//------------------------------// // Suspect 001 // Story: The Usual Suspects // by Visharo //------------------------------// "Stating for the record, Suspect 001 is a large brown stallion with piercing blue eyes, could be fake. Mane and tail is a slightly lighter brown. Cutie mark: Unknown. All four legs have been replaced with augments that look passive. Nothing else of interest, bringing him in." *door opens* *shuffling* *door closes* *chair screeches back* *a heavy thump* "State your name." "Fried Wires." "What were you doing on April 20th?" "Smoking my steak." "Mister Wires, I need..." "Fried." *pause* "Sorry?" "Call me Fried." "Right. Fried. I need more then that. Maybe recap the entire day?" *pause* "Sure. I went to the Stalls to buy steak. I went home, smoked my steak. Ate it with family. Went to bed." *audible sigh* "Mis...Fried. Did you notice anything out of the ordinary? Perhaps when you were coming back from the Stalls?" "Sure. This big fucker." *silence* "Can you elaborate why he was different?" "Sure. He was carrying something. When he crossed the streets, the carts didn't crash into him." "Riiight. What time was this, do you know?" "Sure. 4:38 AM." "Do you have anything else to add? Like, maybe something else the 'big fucker' did?" *pause* "Eenope." "Right, okay. Thank you for your time, Mister Wires." "Fried." "Right, right. Fried." *door opens* *door closes*