The Amphibious Hope

by TheClownPrinceofCrime

Chapter 5: An Amphibious Plan

“The Core…is BACK?!” Sprig exclaimed.

“Yeah! That Andrias guy back there mentioned it has some unbreakable willpower which means it will stop at nothing from destroying everything!” Spike replied.

“But how?! Didn’t Anne destroy the Core?” Hop Pop reminded. “There’s no darn way it survived after all this time!”

“It really hasn’t been that long, dear,” Sylvia corrected.

“Well, it surely feels like it has!”

“Who’s Anne?” Spike asked.

“Oh, uh, she’s…a close friend of mine. She was the one who saved us from that monster. She literally…*sigh*…sacrificed herself to save Amphibia…” Sprig said, sadly reminiscing at the painful memory.

“Buuuuuut, she’s alive and well! How so? Long story, so don’t ask,” Polly flatly added.

“I guess that explains why you don’t have a moon anymore,” said Discord, looking at the moon’s remains through a telescope. “Hopefully, that doesn’t mess up your ecosystem!”

“Hehe…that’s an entirely different story,” Hop Pop remarked, nervously scratching his hair.

“So…the Core has returned for revenge and is taking it out on your world? Why?”

“I don’t know, Sprig. But we’re not gonna sit here and do nothing while it massacres more innocent creatures! Right, Discord?”

Discord was briefly absent-minded until he snapped right back to reality. “Oh, oh, uh…of course not. But…we can’t head back to Equestria without some resources. After all, that thing has us outnumbered 100 to 1, so we could tour around here and look for some magical artifacts to help us save Equestria.”

Sprig however had to process all the information he heard; he silently stood still while looking down. Worried, Polly, Ivy, and Hop Pop walked over to check on him.

“Sprig, are you okay?” Ivy asked.

“I…I don’t know…” Sprig replied, his voice cracking.

Then Spike also drew closer to the frog and looked at him concerned. “The Core did so many horrible things in Amphibia, huh?”

“…yeah…” Sprig replied. “I really thought this was all over; that thing was supposed to be gone—for good. I almost lost my best friend in the whole universe to it…” Tears fell from his eyes as he again remembered Anne’s last moments before her temporary death.

“Really?” Spike curiously asked. “What was she like?”

“Well…she was brave, strong, smart, an—and funny too,” he said, softly smiling. “We did so many things together, both dumb and awesome. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be the frog I am now.”

Ivy held his hand in comfort. They warmly smiled back at each other.

“That’s amazing, Sprig. Twilight is like that too,” Spike mentioned. “We’ve had some ups and downs in our journey together, but in the end, it was all worth it. My friendship with her will remain unshakable and unbroken no matter what. This is why we’ve come here. If we can work together, we can defeat the Core, rescue Twilight, and save Equestria!”

Sprig looked back at his family who nodded to each other in approval. “Wow, it’s been about eleven months, and we’re suddenly back in action, huh?”

“I don’t know about you guys, but I kinda miss kicking some frobot butt! I say we help these guys out!” Polly shouted, brandishing an axe out of nowhere. Frobo and Polly then fist-bumped each other.

“If that Core creature wants another whoopin’, then we’ll give it to it!!!” Sadie Croaker concurred.

“Looks like we’re all in!” Hop Pop announced. “We’ll remind that monster what we’re made of!” All of Wartwood shouted battle cries in agreement.

“This sounds like a great plan and all, but I agree with…uh, Discord here. We’re no match against the Core’s army; so we’re gonna have to start all the way from scratch,” reminded Sprig. Then a light bulb appeared above his head.

“Wait, that’s it! All the way from scratch!”

Discord grabbed it and squeezed it back inside his ear. “Again, my bulb, my idea.”

“Discord…” Spike scolded, glaring daggers.

“I know, I know, it’s a bad habit! I just can’t help it! Hahaha!” Discord chuckled.

“Guys, listen! What if Discord can take some of us to Anne’s world and convince her to help us defeat them! We can take on its army while she can destroy it like before!” Sprig suggested.

“Is that so?” Discord wondered.

“Yeah, she obliterated it before, and she’ll do it again!”

“But the gemstones are gone! How will she confront it without their power?” Hop Pop asked.

“Maybe Discord can give her magical powers?” Spike suggested.

“Oh dear Celestia, does everything have to be resolved by me?! What am I? A plot device?”

“I mean…you’re the Lord of Chaos.”

“Hmm. Good point, Spike.”

“Alright. So let’s go, then!” Sprig said, jumping.

Polly then wore a smirk. “You really want to see her again, don’t ya?”

Suddenly, Sprig’s eyeballs poured waters like a fountain as he fell on his knees. “YES! YES, I DOoooooo!! I really miss her!!”

“Geez, I thought I had abandonment issues…” Discord muttered.

“Hey, if your friend defeated the Core before, then there’s a high chance we can win! We’re finally gonna save everyone!”Spike cheered.

“Well, not exactly everyone—,”

“Shut up.”

