Form O-134

by marmalado

Response Letter

Dear Ms. Glimmer,
Thank you for submitting Form O-134 in regards to your recent visit to Toronto, Ontario, Canada, North America, Earth. (Hey, you said you wanted to know all about our world. I figured I would spell the exact location out for you.) We are very sorry you had an unpleasant experience with Odd Squad. In this letter, I'd like to put a couple of things at ease for you that I hope is to your satisfaction.

First of all, attached is a brochure I've made that should tell you all about Earth, as well as a brochure that should tell you more about Odd Squad and what we do. Although you aren't a client of ours, you're more than welcome to stop by Precinct 13579 and see what we do here. If you wish to learn more about Earth, we're your go-to organization. Odd Squad is, after all, a keystone of my planet, and we're absolutely no stranger to otherworldly ambassadors.

Second of all, my apologies go to you on behalf of two of my agents, Agent Olive and Agent Otto. How they treated you was way out of line and I have punished them accordingly. They said they were more than willing to meet you and apologize in-person (in-pony?), so if you do stop by, please feel free to ask for them. They are some of my best agents, but even my best agents have flaws.

Third of all, depending on if you are open to having other inhabitants of your world visit ours or not, I plan on holding a wide-scale meeting with my precinct soon, in order to discuss Equestria. In addition, depending on what course of action my boss takes, perhaps he may like to establish an alliance with your leader. Or leaders, if there's more than one of them. I, for one, am very interested in what Equestria has to offer and what it's all about, and I'm glad the feeling is mutual.

Finally -- and I feel I have to say this out of obligation to you as a unicorn and a potential visitor to our organization -- Odd Squad is rather known for eating unicorns. Please don't ask me why; they've been a delicacy here for longer than even I've been employed. But rest assured, you will be perfectly safe here. Not many agents eat unicorns, anyhow, and if any of them try to eat you, they'll have to deal with me. (And believe me, I'm stronger than this letter may make it out to be. Just wait until you meet me. I think you'll be pretty surprised at just what I'm capable of.)

Please make sure to get back to me as soon as pony-possible possible in regards to this letter, whether via response-response letter or via visit. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours in equality and normalcy,
Ms. O, Director of Odd Squad Precinct 13579

P.S.: Sorry for the pony pun. I couldn't help myself. Had to be done.