend Rainbow Dash is also in here too but she's still in a very bad way. We've given her something for the pain and she's sleeping it off…Okay here we go." Just as Angel Wings opened the sheet acting as the door for the tent, the storm stopped in a second. They stood amazed how the sun and blue sky returned as if nothing had happened.  "Well that's not good." Twilight grimaced. Upon entering the tent Twilight could see the strange creature lying bloodied and unconscious. "What in Faust is this??" She cried out looking over the even stranger attire and equipment. "Spike, send an urgent message to the princesses right this minute, there's no time to waste!...Annnnd you might want to tell them to bring Discord along…we're going to need all the help we can get on this one. Spike pulled out a scroll and quill writing down the urgent message and sent it with haste. A few moments later he belched a green flame as a scroll flew from his mouth. He quickly read it as Twilight looked the strange creature over. "What does it say Spike??" She called out.  Err...The Princess says she and her sister will meet us at the infirmary as they want to be sure of things before having to summon Discord."  Twilight rolled her eyes with disdain. "Okay that'll have to do for now. Let's hurry and get the wounded to the infirmary on the double…hopefully this creature isn't too dangerous and hopefully we can get some answers as to what the pony is going on. "Something terrible is happening here" Twilight ominously said looking back into the bright blue sky. Later at the infirmary "Princess Twilight, how is your friend Rainbow Dash? I heard she saved two of the Wonderbolts members who were struck by lightning." Princess Celestia asked full of concern.   Twilight closed her eyes and tiredly sighed. "She's still unconscious, the doctors say she has a broken wing, a concussion along with some superficial cuts and bruises but thankfully she's going to pull through."  She drooped her head as she felt her tears welling up as the full gravity of the situation hit her. Celestia and Luna took a few steps closer as Celestia put a hoof softly on Twilights shoulder. "Twilight Sparkle, my most revered student, use these emotions to help you to find the strength you need to get to the bottom of this aweful mess. We have the utmost confidence that you and your friends will get to the bottom of this and do what is right."  The doctor turned into the corridor almost dropping his clipboard. "Your majestys! I..I…wasn't expecting you both so soon. My apologies for…"  Celestia smiled. "Not to worry doctor, there is no need for you to stand on ceremony today. We are simply here for an update on the Wonderbolts and to see this 'creature' for ourselves. Is there anything you can tell us about it."  The doctor cleared his throat and straightened his coat. "Your majestys, we have no idea what this creature is. It's clothing is the strangest thing, we have tried to remove them so we can treat the injuries underneath, however we have nothing to cut through it. The extensive injuries show multiple blunt force trauma we thought it had hit the ground, however Twilight Sparkle assures us that the creature was caught mid air before being carefully laid on a hay bale so we can only surmise how it got this way and how it ended up falling from the sky in the first place. I'm sorry I haven't anymore information at this point, your majestys." Celestia and Luna both smiled at the Dr.  "Thank you Doctor, we understand that you are doing your best. May we see this 'creature'?" The Dr once again figited clearing his voice again. "The creature is still unconscious your majestys, it is in somewhat of a comatose state..err..but please feel free to go in." Luna gazed at the Dr "I am the Princess of dream's doctor. I don't need it awake." She dryly stated as she hoofed past him. Celestia smiled softly, putting her hoof on the doctors shoulder. "Apologies for my sister doctor, please do not  judge her to harshly. She is still adjusting to our way of life.  I wish to thank you and your staff for all your hard work and service."  She smiled a nod to the nervous doctor bowing his head as she passed him with Twilight in tow. Inside the room the creature lay on it's back still in its ravaged attire, it didn't seem to be alive.  "So much blood." Twilight gasped, staying a hoof behind Celestia.  Luna walked up to the creature putting her face straight into its face studying it. Taking a step back she closed her eyes with her horn softly glowing towards the creature. Celestia and Twilight looked on.  "Please be careful sister." Luna slightly opened her eye taking a look at her concerned sister before closing it again as her horn glowed stronger. Inside the creatures dreams Luna walked around inside a darkened room. It had a cold floor and cold solid walls and looking up the darkness consumed the ceiling if one was actually there.  Carrying on through the darkness with only the glow of her horn, she could start to make out what seemed to be something like iron bars in the middle of the concrete walls. "Looks like a prison cell" She whispered. She trotted towards the cell to find the creature. It was laying on a small bed inside; she stood studying it simply fascinated by whatever it was; she'd never seen anything like it before, not even through her long dark years of being Nightmare Moon. She cast a spell from her horn. "Wake" She whispered.  