//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: 1002 ALB, Infiltration // Story: The New World | Millennium // by Escalator //------------------------------// CBS News “Welcome to CBS News, we have urgent breaking news coming from the continent of Zebrica where a progressing invasion has been launched by self-proclaimed yeti leader the ‘Storm King’ on the nation of Mazwi and joining us now is Jeffery who is currently on the scene, Jeffery what can you see for our viewers?” The camera pans towards Jeffery who is wearing a military grade flak jacket and helmet as the background is filled with bombing and combat. “Well.. The inevitable came today as you can see here we’re at what’s left of the capital city now being blown to bits as, woah, anyways we’re in the middle of what is now suddenly a warzone that’s being fought between Mazwian zebra’s and Storm kingdom yetis, not yet confirm of what plans the Storm king has, but it would be apparently that not to long ago a similar invasion was authorized by the Storm King on the Hyenian kingdom, although while some resistance still holds, the nation itself ceases to exist, in fact.. If I can walk over, Justin point the camera right there.” The camera then turns towards the remains of a palace that’s been damaged and inflamed by the bombing airships. “As you can see, there’s practically nothing left of the structure, and with warfare tactics being improved we may see a third player in the ongoing cold war.” The media host then asks. “Our viewers are asking what happened before the Storm Kingdom invasion, or what caused the Storm king to declare war all of a sudden?”  “Well, it’s hard to tell but when we first came here there was already a conflict that wasn’t verified independently, but there were claims that Mazwi was already at war within itself, speaking of internal crisis the Mazwi government had reported fled according to the Storm King in his recent announcement.” Explosions intensify live on camera which Jeffery ducks down as a building behind him explodes into ashes. "Alright we better get out of here, let’s go let’s go!" Ordered the news man as the camera now cuts to the newsroom.. "... As you have seen there.. Our news reporter was caught in the middle of the crossfire between Mazwian forces and Yeti troops, hopefully he survives and continues to cover this dramatic event that is happening right before our eyes, along with the news crew, but as we speak. Unconfirmed reports had just started to come in that a peninsula in Riseonia is being raided as the war is progressing, general MacArthur on the remarks of the ongoing war did confirm potential military action with ongoing military briefings and planning to decide on the best course of action which would be kept confidential unfortunately, but he has confirmed that action will be taken in the remarks of the invasion" White House "I know I know! We the American peoples respect everyone's boundaries and borders! But we can't just call for open war against the Storm kingdom, yea I know, but it would be like fighting 1/3rds of a continent! Ugh.. Alright I'll see you later.." As Carter hung up the phone he was getting aggravated and disturbed in the events unfolding. "Already in the start of the new year and there's already a war... Hm.." Carter started to think, with the elections starting up this year he had to think on a resolution, a solution perhaps on the problem in Zebrica when a Equestrian messenger came inside his office escorted by secret service. "Good day sir, I'm here to hand you an invite sir." The messenger greeted. "Uhuh, thanks, for what exactly?" Carter asked. "Marriage sir, Equestria is hosting a wedding of Cadence Mi Amore and Shining Armor, Cadence herself sent this invitation for you sir!" The messenger handed him the invitation to the wedding, which intrigued Carter a bit. "And what interest do I have with Equestria?” Carter asks. “No Idea sir, I just deliver mail, have a good day,” waved the messenger, as Carter rolled his eyes and opened the envelope to find the seal of Celestia on the print of the mail. It would seem that the person with the invite can apparently bring a plus one. Carter then stared at his phone with a devious plan in his mind, thinking that they could potentially reestablish intelligence networks in Equestria that was lost in 1000 ALB, which after that the espionage agents were handed over to the human military and potentially cripple Equestria’s military. But then again, what are the chances of the intelligence being discovered because of Equestria's improvements in anti-espionage equipment? It would seem that the best people to do this happen best to make a call from Eclispe. Eclipse base "Sir, are you sure you want to reconsider? You do realize that you'd be using your best spy in this one mission, not to mention his... Kill count it'll be like sending all our