"A Hot New Princess In Equestria."


Am I hot?

"And it just so happens there's a hot new princess in Equestria."

That compliment played in Twilight Sparkle's mind for weeks. Ever since the grand opening of Canterlot Boutique, she met Sassy Saddles, Rarity's new manager that she hired to look after and keep afloat. And that just so happens, that she made a dress design that was particularly made for the young princess. And that's why she considered her hot. But, not because of her figure, it was because she was popular when it came to alicorn princesses. But, she wasn't sure about it, she had to travel back to Canterlot to find out the specific clues about that compliment.

It didn't take long for her to finally arrive at the boutique. She wanted to open the door and search inside the store for her, but thinking about that one question that she wanted to ask her made her a bit nervous. How will she react when she asks? "I'm not even sure how to begin with this.", she thought to herself. "She called me hot, I gotta ask her why." She closed her eyes and took a slow deep breath, letting the fresh oxygen soothe her nerves. With that, she raised a hoof and pushed the door. As she did so, everything seemed quiet as a mouse. She peeked her head in and looked around to see if there were any customers in sight. But, there were none, let alone the unicorn mare that she wanted to see. The unicorn mare's fur was light cornflower blue with a fiery orange mane and tale and she was wearing a black skirt with a golden saddle on her backside, and the neck collar was wide enough to expose her chest fuzz. And that mare was Sassy Saddles, who was talking with Rarity.

"So, about those plans that you have for the next sale?", Sassy asked.

"Yes, Darling.", Rarity said nodding. "We shall discuss them in the meeting room."

Twilight's stomach churned at that sentence. The mare she's been wanting to talk is gonna go off into another room with one of her best friends, which means she won't have the chance. But, she couldn't let that happen, she couldn't let her plans go off like she tried to do them for nothing. So, she let some words spill out. "Excuse me?", she asked.

That got the two mares' attention. "Oh, Twilight.", Rarity said surprised.

"Ah, Princess Twilight.", Sassy said joyfully. "Why, we weren't expecting you here."

"I just... happen to be around town, I guess.", Twilight fibbed, chuckling nervously. "So, I hope I'm not interrupting anything important, am I?"

Rarity and Sassy looked at each other, then back at the princess. "I'm afraid so, Twilight.", the white fashion mare admitted. "We were just about to discuss the new plans for our next sale that we're gonna have."

"O-Oh.", Twilight stuttered. "That's... great." She bit her lip as she prepared to ask for privacy with Sassy. "I hope you don't mind, Rarity, but is it ok if I have a private talk with Sassy for a bit?"

Rarity was baffled. "Oh?", she asked. "Um..."

Sassy stepped up. "You can go in the meeting room and get everything prepared, Rarity.", she said. "I'll be in with you after I'm finished talking with your friend."

Rarity shrugged and headed off for the meeting room. She turned back to Sassy. "I'll be waiting for you, Sassy. Don't take too long." With that, she walked in and closed the door behind herself.

"Ok, Princess Twilight, what's on your mind at this moment?", Sassy asked.

Twilight took a deep breath and let everything out. "So, a few weeks ago, back when this boutique opened, and we met for the first time, you called me hot. Is there a reason why you thought that? I know you heard that I was the most popular princess in Equestria, but was there a part of me that made you think I was hot?"

Sassy stared blankly at Twilight and blinked a few times. She then thought back when she called her the hot new princess in Equestria. She smiled. "Yes, yes, I remember when I called you that.", she said nodding. "You are a hot pony in my opinion. And when you ask if there's a certain part of you that made me think that, no, it's not like that. It's not because of that round fluffy chest of yours," She poked Twilight's chest a few times. "or that mane," She slid her hoof down Twilight's mane, causing the young princess to blush" or those wings." She got behind Twilight and used her hooves to splay out her wings. Twilight bit her lip to try to stifle a giggle as it gave a tickling sensation. "Well, sort of the wings." She got in front of Twilight again. "It's how you use your powers to defeat enemies that try to take over Equestria. Especially, the time when you battled Lord Tirek to stop him from trying to take all of the magic in Equestria, even how he has taken your friends hostage."

Twilight was surprised. "So, you think me battling the enemies of world makes me hot?", she asked.

"Yes indeed.", Sassy said, ecstatically. "When I saw those pictures of you fighting him on those newspapers, I thought you were amazing. Gosh, before that, I was even at your coronation, and when I saw that you were the new princess of Equestria. I thought you were so hot."

Twilight raised an eyebrow in confusion. Not only does Sassy think she's hot when she's battling bad guys, but she also thought she was hot at her coronation. "So, you thought I was hot at my coronation?", she asked. "But, I thought you said me battling villains is what makes me hot the most."

"Oh, yes, that.", Sassy said, nodding her head.

"So, which one is it?", Twilight asked. "Me battling monsters, or my coronation?"

Sassy scratched her chin. "If I may come up with a final answer, I would have to say both.", she admitted. "But, you fighting monster mostly. With you as the new princess, protecting the world with all your might, you're just the hottest and most amazing princess."

Twilight felt bashful. "Thanks, Sassy.", she said. "And I think you're hot too."

Sassy's eyes went wide as her cheeks grew bright red. She then smiled. "Is that what I think you're trying to ask me?"

Twilight held out her hoof, she watched as Sassy slowly raised a hoof and took hold of hers. "Yes.", she answered. "I wouldn't mind the two dating, as hot mares that is."

Sassy giggled. "I'm looking forward to that.", she said.

They heard the door open, Rarity's head poked out to see her best friend and new manager holding hooves. Her eyes went wide with confusion. "Um, why are you two holding hooves?"

Twilight and Sassy stared dumbfounded at Rarity, then at their locked hooves. They pulled away from each other. "Um...", Sassy giggled nervously. "It's nothing. You're probably just seeing things, Rarity."

"Yes.", Twilight giggled nervously as well. "Yes, just seeing things. Nothing too extreme to the core if that's what you're thinking."