//------------------------------// // At The End of the 20th Century // Story: Do Earth Ponies Dream of Electric Pegasi? // by SAMBOT2000XP //------------------------------// It was morning. Today Big Mac had to go into town to get nails…again. This time he KNEW that it would be quick trip with no distractions, unlike last time.  He walked on the paved path into the center of town, the sun shined down onto the gravel, Rainbow Dash really did do her job well, not a cloud to be seen. The walk was pleasant, nothing but the sound of crushing gravel and birds chirping in the air. The air was warm, but not too humid, which was perfect for the maturing apples. Couldn’t have them rot.  Big Mac came to a stop. Here he was. The thin gravel path was exchanged for a large cobblestone plaza with roads branching out from it. The blue sky gleamed, giving the market a warm glow. It was the perfect day to be out, which meant that nopony would want to stay inside. Chatter filled up all the empty space (which there was not much of) in the center of the small town. He really hoped the hardware store was open.  The large stallion’s pace quickened, weaving in between the groups of ponies and fillies socializing. He wasn’t the most nimble or small pony, but he managed to get through the crowd to the hardware store.  He let out a breath of relief, having cleared the battlefield without any complications. All he had to do now was get the bag of nails.  Just as Big Mac was about to push the door open, a blur of curly pink hair beat him inside.  “Hiya Big Mac! I was looking for you! Youseeiwasatsweetappleacrestopassoutinvitations, butyouwerntthere!” Breath. “Soiaskedapplejackwhereyouwentandshetoldmeyouwenttogetnailsandthatmeansyouwenttothehardwarestoreandsoicamehere… AND NOW I CAN GIVE YOU YOUR INVITATION!!!!” The pink party pony finally stopped talking.  “Say what now?” Big Mac did not understand a word of what was just said.  Pinkie Pie tilted her head a full 90 degrees, Big Mac swore that mare was something from another world. “Didn’t you hear?!?!?! There’s a new pony in town!!! So I’m throwing him one of my FAMOUS welcome to Ponyville parties!!! You have to come!!!”  The fluffy ball of hair on the pony’s head flopped up and down in rhythm with the comical “boing” noises that came from Pinkie well….boinging.  Reluctantly, Big Mac responded. “Uh…ah’ll be there.”  As soon as Big Mac finished his sentence, Pinkie Pie was already jumping off to victimize another innocent pony.  That was over with.  He was finally able to enter the dusty hardware store. Not that Big Mac minded any of the dirt, it made the place more welcoming. As the sun shined through the glass of the hardware store it reflected off of the particles in the air, making it seem as if the store was glowing. The shopowner was away, but Big Mac had visited him earlier to tell him to put aside some nails. After the incident, he always did. He would never go through that again. Never. Big Mac slid two bits onto the counter and placed a small paper bag in his mouth. It made a soft crinkling noise.  As Big Mac exited the shop, he noticed a decrease in the number of ponies in the plaza. The sky was still as bright, and the air was just as warm, so it seem like there was no reason for everypony to leave. Then he noticed a familiar pegasus talking to one of the remaining ponies. That pony was clearly not pleased to be talking to the pegasus.  Did everypony really get run out by space-whatshisname? Big Mac didn’t want to find out. He quickened his trot into a canter.  Other than that, the walk home was much more pleasant than the walk there. By the time Big Mac got to the gate of Sweet Apple Acres, the sky was more yellow than blue. Had it really been that long? He was just glad to be back.  Big Mac eventually reached the door of the house he and his family called home. Judging by the sky, it was almost dinner time. The red earth pony smelled the warmth of potatoes and applesauce, seasoned just right. As soon as he made his way into the kitchen, he heard the familiar voice of his sister.  “Hey, Big Mac! Y’all got the nails?” She turned to look at her older brother, who was still carrying the brown in his mouth. He dropped the bag onto the table so he could reply. “Eeeyup.”  Applejack turned back to the pot to stir the applesauce. She let go of the wooden spoon to continue the conversation with her brother. “So, Ah reckon ya got the invitation to Pinkie’s party?”  Yes, indeed he did. “Eeyup.” He drawled.  He wished he didn’t. Applejack stepped away from the stove, her face turning into a smirk, she must’ve picked it up from Rainbow Dash. That smirk meant she thought of something. Uh oh.  “Say Big Mac…well Ah know you don’t really like these type’a shindigs…but don’tcha think it would be fun for ya ta come along? It’s fine if ya don’t want ta but…y’know.”  Big Mac loved Applejack. She was the best sister anypony could ask for. She would respect him and his choices no matter what, he knew that. But he also knew that sometimes you had to make sacrifices for family. Big Mac hadn’t gone to any type of party, other than when he was required to be there, in a long time. Applejack would be fine without him there, she was a strong grown-up mare, but she also needed to spend some time with her brother outside of the farm.  There was no way he was getting out of this.  “...Ah’ll come.”  Just as he said those words, a red bow popped up from the corner. Soon a set of large orange eyes followed. They were full of childish ambition that was just too sweet to ignore.  “Does this mean ah can come too?! Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are comin’!!!” The filly started jumping up and down.   Applejack and Big Mac looked at each other. This was going to be a long night.