//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: The prophet // Story: Death, Sacrifice, and the man in blue // by MrTyrannousaurusX //------------------------------// Levi pushed open the purple double door while being escorted by two spear-wielding guards. The double doors led to a long hallway that led to the throne room to the Princess of Equestria, Princess Celestia. Levi’s nerves were on high and he was extremely nervous about the meeting with the Princess. Based on what happened back at Ponyville and with Soarin, Levi was expecting something bad to happen despite the fact she was someone in authority, that fact made Levi worry worse When they reached the end of the hallway, the guards guarding the double doors to the throne room looked at Levi and then the guards and asked “Is this him?” in a low, intimidating voice.  “Yes” They answered. “We’ll take it from here.” The guards at the door said. The escorting guards nodded to the door guards and they turned around and started walking away. The door guards opened the purple double doors and turned their heads to look at Levi, he got the message and walked up to be with the guards as all three of them walked into the throne room. Levi was sweating out nervousness as the doors shut loudly behind them, echoing throughout the large room.  “Holy shit..”He whispered to himself when he saw the room. The large room had light purple walls and white pillars evenly separated from each other with some form of symbol in between the pillars. As they walked along the clean marble floor that reflected the ceiling it was under, he noticed all of the windows were made of stained glass. There were blue, yellow, and pink windows but Levi didn’t have time to get a good look.  At the end of the red carpet they were walking on was a golden throne. Standing on the throne was none other than the Princess of Equestria, Celestia. There were two guards standing at the bottom of the short staircase leading up to the throne and they nodded at the guards escorting Levi, who promptly turned around and left.  “So, you’re the human that fell. Levi, is it?” Celestia asked him, calming his nerves at her calm demeanor. “Yeah, how’d you know?” Levi joked in response, remembering moments later he was talking to the Princess and joking wasn’t the best thing to do. “You're the talk of the town.” She responded, walking down the stairs off of her throne to be face to face with Lev. It was only then Levi realized how tall she truly was. “We need to discuss something important Levi, what are you doing here?” She asked, looking him in the eye.  “I-I’m not here for trouble Princess..” Levi answered, intimidated by her stature. “Then what are you here for? No human has been here for many moons, surely there is a reason for you being here, yes?” She asked, with an inquisitive look. “I know just as much as you do Princess, me and my brother were cooking something and there was an explosion and next thing you know I’m falling out of the sky.” Levi answered, earning a suspicious look from the Princess. Levi saw this and sighed, saying “When the explosion happened I saw a bright rainbow and.. I saw you, I think.”  “What do you mean?” Celestia asked, the same suspicious look remaining on her face. “I saw some white unicorn with her wings spread out. After that I fell out of the sky.” Levi replied, causing the Princesses eyebrows to go up in surprise. She turned to head to look at the guards behind her who wore the same expression on there faces, like they knew something Levi didn’t. “Are you certain that’s what you saw?” Celestia asked, her demeanor quickly changing. “Yes Princess, I’m certain.” Levi answered, the Princess turned her head to her guards once more before turning to Levi and saying “Come with me Levi.” Celestia and Levi left the throne room and walked down the long hallway, with Levi lagging behind. Celestia took notice of this and slowed down so Levi could catch up to her, when he did she walked the same pace as him and asked him “What’s wrong?” He looked at her and replied “My back is messed up badly, I need surgery.” Celestia gave him a look of concern and added “We have doctors here in the castle if it’s an emergency.” Levi waved his hand at her and responded “It isn’t a big deal right now, but what did you need me to come with you for?” changing the subject. “It’s important, but I’ll tell you once we get there.” Celestia responded. Levi simply looked ahead and kept walking, his mind racing on what could be so important. “Mind If I ask you something?” Levi asked.  “Go ahead” Celestia answered, in a calming voice.  “You mentioned humans haven’t come here in ‘many moons’, what happened to them?” Levi asked, curiously. Celestia paused for a second before answering “It wasn’t a lot of them, only a few, but they wanted our power for themselves..”. She paused, closing her eyes for a few seconds before continuing “They killed a few of us, thinking killing us would give them our power. They found out that wasn’t the case far too late.”  “So, what happened after that?” Levi asked. “They ran far away from here, out of Ponyville. Some say they ran to the mountains, some say they escaped back to the human world. Either way, they were never seen again. People have largely forgotten about humans, that’s probably why they thought you were a Changeling.” She explained. “Hmm” Levi hummed in response.  A few minutes later, Celestia led Levi outside of the castle and to a building with tall brown double doors. The large grey building had blue and purple flags and banners decorating the walls with dark green windows with golden bars on them, right above the staircase was what looked like a balcony that had a large stone book on top of it.  “Where are we?” Levi asked the princess as they walked up the stairs. “The library.” She answered, “But not for the reason you think, what I’m about to show you can’t tell another soul. Understand?” Celestia added, sternly. “Got it.” Levi responded. Celestia used her magic, which created a glowing yellow aura around her horn, and opened the double doors. The library was massive, with many tall and long bookshelves with hundreds, possibly thousands of books. There were several desks with small lamps on them scattered around the front area of the library. He watched as all of the ponies quickly stopped everything they were doing and bowed down to Celestia. “Princess Celestia!” One pony called out. She simply smiled back and replied “Go about your business everypony.” They all smiled and nodded and continued doing whatever they were doing, but not before they all gave Levi a weird and confused look but decided not to think anything of it. ‘They must care a lot about their damn books’ Levi thought to himself. “Follow me” Celestia whispered, beckoning for him to follow her. Levi followed as she walked slowly in front of him, knowing his condition. As Levi followed the Princess through the aisles, his eyes wandered to the various books and signs on the sides of the book shelf that read: “Fiction, History, Magic”. The sign that read “Magic” piqued his interest. Levi glanced at the various titles on the spines of the many books that he passed: “Magic 101, The art of flying, The history of the Wonderbolts” the last one made Levi think of Spitfire, which brought a smile to his face. A couple minutes later, Celestia stopped in front of a grey brick wall at the back of the massive library. Levi looked at the entire wall and noticed the only thing on the wall were two doors that led to the men and womens bathroom. “We’re here” She stated, standing in front of the wall. “I uh-I’m confused” Levi admitted, checking out the entire wall a second time checking for anything of note. As he looked at the part of the wall that Celestia was standing in front of, he noticed something unusual about it. He noticed that there was a square shape in the wall that was a slight, barely noticeable, different shade of grey then the rest of the wall.  Right as he noticed this, Celestia looked around checking if anyone was watching and no one was. She used her magic creating a yellow aura around her horn and pushed the square in the wall forward, and then sliding it to the right. Levi was amazed how this made barely any noise, just some quiet scraping on the ground. “Follow me, quickly” Celestia whispered, walking through the opened hole in the wall.  Levi quickly staggered into the hole and next to Celestia as she used her magic to quickly close the door behind them, taking away most of the light in the long dark hallway they were in. The hallway looked like a long cavern, illuminated by several torches lining the top of the walls of the hallway. “Are you ready?” She asked.  “I’m nervous but yeah, I’m ready” Levi replied, which Celestia giggled in response. “You’re gonna be fine Levi. Come on, it’s this way” She replied, starting to walk forward through the dark hallway with Levi following next to her. As the two walked side by side down the hall, Levi started to become worried about where he was being taken to. After all, he had just met the Princess barely even 15 minutes ago. “Excuse my rudeness Princess but, where exactly are you taking me?” Levi asked, as politely as he could without sounding rude.  “This is the Restricted Section of the library, where no one is allowed here except for only a small handful of people, myself included.” She explained. “What makes it restricted?” Levi asked, curiously. “It’s full of information no pony needs to see.” She answered, causing Levi to give her a concerned look which Celestia certainly expected. “Maybe I worded that wrong, no pony really cares about what’s in here. Old documents, old books the library doesn’t want, stuff of that sort.” “Gotcha” Levi responded, “So what’s so important that I need to see?” He asked. “You’ll see Levi” Celestia responded. Levi sighed and continued walking forward through the dark hall, his curiosity growing with each step. When they got to the end of the hallway, the two walked into a small cave. The cave had moss growing on the walls with holes in the walls that served as small bookshelves with old, dusty books sitting inside of them. There were several miscellaneous things scattered all over the place, including a large fireplace with an intricately carved design in the border of the fireplace.  The thing that caught Levi’s attention was a large, brown, dirty piece of cloth pinned to the wall that looked like a dirty potato sack. Celestia walked to the towel on the wall with Levi still following behind and stopped in front of it. “Are you ready?” She asked. “It’s like Christmas morning” He joked in response. “Let’s see it Princess”  “Very well” Celestia stated. Her horn glowed the sun yellow aura as she used her magic and tore the cloth off the wall, clouding the air immediately with dust. As Levi and Celestia coughed and waved their hands and hooves in front of their faces to clear away the dust.  When the air cleared, Levi saw what Celestia had told him was extremely important. It was several, very old paintings, with silver plaques underneath them that had black words engraved into them. Levi was confused at what he was seeing until he saw the person in each of the paintings was wearing a royal blue shirt, Levi put two and two together and realized this was about him.  “‘A man in blue bearing the name Cronell will fall from the sky and make himself known.’”  Celestia read the plaque under the first painting which depicted Levi falling onto green grass, which is exactly what happened. “‘After being nursed back to health, he will save the residents of Ponyville from great danger and will be hailed a hero. This is when the ponies will truly know his power.’” She read the plaque underneath the second painting, which depicted Levi fighting a black pony with black hair. Celestia frowned for a split second at the second painting, like she recognized the pony, but quickly went back to a neutral expression. “‘Many times after that, many threats will come and threaten his friends in Ponyville and he will successfully stop them.’” She read the plaque under the third painting, depicting Levi with a small sword in his hand. He was standing in front of what looked like a grey dragon, a large red beast, a black pony with green hair, and a small white pony with wings and a horn.  “‘However one day, he will fail, when a evil king murders his brother in cold blood. The man in blue will promise revenge, and will stick to that promise.’” She read, the fourth painting depicted Levi holding a man in his arms with a red wound on his chest. The man was wearing light blue armor but his hair was what struck him the most. His hair was dark blonde and messy, Levi had always picked on Alan calling him “Bird nest” because of his hair so Levi recognized it almost immediately. A somber expression formed on Levi’s face which Celestia quickly noticed, “You had a friend who fell here with you, didn’t you?” she asked in a soft voice. “Alan,” He answered, still staring at the dying man in the painting, “Alan Sizemore. He’s my brother practically. He’s the one who brought me here, and brought himself here.” He explained. Celestia smiled at him sympathetically.  “I’m so sorry you have to see this Levi.” Celestia replied.  Levi smiled as best as he could at her, despite how fake it looked and he replied “It’s alright Princess, keep reading.” She nodded and looked at the fifth painting’s plaque and began to read, “‘Many moons later, after all of his friends have passed away, he will come out of Ponyville after getting his powers back and save his new friends from evil’” The painting showed Levi standing there with the sword in his hand with crimson blood covering half the blade. In front of him were the bodies of the little unicorn with horns, the black pony with green hair, and the red beast.  “‘After he saved his friends, he will die peacefully on the beach with his friends by his side. The man in blue will die knowing the prophecy is fulfilled.’” Celestia read, the sixth painting depicted Levi on his knees on a beach in front of the ocean with a rainbow haired pony, pink haired pony, purple haired pony, a blond pony and a man with a grey hoodie and black hair. The yellow pony with pink hair he almost immediately recognized as Fluttershy. “Holy shit..” He whispered, recognizing the painting in front of him.  “I had a dream about that last night.” He stated. Celestia gave him a surprised look. “I know Fluttershy, she’s right there,” He said, pointing to the yellow pony in the painting “And Alan’s right there.” He said, pointing to the man in the painting. “You know what this means right?” She asked.  “Yeah..” He answered, turning his head to look at her, “I have a job to do.” He finished. “That’s right,” She said. “And I know how you're gonna get settled into Ponyville!” She added, enthusiastically. “Really? How?” Levi asked, crossing his arms.  “I believe my student would love to help you. She's going to Ponyville soon and doesn't know anyone.” She replied, but her demeanor quickly changed as she added “You can not tell her under any circumstances. The prophecy must never change.”  Levi nodded slowly, understanding his job. It was a lot to take in, he was there to fulfill a prophecy, he was thinking how ever since the day he was born he was destined to fall here in Equestria. He stared at the paintings, deep in thought, he focused on the fifth painting staring at the crimson blade. His mind raced with many different scenarios of what will lead up to that moment, where Levi will kill those ponies. As he glanced over each of the paintings, he stopped at the fourth one and looked at him and Alan and his heart stung. Just the thought of having his best friend, his brother, die in arms was too much for him to bear. His heart was heavy as he bit his lip and looked down at the ground. “Levi” She said, walking towards him and placing a hoof on his shoulder. “I know this is a lot to take in and the thought of losing your friend must be very hard for you to fathom, but these paintings have been here ever since I was a filly and that was many moons ago.” She said, sympathetically. “What I’m trying to say is that..whatever happens needs to happen Levi.” She added. “However, those things are far into the future..” She said, glancing at the paintings. “All you have to worry about now is getting settled into Ponyville.”  Levi looked up at her and grinned. “If you don’t mind me asking, who’s the student?” He asked. “Twilight Sparkle.” She answered. “Sweet” Levi responded. Levi had no idea what meeting her student would bring him, and he had no idea just how much this interaction would change his life for better and for worse. Inside, Levi knew his purpose in Equestria, and he was more ready than ever.