//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: Hunted in the Jungle // Story: Friendship is Magic: Jurassic Park // by Triple Studios //------------------------------// Bobbie Carter entered through a single file. The dirt path was flanked by towering trees and dense foliage. The jungle was like a lost world, seemingly untouched by the hands of man. It was a different kind of world that disconnects one from the familiarities of civilization and transports them to a realm of raw, natural beauty. But it is also primordial and untamed. The trees towered a hundred feet high, their branches reaching towards the sky. The thick undergrowth created a wall of vegetation that swallowed the faint sunlight, casting a green hue over everything in its path. Despite the jungle’s beauty, it was also a place where man was weak and vulnerable. Bobbie was truly astonished by the vast array of flora and fauna that the jungle had to offer. The untouched splendor of pure wilderness left her in awe, as she marveled at the intricate details of each plant and the unique characteristics of every bird that flew by. It was a truly remarkable experience that left a lasting impression on her. She proceeded at a leisurely pace, her steps cautious as she felt the soft, decomposing forest floor sink beneath her sturdy boots. As she continued her journey, she eventually stumbled upon a stream with muddy banks. Gazing over the undergrowth, past the trees, she observed the mist lingering in the space beyond. The air was heavy with the scent of mold and mildew, as well as the decay of plants. As she traversed the forest, she was greeted by the familiar sounds of birds, frogs, and flies. However, she also detected some unfamiliar sounds that piqued her curiosity. There was a deep, trumpeting lying beneath all of the other chirps. It made Bobbie think of an elephant’s call. For the past few minutes, Bobbie’s nerves had been gradually pulled taut like the strings of a wooden puppet. The young man’s last words and the discovery of the enigmatic attacker’s identity had formed a cyclical chant in her head. The question of what attacked the young man filled Bobbie with a limitless potential of phobias. She found herself scanning the shadows for any signs of a phantom. A bengal tiger could have attacked the boy, but Bobbie didn’t believe a bengal tiger would be residing in an empty island like Isla Nublar. There wasn’t any animal on the island for a tiger to eat. So the question still chanted; did a dinosaur really mauled the young man? Velociraptor. Bobbie lowered her head and let out a sigh. The prospect of a living dinosaur filled her mind with skepticism. Prior to arriving at the island, she had been attempting to comprehend the notion that an ancient, extinct animal had attacked the young man. Bobbie is certain that there is no possibility of a dinosaur existing in modern times; if such creatures did exist, mankind would have already encountered them. Bobbie understands that there would have to be more than one species, but rather a multitude of them. Bobbie glanced to the tree tops and saw a bird on an overhanging branch. Its small chirps echoed throughout the valley. The chirp was returned by a similar call. Bobbie didn’t pay them any mind so she continued forward. She occupied herself by retreating back to her thoughts. Regardless of how frequently the term 'Velociraptor' reverberated in her mind like a supplication, she remained unconvinced. There must be a rational explanation for this. It is implausible that a dinosaur could have assaulted the young man. Although he was severely injured, as evidenced by the deep and uneven lacerations, it is absurd to suggest that a dinosaur was responsible for the attack. That is some stupid science fiction talk. Even her uncle, the most intelligent man she’s ever met, would find the idea that an extinct creature attacking a young man would be ridiculous. Bobbie stopped in her tracks and shook her head. She was getting too distracted; she needed to focus on the important matter at hand. Instead of focusing on what’s true or false, she reminded herself why she came to this island. Bobbie didn’t know what was going on, but she didn’t like it. Not one bit, and if she wants answers she’ll have to find them herself. Bobbie blinked, realizing that she had been so lost in thought that she had failed to notice the sudden shift in the atmosphere. The jungle seemed relatively peaceful. Bobbie’s heartbeat fluttered and a familiar rush of adrenaline coursed through her veins. Even the songs of the chirping birds and the buzzing of bugs had ceased. Just silence of the purest quality. Bobbie arched up a brow at the atmosphere’s sudden shift. Why was it so quiet? She had never heard