//------------------------------// // It's A Changing Life // Story: My Little Pony: Train in Equestria // by Tisalie //------------------------------// (Tuesday; 21st March 2017; 4:56 AM) Train Wrecker had just arrived at the Wonderbolts Academy for his first day at work. And just in time for physical training! Now, looking at the rather geeky Train Wrecker, "brawn" isn't the first word that comes to mind. But looks can be deceiving. Becoming a Wonderbolt wasn't a spontaneous decision for Train. He had exercised a ton before even considering to apply and developed a stable workout routine over the last couple of years. Upon entering the gym, the first thing he saw was Rainbow Dash, sitting on the bench. She was lifting 500 pounds with her bare wings, small drops of sweat dripping down her cyan coat. She was wearing a light gray sports bra, which was hugging her petite body tightly. Her face lit up as she noticed the stallion from yesterday staring at her. "Hey, my eyes are up here, big boy.", she put the dumbbell aside and sat upright. Train's face flushed pink and his eyes quickly shot up. "Pardon me! Sweet Celestia, you've got muscles!" Dash just giggled proudly and gave him a flex of her veiny wings. "You don't become the fastest and best by jacking off all day, y'know? I never waste any time. I'm a splendid pony! You never see my coat dirty." "You've got a beautiful body, I mean it.", Train let slip. That comment made Dash smile warmly. "Oh, hush up. You have quite a nice look yourself. I'm Rainbow Dash, by the way. You left rather quickly yesterday." She extended her wing for Train to shake, which he happily accepted. "Train..... I'm Train. And.... Thank you. Really, I'm so happy to be here." "Y'know, we should totally hang out sometime. How about we meet up at break? We can talk then." Train smiled from ear to ear, nodding violently. "Oh, why, of course! I would absolutely love to!" "Sweet! I'll see ya then!" Dash winked at him cutely and went back to lifting, Train soon following suit. After physical training, the Wonderbolts went on to flight training with Captain Spitfire. Though she is a very understanding mare underneath her titanium shell, she sure could be a hardass. She'd do anything to motivate her cadets and wouldn't waste any opportunity to teach them a lesson and strengthen their will. So, naturally, when she saw Train Wrecker, who couldn't think of anything but the fact that he's gonna spend break with the Rainbow Dash, staring holes in the sky, her Drill Sargent instincts kicked in. "Changeling Boy! Quit dreaming and concentrate, damn it! Don’t tell me you avoided that coat hanger for 11 whole months just to bucking give up now!", she yelled, catching him completely off guard. "I am focused, Captain Spitfire, ma'am!", Train replied. Spitfire smirked, scoffing at him. "Are ya sure? I wouldn't want you to be all bark no bite." "I swear, Captain Spitfire, ma'am. I dont disappoint. Not anymore." "Well, in that case, get your fat flank off the ground and demonstrate!" Train quickly acted, putting his flank in the air and readying himself to set off into the sky. "Oh, no, no, no. Not so easy. Up for a challenge?" Train's ears stiffened in intrigue. "Eversince I heard you were a Changeling, I've been wanting to see you in action. So, how about you show what you got?", she dared, keeping her smug, yet genuinely interested expression. "I don't discriminate after all. If my own mother was in basic training, I'd smoke her flank too!", she added proudly. Train's expression changed. It turned quite confident actually. "You know what, Captain? You're on." With that, Train took a few steps back and closed his eyes. The fellow cadets all lay their eyes on him, very fascinated with him. He tried his very best to concentrate and channel all his thoughts. He hasn't done this in years, but his father taught him well. He changed into his Changeling form and to the surprise of the others, he didn't look like a regular, Pre-Thoraxian Changeling. He was light blue with orange, non-reflective eyes and a way friendlier appearance than most other Changelings. He leapt forward, and maneuvered in the air, doing various flips, loops and stunts. This was the reason he enrolled. The thrill, the wind in his face, the pressure on his ears. It felt so liberating. That's the philosophy of the Pegasi! "There you