Spark of a Flame

by Riojoriginal

2 - An Awesome Friend to Have

Spike was officially one year old right now, but his size and maturity would imply he was twelve years old. Celestia noticed this a while back now, but didn’t have a clue as to why this was happening. Her best hunch was something involving how Spike hatched, but that was it.

Though, she didn’t need to know why this was happening, to want to stop it from happen. She already had an idea on how to stop this, but would need some things they couldn't get in Canterlot.

Hence why Celestia and Spike were in a carriage heading towards Cloudsdale right now.

Glancing to her side, she could see Spike looking down from his side of the carriage, enjoying the view.

“Where are we going, mom?” Spike asked, leaning away from the side.

“Cloudsdale, Spike. A city made out of clouds.” Celestia said, Noticing his confused stare, she continued. “Pegasi have a certain type of magic that let them manipulate clouds. Since most pegasi - at the time at least - really liked to live in the sky, they built and engineered this city.”

“Woah, that’s so cool! But how do other ponies get inside the city if it’s on the sky? And doesn’t it get blown away if there’s a strong enough wind?” Spike asked.

“Well, unicorns and earth ponies have visited the city, through rarely and in hot-air ballons or just having pegasi helping them get up there but usually they are under the effects of a cloud-walking spell during their stay, and it’s usually a short one. But - that I know of - only pegasi live on Cloudsdale. Now on the matter of being blown away, the city is not stationary but a number of pegasi are in charge of making sure the city stays in course for the trajetory planned for the seasons... Does that asnwer your questions?”

Spike nodded as he looked ahead, seeing said cloud city approaching in the distance. “Pegasi are awesome!”

*chuckles lighty* “Well, in the past pegasi won’t never let you forget that.”

Spike looked back at her, curious. “What do you mean?”

“Mostly pride. But that is a story for another time, on history class," Celestia said, patting his head. "Now get ready, we’re almost there.”

“Can I walk on the clouds?” Spike asked as he was currently being held in Celestia’s magic, who just tried walking ahead without the cloud-walking spell.

“If you could wait for me to cast the spell.” Celestia said as her horn glowed more, before lowering Spike to the clouds level. “Done, try it now.”

“Oh, it feels... Surprisingly not soft?”

*Giggles* “Well, tecnically, the cloud-walking spell doesn’t let you walk on clouds, it just creates an invisible barrier under your hoofs - or feet in your case - so you don’t fall through it.” She glanced around before continuing. “Only flying creatures can really walk on clouds, and only pegasi can ‘feel’ how the clouds really are. That’s also the reason you’ll see pegasi napping in clouds, they say it’s leagues beyond what the most soft bed we have provides regarding confort.”

“Oh... Have you slept on a cloud before?” Spike asked.

“Hm... No, never had the chance. But my niece did - before she was an alicorn - she used to sleep the days away on clouds when she didn’t have anything important to do.” Celestia answered as she gave instructions to the guards from the carriage, who took flight again towards another part of the city.

“So, what are we doing here?” Spike asked, following Celestia.

“We came here for a specific item I’m looking for you.” She replied.

“Oh, like a gift?” He asked, getting excited.

“Eh, sort of. You noticed how you been growing up?” She asked.

“Yeah. You said something about fast growth?” Spike replied, not really getting what Celestia meant.

“Well... You’ve been growing a little too fast. I’ll getting worried, so I’ll be making an enchanted bracelet to minimize that. Make sure you grow at a more normal rate.” She explained as they arrived at a rustic looking store.

“What are we getting from here?” Spike asked.

“A bracelet.” Celestia answered as they stopped by the door.

Spike frowned. “Just that? Why we came all the way up here for a bracelet? Isn’t there a lot of places in Canterlot that sell bracelets?”

“It isn’t just a normal bracelet. It was made with a special material that can only be manipulated by pegasi - hence why we are here - and that material is essential for the enchantment.”


“So, let’s go in,” Celestia said as she stepped inside, but Spike didn’t. “What’s wrong Spike?”

“Um.” He pointed to the huge number of wood shelves and paper decorations surrounds the inside.

“Ah, I see... Well, wait here then. I promise I won’t take too long,” Celestia said, heading inside.

Spike took the chance to watch his surrounds, and now that he paid attention he finally noticed the peculiar way almost every building were built in. It was a certain style he recognized but couldn’t remember what was called.


