Dash's Distortion

by Rewan Demontay


The morning newspaper arrived, disturbing many. Rainbow read nervously; she sighed in relief. Trekking away, she reached an abandoned building. Going down a stairwell, she brought a rod.

Basement lights brightened. The rod violently swung, tipping a metal chair. Twilight awoke, chained and bleeding.

Panicked eyes widened. "Dash? What?!"

Another swing. "Pity. I believed you were good, taking down Nightmare Moon." 

"What?” she cried in pain. “We defeated-”

Rainbow bashed a knee. “A sloppy attempted usurpation! Your ploys don’t phase me.”

She leaned in, tapping the ring on a writhing Twilight’s horn

“You’ll confess-” Dash motioned to her earrings. "-And your power is mine."

The room became feezing. Twilight shook with visible breath. The door shut her in darkness. 

Cyan eyes watched.