The Amphibious Hope

by TheClownPrinceofCrime

Chapter 4: Informal Introductions

Sprig and Ivy held hands as they were skydiving together. As they uttered shouts of excitement, they deployed their leafy parachutes in unison. They went right through a cloud, forming a heart shape in the middle thereof.

“Woohoo! This is a lot more fun than I thought!” Ivy shouted.

“Tell me about it! I can never get enough of it!”Sprig concurred.

Ivy then sighed affectionately. “It really makes me wonder what other stuff we can do—something just as new and fun as this one.”

“I know, right? Ever since you and I started dating, we became a lot more…well, adventurous! It’s been amazing so far,” said Sprig.

“Yeah…it really has…” Ivy agreed, gazing at Sprig’s eyes.

Once he gazed back at her eyes, they leaned toward each other for a kiss. But then a wind blew them away which caused them to roughly land on the ground.

Sprig lifted the leaf off him. “Aw, come on! We were having a moment!”

Ivy chuckled in response. “Don’t worry, Sprig, I gotcha covered.” She then kissed him on the lips, making him slowly kiss back.

Suddenly, Polly jumped down on Sprig out of nowhere. “Hey, Sprig! You got a moment?!”

“Polly, not a good time! Some privacy please?” Sprig replied, trying to get her off him.

“Nope! No time for that! We got some visitors today!” Polly informed.

This made both lovebirds widen their eyes in surprise. “Visitors?” they both asked.

“Could…it…be?” Sprig wondered, his eyes beaming with hope.

“No, it isn’t Anne in case you were wondering,” Polly bluntly clarified. Sprig then lowered his eyes in disappointment. “But these guys definitely aren’t from around here. Follow me!”

As Polly ran off, the young couple looked at each other. Shrugging, they followed her back to Wartwood.

Once they arrived, they were reunited with other frogs of the town; there, Sprig and Polly saw Hop Pop with Sylvia Sundew in the midst of the crowd.

“Any idea who these visitors are?” Sprig asked.

“No clue, but it seems like it’s their first time being here!” Hop Pop replied, pointing right where the visitors were.

Spike and Discord saw themselves surrounded by the Amphibian natives. The frogs gazed at them, highly intrigued by their appearances.

“Is it weird that I feel…uncomfortable by this?” Spike wondered, keeping himself at a distance.

“Not at all, Spike! You feel uncomfortable around me sometimes, so this should feel no different,” Discord replied, grinning.

Spike rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Sorry that I asked.”

Mayor Toadie and his new mayor assistant Toadstool approached the duo with friendly smiles. “Welcome to Wartwood, gentlemen! I’m your warm-welcoming Mayor Toadie, and this is my ever-so handsome assistant, Toadstool! It’s been months since we’ve had visitors here!”

“I personally have to admit that we haven’t seen folks like you before,” said Toadstool, looking up and down on them. “Say, where exactly are you from?”

Spike cleared his throat before he replied, nervously waving. “Hi there…um, I’m Spike. This is Discord. We’ve come from Equestria which is basically another universe. Uh…nice to meet you guys.”

“Ah! Now I remember this place! Unlike most of the ponies from our dimension, you frogs are always so interesting to watch!” Discord reminisced, stretching his long neck around the frogs and hugging them. “Oh, you are even more squishy than I remember!”


“Oh, don't mind him. The big bad dragon always gets his tail in a twist. I did tell him to stop eating midnight snacks all the time, but he never listens,” Discord smirked.

Then his pupils shrunk. “What a minute!” He pulled out egg yolk covered in mustard and relish from his ears. “I do that too! Silly me!” He then casually ate them while the frogs looked on with surprise.

“What kind of a creature is he?! Did he just pull food out of his ears?!” Toadstool yelled.

“Wow! I like this guy now! This town needs some craziness every now and then!” Mayor Toadie remarked, gazing his eyes at Discord.

“That’s not all I can do!” Discord continued, snapping his fingers. A giant hive of strawberry birds fell on the dirt out of nowhere. Then the birds flew out and tweeted out their flavor songs, strawberries falling all around the amazed frogs.