Spike jumped around but couldn’t find the source of the voice. Looking around he heard a different one.

“Well, well, well, look if it isn’t Rainbow Crash. Sprout out of the trashcan, huh?” The voice seemed to had come from the alley near him. Spike was really curious but he didn’t want to leave his spot in case Celestia returned.

“Leave me alone. You forgot the last time you tried this?” The first voice from before said, but then Spike heard a flapping noise, most likely wings.

“Well, I’m not alone this time. You’re getting what you deserve after what you pulled yesterday.”

“You are a coward, and you had it coming Hoops!”

“Shut her up, Dumb-Bell!” Spike then heard a grunt before he saw a young grey pegasus fly in the alley, he noticed the pegasus carrying something but couldn’t make out what was it.

“Took you long enough, Score! Where’s the rope?”

“Right here. What are we doing with her again?”

“We are gonna tie her up and hang her upside down by the school’s pole.”

*Gasp* I can’t let that happen!

...But what if mom gets back and you are not here? She’s gonna be worried.

But somepony’s getting harmed if I do nothing...

“I’m sure mom will understand.” Spike whispered as he sneaked to the alley and looking in, he saw a dark yellow pegasus, and a brown one tying up a struggling cyan pegasus with rainbow mane while a grey one was watching the street. He didn’t seem to have noticed Spike yet, though.

What do I do? There’s three of them while there’s only me... As Spike weighted his options, he noticed the blue pegasus managed to kick the dark yellow one right in the face.

“Ow! My nose! Dumb-Bell hold her!”

“You okay, Hoops?” The grey pegasus asked, looking away from the street, giving Spike the perfect opportunity snuck past him behind a trashcan. On his way, he took the trashcan’s lid in one claw and an trash bag filled with some rotten vegetables on the other.

“Do I look like I’m okay to you, Score?! Ugh. My nose is bleeding now!” Hoops growled as he kicked the tied pegasus.

“Agh!” The pegasus grunted before she struggled around the rope, to no avail. “You’re not getting away with this!”

“Shut up!” Hoops kicked her again. While other bullies were distracted, Spike managed to sneak behind who he assumed was Score and in one swoop, wrapped the garbage bag on his head and let him run into a wall, trying to get it off him. The second bully turned around only to see a trashcan lid fly into his face, then a purple blur strike him right between the eyes.

All the commotion behind him finally got Hoops attention, as he turned around confused, then surprise and shocked to see his friends either knocked out or throwing up in a trashcan. “What the heck?! How did guys lose to this... Whatever thi-” He didn’t get to finish as the tied pegasus kicked his leg and throwing his balance off, giving Spike a window big enough for him to swing the metal lid onto the final bully’s head. Not enough to knock him out but enough to keep him from getting up for now.

The moment he was certain the bully wasn’t getting up, he snapped the rope with his claws, untying the cyan pegasus. “You alright?”

“Yeah, let’s get outta here!” Not wasting time, Spike led her out of the alley back to the shop’s entrance. “Dude that was awesome! You came out of nowhere and BAM!” She made a swinging motion with one of her forelegs. “Right on his head!”

Spike blushed a little, not used to such praise. “Heh. I actually don’t know how I did that. I kinda just, uh... Did it.”

“Well, that was still awesome if you ask me.” She then looked around. “You’re alone?” She asked.

“No, my mom is inside right now.” Spike replied.

“And why aren’t you there too?” She asked curious.

“I, uh... Didn’t feel comfortable inside.” Spike answered, rubbing his neck.

“Why?” She asked, puzzled.

“Too many flammable stuff.” Came the response from Spike, a little too quick.

“Huh. Okay... What’s your name, almost forgot to ask.”

“Spike. Yours?” Offering his claw to her.

“Rainbow Dash-" They shook hoofs - in Spike's case, claw - "So, where you’re from? I’m pretty sure I never saw you around before-”

“There they are!” Both turned around to see the three bullies emerging from the alley and quickly surrounded them. “I’ll make you two regret what you-”

*Ahem* “What's going on here?” Everyone froze when they saw Celestia walking out of the store with a small box floating in her magic next to her.

“P-p-princess Celestia!?” The bullies and Rainbow Dash were very shocked to see her while Spike was very relieved.

