//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Hangovers Suck and Beginning Changes // Story: Five Score Divided by Four: A Change in Perspective // by Princess Elytra //------------------------------// 12:25 PM, May 1st, 2020 Candlewood Suites-Denver, Colorado Mason shakes his head as he gently slaps Eileen awake. "Come on, Eileen. We need you go get up." He says as if he wasn't sleep deprived. The sleeping form of Eileen sturs softly, giving Mason a glare from hell. "Five more minutes... Chilly..." She grumbles softly, as sleep threatens to take her again. Hangovers were a bitch and she was having a massive hangover, though I guess falling face first through a wooden table certainly didn't help. Mason blinks gently. "Why did you call me that? We aren't online in a game chat." He pulls her up off the floor, and leaning her up against the couch. Curious, she only called him that when she needed him to do something in game for her. She must've hit her head a bit too hard. "You feeling alright, love?" He asks, sitting down. Eileen grumbles to herself, face between her knees. "I feel like shit..." She groans softly, head pounding. "How are you and Thomas?" Glancing at her friend, and the lump face down on the bed. He shrugs, before glancing up at the ceiling. "We've been better. Though, seeing you fall earlier, worried me. You might want to go wash up before we head out." Nudging Eileen's side, as if it wasn't a request, he pulls her to her feet. "Fine, but I might be a while." She says with a smirk, before heading to the bathroom. Though struggling to find the light switch, she feels slightly better after that show of care and affection. The light brightens quickly, as she closes the door. Looking into her reflection, she poses seductively. "Hello ya Fine Thing~" She pulls her shorts down, before pausing. "Uh... Mason?" The male's voice was heard from outside the door. "Yeah love?" His voice full of concern. Eileen gently touches her thighs. "Did I hurt my thighs when I fell?" Large black splotches adorn the outer part of her thighs. They were hard as bone, yet smooth to the touch. Mason thinks for a moment. "I don't know, but it looked like you fell on your face and chest. Why? Is something wrong?" Another voice pipes up. "Will you two please be quiet? Don't you know how early it is?" It appears Thomas has woken up, a bit on the grumpy side. "I swear... No one appreciates the finer things of sleep." He mumbles to his plush. Eileen gulps slightly, backing away from the mirror. "Something is wrong... My skin is turning black, like pitch black..." She collapses to the floor, fearing the worst. "This is fine. I'm okay. I can just wear leggings, and no one will be able to tell." She mumbles to herself, pulling her shorts back up. "Mason. Get Thomas's ass out of bed. We've got things to do today." She calls out as she reaches for the door handle. A yelp and a thud was heard outside the bathroom. Eileen rushes out to see what had happened. "Ow! Why the hell did you do that!?" Thomas glares as he lay sprawled out on the floor, the Trixie plush laying by the broken table. Mason adjusts his glasses like an anime boy. "This was the only way to make sure you stayed up. Go shower. Unlike Eileen, you smell like a dead racoon." He says, while pointing at where Eileen was standing. Thomas grumbles gently, as he grabs the clothes he set out for today. "Fine. I'll be quick." He says, bumping past his two roommates. 1:10PM, May 1st, 2020 Candlewood Suites-Denver, Colorado Eileen sat on the bed, tapping her foot. "What is taking him so long? He's been in there for almost an-" She didn't get to finish as an irate Thomas storms out of the bathroom. "Who's the funny man who mutilated my body!?" He shouts out, pointing in an accusatory manner. Mason shakes his head. "What are you on about? Eileen's been out cold all night, and I wouldn't do anything to you in that way." He glares at Thomas, as if offended that he would even think about doing anything harsh to his male best friend. Thomas glares. "Get your mind out of the gutter, ya tool. I'm talking about this!" He lifts his towel up, thankfully keeping himself decent as he shows off his thighs. Adorning both thighs, is the Cutie Mark of the Great and Powerful Trixie. Eileen raises an eyebrow. "You got tatts? I didn't know you liked that sort of thing, and knowing you, it would've been something less childish..." She comment as she walks over, and pokes them. "Elytra. You know I wouldn't dare walk into a parlor. This wasn't here when we got off the plane." He grumbles, gently pushing her away. "And besides, they're too smooth for tatts..." He huffs, looking away. Mason blinks gently. "Elytra? Trixie. You, quite literally, could've said anything else for a nickname." He winces gently, before holding the sides of his head. "Damn... I couldn't have gotten a hangover... I only had two glasses." Thomas glances over. "Chill? You a'right, mate?" He ignored the Trixie comment, as he looks on with concern. while reaching into his bag, he asks. "Need an aspirin?" Mason takes off his glasses, before rubbing his eyes. "No. I just need some cold water. I'll be fi-" He looks up. "You called me Chill, as well. Please tell me you two still aren't shit-faced..." He utters as he gets up. Eileen looks up at Mason. "You'd know if I was piss drunk. I think something is up, but without all the evidence, I'm clueless... Maybe it'll wear off?" She says with hope. "I don't know... I can't think on an empty stomach. I've a mouth on me for some chips." She comments, as she stands up. Mason smiles gently. "Aye, chips'd do me a world o'good right now. Maybe there's a pub nearby." He says, as he grabs his jacket. "Oh. Get dressed, ya mick. You can't go around in a towel, you'll frighten the people in this town." Mason motions his hand up and down, addressing Thomas' situation. Thomas finally noticed he wasn't dressed, before yelping and rushing into the bathroom. Eileen chuckles softly. "We'll meet you in the lobby. You better leg it." She smiles gently, before following Mason out the door and into the hallway.