Forest Dryad

by Twilight_Shimmer

The Guardian of the Forest

Forest Guardian


In a forest in a clearing very rarely seen by many creatures from outside the forest stood a tall tall tree, a tree arguably more important then the Tree of Harmony, this tree was the literal heart of the forest itself and it had stood watch over the forest even long before the goddesses of the sun and moon had appeared in the world. However just like everything else,it too was not immune to the passage of time and it knew it soon would need to make a choice.

She was bored... She was old... She was bored and old... She was Bored Old and Dying. She had been around for a very very very long long time now and knew her time was short, oh sure to her short could very well mean a few more hundred years, and the way she perceived time WAS different then other creatures, but still better to get it done sooner rather then later. She needed an heir, one to receive her power and become the new guardian of the forest, it's new Dryad, it's care taker. One who would protect the forest and it's inhabitants and maybe even fix the place up a bit to make it safer for creatures from the outside to visit. She paused her thought's there a moment to ponder just when exactly the forest had last seen company beyond the Zebra living there, the three rambunctious fillies that always seemed to sneak in and the other occasional pony to wander in. She paused her thoughts again and if she had been outside of her tree and in a pony form at the moment she'd have tilted her head as an idea for a candidate for her heir popped into her mind, a pony who frequently entered the forest to either tend to the animals or get food for animals. A pony who seemed to have a large love for nature in general which would make them a perfect candidate. The fact that this pony was favored by the other tree also helped. Yes perhaps she'd do nicely, now to set up a meeting.

Fluttershy yawned a bit as the morning sun shined through her window alerting her to the start of a brand new day. Climbing out of her bed the pegasus quickly and quietly began her morning routine of washing up making herself breakfast, and preparing her animal friends breakfasts something that as usual a certain white bunny was rather impatient for. And all the while she was doing this a pair of eyes watched her hidden from sight waiting for the right moment to make themselves known and to carry out their order.

As he watched his target he quietly had to admit to himself his boss had chosen well, if there was any other being worthy of what his boss was going to offer the mare he was watching they would be hard pressed to find them. It also helped greatly the mare loved nature and animals in general and was also respected by them in return, a good hallmark for a future nature deity. He also had to admit the mare had a LOT more patience then he would have had for that wretched white rabbit as he himself would have simply cracked the bunny over the head a few times and called it a day by now. Snickering to himself at that thought he quietly pulled out a fedora and put it on and began to quietly follow the mare around watching her as she went about her daily chores often aided by the other animals around the yard and even a few secretly by him. He was also very aware the other animals more then likely knew he was there and watching but given who he worked for was keeping silent about it, even the mares annoying bunny was behaving in that regard something that actually surprised him as out of all of the creatures present it was the rabbit who he would have pegged as a whistle blower.

She had felt it for awhile now, the feeling of being watched yet every-time she would glance up and around saw nothing but her animal friends going about whatever tasks she had given them and asking them about the feeling had resulted in no answers about the feeling. However what ever it was she could also sense it meant her no harm this being obvious too since had whatever it was meant her harm her animals would have warned her or made whatever it was regret approaching her. She would be brought out of her thoughts however as she made her way out of Miss Elizabeak's coop and spotted a green animal with a beaver like tail and big eyes, a platypus if her memory was correct, and it was wearing of all things a little brown hat on his head. “Why hello there, what is your name?” she asked the platypus kindly earning a chattering like noise from the animal “Oh my it is nice to meet you Purry T. Platypi. Um if it is okay may I ask what brings you here?” The animal gave another series of chattering sounds in response. “Your master wishes to meet with me?” Fluttershy asked tilting her head a bit. “Do I know them?” More chattering “So they want to meet me, I don't know them but it is important?” The platypus nodded.

As Fluttershy was about the respond that she didn't that that was a good idea, after all she did not like meeting strangers Henry the bear approached her and let out a few growls catching her attention “Yes Henry?” The bear pointed to the platypus and made a few more cheerful growls. “Oh my so you know him and if he says I am needed then it is important?” asked Fluttershy earning a nod and a paws up from the bear who then gave a slight bow to the platypus before turning and walking off for a mid morning nap. “Well then I guess um I will meet your master then, so um where are they um... if you don't mind me asking” The platypuses response did not do her nerves any favors.