“Spike, care to tell me what’s happening here?” All the kids were staring at him, with wide open eyes.

“They were hurting Rainbow Dash!” Spike immediately told her, which in turn made Celestia a very harsh glare to the bullies.

One of them tried run away but got immediately snatched by Celestia’s magic, the other two bullies immediately after while Celestia levitated both Spike and Rainbow to her back. “I presume you are Rainbow Dash?” She asked, receiving a quick nod from Rainbow.

“Would you happen to know where they live?” Rainbow nodded again after thinking for some moments. “Good, give me the directions.”

“So that’s why they kept bullying you?” Spike asked, both him and Rainbow still riding on Celestia’s back.

“Yeah. And I kinda feel bad since I used to be like them... But I totally changed after I meet Fluttershy!” Rainbow answered, quickly adding the last part when Celestia looked back.

“I’m glad to hear you changed your ways, Rainbow.” Celestia said as she stopped by a modest looking cloud house. “Is this your home?”

“Yup!” Rainbow jumped off Celestia’s back. “Mom! Dad! Come here!”

A few moments passed before a cyan pegasus mare with light orange mane, opened the door. At first she looked worried when she saw the few bruises on Rainbow but then shock after she saw Celestia in front of her door. “Oh my goodness! Princess Celestia!” She immediately bowed. “W-w-what are you doing here? ...Bow! Quick, the princess is here!” In seconds a pale, light greyish blue pegasus stallion came in by Rainbow’s mom side.

“Woah!” He bowed as well before he continued. “Princess, i-is there a reason you’re here?”

“Yes, we were escorting little Rainbow here back safely to her home. It seemed she was jumped by a pack of bullies.” Celestia calmly answered.

“What?!” In a second, both parents were by Rainbow’s side. Checking the bruises and asking if anything hurt.

“I-I’m fine! A little space, please?” Rainbow shoved their hoofs away, embarrassed they were acting like that in front of the princess.

Celestia smiled. “Well, everything seems okay now, so I wish you all a good day.”

“You are leaving already?” Rainbow asked, upset that her new friend was already leaving.

“Can’t we stay a little more?” Spike asked, upset too.

“I’m sorry, Spike. But royal duties wait for no one.”

“Aw.” Spike’s mood immediately dumped as he sat dejectly on her back.

Spike’s reaction didn’t escape Celestia, neither did Rainbow’s sad look she gave before turning away. She felt bad, but she also didn't want to have Raven chew her out if she doesn't return soon.

“Perhaps we can visit again, some time soon. But right now, we have to go.” Celestia said, already turning around but stopped when Spike jumped off her back. “Spike?”

He hugged Rainbow, whispered something to her, before going back to Celestia’s side. Who watched him curiously as they left.

“Oh my gosh! I can’t believe we got to meet the princess!” Rainbow’s mother said, not bothering to tone down her excitement one bit.

Rainbow rolled her eyes as she watched with some embarrassment as both her parents walked inside, still talking about the princess visit. Once they were out of sight, Rainbow start going over her little scheme. “Alright, let’s see what I’m gonna need...” She mumbled over her imaginary checklist of stuff as she headed to her room.

Later, with the moon high in the sky...

On his room, Spike was looking the bracelet now on his arm. It looked like stainless iron but was very lightweight. He also could somewhat feel the magic of the enchantment in the bracelet. He still remembered Celestia’s words about it. ”Never take it off. It will make sure you age correctly so long as you keep wearing it.”

“I wonder for how long I have to wear it...” Spike thoughts eventually moved to earlier that day, involving the bullies and Rainbow. “Heh. I bet they will think twice before messing with her again...” Before he could continue, a knocking sound snapping him out of him thinking bubble.

“Door’s open!” Spike said as he got up from the chair, and frowned when he heard the knocking again. This time he realized it wasn’t coming from his door.

“Rainbow Dash?!” Turning to the window, he was shocked to see her flying in place, waving at him. Opening the window, he stayed out of the way as Rainbow flied through the window and crashed on the floor, exausted. “Did you fly all the way from Cloudsdale?!”

She took a big gulp of air before replying. “Yeah. Didn’t want to risk somepony snitching if they saw me, so I just flied above the clouds until I saw the castle... *pants* Though, I gotta say it’s pretty tiring flying all the way up there before coming down.”