Polly’s jaw dropped to the ground as she witnessed the chaotic magic before her eyes. “Whoa! Is he some sort of magician or something?! Cool!”

“Well, well, looks like I got some competition,” said Maddie, narrowing her eyes on the draconequus.

“Discord, we’re on a mission, remember?” Spike whispered in his ear.

“Come on, Mr. Serious Business, we’ll get back to Equestria in due time to save our friends, but in the meantime, how about we make some new friends, hm?”

Spike sighed deeply in frustration. “Okay, fine. But we should at least mention why we’re here so they know what’s going on.”

“Hey, Mr. Discord, can you create giant ice cream?!” Polly shouted.


“Why, certainly!” *snap*

“Discord, no, NO!” Spike pleaded.

Giant balls of vanilla ice cream squashed them all. Polly, Sprig, Ivy, Maddie, and other frogs jumped out of the dessert while they ate some. Mayor Toadie and Toadstool stood on top of a creamy platform.

“You guys are amazing! You are welcome to stay here as long as you want! Dig in, everybody!” Toadie declared, diving into a pool of ice cream.

Spike poked his head out of the ice cream, spitting some of it out. He glared at Discord who was casually lying on a coach made of jello.

“Want some jello?” Discord offered.

“Man, these guys look like fun to be around!” Ivy observed.

“Yeah, especially that Discord guy!” Sprig agreed. “But I wonder what’s gotten that Spike dude all moody. I’m gonna go talk to him.”

As Sprig hopped forward, Spike wiped off the ice cream from his scales and stood back up. Then he turned to see the teenage frog walk up to him. “Hello, uh, Spike, is it?”

“Yes. Sorry about Discord. He can be a little too…eager to meet new creatures,” replied Spike.

“Nah, it’s fine! The fact that he has these magical powers is pretty cool, honestly! And man, that vanilla flavor is so good,” Sprig moaned, licking up the remains of the flavor on his hand.

“….right…” Spike muttered, awkwardly scratching his arm.

Sprig cleared his throat. “So um, my name is Sprig. It’s nice to meet you!”

“Sprig, huh? Hmm, nice to meet you too,” he smiled. They both shook hands while they stared at each other.

Sprig grew concerned once they parted hands.“Is…everything alright?”

Spike gave him a surprised look. He briefly stood silent until he closed his eyes and re-opened them. “Well, we came here for a reason…and it’s…not something pretty.”

“Oh? What’s wrong?”

“We came for help—a dire need for help. There’s an alien monster terrorizing my home, killing non-ponies, and taking over the kingdom. It’s taken my best friend as a slave, and if we don’t do something soon, Equestria will be done for. I hope you guys can help us out.”

“A monster? Terrorizing?! Well, that’s terrible!” Ivy responded, overhearing the conversation. “What does the monster look like?”

“Hmm, I can’t say for sure, but it does have those creepy orange eyes,” Spike recalled.

Sprig widened his eyes in shock, fearfully remembering Amphibia’s archenemy. “O-orange…eyes?”

“Yeah. And it also calls itself the Core.”

Sprig and Ivy’s eyes then literally shattered to bits once they heard the dreadful name.

“Somehow, it possessed Princess Twilight and made her a host. With her alicorn magic, it became the most powerful creature in Equestria! And it ruined everything! So from what I have learned so far is that you guys are more than capable of helping us defeat that monster so that we can save our friends, our family, and the whole world. Sooo…will you help us?”

Sprig and Ivy stood there completely shocked at everything they heard.

“Umm…you guys heard me?”

“I think they all heard you, Spike,” Discord notified, pointing at the rest of the frogs.

Hop Pop and the whole town of Wartwood surrounded them with their jaws dropped and eyes widened. Even their clothes dropped down.

“I think this is the part where we all scream at once. Ready?” Hop Pop calmly reminded.

“Ready!” everyone replied.

“One, two, three!”

“WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?” The whole continent shook from the loud noise.