army in one place sir!" The intelligence head protested. "It's the best option Colonel, plus with his inconceivable records on successful missions and the fact of our intelligence taken down from the EUP forces, we have no choice." Carter ordered. "Oh great creator.. Alright, but after this he'll need to go back on the Brodfield case sir." "I understand Colonel how important this is, now, go brief him will you?" Carter ordered, hanging up the phone. "Lieutenant! Get me agent 44!" Ordered the intelligence Colonel Secret Warehouse, Moskva operation region, NSRS Agent 44, ruthless and yet best of the best of the American F.I.B. He served in the underground Equestrian networks and participated in controversial operations such as. Kidnapping, brainwashing, assassinations, and the deadliest,torture methods. Oh look there he is conducting his interrogation now on a Rodinian pony. "Seems he's not talking.. Start another waterboarding session and then we’ll see if this little communist bitch might talk." Reckoned 44, as his assistant rolled his eyes and grabbed the hose, setting the water pressure to high. "TALK!? YOU THINK I'LL TALK! I'LL NEVER TAL-" The pony officer was then interrupted by the massive pressurized water spray by the high pressure hose. Watching the captured Soviet getting washed up, he nodded to his assistant to stop hosing. "Ready to talk now little bitch? 44 repeated. "Okay! Okay! They are about to prepare an operation in Brodfield! That's all I know I swear! PLEASE DON'T SPRAY ME HAHAHAHAHA!!!" The Soviet pony officer bawled and cried, which 44 rolled his eyes in pity. The fact that ponies can be easily broken with the spray of water made him frown and bored.. But his frown didn't last long when he heard ringing from the phone. "It’s about time, I was getting bored with the interrogation, sir,” 44 scoffed. "What's the status of the operation agent?" The Colonel asked. "Just wrapping it up, apparently it’s as we suspected, the Commies are supplying local militias in Brodfield with modern weapons capable of starting a government overthrow unfortunately we don’t know the source of the supply other than a city called Whiteflower, but if you like, I have more toys in my disposal to do the job," The agent deviously laughed at the tormented pony. "Very good, unfortunately a new type of mission was just given by an anonymous person with information." "Anonymous?" "Yes you got that right, agent 44, anonymous, there was a tip for potential intelligence gathering in the city of Canterlot, something to do with espionage systems." The Colonel briefed. "Ah, one of those unscheduled sleep time operations for individuals to get in my way Colonel? I was meaning to kill someone, so, what espionage system am I working with here? I hope it’s nothing to do with ‘friendship power’ bullshit,” 44 snickered at that thought. "That's something for you to find out and for me to know 44, now as for this mission however, you will be accompanied by one of the government's recently promoted officers, Lieutenant Yates." "Lieutenant huh. Sounds like another kid, what's so special about him that earned him a right to participate in this operation, other than being cannon fodder," 44 criticized. "This 'kid' you refer to him as, is something else then what you'd think, unfortunately that's something for him to reveal, but until then, your objective is to slice into Equestria's and EUP's recently form intelligence division, "S.M.I.L.E."  "Smile... Really?" "It's a strange name, but with a concerning background, but that is your priority so do not underestimate it," warned the Colonel. "Then what's this Lieutenants 'Priority' then?" Snake added, raising his right brow. "His priority is maintaining relations between the royals of Equestria, if I were you, I wouldn't get in his way or underestimate him either, your mission will be to go under official cover, once you arrived to the location in Canterlot you are to proceed in finding the Canterlot intelligence room and start probing documents of SMILE agents, networks, and any other information regarding their espionage operations world wide," "Understood Colonel, just one more thing… What did you mean by not underestimating him?" 44 questions. "Lets just say he knows his way around guns, tactics, and personal experience in both army and navy."  "Hmph.. Not bad for the kid, but I would say to him to stay out of my way also, but if you insist and stay off his path then I will, but Colonel? Where do I exfil this dump?" 44 asked, when the garage door opened with a helicopter and the Eclipse brigade waiting outside for him. " immediately" replied the Colonel. . . . Kremlin palace There was currently a ballroom dance festival being held in the Kremlin palace, hosted by the mother of the Revolution herself, Red Mother. She was enjoying a cup of hot tea, watching from the seat on the balcony as the city was packed with tourists, dancers, and most of all, the workers who were just coming home from the industrial sites of her prestigious socialist plan. Indeed, it was a site of true soviet glory, with collectivism and agriculture working well. She had received word about Stalliongrad on the brink of yet another food crisis. While it annoyed General Secretary Brezhnev over the situation and how he kept bragging about just abandoning their allies, both Skynavia and Stalliongrad, the Red Mother would passionately scold him for rudeness, though it wasn't the first time. And by not the first time, I mean a lot of times. Like say, every time Brezhnev argued about the Red Mothers foreign policy that she can slap him about 587 times. She of course does take things into consideration with Brezhnev at times, considering the option of pulling out of Arabia for instance, since the war has now officially entered it's third year into the fighting, she realized that if there's no other tactics other than what they're doing then she'll have to consider a military withdraw, that was until a pony came into her stead. "madam, Is your name.. The Red Mother?" Asked the pony, who seemed to be beaten by the looks of the clothes he's wearing. "That depends, what's your purpose here?" She asked. "Ma'am, I brought a letter from the princess of love, Cadence Mi Amore." Replied the messenger, intriguing the Red Mother. "Recluse, get me the letter will you darling?" She requested. With her bear, armored with gold plating, approached the messenger and grabbed the letter and then sniffed it, for ensured security, and then walked back and handed the letter to his master. "Good boy, now I assume this is a wedding letter, yes? What's the interest in this Invite to some ponies marriage?" "Ma'am, it's not an ordinary marriage, it's a once in a lifetime event, an Alicorn marrying a stallion unicorn, doesn't that intrigue you?" The Mother froze in surprise... It seemed that whoever this Alicorn was, it certainly made her.. "Intrigued alot..." Airbase Yorker  Welcome to Yorker city, the biggest city that somehow literally ties with Manehatten in first place in the world, nothing but huge skyscrapers and rare businesses like Toys r Us... Anyways with that existential dread being said, it's been a year since I was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and then uh... Go through a state of an existential crisis because I didn’t even attend West point.. (Oh boy I’m about to get pounded by a lot of officers) AHEM, ANYWAYS! I was ordered by the President to personally attend an event/ceremony at Canterlot which happened to be at least 3 days away. Along with that, I am meeting someone to assist me in the journey as my 'plus one' I mean I guess someone could come with me. But of course when I met someone who I absolutely have no clue who or what he is but that would be my plus one, with that said, I was walking through the air base with my belongings with me when Bush joined me on the way to the helipad. "Mr. Yates, I hope you have good luck on your trip to Canterlot, because the place has good cuisine, nobility, high officials, and other types of decency." George Bush shared, but I was more into my assignment than the stuff he said. "I'm sure that I'll be fine sir, of course there's yet to be my plus- *OOF*" I bumped into a person who happened to be wearing... Body armor?? And a submachine gun attached to his belt aw well and some type of aesthetic or something? "I assume you're my assignment." Said agent 44, the person I bumped into. "Ye- Wait, did you say.. Assignment?" I uttered. "Mr. Yates, I would like to introduce to you, Mr. Ford, your partner in the journey to Canterlot." George Bush introduced me, which made me a bit jittery about this guy. "Splendid... Well I think that's all the introductions, let's go to Canterlot already, the whole 'Cuisines and nobility' crap ain't getting any younger now is it!" I rushed, running towards a Black Hawk helicopter that was waiting for me and... "Ford" on the airstrip. As I placed my stuff down and fastened myself, George Bush ran towards my ride with last minute wording. "REMEMBER YOUR ASSIGNMENT!" He shouted through the very loud Propeller blades. "Keep the princesses well and ensured, don’t start a war, and applause when the two lovers kiss all good yes?" I repeated this morning's briefing. The doors shut on both sides and I already felt myself going off the ground on the helicopter and heading towards the Equestrian national borders on our way to Canterlot... Good thing the president messaged those two Alicorns about me being his representative or it'd look like an international incident.. Now as for this guy that looks like he can start one just by the way he's sitting besides me, sharpening his knife.... With murderous intent.. I knew I should’ve stayed in bed… Who the hell is he?