such silence; this was a first of being in a forest where it’s suddenly silent and she was already feeling uncomfortable. Bobbie attentively listened to the wind as it whistled through the trees. The profound stillness of the forest gradually pervaded her mind, causing her to feel uneasy. She released a quivering breath and proceeded through the jungle. The abrupt and oppressive silence amplified the sound of her footsteps. Bobbie gazed up at the overhanging branches and noticed the absence of the chirping birds. Never had she seen anything like this. It was as though the jungle was holding its breath. It made her palms wrapped around the straps of her backpack sweat. Bobbie felt her pulse pounding in her ears. She swiftly traversed the stillness of the woodland, cautiously avoiding the coiling roots. Bobbie's heart pounded against her chest. Her pulse throbbed. She failed to comprehend the reason behind the forest's sudden silence, but it was petrifying, and she desired to distance herself from the stillness as soon as possible. After a brief moment, she released her breath and decelerated her pace. Her boots made a heavy impact upon the ground, and she eventually came to a halt in close proximity to a tree. She leaned against the aforementioned tree and regulated her breathing, all while taking heed of the stillness. The sound of buzzing flies resonated within her ears, and her panting breaths gradually subsided. As she regulated her breathing, she failed to perceive any motion within the thick underbrush. The gentle purring that accompanied the movement went unnoticed, as did the fleeting glimpse of a svelte figure brushing against the foliage, stealthily pursuing the woman. Regrettably, she did not discern the presence of the creature that was in pursuit of her. As her respiration decelerated, she consulted her timepiece. The hour was 1:34 PM. She lowered her hand to her pocket and retrieved her compass, observing that she was heading towards the north-east. After closing the compass with a click, she briefly glanced at its silver exterior and caressed her thumb over the name that was inscribed on its rear. Harto Tanjung. Bobbie’s close friend had always been level headed in the jungle. Tanjung was native to the continuous rainforest of Indonesia, so he was used to journeying through dense wilderness. When Bobbie was a young girl, she was easily frightened by the wilderness. She would often have nightmares of being chased through the woods by black phantom monsters with red, burning eyes. From a young age, she learned that imminent danger could lurk in any shadow. Harto had taught Bobbie to always pay close attention to her surroundings. The silence of any species of animal was an indicator that a predator was near, she was told. Bobbie slipped the compass back into her pocket. She looked around. Wind whistled through the trees. She once again gazed over the undergrowth, past the trees, and observed the mist lingering in the space beyond the forest. She placed her hands on her hips and shook her head. Bobbie’s eyes narrowed; something isn’t right. The forest is way too quiet, which seemed rather peculiar. But it shouldn’t be, right? The only logical explanation for the jungle to be this silent is if…a predator… A rumbling base broke the air. Bobbie’s eyes widened and her muscles tensed. Something was behind her. Bobbie was abruptly lifted off her feet and subsequently fell onto the ground, landing face-first. She emitted a loud scream as she was forcefully pulled through the undergrowth. Something had tightly grasped her ankle, as she could feel the sensation of teeth piercing through the canvas of her boot. Bobbie vociferated and thrashed about aimlessly. The stalks and stems of the undergrowth whizzed past in a dark blur of green. She clutched at the earth and extracted handfuls of moist soil. Her assailant snorted and hissed. She sensed its deep growl reverberating through her bones. Bobbie cried out for assistance, but her heart sank when she recollected that she was unaccompanied, and no one would respond to her plea. Bobbie flailed, twisted her torso, and rolled onto her back, briefly kicking her attacker in the face. At that moment, the world came to a standstill as she laid eyes on her assailant. Bobbie's eyes widened, and she felt as though her heart might cease beating at the sight before her. The creature, which was the size of a wolf, was adorned with a thick layer of crimson iridescent feathers that covered its entire body except for the beginning of the neck, the ankle down, and its two clawed forearms. The feathers were similar to fur, except for the wings and the fan-shaped feathers near the tip of the tail, which were flight feathers. The scales on its