Meanwhile back in the Everfree the Dryad was pacing around outside her tree in the form of a pony while trying to practice an introduction. The Dryad current form being a light green earth pony with a matching green mane and wrapped around her was a light weight white robe with the occasional green vine wrapping lightly around her. “Greeting Mortal I am Leota the Dryad and YOU are to be my heir! no.. Greeting Child of Nature I am Leota the Dryad! Hmm that last one sounds better, what do you think?” she asked turning her head to look at a nearby Timberwolf who gave a cheerful bark in reply. “I agree” Leota replied then took a deep breath. “Goodness, I cannot believe how nervous I am getting over this, then again I very rarely meet new people, and even more seldom do I venture outside the forest itself. Not that I couldn't, I can actually go wherever there are trees.” the timberwolf gave out a little huff. “Well I just had not saw any reason to go” Leota stated in response earning an eye roll from the wolf who continued to watch the lady of the forest.

It was a little known fact amongst creatures both in and out of the forest that Great Fang was one of the oldest if not THE oldest Timberwolf in the forest and this was mainly due to the fact he shared a view his great great great grandfather White Paw shared, which was simply “Don't screw with bigger creatures, and don't screw with the ponies unless it is a swift end you seek” and he did not seek an end anytime soon and also like White Paw before him planned the serve the Forest Goddess for many many years. Which is why when his lady began to panic about how the first meeting with her successor would go he found it oddly amusing “I like the third one” he stated in response to her practiced greetings. Then listening to her go on about rare visitors asked “Well if you can leave the forest and travel why haven't you?” He had to shake his head at how silly his goddess was being, she was rather shy by nature and had very few close friends, oh sure she had a few casual friends but not that many that were around a lot such as the sea serpent Steven Magnet. Great Fang's musings suddenly stopped at the sound of both hoof and footsteps and turned to spot his Goddesses other servant leading a yellow Pegasus into the clearing one he of well, even if he and her had not met before, and meeting her eyes he could see the sudden fear in them. That fear turned to confusion much to his amusement he noted as he bowed his head to her

As Fluttershy followed the mysterious platypus into the Everfree she noted that any animals they encountered kept a respectable distance from them, even ones that would normally consider ponies and or Platypi to be food. This was something that idly made her think something BIG was happening in the forest and that her new friend Purri was a part of it or at the very least knew what it was even if he was keeping tight beaked about it. She paused in her thoughts though as she spotted a little tiny sapling with a slightly cracked trunk “Oh my just a moment please”

Purri stopped and glanced back at his change and gave a small smile was he watched her walk over to the tiny tree and reach onto her saddlebags before taking out some bandages and use them to straighten out the tiny tree by tying it around it. Yes his master had indeed chosen wisely and he looked forward to serving the new Nature Goddess. Giving out a quick chattering noise earned him a smile from Fluttershy.

“Well animal or plant, all living things deserve a bit of kindness” Fluttershy replied to her new friend who nodded in agreement. “So um if you do not mind me asking, now much further is it. I was um, kinda wondering since we seem to have been walking for awhile now.

Purri glanced back at Fluttershy chattered at her before he stopped walking before motioning to a cave that to Fluttershy looked oddly familiar but for some reason she couldn't remember where she'd seen it before but despite thins something in her gut told her it was both dangerous and yet to her and Purri at least perfectly safe, this causing her no end of confusion. And as she followed Purri inside the cave she stopped dead in her tracks when she spotted a sleeping Ursa Minor and suddenly remember EXACTLY why the caved looked SO familiar as it was the same cave Twilight had taken the baby Ursa Minor back to a few months back after a pair of colts thought it would be a good idea to lure it to Ponyville. However before she could turn to run or even attempt to warn Purri of the danger they were in the Ursa Minor's mother the Ursa Major showed up and much to her surprise instead of attacking, it bowed it's head to them and let out a few low growls to the Platypus who nodded. 'Just what is going on here?' Fluttershy wondered to herself. The way the forest was treating them was at odds from how she was used to and it was confusing her to no end. The Ursa Major then nodded back to Purri before walking over and pushing a stone causing a nearby wall to open revealing a path of flowers outside the cave. Fluttershy would later learn the Ursa Major was a the guardian of the main entrance to the Grove of the Dryad.

