The Usual Suspects

by Visharo

Suspect 005

"Stating for the record, Suspect 005 is a dark violet pegasus mare. Her mane and tail looks to be artificially streaked with black. Looking through records, her original color was an even darker purple. Eyes are a piercing spearmint green. Her wings seem to be have been replaced with a newer model of mechanical wings. Those things are expensive and really hard to find. Cutie mark is a golden streak over a cratered surface. Bringing her in now."

*door opens*

*door closes*

*heavy thump*


"What do you want?"


"Well you can't have 'em. Fucking Greaser."

*spitting noise*

"What's your name?"

"Ha! As if I'll tell you."

"Well, I do have a unicorn on standby, ready to zap anypony whom I see fit."

"You think I'm scared? Nothing scares me! I'm like a mountain! Unbeatable."

"If you don't sit down right now, I'll give the call."

"Do it!"


*loud popping*



*screams stop*

"So, you ready to talk now?"

*ragged breathing*

"Good. Now, what is your name?"

"Comet Rush!"

"Missus Rush, what were you doing on April 20?"

"I was."

*strained cough*

"Aw, shit. Blood."

"You'll be alright, you can get a doc after this."

"Right, a doc. So, I was delivering food. It's the company I work for, Hooves On Delivery? You know it?"

"Yeah, I know of it."

"Cute place. They've got."

*coughing that turns into violent hacking*

"Shit Greaser, shit shit shit. I don't feel so good right now, can I go to the doc now?"

"Not yet, just tell me what happened in your day. Anything different or odd?"


"Well, there was one delivery. My uncle called me and told me I had to deliver some steak. The job was so simple!"


"Simple. So simple."

"Aw, shit."

*loud explosion*

*glass and metal shrieking*

*recorder fizzing*

*recorder cuts*