My Little Pirate.

by Regis Stella

Chapter 32 Dark Brethren Part 2

"THIS IS LIKE THE GOONIES!" I yelled as me and my crew took the first waterslide in the Coral Fortress. We fell into the open room where we swam up to the surface and I saw the ship of my nightmares. The Flying Dutchman! "THIS IS LIKE THE GOONIES!" I yelled in happiness, but only for my friends to cover my muzzle and hushing me.

"So that's the Flying Dutchmen," Mum said out loud, "It's not exactly a pleasant sight,"

"I'll say," Rares said in disgust, "Just look at those sails, is that seaweed?!"

"Hey, there's a ladder on the side of the ship," Dashie said and then we climbed/flew up to the deck of the Dutchman.

So enough Jack appeared next to me, "She may be crewed by a gang of antisocial shellfish, but this vessel is nothing if not perilous," Jack said to us as we boarded the Dutchman, "Powerful, too. She was fast enough to follow the Black Pearl when we crossed the horizon with my Treasure, and scuppered us before we knew what was what," "Although..." Jack thought of something, "If the Dutchman sailed inside this fortress, she must possess some means of opening that big door over yonder. All we have to do is find it," "There was a time this had a proud mission and a noble purpose... but that was long ago. Still, let's not disturb what we mustn't..."

"Search the ship, but be careful... We don't know what Jones and his 'Dark Brethren' have in store for us," I told my friends as we split up to find what we need.

One of my crewmates, a griffin with sea green feathers named Davrim, made his way to the map table, where a dagger covered in barricades, was stuck on the table. He was going to grab the dagger. "Better let me," Jack said to Davrim before he pulled the dagger, "This ship has a nasty habit of making those aboard her part of the furniture..."

"How can a dagger make you 'part of the ship'?" Davrim asked Jack, but soon enough we begin to hear the familiar (At least to me) chant that begins to scare the crew and me a little.

"Part of the ship, part of the crew, part of the ship, part of the crew..." The crew was looking around to find the source of the chanting, but failing to find it as the torches began to light themselves and the door to the cabin was now open.

As I and my guards walk into the inner sanctum of Davy Jones, Jack appeared next to Uncle Jones' organ. And I was giggly like a school girl at the sight of it.

"This, mate," Jack explained to me and my crew, " is the inner sanctum of the most vengeful creature to sail the seas," Jack pointed to the desk, "And that spot right there is where I swiped the Treasure out from under the nose he doesn't have. and if we don't get it back, this will never be over. And again statues... it will take more than one wee pendant to get them singing," Jack points to a piece of paper on the organs keys, "Now, this is either very old sheet music or Davy Jones' secret recipe for liver and onions," The Mane 6 shivered at the mention of liver, even though we've been in the Sea of Thieves for a few years now. Jack hands me the paper, "See if you can make heads of tails of it. Even though all of you have tails... and heads,"

"I don't know how to play an organ..." I said and then asked, "Anyone want to try?"

"I'll do it!" Davrim said as I handed him the book with the sheet in it. "Okay... Here goes nothing!" Davrim pressed the right key and began to play the first few notes of Davy Jones' theme.

And then, the room began to shake and Jack says: "It's working! Now we just need to wait for the song to end and--," then we hear enemies coming to fight us, with Ocean Crawlers boarding us and some firing the cannons at us and even some Sirens attack us from the water surrounding the Dutchman. "Assuming we survive that long. I may have been slightly mistaken about this ship being deserted!"

"Dessert!? WHERE?!" Pinkie asked in excitement.

"NOT NOW PINKIE!" The rest of the crew yelled as the Ocean Crawlers attacked everyone.


After the fight on the Dutchman

Everyone was either tired from the fighting or wounded by the Crawlers and Sirens.

At last we hear the giant gates behind the Dutchman was now opening.

"If Jones didn't know we were here before, he certainly does now," Jack said, "I suggest we disembark before he sends anyone else to offer us a warm welcome," Jack jumps into the water and swam up to the newly open room behind the Dutchman. "Let's find out where that door leads, eh?"

