G5 Adventures in Wakko's Wish 2

by ponydog127

Crossing the Ocean Waves

Opaline watched with disgust as Misty and Zipp talked through their feelings like they had been friends for their entire lives... where had she gone wrong with raising that filly? “She was always a useless runt to me anyway,” Opaline tried to tell herself. “I was going to get rid of her next time she failed me. And she did fail me, so… I did kick her out. AGH!!”

What was wrong with her?

Did she… CARE for that selfish little filly?

No… she couldn’t care-- she WOULDN’T care about anypony else.

All she had to do was make her move in the morning and Warnerstock would be hers… and soon after that… all of Equestria would follow.


The next morning, Sunny prepared a healthy breakfast over the campfire for the group, and the Warners hungrily gobbled it out of habit-- living in a water tower and not knowing when you were gonna eat next had a lasting effect; you took food whenever you had it. After breakfast, the group cleaned up, put out the fire and continued on their way.

Zipp had reassured the group that she and Misty were on much better terms, much to Sunny, Izzy and Wakko's relief… they hated it when they saw their friends fighting. They spent a lot of time that morning talking about different things, but one topic stood out to them… how they were going to help the Warners master their powers and use them to stop Opaline from taking over their friends' home.

After a long while of traveling (with some of Pipp's hit songs to pass the time), Zipp halted the group abruptly, and they could see why-- they had arrived at a very rough ocean, waves at least 5 to 10 feet tall at times, getting even worse the further they looked out. “Whoa…” Yakko gulped nervously. “I can only imagine the number of mints put in this soda to make it overflow.”

“Not really sure that's the best choice of words, Yak-- Sparky's still hungry, and he had a full apple and a banana for breakfast!” Hitch said, patting the little dragon on the head. “Either way, we have to find some way to get across and to Elemental Island before the waves get too rough for even our pony powers,” Sunny said before turning to her friends. “Anyone got any ideas?”

“Ooh! I can unicycle a raft to take us across! But I'd need a lot of wood and vines,” Izzy suggested. “Sunny and I can take care of vines,” Hitch offered. “Dot, Yakko-- see if you can find some old wooden logs and planks for the floaty parts.”

The group nodded and split up to search and gather materials. While his siblings and friends got the wood and vines they required, Wakko found himself being drawn closer to the water… as if it was calling to him. He wasn't sure why, but he felt like this was part of his powers-- to have a strong urge to be in the water.

As he sat on his knees at the edge of the water, feeling the water come closer and closer to him, his symbol instinctively glowed on the back of his hand. And when he lifted it up, he was stunned to see that the water was following his movements. When he set it down again, the water mimicked him once more.

Wakko tilted his head at it, causing one of the waves to tilt as well… as if it was just as curious about him as Wakko was about the water's actions. “Wow…” he murmured. “Twilight wasn't kidding when she said I could manipulate water…”

The wave playfully splashed him, making him giggle before the wave retreated… just as the others returned. “Hey, baby bro,” Yakko set down some wood. “Trying to get accustomed to your element?”

“Trying to,” Wakko shrugged, watching out of the corner of his eye as the symbol on his hand disappeared. “Do we have everything for the raft?”

“We should, once Sunny and Hitch grow the vines to bind the wood together,” Zipp nodded. “But we should probably start building, before the tide gets higher and we lose our chance at crossing the ocean in one piece.”

“We’re back!” Sunny and Hitch trotted over to the rest of the group with vines on their backs, panting heavily once they had skidded to a halt. “Took you all long enough,” Zipp replied. “Alright, let’s get building!”

It took the group a while to build the raft, but before they knew it, they were off riding the waves in the raft Izzy called Bob. “Seriously? Bob?!” Pipp demanded while rowing furiously with her paddle. “That’s not even a boat name!”

“I think it is!” Izzy quipped. “To Elemental Island, we go!”

But, the paddling didn't really seem to take them anywhere, making Pipp get increasingly frustrated. “Ugh… this is gonna take us a while,” she groaned. “Hey… Wakko! Maybe you could use your new powers to get us moving?”

“Well, I’m not sure how much I can control it yet, but I can try,” Wakko nodded and closed his eyes and holding up his hands. Suddenly, they were propelled at maximum speed across the ocean with everyone hanging on for dear life. “Whoooooooooooaaaaaaaa!!!!” Sunny screamed over the crashing waves. “Slow dooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwnnnn!!!!”

“I couldn’t even if I wanted to!!” Wakko cried. The boat lurched forward and suddenly they were going even faster across the water. The wind blew through their faces and a full wave of water splashed onto the boat. Hitch freaked out. “Aaaah!! Water on the boat! Water on the boat! Everybody, BAIL!!!!!!!!!”

While Sunny was left to keep the boat from tipping, the Warners, Misty, and the remaining Mane Five immediately got to work trying to dump the excess water off of the interior. As Izzy was bailing her water out, she tripped on a loose plank of wood and was sent falling headfirst into the water, screaming. “IZZY!!!” everyone shrieked. In an instant, Misty leapt into the water, swimming as hard as she could against the current towards her thrashing fellow unicorn. “Grab on!!”