Purri could tell his charge was both scared and frustrated and that she was desiring answers, answers that were not his to give. Thankfully though they were fast approaching their destination and soon his master and the mare would meet and meeting with the Ursa Major had gone more smoothly then he had thought it would not that he minded as it made his job a lot easier. Admittedly he could have used one of the secondary entrances to The Grove but that would have taken much longer and he didn't think Fluttershy would have liked that much a fact he was quite correct on. For Fluttershy's part she felt a sudden sense of peace as she stepped onto the path of flowers as if the forest itself was eager for her arrival and unknown to her at was and as the pair began to walk down the path she began to notice that this part of the forest seemed more alive then the rest of it. Further in the distance she could see a very tall tree one that was quite possibly the largest one she had ever seen in the Everfree. Finally as they drew closer to the tree Fluttershy spotted what was also quiet possibly the largest Timberwolf she had ever seen and just about the time she was about to turn and run out of fear the thing bowed it's head to her, not her and Purri but specifically to her. “What is going on?!” Fluttershy yelled in a voice to which to others would be an annoyed whisper.

Leota couldn't restrain the giggle that escaped her thus drawing the attention of her chosen “Welcome Child of Nature to my forest I am Leota the Dryad the keeper and guardian of this forest and I have had you brought here to make a request of you. I want you to become my successor.

Fluttershy had to blink and stared a normal stare at the being before her their green fur and white robe seeming to give off a sense of tranquility and the vines around her made her in her opinion looks cute. It was then the words the mare spoke filtered through her mind “A Dryad? What's that?” Fluttershy had to ask somehow not feeling the usual shyness she was known for. Maybe it was because she one who had introduced herself as Leota seemed to be the most normal thing she had thus far seen in the forest or maybe it was due to Purri still being there she really didn't know.

Leota smiled “A Dryad is a tree spirit and one who rules over a forest I specifically am the ruler of the Everfree. She motioned to the tree behind her “This tree I suppose you could say is my true form I am just able to also exit my tree, body whatever you wish to call it and take on a pony form to interact with others even though I rarely get visitors. Further I can actually move instantly to anywhere in the forest so long as there is a tree there”

Fluttershy tilted her head a bit “If your job is to take care of the forest, why is it so wild and dangerous?”

Leota giggled “It is a little known fact miss Shy that the ability for ponies to control nature is considered abnormal by myself and the other world spirits and yes there are other spirits like myself. In truth the Everfree is just as it is supposed to be.” Leota gave a catty grin “You might be interested to know the reason ponies cannot control things in my forest is because I don't let them it is after all MY forest, and possibly soon yours if you accept my offer to be my heir the job does come with a few catches and perks though”

“What kind of catches and perks?” Fluttershy asked. She was being cautious but she was also very interested after all she had often wished she could be a tree and being able to be one and caretaker the forest did sound interesting.

“Well” began Leota “As far as catches go, your lifespan will vastly increase you will most assuredly outlive everyone you know. I myself have been around since before the first Hearths-warming if that gives you any idea. And as to the perks well for starters you will be able to converse with every living thing within the forest from the trees and flowers to even the Timeberwolves and Hydras and they will be more then willing to assist you and protecting this forest” Here Great Fang nodded to Leota's words and in a moment of impishness leaned over and nuzzled Fluttershy much to her embarrassment.

“Um if I may ask, why do the other spirits dislike ponies taking care of nature and consider if abnormal?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well” began Leota “Long long ago when the world first came into being nature was perfectly able to take care of itself from the animals in the land sea and sky to the weather sun and moon themselves. Then one day a farmer who was annoyed at the lack of rain in awhile had a thought “Why should I have to wait for it to rain? I will just MAKE it rain.” Leota sighed “Unknown to him at the time this thought would lead to what we have today as his thoughts caught on with other beings and slowly began to change things to suit their needs instead of waiting and eventually the natural system just for lack of better words broke. Now we spirits are almost ninety-nine percent sure should ponies stop guiding things now that eventually things would go back to how it was supposed to be but we have a feeling they would not want to do that hence why places like this that are still protected by us spirits are very protective of them.”