"AYE AYE, CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW!" I said aloud, then my crew ganged up on me and hushed me into silents.

We soon came off another water slide and we began to hear voices from the other side of the pathway.

"Well, Jones? The Dark Brethren have heeded your call, and now I'm sure we're all curious to learn why we were summoned," A voice that I recognize as Wanda the Warsmith, a blacksmith who once worked on Golden Sands Outpost, got turned into a skeleton, worked for Captain Flameheart and then left after one of my crews help save Pendragon's crew from Potato Head's plans for bringing back the Ashen Lords. "Was your dalliance with the Siren Queen not all you dreamed it might be?"

I came up behind a coral covered rock and began to spy on this court when Davy Jones answers Wanda, "PAH! The Sirens are loyal to me for as long as I can summon precious "daughter". However, they cannot guard my Locker if pirates sail free and interfere without consequence! That is why I sought new orders..."

"Jones... Obeys..?" I heard that motherbucking Rathbone the Gold Hoarder asked Uncle Jones with a gravely voice.

"Oh-ho? The legendary Davy Jones is now in service to another?" Wanda chuckled at the thought and then asked, "Tell us, who might this fearsome individual be?"

"The one hand blaggard who absconded with my heart..." Jones replied, "Now - this Dark Brethren court has formed, and our strength will control the seas once and for all,"

"What you have promised may have brought our loyalty to the Brethren, not not even Captain Flameheart has been able to conquer the Sea of Thieves," That was the voice of Duke the Dark Lord, formerly a Bilge Rat on the Outposts, was fired because "reasons to do with the fact that he was once in league with Flameheart as his Duke", wonder around the Sea of Thieves until he disappeared days before all of this happened. And I was shock at hearing Duke's voice because before I left for Equestria, Captain Logun of the Keelhauled Podcast, a podcast made for Sea of Thieves news, updates and the like. said early on that Duke was a dark lord and he was not to be trusted at all. Now I'm feeling like that Logun might be right all along. "Why should we expect to succeed?"

"Flameheart was blinded by his own rage and obsessed with killing," Jones said, "Control of these waters is not about slaughter of our enemies. It's about what Happens next..."

"You're talking about the Ferryman..." Duke said.

"Aye, with the power of the Treasure I possess and the full force of the Dark Brethren at my side, we finally have might enough to destroy his vessel,"

"And you'll be his replacement?" Wanda asked.

"I most certainty will, Warsmith," Jones said, "And only those pirates who swear an oath to the Brethren will return from my vessel! We'll command every pirate on the Sea of Thieves... Ah, but that's only the beginning of the Captain's plans... And those who orders will be duly rewarded,"

"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS! YOU AND THAT COD FISH WON'T USE ME!" I heard someone with a small voice yell at the top of their lungs, and it came from Jack's Treasure.

"As I promised, God Hoarder. 882 gold coins of immeasurable value... the Aztec Gold of Cortes! Payment in full for your obedience," Jones says.

"Cor... tes... Cursed..." Rathbone asked Jones.

"Aye, by a treasure bathed in blood," Jones answered then explained, "The Aztecs delivered these coins to Cortes in exchange for their lives, but his conquest continued. Now, any mortal who takes so much as a single coin will be punished for all eternity. You yourself have paid the price for such greed before,"

"Only to have it bite you in the flank, many times before," I whispered to myself.

"Where... is Cap'n..." Rathbone asked Jones, and that name drop surprised me.

"That, is not your concern. Once we've secured this world for the Brethren, he'll sail to us," Jones said, "Now, the preparations are complete. It's time to bridge the worlds and take our rightful places as Lords of the Seas!"


Rathbone threw a bag of gold and the Brethren disappeared and there was nothing but empty chairs. Myself and my crew came out from hiding and I had a look of shock in my face as I process what I just saw seconds ago.

"Rathbone, Wanda AND Duke are part of the Dark Brethren?" I asked myself as I moved around the table. As I was doing so, I saw that the chair that had no one in it had double cigar burns on the map and the left hand arm of the chair had claw-looking marks on it. combine with the voice that I heard from Jack Treasure made me think of the true leader of the Dark Brethren.