“And I will,” Discord complied, literally zipping his mouth.

“If I gotta be honest, it would feel nice to see Anne again. I always think of her every day and…wonder how she’s holdin’ up,” said Hop Pop.

“Yeah, I can’t wait to see my big sis! I bet she’s dominating her world right now!” Polly added.

Sprig grew a hopeful, joyous smile while he relished the thought of seeing her again.

“Well then…another road trip to another world! Can this day get any better? Mind to tell me where she’s from?”

Sprig whispered it in his ear.

“Oh, my, the place where pop culture is revered and acknowledged? Sounds like chaotic fun to me! All aboard on the multiversal train!!” Discord announced, wearing his train conductor attire.

He snapped his fingers, taking himself, Spike, Sprig, Polly, and Hop Pop to another world.

Back in Equestria, Thorax was chained up before an entire assembly of ponies within the palace of Canterlot.

Beside him were Gilda, Gabby, Sky Beak, and Rutherford who were also in chains. Multiple frobots were stationed on every side of the palace, and two large wooden poles were installed in the center of the platform.

As the ponies were anxiously waiting for the main event, General Feisty teleported in front of them. She evilly grinned at the sight of the non-pony rulers bound before her.

“Citizens of Equestria! Today is the day of judgement for the Changeling Kingdom!” she proudly spoke. “For decades, they have terrorized our kingdom, wrecked havoc on our communities, and destroyed our way of life! But no longer will they strike fear in our hearts!”

Most of the ponies cheered in response.

“Now we shall make an example of one of the most notorious Changelings: Pharynx!” Thorax gasped as he saw his older brother brought before her upon the platform.


Pharynx was bruised, cut, whipped, and tired; he weakly lifted his head and emotionlessly stared at the smug unicorn. The latter then angrily slapped him.

“Does the heathen have anything to say before his timely execution?” she challenged, glaring at him.

Pharynx remained silent.

Growling in fury, she stepped on his bruised hoof, forcing him to squirm in agony. “Talk, filth…” she sneered, grinding her teeth.

The wounded Changeling still said nothing, making her groan in frustration. “You’re still a stubborn piece of trash, eh? Well, remember that the spirits of Tartarus will welcome you with open hooves before you suffer for all eternity…for my father…and for me…” she whispered. She then spat at him before she refocused her attention to the assembly.

“This is why we strive to protect our kind! Non-ponies have always been vile, unforgivable, and cruel to our species! But today, we shall show them who we are and what happens if they dare threaten us!” Feisty declared.

The ponies shouted cries of hate and anger to the prisoners.

The unicorn stepped on the platform, magically activating the poles to morph into aurora hooks.

“In the name of the Emperor, I sentence this abomination…to DEATH!!” she ecstatically yelled.

Pharynx looked to his right where Thorax was breaking down in tears. “STOP! PLEASE! LET HIM GO! HE DID NOTHING WRONG!!”

Pharynx then cracked a small grin as a tear fell from his left eye. “See you on the other side…little bro.”

Thorax watched in horror as the hooks were raised high in the air until they dropped upon Pharynx, impaling him in the back and head. Then they ignited blue flames throughout his body, burning him to a crisp.

As the ponies celebrated his execution, Thorax’s legs felt weak as he watched him die. He loudly sobbed on the floor, not caring if anyone else could hear him or not.

Feisty watched with glee whereas the other rulers witnessed the burning in pure terror.

“This is only the beginning of your severe and painful punishment,” she said, facing the prisoners. “Once the Emperor returns, you will be interrogated about the whereabouts of your lackeys. In the meantime, I’ll have some fun with some other non-ponies.”

Two frobots brought a young yak and an elderly hippogriff. Producing her magical dagger again, she playfully swung it around them—making them tremble in fear.

“Ready to have fun?!” Feisty smiled.

“NO! YAK DONE NO WRONG!” Rutherford pleaded.

“Don’t you hurt her!” Sky Beak begged.

She fatally stabbed both of them and smote them with her hoof. Blood spilled on the platform until they uttered their final breaths. Sky Beak and Rutherford stood there in complete shock and horror.

“Awwww, what’s the matter? Did I take away your family before your eyes? Aww, that’s too bad. Well, what goes around comes around, don’t you think?” she taunted.

She motioned the frobots to take them away. All that was left was a weeping Thorax. She kicked him to get his attention.

“You’re—y-you’re a…monster…” he hatefully muttered.

“To you creatures? Yes, I am. But a hero to the ponies—the true members of society. Equestria doesn’t need you anymore,” Feisty replied, motioning to her frobots.

“You and your master will pay for all your crimes against Equestria,” growled Thorax before the guards picked him up.

“Ha, I doubt that.”

Once the frobots took him away, Feisty breathed in and out. She happily gazed upon the ponies as they walked back to their homes.

She wickedly laughed out loud, lightning striking above the castle. However, the brightness of the Unity Crystals grew slightly dim which caused a small crack.