//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 // Story: Adopting Hellhounds // by Lord Shadow Eclipse //------------------------------// With Blight Blight was backed against the farthest wall of her holding cell. The masked pony and a few cronies were facing her wearing some kind of protective armor and wielding the weird rope poles with the glowing rope. They approached with a great deal of care. They were right to fear Hellhounds like her, but Blight would teach them to fear her specifically. As they got closer, Blight snarled and snapped her jaws at the approaching ponies. Her green inner flame changed to bright red and filled the cell with a dangerous red light. To of the ponies conjured up clear-colored shields and took a protective stance. The one in the middle held the rope pole. "Look here, pup, you're coming with us whether you want to or not," the middle one said with a dangerous tone. Then come at me, wretches! Blight shouted in her mind. She lunged at the armored ones and went straight for the one in the middle. The ones with the shields pressed into her sides with their shields to limit her movements. The one with the pole stood back and struggled to wrap the rope around Blight's neck. But she was thrashing too much for the pony to wrap the rope around her neck. "Hold her still, dammit!" the rope wielder shouted in frustration. "We're trying, but she's thrashing too much!" one of the shield users replied. The rope pole user tried to poke her head with the pole, which got her annoyed enough to try to glare at him. This gave the pony enough time to finally loop Blight's head with the rope. Blight could feel the rope tighten around her neck, cutting off her air supply. She tried to luge towards the pony holding the rope, but all she managed to do was push him back a few steps. But the pony was able to adjust his grip to where he had a good grip on the pole. He tried to pull Blight from the cell, but she was resisting with all her might. Despite her struggles, the smooth floor made her slip easily. The pony was able to pull her out of the cell and down the halls of the facility to a certain location. Along the way, Blight noticed other Hellhounds there. But these Hellhounds weren't as active or as vibrant as the ones she knew. They all looked sad and depressed. There were some who appeared injured. Some had bald spots and some had scars that never healed. There were even some with missing limbs. One Hound was actually chewing on one if his legs! All of these Hounds had the glowing collars the young pup had. The ponies and Hellhound rounded a corner and Blight saw a large metal door with a sign fixed above it. "Domestication Room" The ponies opened the door with a loud and painful creaking sound and showed a large dark room. The smell of blood, sweat, and urine hit Blight like a tidal wave, making her almost gag. The pony with the rope spoke to someone in the darkness. "Hey, doc! We brought the new arrival for you!" he said. The lights turned on to reveal a large white room with a long table with chains and shackles fixed to each end. Dog muzzles of various sizes hung on hooks lining the walls behind the table. There was a smaller table to the side that held several instruments, all of which appeared sharp. The masked doctor that came to see her on the first night was there. Blight growled upon seeing him. She could tell he was smiling underneath the mask. "Oh hello! I'm so glad you're here!" he said to her, earning him a snarl from Blight. The doctor then turned to the armored mortals. "Just chain her to the table and leave". The ponies actually physically picked up Blight and chained her to the table and left. The doctor slipped a muzzle over her jaws when she wasn't looking. She tried to shake off the chains and muzzle, but they all had the same heavenly light that lined a lot of the ponies' equipment. Now that Blight was all alone in the room with the doctor, she couldn't help but feel a small shiver of fear run down her back. She tried to free herself with all her might, despite her knowing that escape was virtually impossible. The doctor grabbed a syringe off the table next to her and waved it in front of her face to taut her. "This is holy water, pup. It'll just make your legs feel shaky," the doctor said. Despite Blight's struggles, the doctor was able to inject the holy water into her bloodstream. What followed next was absolute searing burning pain sweeping through Blight's entire body in waves. It was like her whole body was being burned from the inside. Blight's muscles spasmed with pain, sending her crashing onto the cold table. Foam starting coming forth from Blight's mouth as her whole body seized. Her mind starting to grow blank from shock. A good five minutes passed and she finally stopped seizing, but the pain remained. With her blurry vision, Blight saw a bowl with fresh red meat in it. The doctor placed the bowl on the desk on the other side of the room. "Now, let's see if we can give you an attitude adjustment, pup," the doctor said. "Now then. Sit". Blight rose to her feet and growled through her muzzle. The doctor shook his head and reached for a short leather rod laced with heavenly light. The next thing Blight knew, the doctor brought the rod down across her back. Because of the heavenly light, each strike burned into Blight's fur and flesh. Once the doctor was done and Blight's back was bleeding, the doctor gave another command. "Sit!" Blight got back up on shaky legs and glared at the doctor with a snarl. The doctor shook his head and brought out a blessed whip from the looks of it. It had nine tails and ended with metal beads. "It looks like we'll have to keep hacking away at that defiance of yours if your going to be sold," the doctor said before he started whipping Blight. As she was being whipped with the wretched whip, Blight grit her fangs. She would get out and get revenge on these horrible mortals. She would find Frightfang and bring him home. He would endure this torture for her pride and for her friend. I... won't give up. I... will find you... my friend, she vowed in her mind.