Pink Symphony

by DragonLS

CH9: Luck

Special Thanks to:

Editor: DaMobbs

Proofreader: Meeester


Wow, I didn’t think Berry Punch was THAT promiscuous of a mare.


I’ll talk about who I want to when I want to. Besides, it’s my job to both annoy and inform you of your current situation. Don’t you love it?


Fine, fine, I’ll shut up. But that also means I’ll stop reading the book too.


Oh no, that’s not what you said earlier, it’s… wait, that’s exactly what you said earlier. Huh…


Fine, I’ll stop rambling but just this once. As soon as we finish this chapter though, all bets are off. Deal?


Scratch that, your opinion is null and void. I’m still gonna do it anyway. Now, where were we? 


Chapter 9: Luck

Back in Canterlot, everything had an order. A place. A niche in everyday life. Wake up, practice, hang out with friends, play a gig, party, and then sleep. Rinse and repeat until satisfied. Once in a while though, certain aspects would deviate from the norm, but it would still bare some resemblance to your daily schedule. Everything was predictable and plotted out ahead of time. Even after moving, there was still order in your life.

Until Pinkie Pie came along and shot that all to hell.

She had literally thrust herself into your life and had started wreaking havoc on your definition of the ‘norm.’ Despite all the chaos, you were conflicted. Half of your mind liked the spontaneity that that mare seemed to revel in whilst the other half was definitively fed up and annoyed by it. However, it all wound up with you playing music in front of the crowds again. Her welcome party threw you back into the musical world. That was one thing you had to thank that pink mare for.

Actually admitting that was an entirely different story.

Ever since Pinkie signed your contract, Berry’s Delights was filled with your music three days a week. It was both exhilarating and enjoyable. It was everything a pony could ask for wrapped into a bundle: a good salary, an opportunity to play the very music you love to the ponies around you, and for some odd reason, Pinkie Pie. She came to the bar seemingly whenever it was your turn up on stage. Maybe she just came to the bar daily? Somewhere inside yourself, you felt that assumption was wrong. You struck up a chat with her in between your sets, but it was mostly small talk, the demanding task of being a musician keeping your attention elsewhere instead.

Berry always had a smile on during your performance, leaving you to wonder; was Berry falling for you, or was it just a sign of admiration for your skills?

Honestly, it was anypony’s guess at this point.

Two weeks had passed since your first performance, and you were still jazzing up a storm on stage. With your top hat at the ready and the trumpet in your hooves, a funky tune soon found its way out of your trumpet with a pianist providing a snappy rhythm. It wasn’t Pinkie Pie playing the piano, but the brown stallion was definitely skilled. Part of you wished it was Pinkie, since she was a magnificent piano player, almost too good, in fact.

With another round of applause from the crowd, you took a bow and stepped off the stage, eager for something to drink. The brown stallion seemingly disappeared the moment you stepped off stage. You raised a brow as Berry trotted up to you, a glass of clear liquid, presumably water, balanced on her back.

“Good job once again.” she said, hoofing you the glass. “I swear, the crowd gets bigger every day. I probably have you to thank for that as well as some of the other ponies I’ve hired.”

You asked her about that brown stallion that disappeared off to nowhere, and she just merely giggled.

“Oh, Brownie? He likes to leave the bar after a performance. Something about appealing more to the mysterious side of the mares or whatever that means. I didn’t really like it at first, but he plays a pretty darn good piano. I can’t really badger him about the way he acts, as he doesn’t cause any trouble with it.”

Since it was her bar and here-say, you mentally shrugged. You yourself had once tried that approach with mares and met with less than satisfying results, namely missing the awesome after parties. Couldn’t really blame the colt for trying a different avenue though.

You took a swig from the glass of water Berry had brought you and sighed in relief. Nothing beats a drink after a performance.

A hoof tapped your shoulder.

“Hi Mr. Top Hat! Whatcha dooooing?” came a sing-song voice from behind.

A fine mist flew through the air as you sputtered out a shocked yelp. Apologizing profusely to the ponies who were hit by the mist, you grabbed a napkin and wiped the water off your muzzle. Fortunately, Berry wasn’t in the fallout zone. You never would have lived that down otherwise.

You grumbled a little as you swiveled around to find Pinkie Pie bouncing on all four hooves, giggling like a madpony.

“Well, if you didn’t like the water here, why didn’t you just say so?”

Despite your animosity, you inwardly grinned. Even when you were angry with her, she still managed to turn that rage into laughter.

“Ahh come on, you need to swallow, not spit. Here, like this!” She takes your glass of water and threw it into her mouth. You were surprised for three reasons:

She just drank an entire glass of water in under a second.

She drank the glass too.

Since you drank from that glass, would this count as an indirect kiss?

Admittedly, you’ve never actually had one of those before, at least you don’t recall ever having one. Berry caught on to this, evident by your furious blush, and jumped on the opportunity.

“Oh hoh? A first kiss between two ponies. My, my, how I love seeing love blossom.”