“You want me to get you some water or...?”

“Nah, I came prepared.” Rainbow said as she pulled a small wrapping, one that Spike didn’t notice she was carrying until now. She took out a couple sandwiches and a can of energy drink.

“What’s that?” Spike asked as he pointed to the can.

“An energy drink. Keeps you up when you’re tired. I had to drink one on the way, or I would’ve probably crashed somewhere on the way,” Rainbow said.

“Does it taste good?” Spike asked.

“Eh. It’s not horrible, but does it’s job, so no complains from me.” Rainbow replied, giving him a sandwich. “Hope you don’t mind hay and daisy flowers on your sandwich. I couldn’t find anything else to put on it.”

“Er... Thanks?” Spike said as he eyed the sandwich cautiously. He eventually tried one bite, only to regret it as he couldn’t stop spitting the hay and petals off his mouth.

Rainbow couldn’t help but laugh a little before she handing him the energy drink. After a big gulp of it, he immediately gagged as he hated the taste, which just made Rainbow laugh more. “How to you eat stuff like this? It’s horrible!”

Rainbow shrugged as she drank it. “Eh, after a while, you just stop minding the taste.”

“So... Why did you fly all the way here from Cloudsdale?” Spike asked.

“Er... Well, I never got the chance to thank you for saving my flank from those jerks. So, I thought about it and decide to give you this.” Rainbow said as she handed him a blue ribbon with a big, yellow number one on it. “It’s from a race I took a year ago. Where I did my awesome sonic rainboom!”

“Woah. It sounds very cool,” Spike said.

“You bet! I was so fast! Showed everypony that doubt me to not mess with the Rainbow Dash! It was awesome!”

“Wait, but you giving this to me? Why wouldn’t you like to keep it to remember this moment of yours? It sounds pretty important.”

“I don’t need a ribbon to remember something that awesome. Buuuut I want to give you something that shows just how awesome as you were earlier. So, yeah. You can have it.” Rainbow said as she looking anywhere but Spike, not being used to being this sappy.

Spike looked the ribbon for a few moments, before he turned to her and smiled. “Thanks, I promise to take good of it.”

“You better! Cuz’ I don’t usually give my stuff to anyone else.” Rainbow said, half joking as she finished her energy drink.

The door suddenly opened and Celestia walked in. “Huh. I though I heard talking here. How did you manage to get here, Rainbow Dash?” She asked.

“Ah! P-princess! I- Please, don’t arrest me for trespassing!” Rainbow pleaded as she laid by Celestia’s hoofs, looking up with pleading eyes as well.

Celestia couldn’t help but giggle at how silly Rainbow was being right now. “Don’t worry, Rainbow Dash. You’ll not be arrested.”

“Really? Awesome!” Rainbow jumped in excitement.

“But that doesn’t mean you’re not in trouble.”

Rainbow’s enthusiasm immediately ended as her ears fell flat. “Oh.”

“Do you know how dangerous is for a filly your age to fly such long distances and by night no less.”

“Please, don’t ban me from Canterlot! I-I just wanted to thank Spike for saving me!”

Celestia thought for a moment before replying. “Very well. I shall let it slide this time. But if this were to repeat itself.” Celestia smirked a little. “I will ban you from Canterlot’s air space. Understood?”

“Yes, ma’am!” Rainbow replied immediately.

“Good. Now, let’s get you home. No room in the castle is in conditions to host a guest right now, so I shall return you to your home myself.”

“Um, she could sleep here.” Spike suggested, jumping up his bed and sitting at one side.

“Hm?” Celestia looked at him, a little surprised.

“I mean, there’s plenty of space for us and you did said that it is dangerous to fly this late in the night,” Spike said.

“Huh. I did, yes... Is it okay with you, Rainbow?” Celestia asked.

“Yup! No problem at all.” Rainbow answered, jumping on the opposite side of the bed where Spike currently was.

“Alright. But keep it in mind, Rainbow. I’ll be back in the morning to return you. Won’t want to keep your parents worried. Good night, you two. Don’t stay up too late.” Celestia then closed the door.

“So, uh. Not a smart idea to have drunk a whole can of energy drink if you have to wake up early.” Spike said, chuckling as Rainbow groaned in defeat, letting herself fall back on the bed.