Izzy nodded and did just that, grabbing onto Misty’s tail with her mouth. In spite of how much it hurt, Misty gritted her teeth and swam back with Izzy in tow towards the raft, which was rapidly filling with water, as it sped towards them at an alarming rate. “We have to abandon boat!” Zipp commanded. “It may be our only chance!”

“When I say now,” Hitch ordered, “you all jump with me!! Understood?!”

The rest of the group all nodded their heads and grabbed onto each other for safety as the boat continued to tilt. “Ready…”




“Hang on, baby bro and sis!!” Yakko held Wakko and a sobbing Dot tight as the boat continued to tilt, nearing the final tipping stage.


Instantly, all of them jumped from the raft as it crashed on some rocks, breaking in half, and sinking beneath the ocean floor. Unfortunately, they had miscalculated the jump and instead of landing on the rocks, they had landed on the water and were now sinking beneath the ocean.

They flailed about underwater, but they could not speak, only hold their breaths. Alas, it was all for naught as the pressure got too much and they all opened their mouths.

The last thing Sunny saw was several flash of different colors before she lost all grip on reality and her world became…



Sunny’s eyes shot open and she gasped for air. Frantically, she looked around her to see the rest of her friends still alive and wearing breathing bubbles, all as confused as she was on what just happened.

They had been saved! But by whom?

She looked up at her own head and saw that she was wearing a breathing bubble as well, taking a few breaths to calm herself. “Way to… save us at the… last minute, Sunny,” Dot panted. “I thought I saw heaven’s gates open up for a sec!”

“I-I didn’t make these bubbles,” Sunny told her. “I don’t even know how to control my alicorn powers to that level yet!”

“But… if you didn’t,” Zipp pondered, “who did?”

Just then, the water swirled around them, causing Sparky to cling to Hitch’s back in fright, as well as the ponies whimpering together. “Hello?” Sunny looked around. Suddenly, three flashes of blue, purple, and green light came swimming out of the depths and materialized into glowing seaponies. “Greetings,” the purple seapony addressed them. “My name is Amethyst and these are my sisters, Aqua and Coral. Everything is going to be alright. You’re safe now.”

“Seaponies?” Zipp questioned. “Okay, well… this day just got a whole lot more interesting.”

“What do you want with us?” Pipp inquired nervously. “We are here to help return you to the surface,” Coral assured them. “For you do not belong here in the sea as we do.”

“Gee… that’s a no-brainer,” Dot muttered, causing Sunny to shush her before they got in trouble. “That’s a relief,” Hitch sighed. “We kinda crashed and we weren’t sure what the hay happened. We're lucky you were here to help.”

“Indeed you are. Your actions have caused great pollution in the ocean,” Aqua scolded them, making the Warners shrink up a bit. “You are lucky our father didn’t spot you. He will instruct us to clean this raft of yours off of the seabed. He does not like unwanted land-dwellers or their stuff in our domain.”

“Who’s your father?” inquired Misty out of curiosity. “Emperor Poseidon of Atlantica,” Amethyst responded. “Now, you will get yourselves out of the mess you have caused.”

“Wait a second,” Izzy questioned. “I thought you were going to help us.”

“We are,” Aqua answered. “We shall guide the little one, for he commands the sea. He shall be your savior.”

All eyes were on Wakko at that point. “M-Me?! Uh… I think you may have the wrong guy,” Wakko said defensively. “I-I can’t command the sea that well yet.”

“No more talking.” Coral swam over to Wakko, her fins creating a ripple of bubbles that floated towards the surface. “Let us begin. Our father will be here shortly, and you will not survive his wrath. Now... hold out your hand.”

Wakko gulped, but reluctantly obliged, the others watching as his hand's symbol lit up. “Close your eyes,” Coral instructed him. “Breathe from down here. Feel the way of the water flowing through you. Let your mind go clear.”

Wakko did so, lifting up his hand ever so slowly. Instantly, the water obeyed him and he was propelled in an inch. “Wakko, you’re doing it!” Sunny said, just before Yakko covered her mouth, not wanting to ruin Wakko’s concentration. “Now…” Amethyst, Coral, Aqua said in unison. “Focus. Bring your friends home.”

Wakko nodded enthusiastically, thinking to himself. Surface. Bring us to the surface.

Once again, the water obeyed, lifting Sunny and the others up in a small current. “You’re doing it!!” Pipp cheered. “KEEP GOING!!!”

Wakko smiled serenely as he let his mind focus on the task at hand, waving his hands in a swimming motion. The water responded to his call, increasing the undersea current and bringing them along with him. They padded through the depths as the surface gradually became near.

The sun was shining through it, making it visible from afar. As they slowly swam up, Wakko stole a glance at Coral, who was smiling at him proudly, causing him to blush ever-so-slightly. Finally, they swam up to the waterline and Wakko noticed Coral swimming up to him and giving him a big smile. Wakko grinned back, extending his hand out to her. “Thank you, Coral. Thank you.”

“It was my pleasure. I am always willing to help another,” Coral stated. “You and your siblings will make fine guardians… um…”

“Wakko-- Prince Wakko Warner,” Wakko introduced formally. “Of Warnerstock. And that’s Yakko and Dot.”

“Of course,” Coral said. “I bid thee farewell for now. But… I do hope I see you again soon.”

She reached her fin out to touch his, and then, even for a moment...

...it was like the sea and land were one.