//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Back to the Clown House, The Love of Two Jokers. // Story: EQG: The Jokerz // by Grand-Galvatron //------------------------------// Chapter 4: Back to the Clown House, The Love of Two Jokers. Meanwhile, back at the Laughing House, The Punk (Sunset Shimmer) parks her Joker-Like Motor-Cycle as the truck holding an unconscious Rainbow-Dash in the back. “Hey, easy on the parking, boys,” The Punk stated. “We don’t want our Captain of GCPD too banged up.” She then went inside the house, to see Harley preparing something. “Hello Harley, what’s cookin',” The Punk asked. At first, there was no response. “Hey, I just asked you a question, it’s quite impolite not to reply,” The Punk said in a slightly annoyed tone of voice. “Oh, nothin' little J,” Harley said as she turned around, only to reveal a shiner in her left eye. “First of all, Harley, can you please just call me Joker,” The Punk said. “Whenever I hear the saying, Little J, it makes me feel like I’m tiny and insignificant. Maybe it’s a coping mechanism I’ve had for a while.” “Second of all, you seem like a sad sight for a sore “eye,” heh heh,” The Punk said as she laughed a little at her joke. “Sorry JJ is the name JJ ok with you,” Harley asked. “All right, JJ good…enough,” The Punk replied with an honest smile. “Did the Comedian get mad at you again?” “Yeah, I’m sorry, I didn’t get the Joke,” Harley whimpered. “Boss J was telling us of a grand plan he was crafting, and I sort of interrupted Boss J while he was talking.” “You mean the Criminal, right,” The Punk asked. “Yessarunie,” Harley said. “Mr. J didn’t like that much, so he corrected me for it.” “Look, Harley, it’s fine, I’m sure The Comedian just has a lot on his mind right now,” The Punk said. “It’s best to do what he says without questioning it.” “Ok JJ,” Harley said as she continued cooking. Suddenly, The Clown came into the house. “Everyclown, I’m home,” The Clown said in a jittery tone. “And I’ve brought some goodies home with me.” “Yay, Cotton Candy is my favorite,” The Punk said as she got one of the Cotton Candy Sticks. “Oh, I also wanted to say that there are two packages outside,” The Clown said. “Oh, that’s for me,” The Punk said as she went outside to retrieve the package. “Yes, my new Purple Biker Jacket and my Tigerfish have arrived.” “Tigerfish,” The Clown asked in confusion. “South Africa’s equivalent of the Piranha,” The Punk replied. “They’re distant relatives.” The Punk, as soon as she put the package on her bedroom dresser, opened the Package, revealing an aquarium of African Tigerfish. “Now I just gotta wait for my Goliath Tigerfish to arrive in two weeks and then I’ll be all set,” The Punk said as she examined her new pets. “Well, I wish you little guys didn’t have those ugly frowns,” The Punk sneered. “But don’t worry my scaly friends, Little Miss Joker will fix that.” The Punk then retrieved some Fish food laced with what she called Smilex. “Let’s put some smiles on those faces,” The Punk said as she dropped the fish food into the tank and watched as the Tigerfish gobbled them all up. “Hmm, so it is true, Tigerfish do hunt in packs, the more you know I suppose, hahahahahahahahaaa!” Sunset watched as the Tigerfish's normally tan bodies and faces turned as white as snow and their fins, eyes, and tails turned bright green. Their mouths also stretched into a rictus grin while turning a bright red. “Aww, aren’t those luscious ruby lips and those beautiful smiles just adorable,” The Punk said as they tore a Goldfish, she put in the tank limb from limb. Suddenly, Sunset turned around to see the girl they called Twilight Sparkle watching what Sunset was doing from her bed. “Oh, sorry, didn’t see you there, just getting ready for our Captain of GCPD to have a little fish-fry,” The Punk stated. “Say, you look a little familiar to me, that face, what’s your name kid, well besides the Joker.” “Umm, Twilight Sparkle,” The other girl said. “But the Criminal wants me to call myself The Student.” “Hmm, good nickname, really suits someone like you,” The Punk said. “So, what made you get a ticket for the Crazy Train? Let me guess, mother killed by the mob maybe, or was your brother killed by a simple mugger?" “My principal and classmates,” The Student said while giggling nervously a little. “They were jealous of my intellect, so they turned me into this.” “The problem with my classmates was, they had so many frowns, so I made them smile again, and as can see, they’re a whole lot happier,” The Student said. “My next victims were my apartment neighbors, they were causing a ruckus so I just rerigged some wires and I turned them into fried salmon…Heh, salmon, get it heh,” The Student said looking at The Punk’s fish. “HAHAHAHAHAHAH, HOHOHOHAHAHAHAA,” The Punk roared with laughter. “OH MY GOSH, YOU ARE HEE-HAWLARIOUS HAHAHAHAAA!” “You are really like my other half, like the Judy to my Mr. Punch,” The Punk said. “It’s almost like I can see into your soul, and what I see is someone who actually understands all of the pain that I’ve gone through, The two of us are going to be going places.” “Oh, really, heh heh, well I guess so,” The Student said blushing. “All right, now with all the lovey-dovey stuff aside, time for the both of us to get down to business,” The Punk said. “Now help me get this video camera and tv ready to be filmed live.” “All right time for those sorry saps at Canterlot City that Sunset Shimmer is back, and better than ever before,” The Punk said as The Student and the Singer (Adagio Dazzle) started up the equipment. “All right Lights…Camera…ACTION,” The Punk said as they finally went on air. “HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAA, Holly Alloy Oxen Freed, again you Canterlot Cantaloupes, it’s me, The Joker, The Clown Princess of Crime, coming to you from my new Tv Channel, “Jokervision,” The Punk said as the Logo for Jokervision would appear. “But you all knew her as that no-good two-timing school bully, Sunset Shimmer, but I knew her as a once dark angel that was reformed to the side of good…only to get trampled down to the dirt by a group of 5 double-crossing LITTLE IMPS!” “I’ve already gotten one of these little liars, The Captain of GCPD, Rainbow-Dash,” The Punk stated. “And soon I’ll have the rest of them to set my grand plan into motion.” “Oh, and for this grand plan, I’ll need the work of your precious princess of Equestria to be here, and her magical little friends as well,” The Punk said. “Oh, and to add a little motivation to come here, I’ve planted bombs filled with my Smilex all over Canterlot and Gotham City, and I’ll have them rigged to detonate when I press the big red button on this detonator, turning the gloomiest city on earth into the Happiest city on Earth.” “Oh, and to make things interesting, I’m planting a few simple rules,” The Punk said. “If I hear the flapping of Pegasus-Wings see the little glitter of Equestrian Magic, or see a grown man dressed up like a bat, I’ll detonate the Bombs immediately.” “So, you’re gonna have to try and stop me the old-fashioned way, and I know for a fact that Equestria’s precious Princess would never result in physical violence,” The Punk stated. “Or just ignore this warning broadcast and let Canterlot turn into wacky land and let the memory of all the deaths of those people be on your hands…or hooves I suppose, heh heh heh heh,” The Punk stated. “So come along try and stop me with no magic…well, if you’ve got the stomach for it, heroes of Equestria, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!” Sunset retorted before Sci-Twi and Wallflower then turn off the live tv. “All right, that will get the Princesses' attention,” The Punk snickered. “All right, Twilight, Adagio, Wallflower, let’s go round up the rest of those liars and then watch the sparks fly as my grand plan goes up in a blaze of glory. The Punk, the Student, The Singer, and The Outcast (Wallflower), went into a Joker-like armored truck and they all laughed maniacally as they went to give Canterlot City, a nice…big…smile.