face and limbs were of a dull gray hue. Its long snout filled with glistening fangs. Its sickle-shaped claws flexed and dug into the earth as it proceeded to pull Bobbie deeper into the jungle. Bobbie couldn’t comprehend the animal she was witnessing, a type of dromaeosaur known as a deinonychus. This ancient small dromaeosaur lived in the early cretaceous period. Bobbie retrieved her pepper spray from her side and proceeded to flex her pointer finger, spraying the deinonychus in the eyes. The animal let go of Bobbie's foot and emitted a shrill shriek that pierced through the air. The intensity of the animal's scream was so overwhelming that it had a physical impact on her. Bobbie promptly stood up and limped away from the whimpering animal. Her limp gradually transformed into a gallop, which eventually led to her sprinting through the forest. Bobbie cast a quick glance behind her and observed the deinonychus snarling and shaking its head in irritation, while attempting to alleviate the stinging sensation with its forearms. Tears were streaming down its sockets. Bobbie’s pupils shrunken, her lips trembling; this can’t be real. She has to be dreaming. That animal can’t be real, and its eyes couldn’t be staring deep into her soul! Bobbie proceeded forward, navigating through the forest by weaving around tree trunks and jumping over logs and rocks. Suddenly, a piercing shriek disrupted the tranquility of the surroundings. She turned around and suppressed a scream as another deinonychus descended from a tree beside her. The creature's jaws and forearms were spread wide, and its teeth glistened in the sunlight. Bobbie narrowly avoided the deinonychus as it landed on the ground behind her. The wolf-sized dinosaur snapped its jaws, but unfortunately missed its prey's nape. The deinonychus stood on its hind legs, extended its feathered arms, and let out a shriek that echoed through the valley. A similar scream was heard from across the clearing, followed by another from the tree tops. Bobbie's eyes widened, and her blood ran cold. The deinonychus that attacked her… was not alone. The deinonychus perched atop the trees leapt from one tree to another, carefully selecting the best angle for their movement. The others below were weaving around the tree trunks. Bobbie pumped her arms and kicked through the foliage, sprinting as fast as she could. The air was filled with screams and the sound of drumming footsteps. Shreds of bark and foliage showered onto her, and Bobbie looked up. She saw seven deinonychus above, leaping from tree-trunk to tree-trunk with nimble grace. Bobbie panted and pumped her arms harder. A howl surged over Bobbie and a deinonychus sailed overhead. The airborne deinonychus alighted several feet ahead and sprinted alongside its pack members. Bobbie perceived the conclusion of the forest a few meters beyond a cluster of trees. A folding gate of considerable size loomed ahead. Aforementioned gate folded halfway open to the side, allowing enough for a human to slip through. Bobbie felt a burst of hope; she was gonna make it. The screams of the pursuing deinonychus echoed behind her. Bobbie glanced down and saw one deinonychus closing the distance with ease. The small carnivor was so close that Bobbie could feel its hot breath rushing over her right thigh. In a matter of steps, they would have her in their jaws. Bobbie yelped and hastily leaped through the gate, her surroundings becoming a dizzying blur of green, brown, and yellow. Upon landing, she experienced a sharp pain in her back and let out a groan, before gradually lifting herself into a seated position. The gate, having been shut behind her, was suddenly jolted by a forceful impact, causing it to tremble. Upon opening her eyes, she was met with a most alarming sight. From the other side of the gate, a pack of deinonychus were staring at her with a cold, unfeeling gaze. Their bird-like eyes seemed to penetrate deep into her soul, as if they could see right through her. One of the creatures let out a low hiss, sounding like a burst of steam, while the animal Bobbie had sprayed earlier growled menacingly. The alpha deinonychus pulled its snout back and disappeared beneath the foliage, sprinting away. Bobbie quickly scrambled to her feet, wincing in pain, and watched as the rest of the pack followed the alpha into the jungle. The last deinonychus that had attacked Bobbie stopped mid-step and turned its calculating gaze towards her. Bobbie shifted uncomfortably as the creature continued to stare at her with its cold, unfeeling eyes. The deinonychus turned to face her, spreading its feathered forearms wide, and let out a horrific shriek that sent shivers down her spine. Blood flecked from its howling maw, adding to the