The Pilots of the Storm Dancer

by Green-Venom

Chapter 5

“It’s gone!“

Applejack could only watch in disbelief, the now mostly empty crater looming in front of her, and the blue goo only a small puddle at the bottom.

“What is gone?“ Twilight asked, joining her side, glancing into the crater herself. “Wasn’t this the goo you were talking about?“

“There used to be a lot more last time…“

“I’m sure it has some form of logical explanation. It probably seeped into the ground or something.“

“A lake that large can’t simply seep away over a few days Twilight. Something happened over here…“

“How large are we talking about?“

“Half of your castle could’ve fit inside it.“

Twilight froze, looking at the crater once more.

“Well… I’m still sure there’s still some kind of logical explanation. We simply need to investigate a bit…“

Taking a few vials from her saddlebag she carefully climbed down.

“In a few days, we should have a clearer image of what we’re dealing with…“

With those words, she scooped up a bit of the goo into the first vial.

“I got the feeling this isn’t the thing you wanted to show us?“ Scootaloo panted, running for her life.

“Not the time Scoots!“ Sweetie Belle retorted, quickly dodging to the side, to avoid the jaws of the manticore that was chasing them.

“We’re almost there girls!“ Apple Bloom shouted, running ahead, her blue glowing eyes fixated onto a point only she could see. “You have to trust me for what I’m about to do…“

“I don’t know… You realize we’re running straight towards a cliff do you?“

“I do! Quick, after me!“ with those words she doubled her speed, before jumping headfirst, straight off the cliff.

The other two fillies and even the manticore came to a scattering halt, watching after the apple filly in baffled surprise.

“That was the plan?“ Sweetie Belle. “I’m honestly not sure how that’s supposed to help…“

“I think it’s stupid.“ Scootaloo agreed.

The manticore didn’t say anything.

A rumbling broke the silence, as something big placed itself between them and the sun, dropping them into the shadows.

Blue light washed over them, and a large visor came into view, observing the fillies, before the rest of the giant head rose above the cliff.

The manticore decided then and there that it was time to run, no longer being the largest creature on the field. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle weren’t so lucky, long metal cables shooting out of the behemoth's mouth, and wrapping themselves around the two fillies. They could only scream, and close their eyes to avoid witnessing how they were pulled into their presumed end.


Apple Bloom chuckled to herself as she watched her two friends being brought into the room by the metal cables, the two of them still screaming, and clutching to each other in terror as they were gently lowered toward the ground, before the cables disappeared again, returning towards wherever they resided when not forcefully relocating ponies.

“Don’t worry girls, I had the exact same reaction when this first happened to me…“

“Shut up Apple Bloom!“ Scootaloo retorted. “We’re dead and not supposed to talk! AAAAAAAAAAH!“

The Screaming continued for a good minute before it slowly fell silent.

“Hold it, Sweetie Belle… There’s something stupid going on, and I’m trying to figure out what…“

“Girls, calm down, we’re safe!“ Apple Bloom tried again, now that her friends had calmed down. “This was the thing I wanted to show you…“

“You wanted to show us what it’s like being eaten alive?“

“No, I wanted you to meet someone.“

Now calm enough to assess this situation, the pair of recently relocated fillies assessed their surroundings.

“Where are we?“

“You’re inside a giant robot.“ Apple Bloom replied. “Welcome inside I-ris…“