Fluttershy was shocked. 'the world was supposed to tend to itself?' she thought to herself. The concept was so foreign so wild she could hardly believe it yet she knew that Leota had no reason to lie to her. 'but if what she says is true does that mean we ponies have been harming nature for years?' she tilted her head in thought and without thinking began to sit only to slightly blink when a flower popped up for her to sit on, one she had to admit, was quite comfortable. 'I have to wonder though why me of all ponies, and not someone like Twilight or Applejack? Surely they would be better picks. Twilight due to how smart she is or Applejack due to her plant knowledge. And if she's been around for so long why now does she need a replacement?'

Leota watched the mare sit to think and gather her thoughts not that she could blame her she had after all just dropped a few huge bombshells on the mares world views that would definitely raise some questions about things that they had always assumed was just a truth of the world. But she had a feeling the little Pegasus would push through her thoughts and make a choice either way, and whatever choice she made Leota would respect, however, she had a pretty good feeling the mare would accept, she was after all the Element of Kindness and while that was not a requirement of the job of a Dryad, Leota had to admit it helped that and the fact it would allow Fluttershy to meet new creatures in the forest that would be more then willing to help her would probably appeal to the mare too. Her own thoughts would be interrupted by Fluttershy's voice.

“Umm I think I have made my decision” she began as she absently began to pet Great Fang who had dozed off not long ago. “I have to wonder why you would choose me over somepony like say Applejack who knows a LOT about trees and such, or Twilight who knows about magic. However you must have your reasons for not having chosen them or considered them correct?” she asked earning a nod from Leota “I think I know why you did not consider them too” She began again. “It's probably because Applejack for one already has a huge responsibility in taking care of her farm, and her way of doing things, might not be what the forest needs. And as to Twilight well I could see her going all Twilighting trying to learn all she can about Dryads and forgetting to actually do the job” she giggled.

“Correct on both counts” Leota confirmed with a smile and while she personally had never seen Twilight have one of her episodes of “Twilighting” as Fluttershy called it she had however heard stories and would prefer to keep such things as far away from the forest as possible to avoid any issues.

Fluttershy smiled a bit still petting Great Fang much to the Timberwolf's enjoyment. “Then I think I will have to...”

Celestia was greatly enjoying her day, it was one of those rare few days she was able to get her day court petitioners in and more importantly OUT quickly, it helped she was using a new system suggested by her sister to have the petitioners grouped together by similar requests. It was such a great day she had decided to have some cake and coffee out in the gardens and enjoy the air. “Now my dear cake there will be no mercy for you for I shall now devour you!” Celestia declared in a mock villain like voice before chuckling “I really need to stop reading those power ponies comics so much” That said she began to take a bite of her cake before pausing as she suddenly felt a shift in the magic of the world that meant a great change was taking place.

“Sister did you feel that?” Luna asked as she suddenly teleported into the garden where Celestia was.

“I did, and I felt like it came from the Everfree, but whatever it was did not feel malicious, in fact it felt a bit familer” was Celestia's reply before finally taking a bit of her cake. “I could send Twilight and her friends to investigate it”

Nodding some “That might be a good idea” Luna replied and was about to continue speaking before she was cut off by another voice.

“Umm that will not be necessary ” Fluttershy stated as she stepped out of a nearby tree her look was now slightly changed in that her usually pink mane now had some green highlighting to it, and she had a few vines here and there wrapped around her and her eyes were now more a blue green color. “My teacher thought it would be a good idea to inform you of my new status as a Dryad of the Everfree.

“Huh” Luna mused tilting her head some before nodding in approval of Fluttershy's new look. “Not going to lie friend Fluttershy I think you as a Dryad is rather fitting, may I ask how it happened?”

“Well” Began Fluttershy. “It began this morning when..”