G5 Adventures in The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge out of Water

by ponydog127

Talks and Schemes on the Mountain Top

After Hitch's suggestion to leave Bikini Bottom for the time being, Sunny and Izzy took Plankton and SpongeBob on their backs and they swam for the hills...

...or more specifically, swam for the mountains.

Zipp had spotted a high mountain where they could keep an eye on the town, and as the sun began to set, a fire was made, and they ended the night by sorrowfully watching the town of Bikini Bottom burn in flames.

While the ponies were saddened by the events, no one was more upset than SpongeBob. Not only was the formula gone, but Sparky could have been stolen, and SpongeBob's friends were completely different... no longer the same.

SpongeBob sniffled sadly, trying to keep tears from building. “Everything we know and love has been destroyed...”

“Well, yeah, looks like they're gonna have to change the name of Bikini Bottom to Dirty Bottom,” Plankton joked with a laugh. “Right, SpongeBob?”

“That's kinda gross, Plankton,” Zipp frowned while SpongeBob only looked out on the horizon. “Yeah...” Plankton frowned. “Yeah, too soon, huh?”

SpongeBob slumped in depression, not saying anything for a moment until he finally spoke up. “This feels like it really is... the end.”

Misty and the ponies looked sad at this, but before they could comfort the sponge, Plankton actually beat them to it. “Don't worry, SpongeBob. We'll find the secret formula and everything will go back to the way it was. You know, all happy and junk.”

He then pushed a small rock over toward SpongeBob, grunting as Izzy worked on a seaweed blanket for SpongeBob, since she already made one for everypony else. “Now...” Plankton said, “let's try and get some sleep.”

SpongeBob took another look at the destroyed town he once called home before he nodded slowly. “Yeah... I guess you're right.”

He laid his head on the rock as Plankton took the blanket Izzy was working on and covered the shivering sponge with it. “There you are. Feeling comfy?”

“You know, Plankton?” Sunny smiled, pulling the blanket a little more over SpongeBob. “I think you know a little more about teamwork than you let on. You boys get some sleep-- we'll be over here if you need us.”

“Thanks, Sunny,” Plankton smiled genuinely, just as Sunny swam over to the others, who were waiting on her to come over. “Okay, guys,” Zipp said firmly. “We need to figure out how to find Sparky and the formula, and soon. I have a feeling that small, green and malicious over there knows something about it.”

“Plankton? I don't know, Zipp. I mean, he did try to steal the formula when we swam in there, but we all saw the formula disappear,” Sunny frowned. “And Plankton’s emotions to this situation seek genuine.”

“He called teamwork 'time-bomb work', Sunny. Does that sound genuine to you? It's only a matter of time before he finally reveals the truth.”

“Zipp, I kinda understand where he's coming from, feeling as if there's no other way besides stealing the formula... like how it was when I felt like my only choice was to steal Sparky,” Misty said quietly. “Remember?”

“Misty, that was different. You were Opaline's henchpony, and he does his own evil business,” Zipp pointed. “Once an evil maniac, always an evil maniac.”

Misty sighed quietly. “Still... I know how he feels...”

On the other side of that ledge, SpongeBob and Plankton had listened to some of the ponies conversing about the formula and their dragon baby, and Plankton chuckled with a small smile. “They may be weird, but they do have impressive abilities. Might really be some help in finding the formula.”

“I think so too,” SpongeBob nodded sleepily with a smile. “Not many people here are willing to give them a chance, but after they helped us? I definitely think they're okay.”

“Good night, SpongeBob.”

“Good night, Plankton.”

And just like that, SpongeBob immediately went to sleep, and after he made sure the sponge was snoring away, Plankton chuckled evilly. “Good night indeed...” he murmured as he jumped right onto SpongeBob’s head. “That's right SpongeBob, sleep. You're hiding that formula in there somewhere.”

He quickly leapt into SpongeBob’s head through one of his sponge holes, and eventually reached his brain. It was now or never for his plan to be complete. “Well... here goes nothing.”

Plankton slowly entered SpongeBob’s brain, but when he got inside, he was stunned at what he saw-- a bright, happy and sunny cotton candy forest. “What... is this place?”

As soon as he saw a waffle chasing a bottle of syrup, Plankton bolted, and then he witnessed two ice cream cones having a fudge fight. “Ew! It's so sweet in here. I think my eyeball is getting a toothache!”

“Hello, Plankton,” said a pair of twin popsicles, speaking in an eerie voice and showing creepy smiles. “Come play with us. Hurry... before we melt.

Plankton screamed and ran trying to escape, but quickly fell off a cliff made of cake, and fell on top of some giant cotton balls, which formed into a giant white kitten. “So much sweetness! I think I'm gonna be sick!”