A ferocious glare directed at Berry made her clam up whilst Pinkie Pie merely laughed it away.

“Well of course Berry, I love everyone! I love Mr. Top Hat, Berry, Twilight, Rarity, Flutter—“

Your heart skipped a beat when she said she loved you, but quickly leveled out as she listed out the names of her friends. So she meant that kind of love. Why did that really bother you though? Before you could continue down that line of thought, Berry added wood to the fire.

“No no, Pinkie. When I mean love, I’m talking about caring for someone, loving someone, you know, a pony’s special somepony.”

“Huh? You mean...”, Pinkie stuttered, a small blush on her cheek, “Love love?”

“Yes Pinkie. So are you sure you still ‘love’ me? Heh…” Berry said with a small giggle.

“No, I mean I love you as a friend, Berry! And even Mr. Top—“ As her eyes landed on yours, she paused mid-sentence. Those dazzling blue eyes seemed to stare into your soul for a moment as time seemed to come to a standstill. Your eyes were locked on hers, and they refused to budge. You wanted to say something, but your voice didn’t seem to work either.

Mysteriously, your hat flew off your head and landed on the ground. More out of reflex than anything else, your eyes followed its movements, breaking the stare between yourself and Pinkie. Thankful for the reprieve, you stepped over to it and placed it back on your head. Even now, your hat was getting you out of sticky situations.

Apparently in more ways than one.


The sound of shattering glass and snapping wood filled the air as a hanging light fixture fell on the spot you were standing in a moment ago. Some of the patrons yelped in shock and jumped away from the source of the noise. Shards of glass and splintered wood were all that remained of it now.

You looked at your hat and back at the spot you were standing in just a second ago. If your hat hadn’t flown off, you would’ve been squished.

A curse slipped out as your legs buckled from the relief of having avoided a rather gruesome demise.

“By Celestia, that stupid architect is going to get a mouthful from me!” Berry said as she slammed a hoof on the floor. “That’s the last time they overcharge me and skimp on the materials!”

Berry was fuming in anger despite your best attempts to calm her down. Berry angrily shook her head.

“That lamp would’ve shredded you though! You’re not hurt now are you!? Any cuts? Bruises?”

Thankfully, you were perfectly fine, save a few busted nerves. Pinkie Pie was looking at the now destroyed fixture, more-so at the wire that was holding it up. She placed a hoof on her chin and ‘hmmm’d.’ Why was she more concerned with that than the pony who almost met his end?

“Hmm… Mr. Top Hat, does anypony hate you out there?”

Raising a brow, you said that you didn’t know anyone off the top of your head that hated you. Then again, there were some weird fans out there, but that was something entirely different. There shouldn’t be any fans out there who would want you dead. Right?

“Well, this wasn’t an accident. See? The wire is frayed here, like somepony took a hacksaw to it, and trust me, I know my hacksaws. No party pony alive could live without knowing their way around tools!

A chill went up your spine when she said that. You questioned her if the wire breaking wasn’t an accident, but she was adamant.

You held onto your hat, thanking it dearly for saving your life.


Berry had promised that she would look into why the lamp broke and possibly yell at the builder who put that lamp there to begin with. Regardless, you trotted through the deserted streets of Ponyville, breathing in the cold night air.

Well, otherwise deserted save for the bouncing pink ball of sugar following you.

Instead of asking her to buzz off, which she probably wouldn’t do anyway, you asked her why she was following you home.

“I dunno, just like walking with you I guess?”

You pointed out that she wasn’t walking, but hopping.

“Same thing. Ooh! Actually, there’s another reason why I’m following you.”

You stopped in the middle of the dirt road and looked at her with a questionable gaze. She took out a small pamphlet from Celestia-knows-where and shoved it in your face, literally. You mumbled how she should stop doing things like that and held the paper in your hooves. Apparently, a small candy restaurant was opening up in Ponyville, and their grand opening was in two days time.

You told her you didn’t have any interest in going to a sweets restaurant. In fact, the thought of a ‘candy restaurant’ almost made you ill to your stomach; who would open a restaurant that served purely candy!?

Pinkie giggled and wrapped a hoof around your neck. “I want you to come with me and check it out, silly. It’s a candy restaurant! Do you know how rare those are!? I thought I was the only one who loved sweets too! Ooh, I wonder if the restaurant is edible! Wait, that might cost too much… But I’d still like to eat it!”

You were taken aback. The fact she was inviting you to a restaurant was a bit surprising, given your relationship with her. Was she moving too fast, or were you just over-thinking things a bit?

Still, it had been ages since you’d went out with another mare on any occasion. The idea of a candy restaurant though still left you skeptical at best.

You asked her if she was asking you out on a date.

“Why would I ask a calendar out? Calendars don’t talk, or do they?”

You assumed she just misheard you, so you repeated the question but in a simpler fashion. She then went ‘oooh’ as if she understood but then she furrowed a brow and asked an even simpler question.

“What’s a date?”