What's next for Golly?

by Golly4Ever

Cozy's Gift

It was Cozy's first Hearth's Warming since the last time when she first met Astral muzzle to muzzle. Years had passed since then, but for Cozy it seemed like it was only yesterday. Everypony except for her was just a little bit older. Twilight was even just a little bit taller than she remembered.

Cozy was invited to Canterlot, to the castle to spend the evening in celebration with Twilight and the rest of her friends. It was a fairly active and entertaining night, though Cozy didn't feel like she really fit in. She stuck next to Astral for most of the night, and Astral at one point even insisted they eat together, hayburgers and ice cream.

The night went on as ponies started to leave, going home one or even two at a time. Astral had stepped outside to talk a little bit with Starlight, leaving Cozy alone with Twilight in the main entertainment hall of the castle. There was an awkward silence and slowly rising tension. Cozy fidgeted in her spot on the floor in front of the fireplace. Hearth’s Warming decorations dressed the walls and furniture while Pinkie Party Perfection™ confetti and streamers littered the floor. The room had been darkened, quiet now as the rowdy festive activities from earlier had finally died for the night.

"Um, Thank you for inviting me, princess," said Cozy.

"It was my pleasure having you here, Cozy. You are living proof that there can be good in every pony."

Cozy nodded lightly to Twilight before turning back to the mesmerizing dance of the flames that warmed them both. They both watched the fire crackle and glow. Periodically, a rainbow streak of blue or green would flare up for a brief moment; the last of the additives burning off. "So... School is good. I met a colt," she said.

"I heard you got into a bit of trouble over him," winked Twilight.

Cozy looked down on the floor, pushing confetti around in a small pile "I'm sorry."

"It's ok. That's not why I wanted to talk to you tonight, Cozy." Cozy blew a puff of air at her small pile, watching the pieces settle back down onto the ground in front of her. "Cozy, I wanted to apologize. For me, for Princess Celestia, for Princess Luna..." Cozy stopped fidgeting, looking up at Twilight. "I must admit, I never agreed with what they did to you, both times. I was still so very new to everything, who was I to argue with over a thousand years of leadership?" explained Twilight. Cozy sat still, her full attention on Twilight. "I was a princess too. I should have said something. I should have stood up for what I thought was right. But instead, I fooled myself into believing that they could do no wrong. I'm sorry, Cozy Glow, I truly am."

Tears began to well up in Cozy's eyes. She fought well to hold them back. "It's ok, Twilight. You forgive me, right? I'm free now. I stopped Sombra for good, and now everypony doesn't hate me, or fear me anymore."

Twilight shook her head. "No, Cozy."


"I mean, no. You're the one whose forgiveness I want. There was so much more that I could have done for you but didn't; mistakes I've made in the past have gone uncorrected for far too long. I can't speak for the royal sisters, but I can say from the bottom of my heart, how truly sorry I am for all that you have been through in your lifetime. I may not know all that you have seen, but I can see what it has done to you, and what you've done because of it, but especially what you are doing now."

"Those mistakes. I know I've made mistakes too, now. They're all in the past. Can't we just leave them there? The whole past. All of it. I mean, learn from it. That's what they teach at your school, but... I don't know."


"No?" asked Cozy, curiously.

Twilight got up and headed over to the tree. Under it was a single, small pink gift box with a simple light-blue ribbon tieing it close and no tag to say who it was for. She brought it over and sat it down in front of Cozy. "There is at least one piece of the past that I think should be with you always." She joined Cozy on the floor in front of the fireplace.

Cozy looked the gift box over, "for me?"

Twilight nodded gently.

"Golly. But why? What did I do to deserve this?"

"Everything, Cozy. Please, open it."

Cozy gently nipped at the ribbon, tugging at the bow, undoing it. The loose ends drifted to the floor as she removed the top of the box. Carefully buried under layers of wadded tissue paper, Cozy froze as she finally saw what had been so lovingly packaged. It was indeed a piece of the past. She bit her lip, beginning to quiver.

"You are a good pony, Cozy. You always were."

Tears began to flow uncontrollably down Cozy's face. She didn't even try to hold them back anymore. She reached into the box, carefully pulling out her gift.

A badge, attached to a purple ribbon. I wasn't just any badge, this one was special. It was the seal of the school. The emblem it displayed resembled Twilight's cutie mark. She had worn it before. She was once Twilight's right-hoof assistant. She had earned it by being the most helpful pony she could. She held the badge close for a moment before putting it down. "Sorry," whimpered Cozy, softly. She didn't feel like she had earned it. It was given to her all based on lies, lies she told and that Twilight, along with everypony else believed. "I can't."

"It's yours, Cozy. You've come such a very long way. I want it to remind you of not just who you were then, but who you are now."

"I'm sorry..." whimpered Cozy, again, just under her breath.

Twilight leaned in closer to hear, asking gently, "What?" She wasn't sure how to gauge Cozy's reaction.

"Sorry. Sorry. Sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" said Cozy, progressively raising her voice. "The school, the magic... Chrysalis and Tirek. The colt." her voice cracked as she sobbed. "Just don't send me there again. I... I... I don't deserve- I don’t want to--"

Twilight reacted without thinking, quickly scooping Cozy up in a warm embrace, and rubbing her back and wings. "There there, Cozy. It's ok. Don't worry about it. You never have to worry about it, ever again. I know better now; we all do." The filly trembled and sobbed in Twilight's embrace. "Shh. It's ok."

Cozy slowly returned the embrace as she began to accept Twilight’s apology and kind gesture and gift. She began to calm down.

"It's ok. We love you, Cozy. We all do. We should have from the beginning, but now, we always will. Ok?"
The hug continued on in silence "Cozy? Ok?"

Cozy continued to sit and absorb the moment for all it was worth. Her breathing was finally steady as the stream of tears slowed to a stop. She pulled away slightly, looking up at Twilight, "It's ok. I forgive you. Thank you, Twilight."

* * *

Cozy climbed into bed, pulling heavy blankets up over her. Astral sat on the edge of the bed next to her, "Did you have a good time tonight at the party?"

"Yes, I did," replied Cozy. She pulled the badge necklace up and over her head, removing it and setting it on the nightstand.

"What's that?" asked Astral.

"My past. Present. Future. It's from Twilight."

"Oh, how nice. Did you thank her for it?"

"She knows."

They kissed their goodnights and Astral turned the lights off as she made her way over to her own bed. "Sweet dreams."