Plankton quickly barfed up an entire rainbow, which sprouted eyes, a mouth and arms before reaching out for him. “Daddy!”

Plankton's one eye went wide in disgust... okay, that was too much even for him.


Back in the outside world, the ponies turned just in time to see a cotton candy covered Plankton screaming and leaping from SpongeBob’s head, waking the sponge up after a second. “Plankton? Oh, Plankton, I just had the craziest dream,” SpongeBob said, “and you were in it!”

“I'm sure it was nothing,” Plankton chuckled nervously as he plucked a candy cane from his rear. “Now, go back to sleep.”

But that's when Hitch and Zipp, as well as SpongeBob, began to get suspicious. “Hey...” Hitch's gaze narrowed. “Were you in SpongeBob’s brain?”

“What? No! That's crazy talk!”

“Then why,” asked Izzy as she picked him up, “is there cotton candy on your antennae?”

“Because uh... because uh... okay, fine, I was in his brain.”

SpongeBob and Izzy and Misty gasped as Izzy dropped Plankton to the ground, while Zipp looked rather livid. “I knew you were up to no good!” Zipp snarled, making Misty feel incredibly guilty. “What were you doing in there?!”

“What do you think I was doing?” Plankton's gaze narrowed. “Looking for the secret formula.”

“What?!” SpongeBob looked shocked. “Don't act so innocent,” Plankton hissed. “You know what I was up to. That's why you're pretending not to know the formula.”

“I'm not pretending!” SpongeBob said, his lips beginning to quiver. “I can't believe you thought I was lying!”

“Hey, don't take it personally, I just assume everyone is lying.”

That immediately got Misty to frown-- even SHE knew that was no life to live. “That is a horrible way to live your life.”


“It is!” SpongeBob agreed with Misty. “And if we're gonna be on the same team--”

“MAYBE I DON'T WANNA BE ON A TE-AM!!!” Patrick finally screamed. “YOU THINK OF THAT?!”

While the ponies looked a little stunned at how loud Plankton screamed at them, but SpongeBob nearly got down on his knees. “But, Plankton, everything's better when you're part of a team.”

He then took out a pitch pipe and blew into it, but Plankton only have SpongeBob a deadpan expression. “You're not gonna start singing, are you?”

But we all knew that SpongeBob was going to sing anyway.

SpongeBob: Teamwork!

Zipp: (spoken) Oh brother...

SpongeBob: We can do anything when we have teamwork
Don't you think so, my friends?

Plankton: No te-am work
It's getting in the way of my sche-am work
What don't you comprehend?

SpongeBob: But working together is the key
Nothing's impossible when it's you and me!

Plankton: I'm doing just fine
On my own

Sunny: Work is no fun
When you do it alone

Plankton: If I want it done right, I'll do it by myself

SpongeBob: But what if you need something on a higher shelf?

Plankton: But-I'm-the-target-of-a-very-scary-crazy-post-apocalyptic-mob!

Pipp: Well, that's exactly why you need a partner
Helping you with this important job!

SpongeBob: I'll be the hammer, and you'll be the nail
I'll be the boat, and you'll be the sail
I'm the flower, you're the aroma!

Plankton: Right now, I wish
I was in a comaaaaaaa!!

SpongeBob: Come on!

I'm here for you, and you're here for me
It's better when you, plus me, equals we
Working together in harmony! [Chorus joins]

Side by side, we can reach our dreams, cause nothing's impossible
When we're a team!

Pipp and Izzy giggled and clapped their hooves by the time SpongeBob finished singing, holding Plankton above the ground. “All right, you can put me down,” Plankton said, and SpongeBob immediately complied. “Well... that's one minute of my life I'll never get back.”

SpongeBob merely shrugged at the response. “Not without a time machine.”

But, that seemed to give Plankton an idea. “Wait a minute... hold that thought.”

SpongeBob immediately grabbed a thought bubble with a question mark on it out of thin air, confusing the ponies as Plankton continued. “Now, back up.”

“Enihcam emit a tuohtiw ton.”

“Slow down.”

“Not without a time machine,” SpongeBob said slowly, and that seemed to solidify Plankton's idea just enough that Zipp was able to catch on. “SpongeBob, you're a genius!”

“I am?”

“If we build a time machine,” Plankton continued, “we can go back to before the formula disappeared. Before society broke down. Before we became the hunted!”

“That sounds great, Plankton,” Izzy said, “but... how do we build a time machine?”

“Well,” Plankton pondered, “first we'll need a computer powerful enough to calculate the intricacies of time travel.”

“Where would we get one of those?” Misty asked with a raised eyebrow. “Luckily, Misty Brightdawn,” Plankton smirked, nudging her hoof with his shoulder, “I know just the one.”