//------------------------------// // I can give you empathy // Story: Guardians of harmony // by WolfGoddess1990 //------------------------------// Twi landed just outside of Canterlot when AJ finished the story, "And after a while we sort of drifted apart, everypony moved away from Ponyville and I barely saw them, it was kind of lonely if I'm being honest, I miss our friends Dash, but I at least got to see you in the sky now and again." Dash hugged her, "I don't do mushy feelings but here's a hug." "Oh Dashy you do love me." Dash stopped hugging her, "Oh shut up, we are both straight you weirdo." AJ chuckled as they both got off, Twi looked into the city, "Wow that's a lot of ponies..." "I've been meaning to ask yeah, why are you so shy around ponies? Your royalty after all." "What does me being royalty change anything?" "Well you should have been around tons of ponies so..." "It's not me being shy it's me not liking being stared at like I'm an exotic zoo animal." "Ah well! You can relax Twi, after they have stared they will go back to normal. You do kind of stand out so their reaction is normal." Twi sighed, "Yeah I guess. Still don't like being stared at but I guess I have to get used to it." They all walked to the front gate of Canterlot and some guards stopped them, "Halt state your business." "Wait she's an alicorn!" "Oh visiting royalty! And what about those two with the gold armor on parts of their body" "Dah, they are her royal guards." "I guess that makes some sense. Continue." Twi tried not to chuckle out of nerves her friends flanked each side, "What are you doing?" "We are supposed to be royal guards right? I think that is awesome." "I just don't want to get dragged into the crowd. It will be harder to wrangle a manicore then get back out of that crowd." Twi smiled at AJ before noticing everypony was staring again, she felt so awkward that she just wanted to hide, she tried to look as small as possible before a voice said, "Everypony should know better then to stare!" Twi looked up at a brilliant amber unicorn with brilliant amaranth mane and tail both had apple green stripes, her moderate cyan eyes were glaring at everypony. "Get on with your lives!" She shouted turning to everypony, Twi saw her red and yellow shimmering sun cutie mark, the unicorn's horn sparkled with light brilliant opal magic, daring anypony to deny her. They all went back to their lives and she walked up to Twi, "Hello and welcome to Canterlot your highness. I'm Sunset Shimmer." "Oh I'm Twilight Sparkle no need for royal titles." Sunset nodded, "Any reason or you don't need one?" "With what happened to my parents I don't feel much like a princess." Sunset nodded, "I completely understand, why are you here though?" "You heard Daybreaker's proclamation right?" "Oh yeah the whole world went into a spiral and everypony went crazy! The court wizards are trying to figure out a way to make it seem like night in the middle of the day so ponies can get sleep. It's not going so well but I believe in them to help everypony and every creature in the world." "That's a good idea but a better idea is to use the elements of harmony on Daybreaker, Sombra, and Dark Eternity." "Okay first who? And second are you kidding? The elements are just a fairy tale." "Well my friends here think they are very real." Both Rainbow and AJ stepped forwards, "Howdy Sunset." "Hey Sunny." "Wait is she another part of your old group?" "Oh yeah she was the fiery unicorn we told you about." Twi looked at Sunset, "I can see that she also looks like Celestia's daughter but that's impossible." "Wow do you really think that?" "Yeah only I know you aren't related to her in anyway shape or form, Celestia only had one child Chronos and he never had kids." "You make it sound like you were there a thousand years ago... Wait your an alicorn so you did live for a thousand years didn't you?" Twi chuckled nervously as all three stared at her, "Um... Yes." "No way... That is so... AWESOME!" Rainbow said squealing as she pranced in place, "I mean I knew you were cool but you just became the coolest friend ever! You got to teach me stunts from the past!" Twi chuckled nervously as AJ shouted, "Now hold on! You mean to tell me you were alive when my parents..." "Yes but it depends on when it happened because my family had to leave to Saddle Arabia for a whole year and we left the kingdom in the hooves of Duchess Amore she should have stopped the attack." "What was so important that you had to leave for a year?!" "That area and the area around it got a sickness... The very deadly kind." "Oh... That's a very good reason, sorry for snapping like a clam." "It's okay it's been a very stressful day." AJ looked at the sky, "It still is, ah guess Daybreaker was serious about the day lasting forever." "Yes she seems very serious." Twi said before yawning. "Why don't I help you all get settled in?" "Thank you that's very nice of you." "It's no big deal even I can empathize with what your going through." Sunset started glowing red. Wasting no time Twi touched her and the bright flash happened. Sunset was wearing chest armor with a red sun gem in the center. "Wha... Is this an element of harmony?" "Yes it is, looks like you got my father's element of knowledge that was remade into empathy." Sunset looked at her, "Wait your father is Stygian, the pillar of knowledge? But he was a normal unicorn... Unless your mother is Queen Selena?" "Wow it seems that not only do you girls get your own unique elements but you also represent the old elements as well." Sunset looked at the gem, "That seems to be the case, afterall AJ has strength and Dash is the bravest pony in the world." "And your a geek!" "Yeah mean she's filled with knowledge." Rainbow shrugged lightly. "You say potato I say tomato." "And he should appear soon." Twi said looking around, Sunset opened her mouth but Eternity landed right behind her shocking her, Twi glared at him stepping forwards, "Let me guess, your here to make another deal?" "I would say whose the time alicorn now, but since I've done it twice already so I'm not surprised." He looked at Sunset, "This one was a bit difficult to find a weakness but I did it, you Sunset want to be an apprentice to a great magic user, give me that element and you can become my mother's apprentice." "And your mother would be?" "Queen Daybreaker." "Actually she used to be Queen Celestia if your still confused." "You mean Queen Celestia the ruler of the day and can control the sun with ease, that Celestia?! I can see her being Daybreaker now..." "And that's all she will be! So do you accept or not?!" Sunset glared her horn flaring with power, "Why would I want to be the apprentice of somepony so stupid? I mean eternal day? How dumb is she? The whole world would burn in the future so thanks but no thanks!" She blasted him with a beam. Twi joined and the two mixed before hitting him he gasped in pain before flying off, Sunset watched him go, "Who was that guy?" "Ah nuisance." "He's totally not cool." "I used to know him when we were young." "You two were more then childhood friends weren't you?" "We were betrothed at birth." Sunset gasped but AJ and Dash looked confused, "I'm sorry what did that word mean?" "It means they were engaged to be married." They gasped as Twi looked away, "I was angry at first after all my mother choose her life mate, but then I meet Chronos, he was as bright as the sun, soft as a cloud, and as gentle as a spring breeze... But now he's become Dark Eternity and I barely recognize him." Twi was crying softly and all three hugged her, Sunset whipped Twi's tears, "Come on let's get you settled." Sunset managed to get them a luxury hotel, in fact all of them were fighting for Twi to stay at their hotel because if royalty stayed there they could advertise it like crazy. Sunset picked the best one and then all three had to carry Twi inside because she was just limp, the bedroom had a bed big enough for all of them. They put her down and then snuggled into her, Twi was shaking slightly as they held her to calm her down, she was still crying her heart out but calmed down and passed out. After making sure she was asleep Twi's friends joined her in sleep.