//------------------------------// // 167 // Story: Supernova // by Incredible_E //------------------------------// "I'm guessing we don't have the same luxury of time as they did back then," Starlight spoke meekly. "Yeah, I don't think we do either," Twilight wore a look of defeat. "If only we had more time . . ." Starlight's ears perked up, pointing right through the ceiling; her posture went from defeated sloucher to picture-perfect in record time. "That's it!" An ear flopped to the side, "What is it?" Asked Twilight. "Twilight, I know you would hate this, but just think about it: we can have more time." "Hmmm. Uh, wait! Starlig—!" "Before you say 'Mehhh but the time continuum', just . . . think about it. We can save all life if we do this. We know what to do now, but we do not have enough time. So—" "Starlight, I think it's a great idea." "Y—you do?" "I'd say this is worth the risks of messing with the time continuum." "Great! I have the spell right here!" Starlight did a Pinkie — she learned from the best — and pulled a scroll out of her mane. "You've had it there the whole ti—" "That doesn't matter. Let's hurry up and save the world!" Starlight struck the scroll with activation magic and jumped up into the portal with Twilight. The portal dumped them into the library just hours before old Twilight woke up. They gathered the required material for the amulet hastily, creating the Solar Amulet. Having memorized Spherical Prison, they activated the amulet and aimed it at a small yellow sun barely peaking over the crest of mountains. The teal light had many Ponyville residents wondering what it was for — and what it was in the first place. Rainbow Dash left the comfort of her cloud, of which she was resting until a blue laser blew past her, and asked, "What was that all about?" "Oh . . . Nothing." Starlight and Twilight replied, looking at Rainbow and then back at each other. They laughed and walked back into the castle. Rainbow Dash was confused. The next day, Princess Celestia came by to visit. "Hey, Twilight. Starlight. Did you happen to do anything yesterday?" "With the sun?" Twilight answered and asked rhetorically. "Yeah, we did a little something." Celestia looked around to make sure it was only the three. "How did you know?" "We just —" Starlight glanced at Twilight, both grinning "— knew," she shrugged.