//------------------------------// // Slice 8: Hearts and Hooves Day // Story: Bangtan Colts: Slivers of Life // by Creativa-Artly01 //------------------------------// It’s a sunny and happy Hearts and Hooves Day as Jungkook makes his way to Banana Milk’s to pick her up for breakfast. Once there, he is promptly greeted with a kiss from his marefriend. “Hey baby,” says Banana Milk with a smile as she kisses him. “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!” “Thanks,” blushes Kookie, “thanks.” With that, the two head into town to enjoy breakfast. As they sit there and eat on their breakfasts, they can’t help but smile as they talk. “Best first Hearts and Hooves Day together!” She says with a grin and her cute little giggle. “What else do you have planned for today, anyways?” She inquires curiously. “A lot,” responds Jungkook with a smile. “I have so much, so much planned for us to do today!” “Nice,” responds Banana Milk as she kisses him again. “Nice.” Once the two finish breakfast, the two go to the park and ride the swan boats together before partaking in a carriage ride before they finally go and enjoy lunch together at a cute little cafe. Once they finish their lunch, Jungkook pulls out a necklace and clasps it around her neck with his hooves. “Baby, it’s beautiful,” says Banana Milk in tears as she hugs him. “Thank you! I love it!” “I’m glad,” responds Jungkook as he kisses her back. “I’m so so glad.” He chuckles. “It took me forever to pick out.” The two then share yet another kiss. After awhile, the two go and do a few more things together before enjoying dinner together as well before he finally drops her off at home before returning to Big Hit where he is soon greeted by Tae and Jimin. “So, how was your Hearts and Hooves Day, Koo?” They inquire of the maknae. “Absolute perfection,” responds Jungkook with a smile. “Banana Milk and I had so much fun!” “Nice,” respond the soulmates. “Nice. We’re happy for you, Kook. We really, really are.” The three then head back to their room together where Jungkook continues to gush to his hyungs about the day he just had, them listening eagerly all the while much to his sheer delight.