There was nothing. "Hmm the strong silent type huh?" This time she squinted gritting her teeth as her horn fizzled. "Waaaaake" After a few moments it started coughing easing itself up.  It's eyes widened looking at Luna "What in the hell are you!" The creature called out. Luna was taken aback by the brashness of its voice.  "I am Princess Luna of Equestria known as Nightmare Moon." She stated with regal pride.  "I don't know what or where that is, but when I get out of here you're going to be one sorry son of a…"   Luna took hold of him with her magic grip. "You are currently in an infirmary back in my hometown of Ponyville in what we call a coma. There was a violent storm, in which six of our finest flyers are now in laying badly injured which soon after, you fall out of the clouds. You are still breathing only by the quick thinking of one of the brightest unicorns I know saved your life." The creature put its head back and laughed out loud. "Wow! I don't know what you've injected me with, but this is some trippy shit lady! I mean you look like a strange looking horse right now and you tell me that I'm in a coma? Yet here we are. I've been captured many times and introduced to all kinds of sadistic torturing and interrogation tactics but this…this is definitely a new one that's for sure! Luna was losing her patience she needed to get to the bottom of all this and fast. "What are you? And how did you come to Ponyville?" The creature laughed again. "You're crazy lady! I'm not talking to you!"  Luna gritted her teeth feeling her anger rising. "I like you creature, you are a lot like myself, however I need answers so I can help you! As where I am from, you are currently dying and we don't know how to save you and to make sure that my people are safe. You called me a horse which means you must have equines where you are from, unfortunately where I am from there is nothing like you." The creature looked for a moment thinking. It started laughing again.  Luna lost it and shot a bolt of magic at him showing him her world of kindness and friendship at the final memory she picked him up into the air and dropped him heavily to the floor.  "I need to know what you are and where you are from?" The creature coughed laying on it's back winded, looking up at her.  "I'm a human from Earth. Now let me out of this cage!"  Luna looked at him in wonder. "Well human of Earth, do you have name? As I have already told you, you are currently in a coma in an infirmary in Ponyville and I am trying to help you. By the looks of things you have put yourself in this cage as everything here, excluding myself is your memory. With your permission I would like to see your dreams and find out where you are from so we can help you get back" "The names Snake. And where I'm from there's nothing but war, suffering and death." He said coldly. Luna cast another spell, this time the cell dissipated around them and they were now in a desert, with what Luna took to be loud firework sounds with reverberating explosions all around them. She looked wildly upon seeing other humans and their metal machines raging against one another.  "This what you're looking for princess" Snake stated. "This is war and death rolled into one."  Luna was taken off guard at such violence before her eyes, seeing Snake jumping onto a tank before putting a metal looking mallet into the tanks treads then leaping away before the massive explosion. "This is Rhodesia, Hell on Earth he stated dryly. Other dreams and memories transpired before their eyes. Luna witnessed the carnage in awe, shaking her cold persona to it's core. "You have seen so much death in your life human." She was cut off when a new vision began he was dressed as he was now fighting some sort of giant metal machine.  "Metal Gear" He said as if he'd read her mind. It screeched and roared stomping what seemed to be feet against the hard ground making it shake, whilst firing a tirade of various weaponry at the tiny man. Luna was at a loss for words her maw gaped open as she could only watch the behemoth decimating everything in it's wake. Snake watched her for a moment. "That walking tank princess, is going to destroy the world that I am from and I only have a few hours left to destroy it! So get me out of here and I'll be on my way." Luna took a breath. She knew exactly how he was going to react because she would do exactly the same if it was her. "You forget Snake of Earth, that you are in a coma and we do not have that medical knowledge of waking you up from it. I am sincerely sorry, we the ponies of Equestria shall do everything in our power to help you save your world.  Snake leapt forward. "You mean to tell me that I'm helpless to do a damn thing??"  "Stay strong Snake, my powers here are fading, but I shall return soon. I am going to put a team together and send them in your place to help save your world.  Snake pulled out a cigar and lit it.  "God help us."