go, that's what I wanted to see, good job, Wreck!" Spitfire praised him, patting him on the back. "Thank you, Captain Spitfire, ma'am." "Don’t thank me, thank your mother for not swallowing the pill. Dismissed!" Rainbow Dash immediately flew over to his side, wrapping a hoof around him. "Holy Luna, good show. I didn't realise Changelings could be such good flyers." Train used this opportunity to hug her back, running his hooves up and down Dash's soft, snuggly fur. "Everything I know about flying, I've been taught by my mother. She's to thank for me taking it this far and I couldn't be more thankful for that." "Aww, that's sweet. Is it common amongst your folk to be good at flying?", Dash asked curiously. "Oh, no, no. My mother is a Pegasus. My father is the Changeling.", he answered, taking a bite out of his banana sandwich. "Ah, I see.", she nodded, stretching her limbs. "I'm sure you've got alot of stories to tell, growing up in a mixed-creature household. How'd a Changeling even get with a pony back then? Changelings didn't settle in Equestria until, like, 2015 or so." Train nodded, thankful for her curiousity. "I can tell you the story if you're interested. Because it was quite a long way for my father from the Hive to my birth." Dash smiled politely, her interest piqued. "Well, it all started in the Autumn of '89. My father is part of the many generations of foals of Queen Chrysalis...... I'm starting to wonder how she didn't wear out after all of those millennia.", he decided not to dwell on that thought and shook his head to get the image out of his head. Dash started to become more interested as she connected the dots. "So, basically, you're of royal descent?" "Ehh.... I guess by blood I am, but Changeling Drones rarely have any high status. They're one of 50.000." Dash's eyes nearly popped out their sockets. "You mean to tell me you've got 50.000 uncles and aunts?!" Train chuckled, nodding quietly. "Usually, there are about 50.000 changelings in the Hive at a time, yeah, though that number tends to vary, depending on how busy Chrysalis gets a year." "How on Celestia's Green Earth does she even reproduce? Is she incestuous?" Train's expression changed upon hearing that question, as he started sweating a little. Dash took the hint and decided to let him continue the story. "Uhm.... Anyway, sorry for interrupting you. Go on, please. What happened in the Autumn of '89?" "Well, let's just say my father isn't afraid to speak his mind. He's not good at holding back at all, not even infront of his own queen. The only problem is, Chrysalis can't even handle constructive criticism, so it's a miracle he somehow got out of there alive. He was gonna be killed by her right infront of all of his siblings to teach them a lesson in.... *Ahem* "Respect". Luckily, he was a pretty advanced Changeling already and had good reflexes. He simply transformed into a fly and got the everloving buck outta there. He fled the country, deeming it unsafe to stay, not only because of Chrysalis, but also because Changelings, like you said, werent welcome in Equestria. He knew he wouldn't be able to hide his identity forever and being seen as a terrorist wasn't what he was looking for. So, after travelling around alot, he migrated to Germaney. Long story short, he ended up meeting my mother, who saw his true self. It's a very sweet story in and of itself, but let's not get into that today, before I end up talking my tongue off for six hours. But despite all this, im not ashamed of who I am. I mean, I can become anyone I want, it's surreal! I like being a Changeling an I'm proud to be able to now live here, where my father fled many decades ago." Rainbow Dash was amazed, not having expected anything quite so intense. "Holy Tartarus, Wrecker. What a story. I never knew there was so much backstory to you. Tell our father that he can be proud of himself, yeah?" Train giggled and leaned in to hug Dash. "I will, thank you. I bet they'd never believe I'm friends with an Element of Harmony....... We are friends, right?" "Of course we are, you dork. I'd be happy to chill more often." She stood up, turning her head just slightly so their eyes met again. "So, same time, same place for round two?"; she grinned at him, holding out her wing. Train gladly took her wing and nodded. "Next time you're doing the talking." "Alright, I can do that."