already terrifying scene. The creature closed its jaws shut and turned away into the foliage. As quickly as they had appeared, they all had vanished. The padding footsteps gave way to silence. After a brief interval, the jungle rekindled its vitality. Bobbie attentively listened to the sounds of nocturnal creatures, the ones she was familiar with, and let out a sigh of relief. Her eyes were wide open, and her entire body was trembling. Although Bobbie had numerous inquiries, her survival was the only thing that mattered. Once she obtains the answers she seeks, she will contact her companions for a pickup and depart from this island immediately. There was no way Bobbie would stay on the island; the world no longer made sense to her. The thought alone was inconceivable. Nevertheless, she is grateful to be alive. “Well, well. Look what I found.” Bobbie let out a sudden gasp and swiftly turned around. To her surprise, she was met with the sight of a striking young man. His skin was white. He possessed a well-defined square jaw and a pair of captivating chocolate-colored eyes. His attire was composed of a pair of sturdy work boots, dark chinos, and a sleek leather vest. His curly locks were a rich shade of rust-red, and his facial features were notably robust. The man before Bobbie crossed his arms as he took a step forward, causing her to trace his muscular figure with her eyes. She couldn't help but notice that his black buttoned short sleeve shirt was slightly damp with sweat. The young man caught Bobbie's gaze resting on his arms and looked down to where her eyes were fixed before returning his gaze to her. Bobbie, feeling slightly embarrassed, glanced away and blushed. The young man, however, maintained his composure and offered a polite smile. The young man’s lips parted, as if to say something but quickly shut it upon hearing a burst of static. He blinked. He reached to his side, retrieving his walkie-talkie and bringing it up to his mouth. “Hello? Yeah I’m here Robert, what is it? Where am I right now? Oh, I was just checking the fences; making sure things were in order.” Bobbie watched the young man silently. She could barely hear the voice speaking over the line. “But hey, you radioed me at the right time. We have a situation. Well, I was heading down the path towards the deinonychus pen until I heard someone screaming. No one got hurt, don't worry but I did find a trespasser. I don’t know, I'm just as confused, and the trespasser’s a woman.” The young man glanced at Bobbie. “A beautiful woman, I’ll admit. But that’s beside the point - what should I do with her? Alright, over and out.” The young man placed his walkie-talkie back to his side. He turned away from Bobbie and stared down the dirt road. “Alright, c’mon.” The young man raised his hand and gestured for Bobbie to follow him. Bobbie narrowed her eyes at him. “To where?” The young man sighed and glanced at Bobbie over his shoulder. “Look, judging by the look on your face I know you might have a lot of questions. Unless I’m permitted to, I can’t answer any of them.” The young man said. “What I can tell you is how big of a trouble you’re in right now; you just trespassed on private property where things that happened here are kept in secret, and unfortunately you are in that circle of secrecy.” “So what happens now then?” Bobbie asked. The young man rubbed the back of his nape. “Well, the helicopter left about a minute ago, so sending you back to wherever you came from with some silence money is out of the window.” “Silence money?” Bobbie repeated, suspicion laced in her tone. “What are you people building here?” “Classified.” The young man replied flatly. “But I can tell you that those deinonychus that chased you, aren’t the only savages you should be worried about.” He gestured his hand for her to follow him. “Now c’mon. We’ll talk more once we reach our destination. I don’t wanna keep my boss waiting.” The young man advanced ahead along the dusty path, while Bobbie followed behind him with some reluctance. She took a moment to glance at the forest beyond the fences on her left, observing the trees and their leaves rustling in the wind. Her blood ran cold as she heard a distant, echoing shriek reverberating through the valley. The shriek was answered by a similar call, and then another, until the valley seemed to be filled with the unyielding scream. Bobbie could not help but feel a sense of unease at the eerie sounds that surrounded her. It was unsettling. The young man’s words repeated in her head. But I can tell you that those deinonychus that chased you, aren’t the only savages you should be worried about. Those words sent a chill down her spine; what could possibly be worse than the creatures that attacked her?